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Director:Xie Fei Cast:Siqin Gaowa Wu Yujuan,Le LuoSheng,Chen Baoguo and Jing Lei "Women from the Lake of Scented Souls" is about the lives of two women, in a Chinese village,in the 1990s.The film records the changes that occur in China during a period of social transition,in addition to the more subtle transformation in the psyches of the women.  相似文献   

Maternity is a topic that most mothers and mothers-to-be are eager to discuss. Maternity practices, for some reason, are different in the East compared with the West, most likely due to cultural differences. In China, new mothers have many unique traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation. Zuo yue zi, or laying-in for one month after giving birth, is a common practice, which is believed to benefit women's health. The celebration of the baby's 100-day birth is more important than the child's  相似文献   

Chinese Weddings     
ACCORDING to the Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China, marital kinship is established and protected by law when a couple registers at tile local marriage registration office. The newly-weds usually hold a wedding feast in celebration at home or in a restaurant. The big red Chinese character, "Double Happiness," would be pasted on walls at the ceremonial hall to  相似文献   

The first chapter of the new century has begun. It is a great honor for the generation to stride over the threshold into the new century. And it is also really exciting that sisters around the world—certainly including those men who respect and cherish women—are facing the challenges of new lives and promising futures. Women of China (English Monthly), your earnest friend, will as always contiinue to offer the best articles and photographs to our readers.  相似文献   

THE Yellow River is the Mother River of China. In the hearts of the Chinese people, it is not just an ancient river measuring 4,845 kilometers long that passes through nine provinces and regions, but also a symbol. The poets say that the waterway is the image of ancient China. Thephilosophers say the river is the shadow of a dragon. The river  相似文献   

Ⅰ THE long-standing Chinese traditionalculture embodies numerous excellencieswhich have survived the test of time andbeen carried on generation by generation.However, there is no need for reticence inobserving that some obsolete elements have alsosurvived which fetter people's mind and hindersocial progress. For a long time, distorted gendervalues such as "Man is superior to woman","Three-obedience and four virtues" and"Husband sets the guide for wife", hadcontributed to the weakness and inferioritycomplex in local women's mentality. Not untilthe democratic movement of contemporaryChina was the progress of women's liberationwitnessed. The values fettering women's mindswere shaken and the spiritual shackles shattered.Women's roles in China's social developmenthave become prominent.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,I read on your website that National Art Museum of China has offered a program for the upcoming New Year holiday,with works shown at eight ongoing exhibitions,varying from drawings,sketches,oil paintings,Chinese paintings and calligraphy to lacquer paintings.It is a very beautiful exhibition.I hope China and Italy,two great civilizations,can increase cultural exchanges with each other.Rosa Dalmiglio 1 Italy。  相似文献   

THE sound of the last note died away. There was a moment of silence in the hall. Suddenly, thunderous applause broke out from the audience. The singer bowed again and again. She had just finished singing "I Love You, China," a popular song from the 1980s film, Compatriot Children Abroad. Although the audience was well aware that the young singer on the stage, Okuyama Yumi, was Japanese, they could hardly distinguish her performance of the song from that of Ye Peiying's famous rendition of the song in the film.  相似文献   

MANY people know about lysine. But few know that a woman chemist established China's first large-scale lysine production line with an annual output of 1,000 tons. Lysine is one of the eight amino acids which the human body cannot synthesize. When Lei Aizu, a chemist with the Light Industry Research Institute of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, began to focus her research on the technology of producing lysine on production lines in 1977, Japan was the only country in the world which hosted lysine production lines with an output of 1,000 tons a year.  相似文献   

"My family members love reading.In fact,reading is a tradition that has been passed from generation to generation in our family.We not only obtain knowledge and broaden our horizons by reading various books,maintaining our passion for reading is also an important part of our family’s motto,"says Wang Jida.The Wangs live in Baodi,a district of North China's Tianjin Municipality.  相似文献   

What will be the preponderance of the urban family structure in China in the next 10 years? Demographers predicted that it is the "4-2-1 families"-a couple, each of whom is an only child, their only child, and four grandparents. In this issue, we present a special report-Peeping into China's "4-2-1 Families"-Changes in and Future of the One-Child Policy. The backbone of "4-2-1 families" is China's first generation of only children, born after China implemented its family planning policy in 1978. However, such a family structure brings about several challenges both for the families themselves and for the society, important among them, providing for the elderly. It is not easy for a couple to provide for four elders at the same time as they are raising their child. This calls for a social support.  相似文献   

Families form the bedrock that supports the development of a country,the progress of a nation,and the harmony of society.Chinese President Xi Jinping once said,"The family is the basic unit of society,and the first school that we attend in life."  相似文献   

Beijing Lantian Nursery Arts Troupewas established 18 years ago on theback of the Beijing Lantian Nursry.Almost every year for 18 years thetroupe has put on a full-lengthperformance. Its piece this year is "TheMother's Kiss," the mother being themotherland, China. It will be staged onthe People's Republic's 50thanniversary. Among the new items, a number ofshort song and dance dramas refresh theaudience. In "Spring Rain Brings HeartyLaughter," a group of children play excitedly inthe rain. They carry large palm leaves on theirheads, splashing in the rain puddles andchasing each other-all natural customs of theDai people. The background behind "Long Red SilkRibbon" is the customs and music of thenorthern Shaanxi on the loess plateau. Childrendance holding a long red ribbon, a ribbonpassed down generation upon generation fromtheir ancestors, from yesterday to today and onto tomorrow. This ribbon is a symbol ofindomitable life or the continuous growth and  相似文献   

The Qiang nationqlity has a population of 198,2,52 (according to the 1991 census statistics), who mainly inhabit Maowen, Wenchuan, Lixian and Beichuan counties in Aba Tibet and Qiang Nationalities Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province. The Qiang is one of the oldest nationalities in China. It is said that the Qiang nationality was a main tribal race of the Xia Dynasty. The ancient Qiang nationality was an important part of the Huaxia nationality, the predecessor of the Han nationality. In a long historical process, they moved from areas in the northwest and the  相似文献   

The invention of porcelain is one of China's greatest contributions to world civilization. Many people have gotten to know China through its porcelain. As we all know, zhongguo and ciqi have the same spelling in English. Green-white porcelain represents a typical style that was fired in the Jingdezhen china kiln which represented the features of the Song Dynasty china kilns. The glaze is a mixture of white and green. The white can be  相似文献   

AT the end of 1992, chemistry professor Lei Luhua, 29, became the youngest woman professor in China. She was the first person in the world to construct a structual model of urokinase. She also advocated a program that could enhance the specificity of trypsin by substituting surface residues, avoiding the prob-  相似文献   

THE life of Lei Jieqiong, ViceChairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Chairman of the Central Committee China Association for Promoting Democracy is a book, a great book written on an 88-year life. Therefore, it is almost impossible for me to reveal all about this great book due to limited space. What I can do is to compile some episodes to offer to the readers.  相似文献   

ACCORDING to statistics,there are now more than 50million one-child families.To a society that has long held abelief that "more sons bring moreblessings," the shock of such a largenumber at once is evident. Someforeign researchers regard this as themost conspicuous family planningpolicy in the world. When this group of only-children appeared as the outcome ofsocial macro-adjustment, manypeople worried that they mightbecome a generation little suited tosociety. Over the past two years, theyhave begun to enter colleges anduniversities and have formed aspecial group among universitystudents.  相似文献   

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