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金梁 《中外书摘》2006,(7):41-44
一个山村的教师,摈弃城里打工的丰厚收入,一人一校肩负起穷困地区孩子们的教育工作,这是一种什么精神?  相似文献   

胡羽 《现代交际》2003,(11):48-49
与国人那种“为上网而上网”的盲目冲动有所不同,美国大多数上网人士喜欢借船出海地充分利用信息技术的方便快捷,独辟蹊径地为自己寻找“不用每天去公司,经营业务在家搞定”的全新工作方式。这就是无时间、空间制约的“虚拟助理”新生活。而最令人佩服的“虚拟助理”,莫过于50岁主动辞去好工作、54岁游弋网络成大器的“美国第一虚拟助理女”——苏珊娜·斯特玛。  相似文献   

近日在督导一位新社工的时候,她问道:“如何回应服务对象的无理要求?”一下子让我有点错愕,毕竟,“无理要求”这字眼有点尖锐.  相似文献   

丁耀忠 《职业》2008,(12):8-9
他被誉为“博士之父”,不仅把自己的6个孩子培养成才,而且资助并辅导的10多个因家境贫寒失学的孩子也都考上了全国重点大学。其中一个叫金一政的孩子,高一时来到蔡笑晚家,1998年考入北京大学,2002年留学英国剑桥大学,现在是剑桥的博士后。  相似文献   

1994年,大学毕业的我被分配到了临沂市一家大型国有企业工作,两年后,我已成为厂里的中层干部。1997年是我生命中最灰暗的一年,这一年,由于企业生产效益的连年下滑,我与同在一个厂子上班的妻子双双下岗。顷刻之间,我的家庭陷入了风雨飘  相似文献   

李孟雄 《老年人》2015,(5):12-13
2015年3月15日,全国两会刚刚结束,即李克强总理记者会结束不到20分钟,中纪委网站就发布了一条爆炸性消息:云南省委副书记仇和涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受组织调查。今年58岁的仇和,祖籍江苏滨海,仕途起始于该省沭阳县。一路走来,他的“个性化”施政方式,以及对某些体  相似文献   

林文婷 《职业》2013,(24):128-129
产业的转型与成功升级需要大量的高技能人才,作为肩负着高技能人才培养责任的职业院校,如何找到适应职业岗位所需要的工作过程系统化课程,是对人才实施有效培养的难点与关键点,而召开实践专家访谈会是获得工作过程系统化课程的重要而关键的方法。本文通过两种实践专业访谈会组织模式的对比与分析,在实践经验与抓准三个关键点的基础上,对如何有效召开实践专家访谈会展开论述。  相似文献   

沈瑞庭 《老年人》2010,(10):42-43
由广大“五老”(老干部、老战士、老专家、老教师、老模范)等老同志组成的关心下一代工作队伍,是培养教育青少年的重要力量,是各级关工委组织关爱青少年的依托和工作的基础。充分认识“五老”在培养教育下一代工作中的地位和作用,进一步加强这支队伍的建设,把“五老”的积极性调动好、发挥好、保护好,  相似文献   

一、贯彻十七大精神的总体思路 任何事情的成功都离不开目的与手段。为了贯彻十七大精神,就必须构建一定的工作思路,然后再根据这一总体思路,寻求实施的具体途径。针对教学工作的客观规律,贯彻十七大精神离不开教育者、教学对象、教学内容三个方面。因此,在高校“思政课”教学中,我们应该在教育教学中紧紧抓住这三个环节,采取相应的总体工作思路:  相似文献   

文兴 《公关世界》2008,(4):47-47
《人民文学》杂志社副主编肖复兴在《□望新闻周刊》第49期撰文说,原计划在北京拍卖的四件国宝级的文物,被证实一件“战国至西汉年间九镶带钩”和两件“东汉御用漆器”为赝品,另一件“春秋四羊青铜器方壶”的鉴定工作尚在进行中。总估价达7210万元人民币的四件国宝级的文物,竟然有三件是假。  相似文献   

Learning How to Make Life Swing   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
How do we explain the contradiction between the centrality of African-American culture in the U.S. and the simultaneous marginality of African-American people in contemporary American society? Pursuing an answer to this question through my ethnographic work on the Lindy Hop led to a radical rethinking of current approaches to cultural appropriation. This article serves as an intervention into ethnographic research on race and ethnicity by synthesizing Wacquant's carnal sociology with his call for the formation of an analytical theory of racial domination. This synthesis, in which theory and method work reciprocally, offers a new model for undertaking research in the areas of race and ethnicity by which we are able to differentiate and dissect the material and symbolic mechanisms that generate racial domination in particular historical contexts.  相似文献   

Renewable energy can represent a solution to a series of issues including the scarcity of fossil resources, their growing cost, their impact on the environment in terms of greenhouse emissions and climate change. Renewable energy, in particular, could represent an aid to face the problems of isolation and resulting economic and social disadvantages in rural and remote areas of developed but, over all, developing countries, where their use can be a solution to provide electricity and services to resident populations in a sustainable way (both from an economic and environmental point of view) and so could contribute to improve the standards and quality of life in these areas. Wind energy, in particular, has confirmed its worldwide success story as the most dynamically growing energy source. This makes interesting a deepening of benefits but also of criticalities which characterise this kind of energy resource, having in mind that recent studies have foreseen that wind energy would conquer a 50% market share of new power plant installations worldwide by 2019.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study, carried out among 78 divorcing and divorced parents in Israel, examined changes in their coparenting over a 2-year period and the contribution of their coparenting behaviors and defense mechanisms, at three time points, to their quality of life at Time 3. Data were collected between 2007 and 2009. At Time 1 couples appeared in the family court, and Times 2 and 3 were 1 and 2 years later, respectively. The main findings show that (1) both parents' participation and consideration decreased over time, (2) both tension/hostility with the spouse and low level of mature defense mechanisms eroded the participants' quality of life, (3) the ability of tension/hostility to undermine the participants' quality of life exceeded the ability of mature defense mechanisms to improve it, (4) the negative impact of the participants' coparenting relationship and immature defense mechanisms in the first year endured to the third year, and (5) being free of health problems contributed significantly to the participants' quality of life. The limitations, contributions, and practical implications of the study are noted.  相似文献   

为迎接2022年北京冬奥会,本刊特别推出“冬奧之星”栏目,重点展现优秀女性冰雪运动员为国争光的巾帼风采。本期,让我们一起走近中国女子越野滑雪国家队。  相似文献   

IN China,the story of Hua Mulandisguising herself as a man andjoining the army is an ageless themeand every household knows the story.The name of the heroine was spreadeven wider when Walt Disney Companysuccessfully launched an animatedproduction of it.The animated film,“Hua Mulan,”caused a stir in theinternational film market.Amused andmoved by the woman’s story,morepeople became interested in its origin;sowhere is the hometown of Hua Mulan?  相似文献   

Abstract Migration scholars have noted the recent growth of hometown associations (HTAs) in different parts of the world and have approached the topic within the nexus of migration, the increased flow of remittances and development. However, the question of the differential growth, spread and success of HTAs (even in the same national territory) is not addressed and/or remains under‐theorized in migration scholarship. In this article I concentrate on how different genealogies, discourses and policies of migration in Europe and the USA gave rise to different trajectories of transnational migration scholarship, including the research on HTAs. Focusing on the blind spots created by these different paths of transnational migration research, I frame migrant HTAs in the context of the changing state‐space relations of neo‐liberal globalization. In this article I attempt to break the spatial indifference to state territory in migration research and to relate the dynamics of migrant formations to uneven spatial development, rescaling processes, the changing geographical organization of state intervention and the transformations welfare states go through in times of neo‐liberal agendas. Finally, on the basis of a case study of a Turkish hometown association in Germany, I raise some questions about the narratives of power in transnational migration research.  相似文献   

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