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2002年以来,国际农产品价格始终处于高位运行,农产品价格波动已经影响到世界各国的经济.我国作为一个拥有13亿人口和世界第四大农产品贸易国,受国际农产品价格波动的影响更加明显.在经济全球化背景下,我国大豆价格已经与国际接轨,时进口大豆的需求不断增加,然而我国大豆市场却受制于人,缺少话语权.从目前来看,我国大豆加工业面临巨大挑战,诸多因素制约着大豆加工业的发展.必须通过政府政策指导与企业自身调整相结合来实现其全面发展.  相似文献   

面对加入WIO,我们既有机遇又有挑战.作为黑龙江省大豆生产主产区之一的五大连池市大豆产业的发展,要紧紧抓住全面提高大豆品质这个中心,具体做好以下六方面工作一要实施好大豆振兴计划;二要尽快组建大豆营销组织;三要抓好大豆深加工;四要增加对大豆生产的投入;五要尽快实行农村税费改革;六要改革现行农业管理体制.  相似文献   

李淑娟 《学术交流》2008,(2):103-106
九一八事变后,由于受世界经济危机、自然灾害和战乱等影响,以及日本在东北实行的殖民主义掠夺政策,致使东北以大豆经济为特征的农业经济急剧地衰退.日本为垄断东北贸易,对以特产大豆为首的农产品的掠夺成为伪满经济统制的重要一翼.为统制大豆,藉伪满政府之手,用最低的价格,把农民的粮食尽数收买,以致沿铁路线大豆堆如山积,大豆价格一落千丈.伪满时期以大豆为主要特征的农产品价格衰落,是日本帝国主义武装入侵及殖民政策所造成的恶果,严重地破坏了东北的农业生产,给农民生活带来了巨大灾难.  相似文献   

我国大豆技术进步贡献率的测定与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以大豆技术进步为研究对象,利用1991—2005年我国大豆生产的各种统计数据,运用Cobb-Douglas生产函数推导建立大豆技术进步贡献率测定的数学模型,采用索洛增长速度方程进行计量分析,表明这15年间技术进步对我国大豆生产的贡献份额不足20%,远低于"十五"末我国农业科技进步贡献率48%的水平,依靠科技进步提高大豆的单产水平潜力巨大。  相似文献   

当前,市内人户分离现象已经成为北京及各大城市社会管理的一个重要问题。为了做好城市管理工作,本文根据2005年全国1%抽样调查数据,对北京市市内人户分离人口的变动趋势、人口学特征、社会经济特征以及人户分离原因等进行了分析,并探讨了解决市内人户分离问题的对策。  相似文献   

主产国的大豆产业发展及对我国的借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马增林 《学术交流》2008,(3):121-123
近些年来,世界大豆产量及贸易量最多的国家主要有美国、巴西、阿根延以及中国.美国是世界上大豆产量以及贸易量最多的国家,中国是世界上大豆进口量第一,而产量第四的国家.由于国外优质大豆的大量涌入,致使国内大豆产量明显下降,国内的大豆产业发展受到严重的冲击.全国的豆农,特别是黑龙江省豆农的经济收入受到了严重影响,极大地损害了农民的利益,影响了新农村的建设和和谐社会的发展.通过对大豆主产国产业发展的借鉴,以推动我国大豆产业的快速发展.  相似文献   

加入WTO以来,我国大豆产业遭遇危局,进口大豆在国内市场占据绝对优势,且进口的地理方向过于集中,单价持续走高,而本国大豆生产持续萎缩。造成这一危局的主要原因是国际垄断寡头对大豆产业的操纵及相关国家政府对大豆产业的高额补贴。针对此种形势中国政府不仅应充分利用贸易救济手段对大豆产业施以援手,善用WTO框架下的绿箱政策和黄箱政策为本国大豆产业提供补贴及支持,而且应充分发挥中国在非转基因大豆上的优势,形成战略联盟。  相似文献   

随着高等教学改革的不断推进,教考分离模式逐步替代传统的教考合一方式。新文科课程改革利用教考分离的考核方式,从多维角度对学生进行全面、客观的评价。该文以教考分离为背景,剖析高校传统评价机制的弊端,重新评估新文科教考分离的意义与价值,从教学实践出发,以利用数据反馈推动过程性考核改革、组建信息化试题库、赛-学-教融合为主要内容,探析新文科建设视域下民办高校通过教考分离培养具有创新能力的高素质应用型人才的路径。  相似文献   

印度东北地区的民族分离运动与反政府武装   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自独立以来,印度东北地区民族分离运动、反政府武装活动持续不断,至今未绝。独立以后至20世纪80年代,主要为民族分离主义争取民族自决权与印度政府维护统一的斗争,经过三十余年的较量,印度政府实现了在宪法框架内对东北地区的政治重组;20世纪80年代至今,主要为由移民与本地居民、部落民之间的矛盾激化而引发的反政府武装活动。进入新世纪,反政府武装组织出现恐怖主义化、黑社会化趋向。  相似文献   

蓖麻粗毒蛋白的提取及灭鼠试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了从蓖麻籽和蓖麻饼粕中提取蓖麻粗毒蛋白的工艺条件,并对其进行了灭鼠试验。结果表明:这两种蓖麻粗毒蛋白杀鼠活性明显,小鼠死亡率均达100%。从对小鼠的致死速度来看,两者相差不大。这为进一步分离提纯杀鼠活性成分提供了基础,也为蓖麻作为植物源灭鼠剂的开发提供了依据。  相似文献   

大豆蛋白的改性技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
系统阐述了大豆蛋白的功能特性及其物理改性、化学改性及酶法改性技术研究进展,并探讨了蛋白质改性技术在大豆蛋白加工业中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Seventy-two social workers were the subjects in a study investigating the effects of two client characteristics, physical attractiveness and verbal expressiveness, upon the clinical perceptions of the social worker. Subjects completed questionnaires containing vignettes experimentally manipulating the two client characteristics. Subjects were randomly assigned one of the vignettes and completed two separate rating scales. The data analysis revealed strong main effects for verbal expressiveness. However, there was no main effect found for physical attractiveness nor any interaction effect for verbal expressiveness and physical attractiveness. The results of this study demonstrate that verbal clients are perceived more favorably by social workers than are nonverbal clients regardless of the physical attractiveness of the client.  相似文献   


This article examines the effect of the housing market on nursing home diversion and/or transition. Prior evaluations of federally funded diversion/transition efforts indicate that lack of housing may be a significant impediment to diversion policy efforts. We test this charge by examining the transition rates in all 351 municipalities in Massachusetts, using a data set of over 15,000 individuals seeking to remain or transition home between 2010 and 2014 through Massachusetts' Options Counseling program and their relation to key indicators of housing quality and affordability, including housing burden, crowding, and incomplete kitchen and plumbing facilities. We also control for demographic indicators identified in previous findings, which are age, level of frailty, and whether seniors live alone. We do not find a significant relationship between housing affordability or quality and successful nursing home diversion. This fact suggests that consumers are not as sensitive to housing costs and conditions as previously expected. Future research should continue to investigate the economic and social conditions behind this fact in the context of home value appreciation, incidence of home ownership, and the ability of seniors to offset nursing home costs through accumulated home equity.  相似文献   

Substantial sums of money are invested annually in preventative medicine and therapeutic treatment for people with a wide range of physical and psychological health problems, sometimes to no avail. There is now mounting evidence to suggest that companion animals, such as dogs and cats, can enhance the health of their human owners and may thus contribute significantly to the health expenditure of our country. This paper explores the evidence that pets can contribute to human health and well-being. The article initially concentrates on the value of animals for short- and long-term physical health, before exploring the relationship between animals and psychological health, focusing on the ability of dogs, cats, and other species to aid the disabled and serve as a "therapist" to those in institutional settings. The paper also discusses the evidence for the ability of dogs to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of specific chronic diseases, notably cancer, epilepsy, and diabetes. Mechanisms underlying the ability of animals to promote human health are discussed within a theoretical framework. Whereas the evidence for a direct causal association between human well-being and companion animals is not conclusive, the literature reviewed is largely supportive of the widely held, and long-standing, belief that "pets are good for us."  相似文献   

日本长期以来一直将日元升值看成经济恢复的重大风险,而将日元贬值作为经济恢 复的重要手段。这种根深蒂固的“日元贬值有利论”的产生,与20世纪70年代至90年代中期 持续的日元升值,以及90年代以来日本经济的持续低迷有关。同时,日本政府的各项经济对 策失效,也使日本倾向于利用汇率杠杆调节经济。而从经济因素分析来看,则与“初期条件 ”和“转嫁率”有关。尽管日本偏好日元贬值,但是日元贬值在日本经济中的实际作用并非 如理论分析的那样 ,日元贬值未必使出口扩大、进口减少。在日本经济的变动中,也并不存在日元贬值导致经 济恢复、日元升值导致经济恶化的明显的对应关系。近期日元贬值的主要原因是日本经济基 本面的恶化,日本政府的放纵只是起了推波助澜的作用。  相似文献   


This paper examines the impact of a new and promising case-based management information system on child welfare case management practices in two California counties. The objectives were to measure the extent to which computerization affected casework practices and to identify factors that influenced the effects of computerization. An exploratory longitudinal one-group pre-post design was used. Contrary to expectations, few differences were found, although workers spent more time alone after implementation of the system. A key finding is that the amount of time that caseworkers spent with clients was not reduced by the computer system.  相似文献   

In bargaining environments with uncertain disagreement or “impasse” outcomes (e.g., litigation or labor strike outcomes), there is an identification problem that confounds data interpretation. Specifically, the minimally acceptable settlement value from a risk-averse (risk-loving) but unbiased-belief bargainer is empirically indistinguishable from what one could get with risk-neutrality and pessimistically (optimistically) biased beliefs. This article reports results from a controlled bargaining experiment where data on both risk attitude and beliefs under uncertainty are generated in order to assess their relative importance in bargaining experiment outcomes. The average lab subject is risk-averse, yet optimistic with respect to uncertainty, which is consistent with existing studies that examine each in isolation. I also find that the effects of optimism dominate those of risk-aversion. Optimistic bargainers are significantly more likely to dispute and have aggressive final bargaining positions. Dispute rates are not statistically affected by risk attitude, but there is some evidence that risk aversion leads to a weakened bargaining position. Though additional research is needed to understand the limits of extending these results, a key implication follows. In uncertainty environments where optimism dominates, increased settlement rates are more likely achieved by minimizing impasse uncertainty (to limit the potential for optimism) rather than maximizing uncertainty (to weaken the reservation point of risk-averse bargainers), as has been argued in the dispute resolution literature.   相似文献   

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