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成建 《城市》2005,(6):43-45
党的十六大明确指出:"国有企业是我国国民经济的支柱.要深化国有企业改革,进一步探索公有制的多种有效实现形式",并指出:"除极少数必须由国家独资经营的企业外,积极推行股份制,发展混合所有制经济,实行投资主体多元化."  相似文献   

China launched a pension program for rural residents in 2009, now covering more than 300 million Chinese. This program offers a unique setting for studying the ageing population, given the rapidity of China’s population ageing, traditions of filial piety and co-residence, decreasing number of children, and dearth of formal social security, at a relatively low income level. This paper examines whether receipt of the old-age pension payment equips elderly parents and their adult children to live apart and whether parents substitute children’s time involved in instrumental support to them with service consumption. Employing a regression discontinuity design to a primary longitudinal survey conducted in Guizhou province of China, this paper overcomes challenges in the literature that households eligible for pension payment might be systematically different from ineligible households and that it is difficult to separate the effect of pension from that of age or cohort heterogeneity. Around the pension eligibility age cut-off, results reveal large and significant reduction in intergenerational co-residence of the extended family and increase in service consumption among elderly parents.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and assesses emerging issues in retirement systems and pension reform in Malaysia. The pension system models proposed by the ILO, the World Bank and the Geneva Association are compared and analysed, providing a useful conceptual framework for the design and reform of pension systems. This framework is then used to assess pension reforms in Malaysia, analysing the relative advantages and disadvantages for workers. The authors conclude by proposing a number of recommendations for retirement system design and reform.  相似文献   

In the societal debate surrounding voluntary euthanasia or physician‐assisted suicide, there is a concern that older people will be left exposed to any legislation, subject to either faint suggestion or outright coercion from familial or professional carers. Whilst it is critical to take account of older people's potential vulnerability to any current or proposed assisted suicide legislation, there is a parallel strand of research exploring another relationship which older people can have with this debate: one of activism. Sociological research has shown that older people make up the “rank and file” of those active within the right‐to‐die movement. One of the stated motivations of some older people requesting hastened death has been that, in spite of an absence of life‐threatening disease, they feel “tired of life” or that they have lived a “completed life” and feel ready to die. The notion of suicide for reasons of longevity and being tired of life are becoming increasingly significant given the fact of global ageing. This article brings together empirical and theoretical research on the phenomenon of old age rational suicide in order to develop an underexplored area in both the sociology of death and the sociology of ageing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between trade liberalization and the probability of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) being decentralized. We find that tariff cuts for inputs significantly lower the probability of a SOE being decentralized, whereas tariff cuts for outputs raise this probability. We also find that as the distance from a SOE to its overseeing government increases, the effects of input and output tariff cuts on the probability of SOEs decentralization become stronger. Our empirical results are consistent with a simple model in which local governments try to balance the costs of supervising SOEs against the profits extracted from SOEs.  相似文献   

党的十六大在提出“必须毫不动摇地巩固和发展公有制经济”的同时,提出“必须毫不动摇地鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济发展。”积极引导民营企业参与国企改革是将两个“毫不动摇”紧密结合起来,实现相互促进,共同发展的重要途径。河南省委、省政府积极鼓励、支持和引导民营企业参与国有企业改革,并制定了相应的优惠政策。最近,我们就民营企业如何参与国企改革的问题先后到许昌、安阳、新乡、鹤壁、洛阳等地进行了调研,实地考察了近40家企业。民营企业参与国企改革的主要形式从调查情况看,民营企业参与国企改革的形式主要有以下几种:一是购买…  相似文献   


Many governments are aiming to extend working lives by raising the age at which people can claim retirement pensions. This makes it vital to understand how these policies affect retirement decisions. In this paper, I revisit the labor supply effects of a major Australian reform that increased women’s pension age from 60 to 65. Atalay and Barrett (2015) studied these effects using repeated household surveys and a differences-in-differences design in which male cohorts form the comparison group. They estimate that the reform increased female labor force participation by 12 percentage points. Using earlier data, I show that the parallel-trends assumption did not hold before the reform because of a strong female-specific trend in participation rates across the relevant cohorts. Accounting for this trend, the estimated effect on female participation falls by two-thirds and becomes statistically insignificant at conventional levels. This highlights the importance of carefully assessing and controlling for trends across cohorts when evaluating pension reforms, which are typically phased in across cohorts.


《Journal of Aging Studies》2006,20(2):165-175
We begin with a brief history of social security policy in Russia both before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union. We describe the current pension scheme and present an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the model, with particular attention to the way in which it may disadvantage women and low-wage and informal sector workers. The reasons why Russia is in the process of implementing a social security scheme based largely on a model proposed by the World Bank is also explored. We argue that the decision reflects the effects of both internal and external economic pressures as well as cultural diffusion via the network of neo-liberal economists and pension experts associated with international financial institutions, most notably the World Bank. We conclude with a discussion of how we would restructure the Russian scheme making greater use of the notional defined contribution (NDC) model.  相似文献   

在全国农业工作会议上,温家宝同志在讲话中讲到乡镇企业时强调:“加快农村富余劳动力转移,是增加农民收入的重要途径。从我国国情出发,转移农村劳动力要广开门路,多渠道并举。”“要大力发展农村二三产业和多种经营,拓展农村的就业领域。现在乡镇企业的发展面临不少困难,各地要支持乡镇企业搞好结构调整、技术改造,加快体制创新,提高发展水平,特别要支持乡镇企业发展农产品加工业和服务业,培育新的经济增长点,为农民创造新的就业机会。”胡锦涛总书记在讲话中,三次讲到乡镇企业。第一次是在讲到“把解决好农业、农村和农民问题作为全党工作…  相似文献   


Immigrant children are the fastest growing subgroup among United States schoolchildren today. This paper explores how the new testing movement affects these students, many of which are English language learners.The passage of new federal laws mandating that all students be tested within one year of entrance into a U.S. school is refuted by long standing research. Studies have demonstrated that it takes five to seven years for students to attain the academic language necessary to achieve success in educational settings.This paper explores the instructional program options for immigrant students and advocates for changes in the current testing protocol for them.  相似文献   

With the March 2010 passage of the health care reform law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the U.S Congress completely transformed the health care industry and fundamentally altered how hospitals will deliver and receive payment for care. The purpose of this article is to examine the provisions of the Affordable Care Act and its significance for behavioral healthcare. Key components of health care reform ( i.e., measuring and benchmarking quality patient care outcomes; payment reform; and the reorganization of the health care delivery system to ensure accountable, accessible, patient-centred, coordinated care) are reviewed with regard to their impact on behavioral health. The challenges, opportunities, and implications of health care reform are examined for the nursing field in general and psychiatric nursing practice specifically.  相似文献   

股份合作制是通过改制向本企业职工出售资产而形成的一种集体经济形式,其产权关系明确,实现了政企分开,企业真正成为市场主体,职工真正成为企业主人。股份合作制虽然对加快中小企业改革具有积极作用,但对其局限性我们也应有清醒的认识,不能片面地认为股份合作制是中小企业惟一合适的组织形式。股份合作制企业由于职工既是劳动者又是投资入股者,劳动力和资本这两个生产要素才得以紧密联系起来,又由于二者互相制约,从而降低了它们各自的流动性;加之企业因改制会逐渐放弃吸纳企业外部资金的努力而转向内部筹资,故而会影响企业在短时间内扩大生…  相似文献   

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