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20世纪七八十年代,在内外因素的冲击下,世界社会主义运动陷于低潮,产生了转换发展模式与战略的内在要求。作为中国共产党第二代领导集体的核心人物,邓小平以马克思主义政治家的视野关注世界风云变幻,关注社会主义的前途命运。他在历史与现实、世界与中国、马克思主义与当代社会主义实践的比较、互动、结合中,把中国社会主义发展的目标和途径置于全球化发展的时空背景中加以审视和提炼,考虑中国的命运,设计中国的未来,从而创造性地形成了建设有中国特色社会主义的理论与实践。  相似文献   

对于经济崛起的当代中国来说,亟须扭转在文化"软力量"方面的弱势地位,这就为我们重新思考曾经是中国传统文化之道德精神的主要塑造者和承担者的儒家伦理提供了机缘。在面对新的挑战之前,先要对儒家伦理做一番历史的清理工作,尤其需要从近代以来内外夹击所形成的"妖魔化"处境之中脱身出来,变换声誉,以取得起码的"出场"资格。这就需要我们从学理上、观念上,乃至于基本的叙事框架上,来重新考量它,并需要对其概念范畴、问题向度、思想脉络和历史情景做更加细致和更为深入的分析和研究。只有在转换了现行的面对方式以及处理的办法之后,儒家伦理的价值和意义才有可能得以充分地展示,它的合理性也才能够得到真正的说明。  相似文献   

DengXiaopingsaid,"TherealizationofsocialismandcommunismwastheloftyidealweMarxistssetforourselvesduringtherevolutionaryyears.Nowthatwearetryingtoreformtheeconomy,weshallcontinuetokeeptothesocialistroadandtoupholdtheidealofcommunism.Thisissomethingouryoungergenerationinparticularmustunderstand.Buttheproblemis:Whatissocialismandhowisittobebuilt?Themostimportantlessonwehavelearned,amongagreatmanyothers,isthatwemustbeclearaboutthosequestions."'WhatnewimPOrtantideashavebeenputforwardbyComradeDen…  相似文献   

Somepeopletracetheglobalizationoftheeconomybacktothe15thcentury,whencapitalismwasinitsembryonicstageinEuropeandEuropeanmerchantsbegantodobusinesswithothercontinents.However,thistradeofapIunderingnaturewasonlyapreludetomoderncapitalistlarge-scaleproductionandworldmarkets,apreparationforthelaterinternationalizationofproductionandtheglobalizationoftheeconomyweseetoday.Inthemid-l8thcentury,thefirstscientificandtechnologicalandindustrialrevolutionsoccurred,resultinginthetransformationofhandicraftp…  相似文献   

中国建国60年来和改革开放30年来所取得的巨大成就,使世界热衷于讨论是否存在某种“中国模式”或“北京共识”。“模式”包含着两层含义,一是发展道路的独特性,二是发展道路的可输出性和可效仿性。从前一层含义上来看,中国的发展的确创造出了一个独特的中国模式。中国发展道路是在中国人追求民族独立和现代化的历史背景下,在最终选择了马克思主义的条件下而实现的,其本质就是选择走社会主义道路而拒绝资本的扩张和奴役。全球化伴随着全球资本力量的无限膨胀,世界政治、经济都沦于世界资本主义的奴役之下,中国的发展道路正是在这个背景下显示出其独特性。同时,中国也不会向外输出自己的发展模式,通过对和谐、平等和多样性的追求,中国道路的成功将改变现有国际规则和全球发展观念。中国道路在全球化时代中具有世界性的意义。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学在中国的命运,同中国人民革命和中国社会主义的命运始终紧密联系在一起。离开中国实际和中国经验来谈社会主义没有意义。社会主义的中国特色来自中国实际和中国经验,其内容可以概括为10点:一是社会主义,初级阶段;二是工作中心,经济建设;三是全国改革,对外开放;四是公有为主,市场经济;五是民主政治,法治国家;六是科教兴国,精神文明;七是统一战线,民族团结:八是一国两制,统一祖国;九是和平外交,反对霸权;十是四项原则,党的建设。  相似文献   

本文从哲学的角度阐述了邓小平关于社会主义的一些重要思想贡献。如:他从价值与真理统一的新高度来规定社会主义的本质,从而恢复了科学社会主义的正确导向;以“什么是社会主义”与“如何建设社会主义”相统一的方式来把握社会主义的现实形态,从而回答了社会主义的历史道路问题;通过对中国社会主义“初级阶段”和社会评价标准体系的定位,为确立当前的发展战略和目标奠定了基础;等等。这些都具有深刻的理论启迪和巨大的思想解放力量。  相似文献   

The present study aims to determine the extent to which general QoL is predicted by religious and existential well-being, taking into consideration the intensity of participants’ religious and personal beliefs. Additionally, we examine the differences between Christians, believers in the Chinese religions, and those who are not religious. The study is based on the secondary analysis of a cross-sectional survey on the Spiritual Well-being scale (SWBS), which encompasses religious (RWB) and existential well-being (EWB). Participants (N = 445) were comprised of three religious subsamples for known group comparisons: a Chinese religions group (CRG) (n = 133), comprising Buddhism (23.1%), Taoism (5.2%), folk religions and ancestral worship (1.5%); a Christian group (n = 144) consisting of Roman Catholics (8.3%) and Protestants (24%); and non-believers (NRel) (n = 167). Regardless of their religious affiliations, QoL scores were the same in the overall sample. However, when taking the extent of religious commitment and sense of belonging into consideration, religious believers had higher scores in QoL and SWBS than non-believers (highest in Christians, followed by CRG and NRel). Hierarchical regressions showed that EWB was the only significant predictor of QoL after controlling for gender, age, and the extent of religious belief and commitment. The data indicated positive influences of religious beliefs on QoL and SWBS, although distinct affiliations might have affected these scores to a different extent. Fostering RWB and EWB are vital to promoting QoL.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some widespread but often not fully articulated views concerning the possible roles of biology and evolution in the social sciences. Such views cluster around a set of intuitions that suggest that evolution's role is “ballistic”: it constitutes a starting point for mind that has been, and is, superseded by the role of culture and social construction. An implication is that evolved and the socially constructed aspects of mind are separable and independent, with the latter being the primary driver of mind. I outline four variants of the ballistic view. I then show how current findings and arguments in evolutionary thinking as related to mind contradict those ballistic views. The contrary view—that evolutionary and social factors are interdependent in the generation of social psychological capacities—is proposed as a consequence. This view is able to respect some insights of theories that make ballistic assumptions, whilst avoiding those assumptions.  相似文献   

The position of globalization in the Chinese social context is quite different from that which it holds in Western society and academic circles, where it is called into question and subject to criticism. In China, it is a concept with basically positive significance and is linked with the Chinese undertaking of going out into the world, as if serving as proof that China is being admitted by the outside world.  相似文献   

Committee decision making is examined in this study focusing on the role assigned to the committee members. In particular, we are concerned about the comparison between committee performance under specialization and non-specialization of the decision makers. Specialization (in the context of project or public policy selection) means that the decision of each committee member is based on a narrow area, which typically results in the acquirement and use of relatively high expertise in that area. When the committee members’ expertise is already determined, specialization only means that the decision of each committee member is based solely on his/her relatively high expertise area. This form of specialization is potentially inferior relative to non-specialization under which the decision of each committee member is based on different areas, not just his/her relatively high expertise area. Given that the expertise of the committee members is already determined but unknown, our analysis focuses on non-specializing individuals whose decision is based on a decision rule that does not require information on the decision-making skills. Under these realistic assumptions, non-specialization is shown to be preferable over specialization, depending on the aggregation rule applied by the committee. The significance of our approach is not limited to the specific results that we obtain. Rather, it should be viewed as a first step toward a deeper examination of the role of individual decision makers in enhancing the performance of collective decision making.  相似文献   

This study examines if democracy reduces poverty in 40 Sub-Saharan African countries for the period 1999–2018. For this purpose, we employ the Generalised Method of Moments. The results show that democracy is not directly associated with poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa. However, this observation hides important non-linearities and an interesting pattern of policy complementarities. Indeed, democracy is associated with poverty reduction in countries where economic growth is strong and human capital high. The robustness tests carried out do not change these results. This means that poor economic growth and weak human capital not only have a direct negative effect on the well-being of SSA countries, but also prevent the poor in those countries from benefitting the gains of democracy. Therefore, in order to reduce poverty in SSA, policy makers should continue the process of democratization while simultaneously adopting policies of economic development and human capital building. Democracy in isolation is useless for the poor in SSA.  相似文献   

Under the influence of globalization, economic liberalization and integration have rendered the labor market more flexible and short-term, with more people holding more than one job. Women hold a major part of these informal jobs, which are generally not protected by standard labor legislation. Changes in the nature of employment reduce the application of this legislation. Since the government does not put into effect relevant rules and regulations or enterprises manage to overstep or bypass them, the trade union movement that serves women workers in their call for equality is also weakened. Globalization has led to the mobility of labor. A  相似文献   

This article examines the involvement of ministries of health in making health service coverage decisions in Denmark, England, France and Germany. The study aims to inform debate in England about the feasibility of reducing perceived ministerial and bureaucratic ‘interference’ in decisions affecting the National Health Service, based on interviews with senior government officials and other health system stakeholders. Ministries of health differ in their involvement in health system governance and coverage decisions (‘the benefits package’), reflecting differences in institutional arrangements. In all four countries, organizations at arm's length or independent from government are either involved in providing technical advice to the ministry of health or have been mandated to take these decisions themselves. However, ministries of health occasionally intervene in the decision‐making process or ignore the advice of these organizations. The Department of Health in England is not an aberrant case, at least in relation to coverage decisions. Indeed, ministries of health in Denmark and France play a larger role in making these decisions. Public pressure, often amplified by the media, is a shared reason for ministerial and ministry involvement in all four countries. This dynamic may thus limit the feasibility of attempts to further separate the NHS from both the Department of Health and wider political pressures.  相似文献   

‘Gender symmetry’ is one of the most topical and controversial debates in the contemporary domestic violence literature. National survey data, particularly from the USA, has been utilized to support the concept of gender symmetry of violence between intimate partners. Both these statistics and the reliability of the methodologies used to obtain this data have been the focus of fierce criticism in the domestic violence literature. These debates have spread into the general media and now influence social workers' and students' understanding of violence between intimate partners. Recent work, however, has suggested helpful typologies for a better understanding of intimate partner violence (IPV), and research has explored their validity. A comprehensive understanding of the implications of these debates is important for safe social work interventions as assessments and interventions must be based on an accurate understanding of the aetiology, dynamics and consequences of violence between intimate partners. It is important that practitioners are aware of the background to and complexity of these debates and the ongoing work on typologies of violence, as such understanding will enhance assessments and thereby ensure more appropriate social work interventions. This paper traces the debates and outlines the new developments, which can enhance assessments and understanding of IPV.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of life (QL) among early retired pensioners (ERPs) granted a disability pension due to musculoskeletal disorders. A questionnaire was sent to 450 ERPs and to a control group of the same size living in the municipality of Kristianstad, Sweden. Interviews were performed with ERPs with positive and progressing QL (n = 29) and ERPs with negative and declining QL (n = 26). The QL among ERPs was lower than among controls. ERPs below 55 years of age and immigrant ERPs had higher odds for a low/declining QL than older and Swedish ERPs, respectively. The most important domain influencing the QL among ERPs was the relationship or lack of relationship with family and others. ERPs with low/declining QL pointed out that poor subjective health status and economic problems were crucial reasons for their low QL.  相似文献   

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