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吴越 《社会》2005,40(5):169-189
本文认为,“宗教礼物论”是一个具有潜力的理论视角,它以莫斯等人的礼物理论为基础,探讨宗教现象及其与社会的关系。本文在述评现有文献的基础上,探讨礼物与宗教的内在关系,进而分析礼物理论与宗教社会学的亲和性。文章认为:首先,礼物与宗教是双向关联的,两者相辅相成,不仅宗教现象中蕴含着礼物逻辑,而且宗教为礼物的内在价值提供了神圣性的基础;其次,礼物和宗教都与社会团结的法则直接关联,这一点体现在两者共通的自愿式义务性上,两者既融合了情感性联系和工具性联系,也融合了相互性伦理和等级性伦理;最后,“宗教礼物论”的优势最可能体现在对宗教之“非自主选择性”的分析上,而它的潜在挑战则主要在应对社会变迁与价值倾向上。  相似文献   

李峰 《社会》2013,33(2):84-110
本文利用上海市的调查数据,从宗教归属、人口学变量、社会经济地位因素、社会信任、社会参与和其他机构信任等方面对宗教组织信任进行分析,了解人们对宗教组织信任的现状及影响因素,并对相关的研究进行回应。结果显示,与对其它机构的信任相比,民众对宗教组织的信任处于一个较低水平;宗教归属、社会信任、组织参与和对世俗机构的信任对宗教组织信任的影响最大;阶层、社会参与也有一定的影响;性别、年龄、受教育程度和政治面貌等无影响。  相似文献   


Older adults may benefit from clinical conversations about the role of spirituality in their lives, but social workers and other helping professionals often do not have an understanding of where to proceed beyond initial questions of whether spirituality and/or religion are important and if so, what religious preference is held. Much has been written about definitions of spirituality and religion, but the literature has not yet provided a clear focus on ways to assess whether these are integrated positively or negatively in the lives of older adults. This article identifies eleven domains in spirituality that might be assessed. Within each domain an explanation is provided as well as a brief discussion of the rationale for including it in the classification. Sample interview questions and an illustrative vignette are included. Together these eleven domains build an important framework and resource for spiritual assessment with older adults.  相似文献   

Older adults may benefit from clinical conversations about the role of spirituality in their lives, but social workers and other helping professionals often do not have an understanding of where to proceed beyond initial questions of whether spirituality and/or religion are important and if so, what religious preference is held. Much has been written about definitions of spirituality and religion, but the literature has not yet provided a clear focus on ways to assess whether these are integrated positively or negatively in the lives of older adults. This article identifies eleven domains in spirituality that might be assessed. Within each domain an explanation is provided as well as a brief discussion of the rationale for including it in the classification. Sample interview questions and an illustrative vignette are included. Together these eleven domains build an important framework and resource for spiritual assessment with older adults.  相似文献   

Even though the social work profession has been increasingly sensitized to the spiritual needs of those that they are working with, recent history has demonstrated that professionals lack the knowledge and skills needed for understanding those who are subscribing to strong religious beliefs. The research reported in this paper draws on a qualitative study that examined the perceived caregiving practice of parents from the Seventh‐day Adventist faith community associated with the conservative Protestant sub‐culture. Twenty‐five participants aged 20–50 were invited to recall their experiences of being reared by practicing Adventist parents in the UK. An integrative phenomenological analysis yielded a number of themes that shed light on the relationship between religion and parenting. This paper will focus on the three key ideas that emerged: parenting was influenced by beliefs that parents held; a combination of warm and strict parenting was found with some evidence of stricter upbringing amongst black respondents; responses to parenting reported varied between acceptance and discomfort. The study gave valuable insight into individuals' experiences of a religious upbringing received within a secular environment.  相似文献   

阮荣平  郑风田  刘力 《社会》2013,33(4):193-224
本文在回顾归纳国外宗教经济学相关理论和经验成果的基础上,建立了“供给-需求”分析框架。笔者认为,既有宗教经济学理论主要从供给和需求两个角度来解释信仰选择的作用机制。宗教市场理论从供给出发,认为宗教市场结构是宗教信仰的重要决定因素;宗教社会资本理论、宗教家庭生产模型、宗教人力资本模型和宗教事后保障模型则从需求角度出发,分别强调社会网络的人际依恋、宗教参与的机会成本、宗教产品的生产效率和宗教组织的公共物品供给因素等在宗教信仰选择方面发挥的影响。改革开放以来中国社会宗教信仰领域发生了极大的变化,引入宗教经济学视野一方面能为考察分析当今中国宗教信仰现状及推动其理论发展带来相应的契机,另一方面应考虑中国与西方社会之间的差异以及特殊性,对该视野的运用要有所甄别。  相似文献   

Findings from surveys of qualified social work practitionersand students indicate a need for social work education and practiceto focus attention both on the importance of religious and spiritualbeliefs in the lives of many service users and on the potentialusefulness of religious and spiritual interventions. In thisBritish study, undertaken in 2003 and 2004, students were lesslikely than their qualified colleagues to consider religiousor spiritually sensitive interventions as appropriate. Attitudesvaried little between those students who held religious beliefsand those who did not, but Muslim students and qualified socialworkers were more likely to view these types of interventionsas appropriate. The authors conclude that there is a clear needfor all social work practitioners and educators to give greaterpriority to exploring the potential significance of religiousand spiritual beliefs in their training, in their professionalpractice and in the lives and perspectives of service usersand colleagues. Social workers need to be able to respond appropriatelyto the needs of all service users, including those for whomreligious and spiritual beliefs are crucial. ‘Culturallycompetent’ practice depends, amongst other things, onan understanding and appreciation of the impact of faith andbelief.  相似文献   


In spite of growing interest in spirituality and religion, and the prominent position given to religion in social work's educational policies and ethical standards, no studies have explored the profession's level of spiritual sensitivity. Accordingly, we examined the visibility of faith groups and their characterizations in 71 influential social work textbooks. This study found that faith groups, in contrast to a number of comparison groups, were essentially invisible as populations worthy of students' direct attention. Further, when faith groups were discussed, they tended to be characterized in a biased, spiritually insensitive manner. To move toward spiritual competency, social work must increase the amount of material devoted to faith groups and ensure that they are depicted in a manner that is consistent with their worldviews.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some important dimensions of faith and of the social contexts surrounding faith that are illustrative of continuity and growth in spirituality in the lives of older adults. Examples of an evolving spirituality emerge in the analysis of a recent qualitative research study that probed the nature of religious experience among thirty-one community-dwelling elders and fifteen elders residing in long-term care facilities. Face-to-face interviews with these forty-six older adults and with seven people who directed or assisted with formal and informal programs of faith comprise the empirical base for this paper. The seven people, I refer to them mnemonically as faithreps, worked in various ways in the long-term care settings to provide programs involving faith to older adults. The faithreps came from a range of educational and religious backgrounds and are not accurately or handily categorized. An evolving spirituality is shaped by the older person's links to the structural and the socio-relational contexts that have been created through interaction in the past as well as through interaction in the present. Moreover, the interaction of older adults and faithreps encourages spiritual growth because as social actors engaged with one another over a sustained period of time in an institutional setting, questions and dialogue about life and its meaning are regularly evoked. The social interactions that foster spiritual evolution may be an admixture of the secular and the sacred. Such socio-relational contexts were once part of the naturalistic settings of daily life among the old, but now must emerge through the efforts and planning of others. The salience of faith among present cohorts of older adults sensitizes us to the necessity of devoting more consideration to optimal ways of strengthening and building contexts that are conducive to the evolution of spirituality.  相似文献   

迟帅 《社会》2017,37(1):156-185
世俗化及逆世俗化范式的对立其实蕴含着更大的连续性,即如何理解宗教多元主义背后的诸神之争,总的来说,韦伯之后那些解释宗教变迁的理论范式均未突破韦伯对宗教的比较研究范畴,难以在当前复杂而多元的文化环境下为个人提供总体指导,但是二者共同揭露了诸神之争条件下西方宗教工具理性和价值理性交互作用所促成的理性化的动力机制,即西方宗教维护自身价值理性的方式从中世纪教会主导的政治性垄断过渡到现代性条件下宗教多元主义的市场化竞争。  相似文献   

何蓉 《社会》2008,28(6):110-127
政教关系是中国宗教的重要议题。本文基于佛教史的内容,从历史比较的角度梳理了围绕着佛教僧团制度建设与组织发展的有关问题,藉由僧团戒律与度牒制度之间的某种对立与比较,认为戒律作为一种组织和认同机制,体现了僧团自治的努力;通过对中华帝国的传统的宗教治理策略之一的度牒制的原由、作用及本质的分析,认为这一规制措施在本质上体现了政治凌驾于宗教之上的权威地位,但却在实施过程中成为寻租和逐利的工具。通过历史经验的比较,认为宗教组织的纪律、原则等有可能成为社会组织化的机制,指出政教关系的基点在于宗教组织的自治特性与能力,这应当成为国家的宗教治理的前提。  相似文献   

张春泥  卢云峰 《社会》2018,38(5):126-157
由于西方社会排他性强的聚会性宗教占主导地位,而中国排他性弱的混合宗教更为兴盛,故中国的社会调查运用宗派本位的西方宗教测量工具会遇到遗漏或错分信仰群体等问题。对此,本文从信仰归属、宗教实践、宗教组织成员资格三个维度及这三个维度之间的逻辑关系上提出中西宗教之差别对问卷调查的影响。通过在2014年中国家庭追踪调查中尝试神灵本位的信仰测量方案,以及将其分别与该调查前后两轮追踪调查的问卷设计和数据相比较,本文检验及展现了既有测量工具在采集中国人宗教信仰数据时存在的问题,并提出改进宗教信仰社会测量的建议。  相似文献   

1 Dr Vishanthie Sewpaul, Department of Social Work, University of Natal, Durban 4041, South Africa. E-mail: sewpaul{at}mtb.und.ac.za Summary This paper contains data pertaining to cultural views on fertilityand infertility, and the use of traditional healing in infertility,from a sample of twenty-four case studies of infertile participantsand from twelve religious leaders representative of the faithsof the infertile participants. This is followed by a discussionon the impact of religion on the handling of infertility. Theunique differences between the Indian and African world viewscompared with those of Coloureds and Whites2 are evident. However,the impact of religion on the handling of infertility reflectssimilarities across different religious groups. Within the variousthemes that emerged regarding religion and infertility, themost pervasive, across all religious faiths, was that infertilitywas seen as punishment for wrong-doing. The individual's levelof involvement with religion, their personal conception of God,and their sense of self in relation to God appeared to be importantfactors in influencing the impact of religion on the experienceof infertility.  相似文献   

The increase in religious diversity produced by the global movement of people and cultures and the proliferation of internal difference within religious communities raises social policy issues. Consideration of these issues is facilitated by understanding that religious groups intersect with social policy in four basic ways: as objects, sources, critics and implementers of policy. A major issue is the challenge societies face in respecting freedoms of religion and belief on the one hand and providing services to all citizens on the other. Resolving these issues requires an awareness of the religious profile of a society and sensitivity to its religious diversity and to the ways services are delivered. Research into the current status of freedom of religion and belief in Australia is used as a case study to identify issues and potential ways to address them. This research reveals that there is a lack of mechanisms for considering and resolving these issues.  相似文献   

《社区工作》课程是社会工作专业的十大主干课程之一,如何上好本门课程,笔者进行了很多探索,本文在实验的基础上,主要分析了分组教学在《社区工作》课程教学中的意义,希望对其他课程的教学改革有所启发.  相似文献   


Few spiritual assessment approaches have been validated with Latter-Day Saints (LDS), in spite of the importance of religion to this culturally distinct population and its burgeoning growth. Drawing on the concept of social validity, this mixed-method study validates a qualitative spiritual assessment approach—spiritual eco-maps—using a geographically diverse sample of social workers (N = 100), all of whom had at least 5 years of direct practice experience with LDS clients. These individuals were asked to identify: a) the degree of cultural consistency, strengths, and limitations of the spiritual eco-map at a conceptual level; and 2) how the questions designed to operationalize the approach might be improved to be more valid, relevant, and consistent with LDS culture. The results suggest that spiritual eco-maps are consistent with LDS culture as long as they are operationalized appropriately. Toward this end, a culturally valid question protocol is provided along with suggestions for administering the instrument in a culturally competent manner. Spiritual eco-maps may be particularly useful in settings where a quick, visually oriented assessment that focuses on clients’ present relationships is indicated. Future research might build upon the present study by assessing the validity of spiritual eco-maps with both community and client samples.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Leola Furman, 1201 Yale Place, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55403, USA. E-mail: furmanlfurman{at}aol.com Summary In recent years, an expanding body of social work publicationsand professional conference presentations has materialized inthe United States due to a resurgence of interest in spiritualityand religion. In order to explore the level of interest in theUnited Kingdom, a random sample of 5,500 practising social workersfrom the British Association of Social Workers (BASW) membershipwere mailed a questionnaire that examined religious and spiritualbeliefs, practices and affiliations. A total of 789 BASW membersin direct practice from England, Scotland Wales, and NorthernIreland returned questionnaires, a response rate of 20 per cent.The majority of respondents believed that spirituality was afundamental aspect of being human. More than three-quartersof the sample reported little or no content on religion andspirituality in their training programme. Respondents stronglyapproved of raising the topic of religion and spirituality withclients who are experiencing terminal illness or bereavement.This also held true in matters of adoption and foster parenting.Approximately 47 per cent of all respondents believed that includingreligion and spirituality in direct practice was compatiblewith social work’s mission. This sample may representthose social workers with a stronger interest in religion andspirituality than a random sample of the general populationof UK social workers. These findings, nevertheless, raise concernabout the availability of practice models and training curriculafor social work practitioners and students.  相似文献   

This random national survey anonymously explored 299 gerontological social workers' attitudes about spirituality and the use of spiritual interventions in practice. Respondents support the inclusion of religion and spirituality in education and practice as a diversity component, as part of holistic assessment, and as a fundamental aspect of human life. Nearly 70% of respondents report little or no preparation on spiritual issues during their schooling and only 24.5% report satisfaction with their educational preparation on this topic. While respondents' personal spirituality correlates positively and weakly with the use of spiritual interventions, it is ethical attitudes toward spiritual interventions that predict the use of spiritual interventions by gerontological social workers.  相似文献   

Health and social care professionals need sufficient religious literacy in order to handle the complexities of religious beliefs and practices, including the growing numbers who identify with other belief systems and those who claim to identify with no religion. The extent to which the need for religious literacy has been formalized was examined in an analysis of regulatory frameworks for health and social care professionals in the United Kingdom. Although all but one of the regulators make some reference to religion and beliefs, they are silent on the question as to what is meant by religion and beliefs. Some standards include a requirement not to impose one's own beliefs on others, but there is very little requirement to develop a reflective and self‐critical awareness of one's own stance. Likewise, some standards refer to knowledge and skills required, but greater specificity is required for these to be meaningful.  相似文献   

Among older youth transitioning from the foster care system, this longitudinal study examined the association of religious and spiritual capital to substance use in the past year at age 19. Participants consisted of African American (N = 179) and White non‐Hispanic (N = 133) older youth in foster care. Drawing from social capital theory, it was posited that religious service attendance (a proxy for religious capital) and belief in a spiritual force (a proxy for spiritual capital) would be inversely associated with substance use. Multiple logistic regression results indicated support for the first and second hypothesis for White foster youth only. Among White foster youth, more frequent religious service attendance and greater belief in a spiritual force were associated with a lower likelihood of illegal substance and polysubstance use. No association between religious or spiritual capital and substance use was found among African American foster youth. The findings underscore the importance of conducting spiritual assessments to help ensure older foster youth who have strong religious or spiritual orientations are in environments where they are accommodated and supported.  相似文献   

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