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许传新 《南方人口》2013,28(3):26-37
新生代农民工择偶标准正处于传统到现代的转变过程,表现出高标准和多元化趋势。从影响因素来看,男性择偶标准高于女性;家庭背景对择偶标准的影响在减弱;流动经历、城市融人促进了新生代农民工择偶标准从传统到现代的转变;但大众传媒却对新生代农民工择偶标准造成了一定的负面影响。  相似文献   

采用2002年中国住户调查数据,本文对当前我国婚姻市场的择偶标准进行了实证研究。在传统社会,高收入的男性和专职于家庭事务的女性被认为是完美的结婚组合(郎才女貌),因此当时的择偶标准体现为收入上的异质性。而本文通过实证研究发现,当前收入水平相当的男女更可能结为夫妻。现在与过去择偶标准的不同导致了郎才女貌悖论的出现。最后,本文阐述了婚介机构的重要性。  相似文献   

郭志仪  杨琦玮 《西北人口》2010,31(6):103-106
本文利用问卷调查数据,分析了甘肃省居民婚姻意愿现状,主要对择偶标准、期望初婚年龄、期望夫妻年龄差和期望婚居模式四个方面进行分析。调查发现,甘肃男性择偶时较看重身体健康,甘肃女性择偶时较看重经济收入;甘肃居民的平均初婚年龄逐步提高;绝大多数居民期望婚姻中丈夫的年龄大于妻子,且倾向于男大于女1-2岁;从夫居和独立居住是普遍接受的婚居模式。虽然现代婚姻观对甘肃居民有一定影响,但是这里的婚姻观仍较传统。  相似文献   

高度集中的婚姻挤压最令人担忧   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王宗萍 《人口研究》2003,27(5):43-44
所谓婚姻挤压,是指由于婚姻市场上可供选择的男性与可供选择的女性之间比例失调并导致部分男性或者部分女性不能按照传统的偏好和习惯择偶的现象.婚姻挤压有时也被称为婚姻拥挤.  相似文献   

择偶:七成女性要求男性有房调查显示,有92%的女性选择对方"有稳定收入"为结婚的必要条件,近七成女性选择"男性要有房才能结婚"。累计近80%的受访单身女性认为男性月收入4000元以上才配谈恋爱,相比2010年的调查结果提高了10多个百分点。  相似文献   

2005年全国1%人口抽样调查资料显示,中国出生人口性别比高达118.58。出生性别结构失衡必然侵害女性生存权利,造成农村经济欠发达地区男性择偶困难、加剧女性就业难度"、婚姻挤压"及妇女地位问题等难以逆转的长期的社会经济后果。  相似文献   

择偶,是婚姻的初始,就其理性分析,无论是东西方,择偶均要受地域、种族、宗教、阶级、性别、年龄、文化、情感、经济等主客观因素的制约。谈中西方女性择偶观念的疏同,实质上是对中西方所展示的女性文化乃至思想文化的一部分加以比较。由于人们普遍受社会伦理道德的制约,人文思想的熏陶,文化的积淀对人格的规范,无论是东西方女性,择偶观念的形成,都体现着一个漫长而具体的历史过程对人的思想行为的规范。 一、当代择偶现象的思考 诸多择偶的表现形式,反映出社会正处于转型期所呈现出的不完全公正和规范的层面上的特点,市场经济理论的建立和市场经济实践的发展,带来了人们对婚姻与家庭的一系列思考,尤其是择偶形式的丰富多姿。台湾资深妇女问题顾问、专栏作家施寄青讲:“时代在变,潮流在变,社会也在变,现在人的婚姻观念也在转型”。其中包括择偶观念的转型。 其一,把择偶定位在自由选择这一基础之上。自由选择配偶,是个性张扬的具体体现。虽然有许多人的选择,最后需经老人点头,但最终决定权在选择者。 其二,择偶的概念呈模糊性。表现在择偶并非完全为了谈婚论嫁,故而出现了选择一位异性伴侣同居,试婚,做“二奶”,傍“大款”等。  相似文献   

第一代独生子女群体与非独生子女群体在择偶观方面差异不太明显,"道德品质"成为择偶的首选标准,择偶的自主性上体现了中庸之道,"男大女小"和"男女差不多"是择偶的最佳年龄组和方式,"趋同与求强"是择偶的最优能力组合方式,"自由恋爱"的择偶方式备受青睐。第一代独生子女群体的择偶观总体体现了"扬"与"弃"的统一,其中内部各群体的择偶观体现了相似性和差异性的统一。  相似文献   

北京市大龄未婚问题的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据1995年1%人口抽样调查原始数据对北京市大龄未婚问题进行了分析。与1990年相比,大龄未婚比例未见明显变化,但人数有所增加。目前在北京的大龄未婚者集中于同龄人口的两极:一极受教育程度高、职业背景优越;另一极社会地位偏低、各方面条件均较差。前者的大部分男性是自愿倾向晚婚而非选择困难;而前者中诸多女性和后者中的大部分男性才是真正意义上的择偶难的大龄未婚青年  相似文献   

利用“厦门市流动人口婚姻家庭抽样调查”的数据,描述流动人口择偶模式的主要特征,对流入厦门的流动人口的择偶意愿、目的、时间、标准以及途径等进行多元回归分析,在此基础上提出优化流动人口择偶模式的对策建议。分析结果表明,流动人口在对择偶模式的选择和实践上越来越重视自身的需要和体验;在各种假想的影响因素中,教育、性别和年龄的作用最大,流出的时间和收入水平的影响却相对比较微弱。  相似文献   

不可预期的疾病是45岁以上中老年劳动者经常面临的健康风险冲击.个体的健康风险冲击将会对配偶的劳动供给行为带来两个方面的影响,一是配偶为了照护患病个体将会减少劳动供给;二是因患病消费增加,收入减少,配偶将会增加劳动供给.本文采用中国健康和养老追踪调查2011-2018纵向调查数据实证检验这两方面的效应.本文研究发现当女性...  相似文献   

This study builds on an earlier finding from the May 1980 Current Population Survey that one-third of full-time dual-earner couples with children in the United States include at least one spouse who works other than a regular day shift. Using the same data source, the relevance of husbands’ and wives’ job characteristics (occupation and industry) on their shift work status are considered, and the nature of the association between husbands’ and wives’ work shifts is explored. Four alternative models are initially posed and tested with log-linear analysis; these models vary in the extent to which a spouse’s shift work status is contingent upon the job characteristics of a husband or wife. None of these models fit the data. A modification of the simplest of the four models (using forward selection) is the best fitting model. It is not symmetrical: the wife’s shift is contingent upon both her occupation and industry and that of her husband, but the husband’s shift is contingent only upon his occupation and industry. There is a relationship between husband’s and wife’s shift, the direction of which depends upon the occupations of both spouses. This study demonstrates the importance of taking a “couple” perspective on shift work among married persons, and the need for models that include interaction effects.  相似文献   

唐咏 《南方人口》2013,28(4):56-63
关于影响高龄失能老人照顾者精神健康因素的解释。基于“压力-应对”模型,强调照顾者的精神健康受到照顾压力的影响,而在此框架下,照顾者的性别差异议题受到较少关注,本文试图解释高龄失能老人照顾者的性别角色存在何种差异,并如何对其进行有效干预。本文运用问卷调查数据予以检定,结果表明,男性和女性照顾者相比较,女性照顾者的抑郁程度高于男性照顾者,对健康状况的自我评价也低于男性照顾者。在照顾压力和社会支持方面。男性和女性照顾者存在性别差异.而在孝道文化方面则未呈现明显的性别差异。本研究基本上肯定了照顾者的性别差异,对于女性照顾者而言,社会工作者应在临床上促进其正向体验并减轻照顾负担,及早处理她们的问题。  相似文献   

We investigate the added worker effect in a setting where female labour supply is high and the welfare state is generous. We trace couples’ labour supply and income development following the husband’s job displacement. We find no support for the added worker effect for the full sample of households. However, the added worker effect seems to be at work for subsamples characterised by households where the spouses are not working in the same industry and where the wife did not work full time pre-displacement. When using a measure of total household income, which includes public transfers, we find that the negative income impact of displacement is reduced by approximately 60 to 70 % when we also adjust for lower tax payments. Results suggest that income loss due to displacement is mitigated more by social welfare payments than by labour supply responses of the spouse.  相似文献   

This study looks into TV dating shows in post-millennial China. These widespread shows, exemplified by Fei Cheng Wu Rao (translated, by both local and global media, as If You Are the One), open up an ongoing social forum, which, to varying extents, enables self-articulations and renegotiations of class and gender identities and gives voice to selected female participants of the media. Through the lens of critical discourse analysis, the paper focuses on analyzing the stage arrangements and hidden rules of Fei Cheng Wu Rao, female participants' self-introductions, both male and female participants' depictions of their “ideal” spouse, and the remarks of the host and the two expert commentators. The study argues that these dating shows play upon the predicament of Chinese single women, especially those labeled as “sheng nü” (“leftover women”), who strive for upward social mobility, yet are constrained within the new gender mandate of a market economy. Stigmatizing single womanhood, the dating shows also grant a glimpse of the varied ways the media and women participants play a complicit role in reducing women's potential to resist new forms of male privilege in post-socialist China.  相似文献   

Individual and couple intentions for more children: A research note   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The question, “Do you and your husband intend to have a (another) child?” has become standard on fertility surveys. It is almost always asked of the wife, but is treated as the couple’s joint intention. How reasonable is such an assumption? Do husbands’ and wives’ reports of couple intent correspond closely? Do spouses know the fertility wishes of their partners? Do they take these wishes into account when reporting couple intent? Analysis of a sample of fecund, white, urban U.S. couples shows each question answered affirmatively. Reports from either spouse appear to be good, although admittedly imperfect, indicators of couple intent.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study is to assess the influence of socio-demographic factors on overall and cause-specific mortality of elderly people of Parma aged 65. In particular, the paper aims at exploring the relation between mortality and living arrangement in association with marital status. Data were obtained from the General Registry Office of Parma and from the death certificates issued by the Local Health District from 1989 to 2000. A logistic regression was performed using longitudinal data. In the male population, living alone and being never married appears to be the worst condition, while living with the wife repsresents a caring situation. In the female population, the major risk of death is associated to living with others than a spouse, while a reduced risk was detected for widows living alone. This was a common and shared result for both overall mortality and many of the causes of death here considered. The condition of widows and widowers living alone does not appear to constitute a particularly serious risk among the elderly population of Parma. Yet, in the female population the association between living alone and the status of widow seems playing a protective role. This result should be interpreted in the light of the social policy of services and support for the elderly pursued by local authorities.  相似文献   

中国老年人的居住方式与其婚姻状况的关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦开山 《人口学刊》2013,35(1):78-86
基于追踪调查数据,运用随机效应Probit模型分析老年人的居住方式与其婚姻状况的关系及其在不同性别和不同年龄段上的差异。研究发现,丧偶对老年人的居住方式存在显著影响,老年人在丧偶后更可能与子女同住。然而,在控制配偶照顾因素后,丧偶对老年人居住方式的影响却大幅下降。从性别和年龄上来看,丧偶对女性老年人居住方式的影响大于男性老年人,对高龄老年人的影响大于低龄老年人。同时,研究还发现,在控制人口特征、社会经济以及健康状况变量之后,未观测到的个体异质性对老年人居住方式存在显著影响。  相似文献   

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