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We show how the concept of hidden Markov model may be accommodated in a setting involving multiple sequences of observations. The resulting class of models allows for both interrelationships between different sequences and serial dependence within sequences. Missing values in the observation sequences may be handled in a straightforward manner. We also examine a group of methods, based upon the observed Fisher Information matrix, for estimating the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates. We illustrate the methods with both real and simulated data sets.  相似文献   

The theoretical price of a financial option is given by the expectation of its discounted expiry time payoff. The computation of this expectation depends on the density of the value of the underlying instrument at expiry time. This density depends on both the parametric model assumed for the behaviour of the underlying, and the values of parameters within the model, such as volatility. However neither the model, nor the parameter values are known. Common practice when pricing options is to assume a specific model, such as geometric Brownian Motion, and to use point estimates of the model parameters, thereby precisely defining a density function.We explicitly acknowledge the uncertainty of model and parameters by constructing the predictive density of the underlying as an average of model predictive densities, weighted by each model's posterior probability. A model's predictive density is constructed by integrating its transition density function by the posterior distribution of its parameters. This is an extension to Bayesian model averaging. Sampling importance-resampling and Monte Carlo algorithms implement the computation. The advantage of this method is that rather than falsely assuming the model and parameter values are known, inherent ignorance is acknowledged and dealt with in a mathematically logical manner, which utilises all information from past and current observations to generate and update option prices. Moreover point estimates for parameters are unnecessary. We use this method to price a European Call option on a share index.  相似文献   

We use the additive risk model of Aalen (Aalen, 1980) as a model for the rate of a counting process. Rather than specifying the intensity, that is the instantaneous probability of an event conditional on the entire history of the relevant covariates and counting processes, we present a model for the rate function, i.e., the instantaneous probability of an event conditional on only a selected set of covariates. When the rate function for the counting process is of Aalen form we show that the usual Aalen estimator can be used and gives almost unbiased estimates. The usual martingale based variance estimator is incorrect and an alternative estimator should be used. We also consider the semi-parametric version of the Aalen model as a rate model (McKeague and Sasieni, 1994) and show that the standard errors that are computed based on an assumption of intensities are incorrect and give a different estimator. Finally, we introduce and implement a test-statistic for the hypothesis of a time-constant effect in both the non-parametric and semi-parametric model. A small simulation study was performed to evaluate the performance of the new estimator of the standard error.  相似文献   

We propose new ensemble approaches to estimate the population mean for missing response data with fully observed auxiliary variables. We first compress the working models according to their categories through a weighted average, where the weights are proportional to the square of the least‐squares coefficients of model refitting. Based on the compressed values, we develop two ensemble frameworks, under which one is to adjust weights in the inverse probability weighting procedure and the other is built upon an additive structure by reformulating the augmented inverse probability weighting function. The asymptotic normality property is established for the proposed estimators through the theory of estimating functions with plugged‐in nuisance parameter estimates. Simulation studies show that the new proposals have substantial advantages over existing ones for small sample sizes, and an acquired immune deficiency syndrome data example is used for illustration.  相似文献   

We consider automatic data-driven density, regression and autoregression estimates, based on any random bandwidth selector h/T. We show that in a first-order asymptotic approximation they behave as well as the related estimates obtained with the “optimal” bandwidth hT as long as hT/hT → 1 in probability. The results are obtained for dependent observations; some of them are also new for independent observations.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of making inferences about extreme values from a sample. The underlying model distribution is the generalized extreme-value (GEV) distribution, and our interest is in estimating the parameters and quantiles of the distribution robustly. In doing this we find estimates for the GEV parameters based on that part of the data which is well fitted by a GEV distribution. The robust procedure will assign weights between 0 and 1 to each data point. A weight near 0 indicates that the data point is not well modelled by the GEV distribution which fits the points with weights at or near 1. On the basis of these weights we are able to assess the validity of a GEV model for our data. It is important that the observations with low weights be carefully assessed to determine whether diey are valid observations or not. If they are, we must examine whether our data could be generated by a mixture of GEV distributions or whether some other process is involved in generating the data. This process will require careful consideration of die subject matter area which led to the data. The robust estimation techniques are based on optimal B-robust estimates. Their performance is compared to the probability-weighted moment estimates of Hosking et al. (1985) in both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Summary.  Multiple imputation is now a well-established technique for analysing data sets where some units have incomplete observations. Provided that the imputation model is correct, the resulting estimates are consistent. An alternative, weighting by the inverse probability of observing complete data on a unit, is conceptually simple and involves fewer modelling assumptions, but it is known to be both inefficient (relative to a fully parametric approach) and sensitive to the choice of weighting model. Over the last decade, there has been a considerable body of theoretical work to improve the performance of inverse probability weighting, leading to the development of 'doubly robust' or 'doubly protected' estimators. We present an intuitive review of these developments and contrast these estimators with multiple imputation from both a theoretical and a practical viewpoint.  相似文献   

Real-time estimates of output gaps and inflation gaps differ from the values that are obtained using data available long after the event. Part of the problem is that the data on which the real-time estimates are based is subsequently revised. We show that vector-autoregressive models of data vintages provide forecasts of post-revision values of future observations and of already-released observations capable of improving estimates of output and inflation gaps in real time. Our findings indicate that annual revisions to output and inflation data are in part predictable based on their past vintages. This article has online supplementary materials.  相似文献   

Confirmatory bioassay experiments take place in late stages of the drug discovery process when a small number of compounds have to be compared with respect to their properties. As the cost of the observations may differ considerably, the design problem is well specified by the cost of compound used rather than by the number of observations. We show that cost-efficient designs can be constructed using useful properties of the minimum support designs. These designs are particularly suited for studies where the parameters of the model to be estimated are known with high accuracy prior to the experiment, although they prove to be robust against typical inaccuracies of these values. When the parameters of the model can only be specified with ranges of values or by a probability distribution, we use a Bayesian criterion of optimality to construct the required designs. Typically, the number of their support points depends on the prior knowledge for the model parameters. In all cases we recommend identifying a set of designs with good statistical properties but different potential costs to choose from.  相似文献   

Unity measure errors (UME) in numerical survey data can determine serious bias in the estimates of interest. In this paper, a finite Gaussian mixture model is used to identify observations affected by UME and to robustly estimate the target parameters in presence of this type of error. In the proposed model, the mixture components are associated to the different error patterns across the variables. We follow a multiple imputation approach in a Bayesian setting that allows us to handle missing values in data. In this framework, the assessment of the uncertainty associated with both errors and missingness is based on repeatedly drawing from the predictive distribution of the true non contaminated data given the observed data. The draws are obtained through a suitable version of the data augmentation algorithm. Applications to both simulated and real data are presented.  相似文献   

When modeling multilevel data, it is important to accurately represent the interdependence of observations within clusters. Ignoring data clustering may result in parameter misestimation. However, it is not well established to what degree parameter estimates are affected by model misspecification when applying missing data techniques (MDTs) to incomplete multilevel data. We compare the performance of three MDTs with incomplete hierarchical data. We consider the impact of imputation model misspecification on the quality of parameter estimates by employing multiple imputation under assumptions of a normal model (MI/NM) with two-level cross-sectional data when values are missing at random on the dependent variable at rates of 10%, 30%, and 50%. Five criteria are used to compare estimates from MI/NM to estimates from MI assuming a linear mixed model (MI/LMM) and maximum likelihood estimation to the same incomplete data sets. With 10% missing data (MD), techniques performed similarly for fixed-effects estimates, but variance components were biased with MI/NM. Effects of model misspecification worsened at higher rates of MD, with the hierarchical structure of the data markedly underrepresented by biased variance component estimates. MI/LMM and maximum likelihood provided generally accurate and unbiased parameter estimates but performance was negatively affected by increased rates of MD.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the cure rate survival model involving a competitive risk structure with missing categorical covariates. A parametric distribution that can be written as a sequence of one-dimensional conditional distributions is specified for the missing covariates. We consider the missing data at random situation so that the missing covariates may depend only on the observed ones. Parameter estimates are obtained by using the EM algorithm via the method of weights. Extensive simulation studies are conducted and reported to compare estimates efficiency with and without missing data. As expected, the estimation approach taking into consideration the missing covariates presents much better efficiency in terms of mean square errors than the complete case situation. Effects of increasing cured fraction and censored observations are also reported. We demonstrate the proposed methodology with two real data sets. One involved the length of time to obtain a BS degree in Statistics, and another about the time to breast cancer recurrence.  相似文献   

In this article, a general approach to latent variable models based on an underlying generalized linear model (GLM) with factor analysis observation process is introduced. We call these models Generalized Linear Factor Models (GLFM). The observations are produced from a general model framework that involves observed and latent variables that are assumed to be distributed in the exponential family. More specifically, we concentrate on situations where the observed variables are both discretely measured (e.g., binomial, Poisson) and continuously distributed (e.g., gamma). The common latent factors are assumed to be independent with a standard multivariate normal distribution. Practical details of training such models with a new local expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, which can be considered as a generalized EM-type algorithm, are also discussed. In conjunction with an approximated version of the Fisher score algorithm (FSA), we show how to calculate maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters, and to yield inferences about the unobservable path of the common factors. The methodology is illustrated by an extensive Monte Carlo simulation study and the results show promising performance.  相似文献   

Although anger is an important emotion that underlies much overt aggression at great social cost, little is known about how to quantify anger or to specify the relationship between anger and the overt behaviors that express it. This paper proposes a novel statistical model which provides both a metric for the intensity of anger and an approach to determining the quantitative relationship between anger intensity and the specific behaviors that it controls. From observed angry behaviors, we reconstruct the time course of the latent anger intensity and the linkage between anger intensity and the probability of each angry behavior. The data on which this analysis is based consist of observed tantrums had by 296 children in the Madison WI area during the period 1994-1996. For each tantrum, eight angry behaviors were recorded as occurring or not within each consecutive 30-second unit. So, the data can be characterized as a multivariate, binary, longitudinal (MBL) dataset with a latent variable (anger intensity) involved. Data such as these are common in biomedical, psychological, and other areas of the medical and social sciences. Thus, the proposed modeling approach has broad applications.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of locating mobile service units to cover random incidents. The model does not assume complete knowledge of the probability distribution of the location of the incident to be covered. Instead, only the mean value of that distribution is known. We propose the minimization of the maximum expected response time as an effectiveness measure for the model. Thus, the solution obtained is robust with respect to any probability distribution. The cases of one and two service units under the nearest allocation rule are studied in the paper. For both problems, the optimal solutions are shown to be degenerate distributions for the servers.  相似文献   


We study the method for generating pseudo random numbers under various special cases of the Cox model with time-dependent covariates when the baseline hazard function may not be constant and the random variable may equal infinity with a positive probability. During our simulation studies in computing the partial likelihood estimates, in between 3% and 20% of the time with a moderate sample size, it happens that the partial likelihood estimate of the regression coefficient is ∞ for the data from the Cox model. We propose a semi-parametric estimator as a modification for such a case. We present simulation results on the asymptotic properties of the semi-parametric estimator.  相似文献   

We propose bivariate Weibull regression model with heterogeneity (frailty or random effect) which is generated by Weibull distribution. We assume that the bivariate survival data follow bivariate Weibull of Hanagal (Econ Qual Control 19:83–90, 2004). There are some interesting situations like survival times in genetic epidemiology, dental implants of patients and twin births (both monozygotic and dizygotic) where genetic behavior (which is unknown and random) of patients follows a known frailty distribution. These are the situations which motivate to study this particular model. We propose two-stage maximum likelihood estimation for hierarchical likelihood in the proposed model. We present a small simulation study to compare these estimates with the true value of the parameters and it is observed that these estimates are very close to the true values of the parameters.  相似文献   

In a production process, sequence of observations related to the quality of a process need not be independent. In such situations, control charts based on the assumption of independence of the observations are not appropriate. When the characteristic under study is qualitative, the Markovian model serves as a simple model to account for the dependency of the observations. In this article, we develop two attribute control charts for a Markovian dependent process: the first is based on controlling the error probabilities; the second is based on minimizing the average time to get a correct signal.

The charts are developed under uniform sampling. Under uniform sampling, the two consecutive samples are far enough apart, so that for all practical purposes, two consecutive samples can be considered as if they are being independent. Optimal values of the design parameters of both the control charts are obtained. A procedure to estimate the values of the in-control parameters is also described. The chart's performance is evaluated using the probability of detecting shift. When we implement the proposed charts for the data simulated under given manufacturing environments, the charts exhibit the desired properties of error probabilities and average time to signal.  相似文献   

New recursive algorithms for fast computation of the normalizing constant for the autologistic model on the lattice make feasible a sample-based maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of the autologistic parameters. We demonstrate by sampling from 12 simulated 420×420 binary lattices with square lattice plots of size 4×4, …, 7×7 and sample sizes between 20 and 600. Sample-based results are compared with ‘benchmark’ MCMC estimates derived from all binary observations on a lattice. Sample-based estimates are, on average, biased systematically by 3%–7%, a bias that can be reduced by more than half by a set of calibrating equations. MLE estimates of sampling variances are large and usually conservative. The variance of the parameter of spatial association is about 2–10 times higher than the variance of the parameter of abundance. Sample distributions of estimates were mostly non-normal. We conclude that sample-based MLE estimation of the autologistic parameters with an appropriate sample size and post-estimation calibration will furnish fully acceptable estimates. Equations for predicting the expected sampling variance are given.  相似文献   

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