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Books reviewed:
P. Dwyer, Welfare Rights and Responsibilities: Contesting Social Citizenship
C. Pierson and F. G. Castles (eds), The Welfare State Reader
P. Spicker, The Welfare State: A General Theory
Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Young Homeless People  相似文献   

Skala  Heinz  Pettit  Philip  Ferejohn  John 《Theory and Decision》1977,8(4):395-414
Theory and Decision -  相似文献   

Bunge  Mario  Bogdan  Radu J. 《Theory and Decision》1974,5(2):243-247
Theory and Decision -  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Bob Deacon with (Michelle Hulse and Paul Stubbs) Global Social Policy: International Organizations and the Future of Welfare
James Midgley Social Welfare in Global Context
John Carter Postmodernity and the Fragmentation of Welfare
Peter Leonard Postmodern Welfare: Reconstructing an Emancipatory Project
Robert E. Goodin The Theory of Institutional Design
A. Rogers and D. Pilgrim Mental Health Policy in Britain: A Critical Introduction
S. Goodwin Comparative Mental Health Policy: From Institutional to Community Care
D. Tomlinson and J. Carrier Asylum in the Community  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
C. Barnes, G. Mercer and T. Shakespeare, Exploring Disability: A Sociological Introduction
Richard Freeman, The Politics of Health in Europe
John J. Rodger, From a Welfare State to a Welfare Society: The Changing Context of Social Policy in a Postmodern Era  相似文献   


Ramsay MacMullen, Roman Social Relations 50 B.C. to A.D. 284 (1974), ix+212 (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, $8.95).

Georges Duby, The Early Growth of the European Economy: Warriors and Peasants from the Seventh to the Twelfth Centuries (1974), x+292 (Weidenfeld &; Nicolson, £4.00).

M. K. Ashby, The Changing English Village: A History of Bledington, Gloucestershire in Its Setting 1066–1914 (1974), xxiii+425 (The Roundwood Press, Kineton, £5.50).

Jan de Vries, The Dutch Rural Economy in the Golden Age 1500–1700 (1974)) xv+316 (Yale University Press, New Haven, £7.50).

Lawrence Stone, Family and Fortune: Studies in Aristocratic Finance in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (1973), xviii+315 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £4.50).

Roger Thompson, Women in Stuart England and America. A comparative study (1974), x+276 (Routledge &; Kegan Paul, £4.25).

Elizabeth Isichei, The Ibo People and the Europeans: The Genesis of a Relationshipto 1906 (1973), 207 (Faber &; Faber, £4.50).

Conjoacture Economique, structures sociales. Hommage &; Ernest Labrousse (1974), 547 (Mouton, Paris, 140 fr.).

Colin Lucas, The Structure of the Terror: the Example of Javogues and the Loire (1973), xvi+411 (Oxford University Press, £9.00).

Martha Vicinus, The Industrial Muse. A Study of Nineteenth Century British Working‐Class Literature (1975), x+357 (Croom Helm, £6.95).

David J. Pivar, Purity Crusade: Sexual Morality and Social Control, 1868–1900 (1973), x+308 (Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, £5.50).  相似文献   

《Theory and Decision》1977,8(3):305-313


Books reviewed:
Martin Bulmer and John Solomos, (eds.) Racism: Oxford Readers
Les Back and John Solomos, Theories of Race and Racism: A Reader
Max Travers, The British Immigration Courts: A Study of Law and Politics
K. Nelson and Joan Smith, Working Hard and Making Do: Surviving in Small Town America  相似文献   

ISSUES IN SOCIAL POLICY By Kathleen Jones, John Brown, Jonathon Bradshaw. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978, 176 pp., £5.95. UNIVERSALITY AND SELECTIVITY: STRATEGIES IN SOCIAL POLICY By Mike Reddin. National Economic and Social Council, Dublin. 1978, 115 pp., £1.00. THE POVERTY BUSINESS: BRITAIN AND AMERICA By Joan Higgins. Basil Blackwell, 1978, 162 pp., £7.85. ALTRUISM AND ECONOMY — A STUDY IN NON-SELFISH ECONOMICS By David Collard. Martin Robertson, 1978, x+221 pp., £9.50. ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF HEALTH SERVICES By A. J. Culyer and K. G. Wright. Martin Robertson, 1978, 190 pp., £9.85. HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE IN THE U.S.: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS By Vincent Navarro (editor) Baywood Publishing Company, 1977, 148 pp., no price given. SELF CARE IN HEALTH By John D. Williamson & Kate Danaher. Croom Helm, 19878, 216 pp., £8.95. THE PERSONAL AND THE POLITICAL By Paul Halmos. Hutchinson, 1978, 200 pp., £5.95. SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE UNDER CAPITALISM: A MARXIST APPROACH By Paul Corrigan and Peter Leonard. Macmillan, 1978, 161 pp., £6.95. SOCIAL WORK: REFORM OR REVOLUTION? By Colin Pritchard and Richard Taylor. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978, 162 pp., £5.95. IN WORLD'S APART: PROFESSIONALS AND THEIR CLIENTS IN THE WELFARE STATE By Tim Robinson. Bedford Square Press, 1978, 87 pp., £1.95. HOLES IN THE WELFARE NET By Maureen Oswin. Bedford Square Press, 1978, 168 pp., £2.95. SOCIAL WORK AND THE ‘UNDESERVING’ POOR By Robin Means. Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of Birmingham, 1977, 125 pp., £2.00. VIOLENCE AND THE FAMILY By J. P. Martin (ed.) John Wiley and Sons, 1978, 369 pp., £11.95. PARENTS AND CHILDREN IN THE INNER CITY By Harriet Wilson and G. W. Herbert. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978, x+248 pp., £5.90. HOUSING FOR SPECIAL GROUPS By United Nations Economic Commission (ed.) Pergamon Press, 1977, 182 pp., £19.50. NOT QUITE LIKE HOME: SMALL HOSTELS FOR ALCOHOLICS AND OTHERS By Shirley Otto and Jim Orford. John Wiley and Sons, 1978, 218 pp., £7.95. INSIDE THE SYSTEM: HOW AN ELECTRICITY BOARD DEALS WITH FUEL DEBTORS By J. L. Hesketh. Family Welfare Association of Manchester, 1978, 141 pp., £2.80. OLD AND COLD: HYPOTHERMIA AND SOCIAL POLICY By Malcolm Wicks. Heinemann, 1978, 208 pp., £8.00.  相似文献   


Books reviewed:
I an H olliday and P aul W ilding (eds.), Welfare Capitalism in East Asia: Social Policy in the Tiger Economies.
M. R amesh (ed.), Social Policy in East and Southeast Asia: Education, Health, Housing and Income Maintenance.
K wong-leung T ang and C hack-kie W ong (eds.), Poverty Monitoring and Alleviation in East Asia.
D ong-myeon S hin (ed.), Social and Economic Policies in Korea: Ideas, Networks and Linkages.
P. D wyer , Understanding Social Citizenship: Themes and Perspectives for Policy and Practice.
G. L ewis (eds.), Citizenship: Personal Lives and Social Policy.
S. B ecker and A. B ryman (eds.), Understanding Research for Social Policy and Practice: Themes, Methods and Approaches.
H artley D ean (ed.), The Ethics of Welfare: Human Rights, Dependency and Responsibility.
I an G ough and G eof W ood , with A rmando B arrientos , P hilippa B evan , P eter D avis and G raham R oom , Insecurity and Welfare Regimes in Asia, Africa and Latin America: Social Policy in Development Contexts.  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Pete Alcock, Social Policy in Britain
Pete Alcock, Angus Erskine and Margaret May, The Student's Companion to Social Policy
John Baldock, Nick Manning and Sarah Vickerstaff, Social Policy
Ken Blakemore, Social Policy: An Introduction
Nick Ellison and Chris Pierson, Developments in British Social Policy 2
Mark Bevir and Rod Rhodes, Interpreting British Governance
Marvin Rintala, Creating the National Health Service: Aneurin Bevan and the Medical Lords
Bob Jessop, The Future of the Capitalist State  相似文献   

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