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The relationship between research and policy making is complex and not always direct. This paper describes disability-related research for policy makers which is carried out at the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of York. A distinction between the ways in which research is formed and the ways in which it is informed is made. The informing of research influences how it is carried out; the research questions themselves, the choice of design and methods, the form of analysis, and the pattern of dissemination. The seminar series has helped SPRU reappraise its disability-related research. Disabled people must be able to influence the framing and elaboration of research questions more directly; there must be an increased commitment to employing and to training disabled researchers; dissemination must be wider; 'crucial gateways' to policy makers and practitioners have to be identified; and the debate on informal care must be moved further on.  相似文献   

As a college health educator, the author knows much about healthy behaviors. In spite of this, however, the author discusses finding herself struggling with the same problems of body image that her students express. With a variety of influences tied to negative body image, it is important that college health professionals create a plan of action for reducing the negative effects of such influences. The author proposes that health professionals take a more active role in combating body image problems by using 3 important strategies: incorporating body image into basic health curricula and classes, focusing research efforts on intervention, and exploring the use of advocacy to initiate change at the societal level.  相似文献   

After two-and-a-half decades as Editor of the Journal of Labor Research, I share some of my thinking about academic research in general and about journal editing, the review process, and the publishing game, in particular. This irreverent (and sometimes irrelevant) personal perspective should not be taken too seriously — indeed, journal editors should never take themselves too seriously.  相似文献   


THOMAS McKEOWN, The Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, London 1976 (180 pp.)  相似文献   

Exploring how text understanding evolves through interaction in a drama-text-based student theatre production, the present study takes its theoretical point of departure in sociocultural and dialogical approaches to meaning making and creativity. Video data from a Swedish upper secondary school allowed us to follow transitions of text understanding in the artistic shaping of characters from drama text to stage text. We analyze a special kind of communicative side project: short, recurrent student-initiated role-plays, embedded in teacher-led activities. The joint text understanding that was established in these side projects proved productive in the emergent shaping of the stage text.  相似文献   

As one who came early and has stayed late at the sociological party, I thought it would be appropriate to provide a brief inventory of my sins over more than 40 years as a sociologist of culture and religion. Where culture is concerned, my own changing perspectives parallel developments in the field itself, though I also confess to a few doubts and suspicions regarding culture's current revival. Turning to religion, I identify myself with both Durkheim and Weber if only as another scholar in the field who is religiously unmusical. I confess to wondering why so many of my colleagues have paid so little attention to religion. And having raised the question, I go on to suggest several answers and rebut all but the last with materials drawn from a recently completed study of world religions and worldly politics in some 14 countries around the globe.  相似文献   

To explore parents' emotional investment in and behaviors in response to youth sports, the author conducted a mixed-methods investigation to answer four research questions: (1)How do parents feel about their children's participation in organized youth team sports? (2) Which situations trigger which feelings? (3) How do parents' feelings influence their behaviors? (4) What parental characteristics (such as personal histories or demographics) are linked to different feelings and behaviors? The research indicated that many parents' feelings are triggered by their children's sports experiences and that adults must learn how to translate these feelings into productive behaviors.  相似文献   

This paper describes the child patient's communication to the clinician of cherished hopes and ambitions—the child's dreams. The clinician performs important holding functions by catching and keeping the child patient's dreams intact for him or her over time. The paper also demonstrates essential mirroring selfobject functions the clinician performs by recognizing and acknowledging the child's dreams in the therapeutic relationship. Dreams are understood as a component of development. The therapist's dreamcatcher role bolsters the child's tentative capacity to be interested in himself/herself and the outside world. Three clinical vignettes are used to highlight the role of the clinician in creating an empathic milieu by acknowledging, understanding, validating and preserving the dreams.  相似文献   


Drawing on Austin’s speech act theory and on related theories of performativity and positioning, this article analyses the public confessions during the 1990s by three prominent state actors in Turkey about their direct involvement in state crimes against Kurds and left-wing political opponents. All three cases received significant media attention at the time. The aim of the article is not only to shed new light on those specific confessions by the perpetrators within the Turkish context, but also to develop further theoretical insights into the phenomenon of public confessions as such. Whilst confessions of this kind are often welcomed and portrayed as truth-statements that are cathartic and enable society to move forward, this analysis demonstrates that the reality is often more complex as the confessions in question tend to go hand in hand with a disavowal of individual responsibility by the perpetrators involved.


Buying a Dream: Alternative Models of Demand for Lotto   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Existing lotto demand models utilize effective price, computed as the face value of a ticket minus the expected value of prize money per ticket, as their primary explanatory variable. By contrast, this article proposes a key role for consumption benefit or "fun" in the demand for gambling in general and lotto demand in particular. It develops an alternative model of lotto demand that focuses on the maximum possible prize. When this is tested against the traditional model using data from the U.K. National Lottery, we find that jackpot considerations exert an influence over and above that of variations in effective price.  相似文献   


Given the lack of appropriate theoretical analysis in past research on parenting, this article aims to offer solid theoretical explanation for the effectiveness of authoritative parenting over authoritarian parenting by introducing the behavioral-structural model based on the principle of cost equalization. The results of computer simulation using the new theoretical model demonstrate that authoritarian parenting leads to development of a competitive/hostile structure where the child's spontaneous initiation is discouraged and the overall support within the dyad decreases, whereas authoritative parenting leads to development of a cooperative/friendly structure where the child's spontaneous initiation is encouraged and the overall support within the dyad increases. Implications of child socialization in competitive versus cooperative structures as predicted by the new theoretical model are also discussed.  相似文献   

Authority figures may organize show trials featuring public confessions when they are faced with deep rooted contradictions within the social order and want to increase their legitimacy, delegitimize defendants, and justify increased social control in society. An analysis of the court report of the Moscow Show Trials found that these public confessions frame conflicts rooted in contradictions within the social order as acts of deviance that can be resolved with additional social control. The public confessions accomplished this using four main themes: establishing credibility, labeling the defendants as deviant, endorsing the power holder, and demonstrating closure.  相似文献   

This paper examines a random sample of undergraduate social work program catalogues and compares them with earlier surveys by Sherman Merle and Alfred Stamm to see what changes are taking place in the administrative and curricular relationship of social work to the social sciences. A tendency for programs to separate from social science departments, to increase social work requirements, and to teach more social science courses themselves was noted. Signs of lack of clear direction on the relationship of social work to the social sciences also were detected. The implication of these trends for the future of social work is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades or so, survey research findings on religious activities and beliefs have been confusing, with the results of researchers and private pollsters frequently differing from those of Statistics Canada. In this research note, the authors use four national omnibus surveys conducted in 2012 to explore the extent to which such differences are due to measurement variations. Finding few noteworthy differences, they proceed to focus on the samples being used, and draw on illustrative data from 2012 and 2015 to argue that the differences in findings may in large part be due to differences in samples. The resolution of sampling problems, they acknowledge, is extremely difficult, but nonetheless is a goal that has to be pursued.  相似文献   

Instruction can create zones of proximal development. One's interpretation of Vygotsky's ideas, however, would drive qualitatively different instructional strategies. A text mediational view (Wertsch & Bivens, 1992) supports the classroom as a place where the teacher orchestrates joint activities which promote dialogic texts, allowing students to use language as thinking devices to make connections between what they already know and new concepts. This study describes the author' s role in setting up such joint activities during the first few weeks of a year-long education class. An analysis of this video-taped course revealed two patterns in which the dialogic texts took place. The first pattern called 'shared knowledge scaffolding' involved individual student writing and small group discussion about what students already knew about the topic. Sharing similarities and differences in a whole class discussion, the students and teacher developed publicly shared composite theories regarding the topic. These early theories served as initial reference points as students looked for connections to new information generated during on going class activities. This pattern eventually disappeared as the semester progressed, but the resultant expanded knowledge base became "old" or "anchored" knowledge, which students could now use as mental hooks as they engaged in increasingly sophisticated activities involving application of course concepts in new contexts. The author argues that these two patterns, which underlie the joint activities, provided students with the means to achieve enhanced levels of intersubjectivity, thereby enabling students to increasingly assume responsibility for their learning.  相似文献   

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