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Want to motivate others? Establish meaningfulness and value to them of what they are supposed to do for you, and provide the tools they need to do it. Until they see the value to them, and that value outweighs their perceived risks or costs of doing it, you may get motion but you won't get motivated behaviors. Without motivated behaviors, you'll waste a lot of time trying to goad them on toward your goal, which they don't share. What we want is bilateral motivation toward a common goal. If we're smart, we don't want to be the only ones who are motivated, and others just move.  相似文献   

In clinical practice, technical skills often outweigh interpersonal and leadership skills as success factors--you can be a great doctor and a so-so person. But the reverse seems to be true in the physician executive role; it is precisely the intangible leadership skills that contribute to and determine potential success. And they can be tough to master, especially when you focus on them for the first time, partway through an already-successful career. Practicing leadership is like practicing medicine. It's not just a matter of learning some new things--if it were only that, physicians are known to be excellent learners. Nor is it just a matter of determination or application--this is not a battle that sweat and effort alone can win. Most physicians will want to "try on" the executive role before making strategic moves in that direction. But be clear about what you want to get out of any project or activity before you jump in. If you're seeking a management degree, the best approach is to tie together developing your technical and interpersonal skills, as well as the formal credentials.  相似文献   

On January 21, Richard Reece, MD, interviewed Charles E. Dwyer, PhD, to talk about solutions for changing the perceptions of today's beleaguered physicians. He discusses the state of affairs of physician executives in this turbulent industry and how they need to move beyond their thinking about organizations and their current responses to change. The key, Dwyer emphasizes, is influencing people to do what you want them to do. "If you want somebody to do something other than what they are doing now, then you must bring them to perceive that what you want them to do is better than what they are doing now in terms of what is important to them." He also explores how physicians can change their responses to the health care environment: "You can actually decide how you are going to respond conceptually, emotionally, and behaviorally to anything that happens in your life." Part 2 of this interview will appear in the upcoming May/June issue and will provide hands-on strategies for dealing with physician anger, fear, and resentment.  相似文献   

How can you change your negative thinking? This column describes a process that, on the surface, seems too simplistic to be beneficial, but that works: choose a few good words to repeat to yourself constantly, progress to better thoughts, and then improve what you say to others. If you want to be more satisfied with your work life and your personal life, you must change the internal dialogue in your head. If you have some version of negative internal chatter, you need to substitute positive statements. You need to say something different from what you have been saying every spare minute of the day. You must say it even if it is the biggest lie you have ever heard yourself think. You must say it for days or weeks before you notice a difference in your attitude, relationships, and health. Eventually, you will notice you feel better and people are behaving better.  相似文献   

How can you get the news that you want, when you want it, no matter where you are? The idea of customized news is indeed new. Instead of sitting passively in front of the TV or turning the pages of your newspaper, you can program your computer to search for the news that is of interest to you from myriad sources. The idea of getting the news as you like it is all a product of the wonderful world of cyberspace. Browse the Web and find out if these news services are right for you.  相似文献   

David White in The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of Soul in Corporate America explores ways for professionals to take their souls to work, instead of checking them at the door. "We simply spend too much time and have too much psychic and emotional energy invested in the workplace for us to declare it a spiritual desert bereft of life-giving water." Several ideas are presented to help physician executives preserve their souls in an increasingly corporatized U.S. health care system: (1) Figure out what you are meant to do as your life's calling; (2) know what you think and want; (3) share some of what you think at work, while being careful to not lose your job unless you choose to; (4) be a trustworthy listener and find one; (5) get yourself outside; (6) pay attention to your physical space; and (7) develop some new hobbies or refresh old ones. "One of the disciplines of building a rich soul life seems to be the simple act, on a daily basis, of remembering what is most important to us."  相似文献   

How can physician executives get the kind of management experience they need to move to the next level? Is the MBA the end all or can significant management experience and top assignments impress recruiters and CEOs? Here are some important questions to ask yourself about each job you have held as you prepare to move forward in your career: How did I improve the organization? How did I contribute to greater efficiency? How did I affect productivity? How did my work increase the bottom line? Thinking about these questions can help you put teeth in your résumé and get you where you want to go. When you can answer those questions from your own experience, you will have created a powerful career track record that is likely to impress the next CEO whose staff you want to join.  相似文献   

What is medical management? How do you learn about it? How do you get into it? Is there a future in it? Is medical management for you? Can you do it? What will it mean to your original plans for your life in medicine? Is it worth the sacrifice? Get comfortable. I have a story to tell you. It may help if you hear about medical management from a medical director who has preceded you. I doubt I can answer all your questions. I can, however, tell you about one physician's visions, expectations, decisions, experiences, and rewards from what can be loosely called "medical management." If you find something of help in your decision making in this account, my telling it is worthwhile.  相似文献   

The contrast in communication styles and values between Gen-Xers, now mostly in their mid to late twenties, and forty- and fifty-somethings is obvious. Gen-Xers are focused on the assignment and the deadline; their goal is to do good work in a timely manner. But they are highly skeptical that enthusiasm has any influence on the outcome. When we question them about their taciturn manner, they all give us the same two reasons: They really don't care one way or the other and they're convinced that what they say doesn't matter anyhow. This may frustrate a manager charged with getting the buy-in or enthusiastic participation from the troops, but it's a fact. There are, however, ways to get Xers to talk--provided you really want their ideas and opinions and you acknowledge that you hear what they say. Here are the best techniques from those who successfully manage large numbers of the young, including young physicians: (1) Focus on what matters; (2) don't ask if you're not going to act on the feedback; (3) personalize your request for information; and (4) always do a worst case scenario when you need the buy-in.  相似文献   

Are you planning on moving from full-time to part-time hours? You'll need a game plan to negotiate what you want, including establishing a timeline and agreeing on productivity expectations. If you can agree on a reasonable timeframe that doesn't inconvenience anyone or endanger important results or relationships, you have a high probability of getting your boss' okay. If you and the boss can't agree on what you must produce, don't consider part-time work unless you thrive on combat. Once you negotiate your new schedule, consider the issue of managing co-worker resentment. Here are the best hints for keeping co-worker envy and resentment at a manageable level: Don't be secretive; keep a low profile; attend all office frolics; and ask for a trial period.  相似文献   

Who gets fired in a boom job market? People are fired more often for things they failed to do than for mistakes they made. The new rules of engagement are: There is no probationary period; resistance to technology is a quick ticket out; a lack of emotional commitment to the role you're hired to play is usually fatal; personality defects that keep others from producing are not tolerated. The most common reason for being fired, however, is lack of fit. Whether you're laid off or fired, don't ask for explanations. The fact is, the people with the power to get rid of you don't want you to stay. What matters is maximizing what they'll do for you on departure. To get the most favorable terms with the least financial and ego damage, here's a game plan: (1) Get a favorable reference--in writing--from your boss; (2) gather work samples and good performance appraisals you've received; (3) negotiate for as much severance pay as possible; (4) negotiate for outplacement assistance; (5) gather contact names from co-workers; and (6) leave in style.  相似文献   

Whether you realize it or not, you are in the middle of a negotiation every time you are asked to do something. Negotiation skills are important for physician executives, both in their professional and personal lives. The Successful Physician Negotiator: How to Get What You Deserve provides useful examples of how to negotiate and helps you get in the proper mindset to get it done effectively. While the book explores the concept of cooperative negotiation, which is important if you want to have a long-term relationship with a person, it's also important to have other tactics. You need to understand your opponent by gathering information about his or her values and work situation. You can gather information when talking to your opponent, but you also need to do some "behind the scenes" preparation before the encounter begins. Other recommendations include: don't negotiate in your office, use time to your advantage, be able to keep silent when necessary, have options, be able to say no and walk away, keep your cool, and take notes.  相似文献   

Hiring medical professionals is an expensive process. It is important to conduct an effective interview to help you determine the qualifications of a candidate and to persuade the candidate to join your organization if that's what you decide you want.  相似文献   

How can you tell the difference between mere noise, and a profound change headed your way? Your gut instincts may not always be a reliable gauge. It takes a long time for most people to become an executive leader. If you are typical, you were raised and trained in a different era, with different expectations. You see things with different lenses. So what can you trust? You can trust first principles. Ask yourself what you know about the reasons that changes are happening in this environment. Then ask yourself about what is being proposed--how does it fit with the roots of the changes in health care and your organization? The three change filters presented here can help you to figure out if it's change or just noise. Ask yourself: (1) what are the changes occurring in the health care industry; (2) is your organization ready for change; and (3) how likely is it that your organization will easily adopt this particular change? These three filters together will help you decide what is a truly important change, how ready your organization is for change, and whether it will adapt to this change with ease or difficulty.  相似文献   

One of the first and often the most difficult tasks for job seekers is increasing their networks--the number of people they know. A large percentage of people get jobs because people knew them and thought they would be good at it. People must know who you are and what you do in order to recommend you for a job. Networking should be an ongoing process, so that when you need a new position, you have people you already know that you can contact.  相似文献   

When you are exploring your career and where you are headed, it is helpful to consider what aspects of your job turn you on, and of course, those that don't. Energizers are activities that excite and invigorate you or people who lift your heart and inspire you. De-energizers are activities or people who drain you, drag you down, depress you. Make lists of those things that energize and de-energize you either at work or in other situations. Try hard to do something to incorporate or change at least the first five on each list and see if you feel more job and life satisfaction. Responses from 30 participants of a recent Career Choices program are provided to help you get started.  相似文献   

What is the difference between strategic management and a typical strategic plan? It is simply not enough today to restate and refine current organizational strategy, when the environment is demanding innovation and the rules of the game are rapidly changing. What are the consequences for hospital administrators and boards that still believe that catering to medical specialists and inpatient facility improvement will suffice when the future will be driven by greater needs for outpatient and primary care provider services? Developing a plan based on outdated operations or assumptions may speed the organization's decline. Strategic management involves a process of thinking through a "vision" of what sort of organization you want and asking extremely difficult questions.  相似文献   

Physician: "Condyloma, Toxoplasmosis, Blepharoplasty, and Fibroadenoma." Technoguru: "Pardon?" Physician (referring to "PCDR, Physician's Computer Desk Reference): "Carrier Sense Multiple Access, Spread Spectrum, Application Programming Interface, and Clustered Indexes." Technoguru: "Oh, now you're talking! How many do you want?" Until such time as computer scientists holding degrees in medicine become de rigueur, there will inevitably be conversations such as these. A pediatrician friend once told me that he could teach me in 30 days what I would need to know to handle 95 percent of the cases he sees. To handle the other 5 percent would still require 8 years of postgraduate medical education. The corollary for the application of technology is that I can teach you how to use a personal computer, and even to do a little programming, but to build a robust, mission-critical system for a production health care environment, well, back to school you go.  相似文献   

How can physician executives create a vision, a strategy, in the face of such overwhelming forces for change? The answer has two pieces. The first is the Weather Channel: scanning the future for warning, for opportunities, for new business possibilities. The second leads us to such questions as: What is your situation? Financially? In market terms? It leads us, as well, back to the question: For you and your institution, what is your reason for being in this business? In other words, what is your foundation? If you can become clear about who you are and what you are here for in the long run, and match that with some sense of the technologies and the political and financial pressures headed your way, then you can begin to create a vision of a future that works for you. In the coming years, we will begin to create entire new ways of doing health care, new roles for hospitals, new types of medicine--and the time to begin the creation is now. If you wait until the hurricane hits, it will be too late.  相似文献   

The process of conceptualizing and implementing significant change in complex organizations can be aided greatly through ‘future state visioning’, a set of processes for determining what and where you want to be by a future date. After developing ideas about the nature of the future environment facing the organization and the stakeholders who will be significant at that time, executives can articulate the values and principles which should guide actions leading to the future state vision. Examples from three organizations are used to illustrate the steps for successful use of the future state visioning procedure.  相似文献   

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