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When the new semester started, 10,000 poverty- stricken, first-time pupils, from 128 schools in 14 provinces or municipalities, were given a meaningful present-- their first schoolbag. The program, entitled "My First Schoolbag," was launched on September 1 in Beijing Zhiquan School, a facility for the children of migrant workers. The program was sponsored by the China Children and Teenager Fund (CCTF) and CapitaMalls Asia (China). Some 10,000 schoolbags and stationery items were donated by CapitaMalls Asia (China), through CCTF, to Grade 1 students, most of whom were left-behind children, poverty- stricken children or children of migrant workers attending schools in Beijing, Chongqing, or one of 12 provinces. Fan Jiying, Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and Vice-Chairperson of CCTF, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.  相似文献   

Hundreds of migrant children, on behalf of all the children whose parents are migrant workers in Binhu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, were recently invited to visit Taihu Lake, a famous scenic spot of Wuxi. A campaign, entitled "Pal Plan," was launched to help migrant children in the district.  相似文献   

Concern for Children, a large-scale project, is now in full swing in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing. It aims at educating preschool children (aged from 3-6) and their parents, about issues as wide ranging as health, safety, education and self esteem. It is hoped the project will increase awareness about children's rights and help in the positive overall development of Chinese children. At a get-together observing this year's In-  相似文献   

In the six years that I have lived in Beijing as a migrant worker, I have experienced the ups and downs of reality. I am no longer the girl of six years ago who left home for the big city. As far as women migrant workers are concerned, I dare say that I could be considered a success story, because I have learned…  相似文献   

Students at a primary school, for migrant workers' children, in Yaohai District, Hefei, in East China's Anhui Province, learn how to make a dough figurine of Fuleco, the mascot of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, on June 18, 2014.  相似文献   

IN a Beijing hospital a group of young women from Heze, Shandong Province, work as temporary employees. When the Beijing No. 1 Hospital Attached to Beijing Medical Sciences University was recruiting oddjob helpers in their hometown, these young rural women grasped the opportunity.  相似文献   

IN July, 1993, an international seminar titled "Chinese Women and Development—Status, Health and Employment" was sponsored by the Women's Studies Center at Tianjin Normal University. More than 100 international and domestic specialists and workers who deal with women's issues attended. At the conference, the Women's Research Institute of the All-China Women's Federation disclosed the results of an investigation about the status of women in China, which was launched in the early 1990s on a nationwide scale. The results showed that China's economic reform has greatly affected women. As a result, many researchers who began their research by considering China's present economic situation, tried to determine the influences the state's  相似文献   

At the Age of 70     
AS the old saying goes, "Never too old to learn." But to learn an MBA course at the age of 70 is rare. Wang Wenhua is such a woman. When she became a student of Master of Business Administration at the University of International Business and Economics, she caused a sensation in the media in Beijing. Wang, former director of Beijing Fork Lift Plant had been retired 15 years by then. "I want to be sure about what a market economy is, not live ignorantly," Wang said. Working on an industrial front, she  相似文献   

WHEN the market economy took the place of the planned economy, Chinese society entered a stage of transformation. This transformation brought about the reform of the labor management system. And with it, the contradiction hidden within the old mode of "full employment for women" was exposed. Market competition is doomed to be a competition of talent. A considerable number of women factory workers who can't adapt to a competitive workforce have been sifted out. These women who had immersed themselves in their jobs for many years and had gotten used to connecting their individual lives with the destiny of the enterprise couldn't accept this reality. Chinese women have made tremendous efforts to leave their homes in favor of working in factories;  相似文献   

A team, composed of representatives of the Office of the National Working Colnmittee on Children and Women (NWCCW), the Office of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) in China. the UNICEF Geneva Office and the IKEA Foundation, on September 5 monitored Chongqing (a municipality in Southwest China)'s efforts to improve kindergarten education for migrant workers' children.  相似文献   

Working in the Village家门口儿当工人While transferring some rural laborers to cities, as migrant workers, the government of Huaxian County, Henan Province, has taken action to invite outside investments to help develop local enterprises.  相似文献   

IN April, the Beijing Education Commission, Beijing Women's Federation and the China Institute of Family Education jointly decided the theme of China's family education for 1997: Learn to care and teach good behavior. This theme reminds us of the requirement of young generations in many other countries: Learn to survive, learn to care. It reveals that learning to care about others is not only a problem faced by Chinese children, most of whom grow up as an only child, but is a common problem in children's education  相似文献   

Jinfan Beijing Opera Troupe was established, in 1994, by the Primary School affiliated with Beijing University. Its 60-plus members were chosen from the students in qrades 2 throuqh 6 durinq various activities, through which the school promoted Beijing opera. For the past few years, the members have been studying about the opera. Through various after-class activities, such as visits to professional Beijing opera troupes and attending opera-related lectures, the little "actors" and "actresses" have broadened their vision.  相似文献   

WITH the deepening of economic reform, an increasingly large surplus labor force is transforming urban areas. They are flocking to areas such as Guangdong Province, which has attracted the highest number of rural migrant workers in the country. In the first six months of 1996, its registered migrant labor force from other provinces reached 5.4 million; in Zhongshan City alone, it numbers more than 400,000, among whom 240,000 are women.  相似文献   

ON June 26, 1996, Women of China held festivities in the International Hotel of Beijing to celebrate the 40th birthday of this English monthly. Chen Muhua, Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation, Lei Jieqiong, Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the NPC, Ma Yuzhen, Deputy Minister of the Information Office of the State Council and more than 200 female celebrities from all walks of life, as well as some foreign experts in Beijing were present at the celebration. With beautiful pictures and comprehensive reporting, Women of China started publication in 1956, aiming to introduce China and the situation of Chinese women to the outside world. China's only English-language women's magazine, Women of China consistantly gives comprehensive coverage of issues of concern to the international community. Its writers focus on the empowerment of women, Chinese women's advancement in the market economy, women lifting them  相似文献   

AS a doctor in the management of maternity and children's hygiene in the Tibet Autonomous Region for nearly 20 years, I would like to present a brief introduction of the situation of Tibetan women and children's health, as well as the related services. Prior the Liberation in Tibet, this region coveting over 1.2 million square kilometers, had few health care facilities for women and children. Such activities were carried out by three Tibetan medical institutions, a small number of folk doctors of Tibetan medicine, and a few private clinics. Under the feudal serf system in Tibet, women who gave birth were discriminated against because it was considered an obscene act. Women could not give birth in their tent homes, but were instead forced to seek shelter in cow stalls or sheepfolds no matter how severe the weather. Women and children at the time had no rights to health care. Countless women and children died of birthing complications or  相似文献   

AT the Huairou NGO Forum on Women, participants in the Workshop on Women's Higher Education in China were inspired by Chinese speakers to give voice to their own ideas. The line for speaking grew so long as to require Qi Wenying, Workshop Chairwoman and Professor from Beijing University, to announce a new time limit of one  相似文献   

ALL parents hope their children will grow up healthy and clever. To provide children with good health care and education early on and to mold them into talented people who will be able to contribute toward the next century is the mission of China's development program for children. In order to implement the "National Program of Action for Child Development in China in the 1990s," to mobilize all walks of life to become concerned with the health of mothers and children and the fate of the next generation, as well as to improve the quality  相似文献   

Daur Toy     
FOR generations, girls of the Daur ethnicity from northern China have learned the art of making hanicas, or paper figurines, from their mothers and grandmothers. A hanica can be as simple as a paper-and-stick figurine, or as complicated as a heavily-ornamented figurine made of animal skin. When looking at the charming dolls, it is not difficult to understand the joy that this simple toy brought to young Daur girls in the olden days, before electronic toys were ever heard of; gathering on the heated kang (a brick bed) to play with their hanicas, children could quite easily forget about the cold weather outside.  相似文献   

IN order to understand the family situation of Beijingers, the Research Office of Family and Marriage under the Research Department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences conducted a large-scale random survey. It was conducted in eight urban and rural areas of Beijing, where researchers collected information on 1,920 cases from 48 neighborhood committees of 16 residential districts. The interviewers devised a way to interview people in their homes and had them fill out forms at the same time. These very typical examples reflect the changing views Beijingers have about family life during the process of urbanization and industrialization in recent years.  相似文献   

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