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李兰军  刘玉安 《现代交际》2010,(12):141-141,140
建设科学合理的能源资源利用体系,与我国农村经济发展可利用资源能源贮量相协调;合理利用能源资源,必须在科学发展观指导下确立适宜的实施路径;合理利用资源能源是实现我国农村经济可持续发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

能源是经济发展不可替代的动力基础,能源的开发和利用情况,在很大程度上反映了一个国家的经济发展和科学技术水平。 近年来,随着世界科学技术的迅速发展和人口的急骤增长,人类消耗资源越来越多,能耗量每年递增5%,10余年增长了一倍。预计到21世纪初,世界的能耗量将比现在增长2~3倍。而对能源问题日趋严重的局面,联合国国际能源协会号召世界各国,除更有效地利用现有能源外,要积极探索和开发利用新能源、替代能源和再生能源。在这方面,阿拉伯各国所取得的成绩令世人瞩目。 阿拉伯国家根据各自的地理环境,开发和利用小水电、薪炭林、风能、太阳能、地热能、沼气等潜力极大的替代能源,促进工农业生产,发展国民经济,成为阿拉伯国家解决能源问题行之有效的途径之一。 在埃及,一户7口之家,用两头奶牛的粪便和作物秸杆可日产沼气3~6立方米,除满足家庭燃料用外,每年还可获得40~50立方米的有机肥料,可施肥25亩,为地处热带的阿拉伯各国乡村利用开发沼气资源树立了榜样。 风力资源,对于有些阿拉伯国家来说,得天独厚。摩洛哥大部分地区,都具备利用风力灌溉农田、发电的自然条件。一般在8平  相似文献   

余能是在一定经济技术条件下,在能源利用设备中没有被利用的能源,也就是多余、废弃的能源。它包括高温废气余热、冷却介质余热、废汽废水余热、高温产品和炉渣余热、化学反应余热、可燃废气废液和废料余热以及高压流体余压等7种。其中最主要的是余热。根据调查,各行业的余热总资源约占其燃料消耗总量的17%~67%,可回收利用的余热资源约为余热总资源的60%。一、余热的回收利用余热的利用途径很多。一般说来,综合利用余热最好;其次是直接利用;第三是间接利用(产生蒸汽、热水和热空气)。余热蒸汽的合理利用顺序是:1、动力供热联合使用;2、发电供热联合使用;  相似文献   

侯小菲 《城市》2019,(3):27-40
长期以来,尽管我国的经济发展取得了巨大成绩,但在粗放型经济增长模式和产业结构背景下,也催生出生态环境恶化、资源利用不够集约等问题。为贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享五大发展理念,实现产业结构的生态化则是大势所趋。笔者以天津为例,考察了其产业结构生态化的实现与能源消费的主要关系。一是分析了能源消费结构与产业发展之间的关系,通过模型拟合发现煤炭消费比重与产业结构演进系数之间存在着倒U型关系特征,符合环境库兹涅茨曲线的描述;二是利用迪氏对数平均指数(LMDI)分解方法将能源消费增长分解为规模效应、技术效应和结构效应,从产业部门的视角分析天津能源消费的驱动因素。研究结果表明:规模效应为主导因素;结构效应在大多数年份为降低能源消费保持了贡献,但与总体变化的相关度远远低于规模效应,技术效应则是减少能源消费的核心驱动力量。  相似文献   

王浩 《城市》2009,(5):68-71
能源是现代城市赖以发展的基础.我们必须协调好经济快速发展和环境、资源、能源等约束条件间的矛盾。天津市是一座典型的能源输入型城市.坚持能源开发和节约并重.以提高能源利用效率为核心,以调整经济结构、转变增长方式、加快技术进步为根本,加快建设节能型社会.以能源的高效利用促进经济社会的可持续发展.构建低投入、高产出、低消耗、少排放、能循环、可持续的经济发展模式是天津市能源利用的根本出路。  相似文献   

中东油气与中国石油发展的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前国际环境下,中国的石油安全战略应是开放和外向型的,其核心思想是“保内争外”,即中国政府应进一步加强对中国石油企业参与国际能源合作的宏观指导和支持;中国石油企业应加强国内油气资源的可持续开发和利用,坚持开展国际能源合作,直面国际博弈。中东国家油气资源丰富,且与中国关系友好,应是中国石油企业对外开展能源合作的首选地区。  相似文献   

在当前国际环境下,中国的石油安全战略应是开放和外向型的,其核心思想是“保内争外”,即中国政府应进一步加强对中国石油企业参与国际能源合作的宏观指导和支持;中国石油企业应加强国内油气资源的可持续开发和利用,坚持开展国际能源合作,直面国际博弈。中东国家油气资源丰富,且与中国关系友好,应是中国石油企业对外开展能源合作的首选地区。  相似文献   

王双 《城市》2013,(7):41-46
目前,天津市能源利用总量增长较快,能源供给已无法满足需求,且能源消耗主要集中在第二产业,尤其是高耗能、高污染的重化工业和制造业,由此导致了能源利用结构不合理、能源效率提升有限等问题。未来如何解决能源供需矛盾以及进一步优化能源利用结构仍面临较为严峻的形势。笔者通过分析天津市能源利用结构的变动趋势,总结  相似文献   

在上海经济持续发展的同时,必然带来能源消耗和污染排放的增加。在资源和环境的硬约束条件下,通过进一步调整产业结构,保证经济持续稳定增长,是我们面临的最紧迫的难题。首先,要提高能源保障能力,不断优化能源结构,加快提升能源技术研发能力和产业能级。其次,要加快调整能源结构。再次,加快突破提升能源产业。要以新能源技术为突破口,加速新能源技术创新,要使新能源利用更安全、更经济,为上海清洁能源利用和产业结构升级带来了历史性机遇。  相似文献   

西气东输与加快上海城市燃气发展的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西气东输工程就是将我国新疆塔里木和陕甘宁的天然气通过管道输往急需清洁能源的东部地区,以满足东部地区对天然气能源的迫切需要。该文论述了西气东输与加快上海城市燃气发展的几点思考:资源开发与市场开发与长输管线同步建设、天然气价格对市场的影响、天然气高压管线的安全运行与维护、天然气与城市燃气的调峰问题、天然气的互换问题以及燃气行业与政府监管等问题。  相似文献   

Renewable energy can represent a solution to a series of issues including the scarcity of fossil resources, their growing cost, their impact on the environment in terms of greenhouse emissions and climate change. Renewable energy, in particular, could represent an aid to face the problems of isolation and resulting economic and social disadvantages in rural and remote areas of developed but, over all, developing countries, where their use can be a solution to provide electricity and services to resident populations in a sustainable way (both from an economic and environmental point of view) and so could contribute to improve the standards and quality of life in these areas. Wind energy, in particular, has confirmed its worldwide success story as the most dynamically growing energy source. This makes interesting a deepening of benefits but also of criticalities which characterise this kind of energy resource, having in mind that recent studies have foreseen that wind energy would conquer a 50% market share of new power plant installations worldwide by 2019.  相似文献   

Focusing on the problem of the so‐called exploitative or pillage economy (Raubwirtschaft in German), the article explores the potential and the limitations of sociology as a method of environmental research. The term ‘exploitative economy’ designates the over‐exploitation of nature and natural resources by industrial societies, in disregard of the interests of future life and future needs. Traditional sociology has responded inadequately to environmental problems, and attempts to develop a new, environmental sociology have remained sporadic and marginal. The present article has addressed the problem of exploitative economy in the context of the tradition of historical sociology and suggested that this tradition would gain from environmental sociology, environmental history, and institutional environmental economics, with their new views of economic and industrial development.  相似文献   

Within the developing field of environmental sociology the use of social constructionist approaches has often been criticised for detracting attention from the severity of environmental problems and for failing to contribute to attempts to manage them. While there are is a number of published social constructionist analyses of how various environmental problems have come to prominence, few of these address the criticisms which have been levelled at the approach. This paper attempts to contribute to this gap in the literature by providing a reflective case study of the use of social constructionism to analyse a specific environmental problem - the noise generated by a new road. The case study discussed is of the A27 road between Havant and Chichester. The results illustrate that treating environmental problems as socially constructed is often the most valid approach given that the existence and character of these problems, as well as how best to address them, are often contested. In addition it is suggested that the results of social constructionist analyses can make a practical contribution to the management of environmental disputes.  相似文献   

In spite of remarkable advances in science and technology, humankind is beset with a number of serious problems. These are not just problems that 'won't go away'; they are problems that are worsening considerably. These problems include the growing gap between rich and poor, between those who have too much and those who have too little, as well as a broad range of environmental issues that may have major consequences but, at the same time, are little understood. This essay explores the idea of 'civic intelligence'. What projects, perspectives, policy and technology might humankind develop that would help us collectively address these problems? This essay discusses six aspects of 'civic intelligence' (orientation, organization, engagement, intelligence, products and projects, and resources) as well as ways to make cultivating our 'civic intelligence' a practical - non-utopian - enterprise.  相似文献   

当前上海发展面临着国际经济形势不确定性加大、环境资源矛盾增强、结构性调整压力增大等国内外因素的倒逼,创新驱动和转型发展将成为上海推进新一轮改革的重要动力。因此,在2010年各项改革成果的基础上,上海要将2011年作为改革的攻坚年,充分发挥改革推动转型发展的重要作用,围绕转型发展中的突出矛盾和问题,聚焦重点领域和关键环节,加大改革力度,率先形成有利于科学发展和经济发展方式转变的体制机制,开创改革的新局面,为“十二五”的良好开局和新一轮改革奠定基础。  相似文献   

Climate change and the projected depletion of fossil energy resources pose multiple global challenges. Innovative technologies offer interesting possibilities to achieve more sustainable outcomes in the energy production sector. Local, decentralized alternatives have the potential to sustain livelihoods in rural areas. One example of such a venture has emerged around heating businesses in rural Finland, and is referred to as heat entrepreneurship. Heat entrepreneurship entails a system where a local forest owner, usually a farmer, provides heat to a small community or local building, such as a school. Heat is produced using local forest resources that would otherwise be unutilized. The purpose of this study is to examine heat entrepreneurship as a potential sustainable alternative for energy production and its multifunctionality. The data was collected by interviewing 15 heat entrepreneurs in the area of Central Finland. The study demonstrates how multifunctional farming-related energy production can provide more sustainable livelihoods for farmers by increasing social, economic and environmental sustainability. This is achieved by diversifying farmers' economic options, enhancing rural areas economically, increasing farmers' social networks and well-being and, to some extent, by boosting local environmental capital. However, the study also points to differences among the farmers and sustainability trade-offs, suggesting for the need to better acknowledge the local perceptions in policy-making.  相似文献   

Between the 19th and the mid‐20th century, the environmental movement transformed American culture, forcing a rethinking of the “Manifest Destiny” ideology that had long dominated political thinking toward an understanding of the need to protect and restore the balance between humans and nature. In 1900, there were only a few environmental movement organizations (EMOs), but by 2000, there were over 6,000 national and regional EMOs and over 20,000 local EMOs. What drove this phenomenal growth of EMOs? We examine a 100‐year time series of EMO founding, showing that, in addition to the “legitimation‐and‐competition” effects of organizational density, EMO founding is facilitated by the discourse‐creative activities of critical communities, objective threats in terms of air pollution, foundation giving, and powerful political allies in the presidency and Congress. Environmental discourses also legitimized and competed against one another, favoring “early risers” and preservationist discourse. Environmental mobilization needs to be understood in terms of the creation of new discursive frames that identify environmental problems, as well as objective environmental threats, resources, and political opportunities.  相似文献   

This study shows that greening the building envelope with vertical greening systems such as climbing plants or living wall systems provides ecological and environmental benefits. Contemporary architecture in fact is increasingly focusing on vertical greening systems as a means to restore the environmental integrity of urban areas, biodiversity and sustainability. Applying green façades, which is an established feature of contemporary urban design, can offer multiple environmental benefits on both new and existing buildings and can be a sustainable approach in terms of energy saving considering materials used, nutrients and water needed and efficient preservation of edifices. To provide a full perspective and a viable case study on vertical greening systems a process tree is developed throughout this research. Elaborating the process tree has proved to be a useful methodology to analyse main parameters as climate and building characteristics, avoid damages and maintenance problems caused by inappropriate design, and compare different elements such as technologies, materials, durability, dimensions, and plant species employed.  相似文献   

The field of environmental justice emerged at a crossroads of social movements, public policy, and academic research – what we call environmental justice praxis. Now, the field finds itself again at a crossroads as it expands to address new populations, problems, and places. In this article, we first outline the competing definitions of the problems of environmental inequality and environmental racism from the perspective of social movements, policy, and research. Second, we identify the expansion of the field in two key areas: new issues and constituencies and new places and sites of analysis – specifically the relationship between the local and the global. This expansion leads to increasingly sophisticated spatial methodologies and social theories to examine problems of environmental injustice. Finally, we identify three promising trends in the field: refining the mechanisms and processes of environmental injustice, a renewed focus on the state and the environment as key actors, and a revitalized focus on the interactive and continually evolving relationship between scholarship and social movements.  相似文献   

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