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王立 《唐都学刊》2003,19(1):11-16
东亚沿海有关海中大蛇怪兽传说,可以看出不仅是一个佛经母题文本承继性问题,还有着多种因素陆续起作用,如水文气象及仙话的民俗背景介入其中,从而构成了母题由地区向周边扩散的重要文化现象。  相似文献   

相对于宇宙而言,人类的存在不过是沧海一粟。根据大爆炸宇宙模型推算,宇宙年龄大约为200亿年。通过太空望远镜,我们惊艳于宇宙中瀚如烟海的星系、星球,而对于宇宙的发现,人类仅仅是刚刚起步罢了。正像霍金所说,应加大宇航投入,以迎来一个像哥伦布发现美洲一样的"宇宙大发现"时代。2月20日,美国航天局宣布,天文学家利用开普勒  相似文献   

正一位时尚大咖曾经说过:没有帽子,人类就没有文明。对于明星,特别是钟爱时尚的大咖们,帽子几乎可以说是必不可少的单品,在风大霾重的冬季,它更是既能挡风保护头发,也能表现个人的鲜明特色,帽子成就了时尚,时尚也成就了帽子。流行史——浮夸、简约各具风情帽子这种饰品可以说是在远古的远古以前就已经存在了,它不仅能保护头部,同时也象征了许多意义。在远古时代,人们还没有制作精美帽子的能力,  相似文献   

Summary Some people seek social work help with problems that have arisenin their relationships with others to whom they are very closeand by whom they feel betrayed, attacked or maltreated. Often,so great are the distress and force with which the problem isbrought, the social worker may find himself drawn to acceptas substantially accurate the client's view of the situationand to act accordingly. This article argues that such a lineof action may be misguided or even harmful, and that help canonly be effective in the situations described if it has as oneof its basic assumptions the notion that the picture conveyedof 'the absent third person' has more connection with the client'sown inner needs than with anyone else  相似文献   

The Changed Welfare Paradigm: The Individualization of The Social   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first part of this paper offers a cumulative review of the changes in global objectives and operating principles and their global consequences, characteristic of the shift from the ideal type of the modern welfare state to the neo-liberal or post-modern paradigm. The paper then spells out some of the implications of this shift for social security in the "transition countries" of Central and Eastern Europe. The tendencies (from marketization to the spread of means-testing) are similar to those in the West; but they are much more marked and there is much less political and popular resistance to these changes. One of the crucial ingredients of the shift is the undermining of the age-old solidarity between generations, a trend also strongly recommended by the supranational agencies. The "catch", or the "paradox of democracy" is that, for all the lack of resistance, people do not seem to approve of the rapid withdrawal of the state and the loss of their existential securities.  相似文献   

徐明 《学术交流》2002,(4):148-150
《资本论》是人类的百科全书,对马克思科学理论体系的方法论的发展及比较法的应用,是将教学与科研实践结合在一起的一次有益尝试,以达到教者、学者共同受益的目的。  相似文献   

《物权法》调整了可抵押财产的范围,建立了动产浮动抵押制度,确立了抵押合同的效力与抵押权的设立相分离的原则,完善了对承租人与抵押权人之间关系的调整。对于抵押财产的转让,《物权法》的规定更有利于抵押权人。《物权法》还首次对抵押权的顺位作出了规定。关于抵押权的实现,《物权法》的规定更注重当事人的意思自治,注意保护其他债权人的利益,简化抵押权实现的程序,降低抵押权实现的成本。  相似文献   

在平安夜的教堂里,虔诚地坐在座椅上,聆听牧师布道、唱诗班唱颂歌,那时心中感受一定是纯洁而神圣的.游走各国的名教堂,也许是在经受艺术的熏陶,也许是在接受宗教的洗礼,不管怎样,身处其中的那一刻,或许你会希冀自己的心从此尘埃涤净 科隆大教堂荡魂摄魄的尖塔 科隆大教堂是德国最大的教堂,它的全名是"查格特·彼得·玛丽亚大教堂",它以轻盈、雅致著称于世,是中世纪欧洲哥特式建筑艺术的代表作,也可以说是世界上最完美的哥特式教堂建筑.  相似文献   

Community acceptance of the mentally ill is fundamental to a successful change to community-based care, now being implemented in New South Wales. This policy was based on an inquiry that viewed acceptance optimistically and postulated that contact with the mentally ill would be a favourable influence. The applicability of this extension of the ‘contact hypothesis’ from its original racial context is tested in one area of Sydney. The results indicate that the type of contact arising from community mental health facilities is not an effective catalyst of relevant attitude change, and suggest particular difficulties among the lower two socioeconomic classes.  相似文献   

梅斌 《学术交流》2001,(6):135-138
明清时期是中国古典小说的鼎盛时期,创造了多种艺术技巧和艺术形式,塑造出许多不朽的人物形象.中国古典小说家在塑造人物形象,反映社会生活时,为了更好地突出人、景、情的和谐统一,形成了一套独具特色的塑造人物的技巧和方法,给读者留下了深刻的印象,为以后小说的发展奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Since 1979 British social policy has witnessed a marked abandonment of the post-war principles of “universalism” inspired by the Beveridge Report. A deliberately residualist approach has been adopted and narrower criteria of selection have variously been imposed in areas of social welfare provision. This paper represents an attempt to assess and evaluate this trend in one area of welfare provision — the school meals service — by developing a historical analysis of an earlier period (1918–1939) when a residual model of welfare firmly held sway. From an examination of historical evidence relating to the inter-war years, it is suggested that in important respects the present situation with regard to the provision of food for children while at school recreates many of the circumstances which pertained during that pre-war period. Then as now selectivity, “targeting”, and fierce Treasury restrictions upon public expenditure were very much the order of the day. In the light of the problems of administrative fragmentation, and of the failures, inconsistencies and injustices of those policies which characterized school meals provision during that earlier period, it is concluded that contemporary developments within this service are disquieting, and a close scrutiny of the nutritional and other consequences is essential.  相似文献   

To complete this special issue for the fiftieth anniversary of the Beveridge Plan, we felt it appropriate to reproduce an article written by the late Guy Perrin on the occasion of its fortieth. It seemed to us that his exemplary appraisal, as relevant today as it was then, amply merited republication, testifying as it does to the clearsightedness of its author. Publishing it also enables us to pay discreet homage to a colleague who will be much missed: we have no doubt, for example, that if he were still among us today he would use the Beveridge Report as a torch to illuminate for us the likely trends in social security over the next ten years. In this article, first published in 1983, Guy Perrin outlines the major principles governing the Beveridge Plan, namely those of universality, unity and what he calls integration. The many quotations and references afford an insight into the conditions under which the plan was written, enabling us to measure its impact both at the time of its publication and four decades later. It concludes by declaring that "the enduring topicality of Beveridge still exerts an impact today, in the sense that the time has come to stop following him and start imitating him". There lies a challenge which, today more than ever, is crucial for the future of social security in the world.  相似文献   

李星 《唐都学刊》2004,20(6):39-43
西部文学的概念出现在20世纪80年代初,生存的自然意识、信仰的宗教意识、自我定位的中心意识与边缘意识、精神上的英雄意识,构成了西部人与西部文学的精神特征,考察西部地理人文特点,可以预见,西部文学将实现它的新辉煌。  相似文献   

光阴似箭.一年一度的新春佳节,好像在散步般的不经意中,悄然来到眼前.岁月留痕.每当回忆过年的往事,我的心就泛起涟漪.  相似文献   

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