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In a content analysis of movie violence, we randomly selected twelve top-grossing American war films from four decades (1970 to 2002). We coded for implements of violence, length of violence, gore, and violence directed at noncombatants. We hypothesized that recently released war movies would be more violent than those released earlier. We found that films released since 1990 did contain more violence compared to others. Further, the intensity of gore increased in recently released movies.  相似文献   

This paper examines U.S. census data from 1960 to 1980 to assess the relative wages of WWII veteran and non-veteran men. Our analysis reveals that a significant portion wage gap between veterans and non-veterans (the “veteran wage premium”) is due primarily to differences in education, work experience and other socioeconomic characteristics. Our findings are consistent with the notion that greater human capital, due perhaps to the selection process for military service, or to the post-war benefits provided by the GI Bill, helped contribute to the remarkable post-war labor market success of American veterans. To a lesser extent, veterans may also have benefited from preferential labor market treatment, or from intangible aspects of military experience that enhanced their returns to earnings-related characteristics.  相似文献   

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in Manhattan and the revitalization of the Brooklyn Academy of Music in Brooklyn offer insights into the intersection of arts and urbanization after World War II. This intra-city comparison shows the aggrandizing pull of the international arena in the shaping of Lincoln Center and the arts it featured in contrast to the local focus and debate that transformed how BAM fit into its Brooklyn neighborhood. The performing arts, bound as they are to a moment fused in space and time, reveal the making of place within grandiose formal buildings as well as outside on the streets that surround them—and it is, perhaps, that tensile connection between stages and streets that informs the relevancy of both the institution and the arts it features. At a time when the suburbs pulled more and more people, the arts provided a counterforce in cities, as magnet and stimulus. The arts were used as compensation for the demolition and re-building of a neighborhood in urban renewal, but they also exposed the more complex social dynamics that underpinned the transformation of the mid-20th century American city from a segregated to a multi-faceted place.  相似文献   

杨晓杰 《探求》2009,(3):25-31
1931年的“9·18”事变,是日本向美英的亚洲霸权进行全面较量的起点,它揭开了第二次世界大战的序幕,同时也标志着远东战争策源地的形成。面对着日本的侵略和咄咄逼人的争霸行动,在当时已经具有强大国际影响力和综合国力的美英等国缘何对日本实行绥靖政策?研究并弄清这一问题,对于我们在冷战后的今天新的世界形势下,深入探讨战争与和平问题不无裨益。  相似文献   

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