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贪污罪共犯的问题一直是对于社会发展相当棘手的问题,尤其是不同主体的共同贪污犯罪行为的定性问题,学理界对于非特殊身份人员能否构成贪污罪共犯始终未达成统一意见。本文以我国刑法第382条第三款规定为基点,对于非特殊身份人员能否构成贪污罪共犯进行理论探讨,提出相关理论原由说明非特殊身份人员能构成贪污罪共犯。  相似文献   

现代企业、现代经济的全球竞争力,一靠技术,二靠资本,三靠产业链、供应链、价值链的全球化运作能力。产业链集群化、供应链系统化、价值链枢纽化,正是现代国际化大产业的核心竞争力之一。我国要加快提升产业链布局能力,提升产业链的安全性、整合力及控制力,就必须建立既自主可控又开放包容的第三条全球产业链。  相似文献   

在绝大多数中国妈妈眼里,李亦雯肯定是个真正的优等生。她是北京外国语大学德语系的优秀毕业生,毕业当年报考了牛津大学等12所世界名校,全部被录取,并拿到包括牛津在内6所大学的奖学全。最终她放弃牛津大学,接受欧盟提供的全额奖学金到维也纳大学学习全球经济,接着到联合国实习,再到伦敦政治经济学院学习经济史,以全A成绩毕业。李亦雯并不认为自己多么聪明,她讨厌"哈佛女孩"、"牛津男孩"之类的标签,她说自己只是个"为减肥发愁、渴望爱情"的普通女孩。不过,"我有个不普通的妈妈"。  相似文献   

沈进兵 《现代交际》2011,(11):110-110
中国的第三部门在迅速发展的同时,还面临着诸多制约因素。本文在研究我国第三部门现状的基础上,深入分析了当前我国第三部门发展的制约因素,并提出促进我国第三部门协调发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

目前我国企业的自营物流占整个物流市场规模的60%-70%左右.物流市场需求的匮乏使得我国物流业的发展内在动力不足.限制了物流业的发展。同时这也为我国第三方物流的发展给出了巨大的发展空间。中国目前与物流相关的总支出有19000亿人民币.物流成本占GDP的比重为20%左右,第三方物流市场的潜力很大。市场已经孕育了对第三方物流的巨大需求.为物流企业的发展提供了极好的市场机遇。  相似文献   

第三方检测是由处于买卖利益之外的第三方(如专职监督检验机构),以公正、权威的非当事人身份,根据有关法律、标准或合同进行商品检验活动的公正检验机构。中国的第三方检测机构由于起点低,起步晚。但是由于国内对外贸易的增长,独立的第三方检测企业的存在有着其自己特别的意义,既是政府监管的有效补充,帮助政府摆脱"信任危机",又能为产业转型升级提供支持,为产业的发展提供强有力的服务平台等。随着人们生活水平的提高以及国际贸易壁垒的加剧,我国第三方检测行业不断快速发展。  相似文献   

郝燕 《职业》2008,(36):84-84
<正>现代物流构成了现代企业价值链的基础活动,成为现代企业取得竞争优势的关键之一。作为现代物流的中坚,第三方物流在物流领域扮演的角色越来越突出。  相似文献   

丁航军 《职业》2008,(29):114-115
<正>某特种设备检验检测机构曾发生这样一件事:一锅炉检验员搭乘一家酸洗公司的车辆到一学校检验锅炉,在履行完职务工作,检验好锅炉后告知学校负责人锅炉需要清  相似文献   

自《婚姻法司法解释(三)》的颁布以来,关于我国夫妻财产制的争论不断涌现,该司法解释中第四条首次提出了有关婚姻关系存续期间夫妻财产分割的规定,打破了婚内夫妻共有财产只有在夫妻关系终止时才可分割的模式。但在适用该解释中却存在大量现实问题,本文分析了我国婚内财产分割的立法缺陷,从缺陷入手,谈了关于婚姻法解释三第四条的完善建议。  相似文献   

Becker/Mincer theory of home production was the first to systematically incorporate time in economic models, and the theory generated much empirical research in a wide variety of areas. However, the direct applications of Becker/Mincer home production theory in empirical research are scarce because of the innate immeasurability of commodities. In this paper, I recover unobservable commodities from the cost functions under certain assumptions about production technologies. Then, using the Philippine Bukidnon panel study of rural households, I test for the core of the Becker model: negative substitution effects between a time-intensive and a goods-intensive commodity arising from wage increases. The estimates of the structural form as well as the reduced form relative demand between childcare, which represents a time-intensive commodity, and meal consumption, which represents a goods-intensive commodity, support the major predictions of the model.
Yoo-Mi ChinEmail:

A general model of consumer demand for durable goods has recently been proposed by Pickering (1978,1981). Of particular note is the use of expectations of both personal financial and general economic conditions to capture the consumer's willingness to buy. However, it is argued first that these two expectations have Jointly interdependent rather than unique contributions to consumer confidence. In addition, it is proposed that the concept of expectations should be extended to specific product attributes as well. Pickering's model is subsequently revised to incorporate the conceptual modifications.  相似文献   

If social science is to contribute to an understanding of tax evasion behavior, it must develop accurate measures of evasion at the individual level, identify the variables associated with evasion, and construct compelling explanatory models. Toward this end, past research on tax evasion and noncompliance is reviewed with an emphasis on distinguishing between those variables that instigate the behavior and those that act as constraints against its occurence. The conclusions of this review suggest the potential value of a social psychological model of tax evasion behavior that specifies a set of situationally defined instigations and constraints and their logically analogous counterpart within the individual.  相似文献   

It is argued that models of the demand for consumer durables would be strengthened by the introduction of a behavioral element reflecting the nature of the decision making process within the individual household. A possible behavioural model is described. It is suggested that this would consist of the following elements: general economic confidence of the consumer (derived from personal expectations and attitudes to the general economic situation): general durable purchasing orientation (including willingness to devote resources to durable purchasesand house moving expectations); specific product choice considerations (including orders of acquisition of new durables: the implicit depreciation of existing equipment; perceptions of the characteristics of new products; purchase expectations). Such a model is more extensive than that normally described by others working in this field. The interaction between the different variables is discussed. It is shown that all these elements can be estimated through regular surveys and so the model can be made operational for forecasting purposes. However, it needs to be recognised that there are also unexpected even as which will affect the outcome in individual circumstances and the nature of these is also considered.  相似文献   

Many social scientists argue that the precarious future of post‐socialist societies is determined by cultural constraints to which the actors of transformation are exposed. In contrast to this approach, the paper focuses on those developmental obstacles which are inherent to the structure of post‐socialist societies. The analysis draws primarily on social systems theory, especially on the theory of functional differentiation. In the first part, the changing role of political actors is dealt with. The competitive nature of the democratic political process have forced the new and old political actors to adopt a pragmatic and professional attitude towards their activity. Not all of them, however, have been able to adapt to the new rules of the political game. Adaptation problems are mostly faced by those political actors who played a decisive role in the initial stages of democratization on the basis of their informal political influence. The second part of the paper focuses on the changes related to the societal functions of the democratic political system. Irrespective of the ambitions of political actors, democratic politics is inherently ‘unsuitable’ for the extensive regulation of society. A democratic political system presupposes a relatively high ability of other societal subsystems to rely on self‐regulation. The absence of this ability is an important source of systemic tensions in post‐socialist societies. These two sets of changes can be characterized as the double disenchantment of politics. Both on the systemic level and on the level of actors politics has lost many attributes of a ‘privileged’ societal activity. But the process of disenchantment can give rise to demands for a revival of the politics of ‘great deeds’.  相似文献   

A general theory of addictions is proposed, using the compulsive gambler as the prototype. Addiction is defined as a dependent state acquired over time to relieve stress. Two interrelated sets of factors predispose persons to addictions: an abnormal physiological resting state, and childhood experiences producing a deep sense of inadequacy. All addictions are hypothesized to follow a similar three-stage course. A matrix strategy is outlined to collect similar information from different kinds of addicts and normals. The ultimate objective is to identify high risk youth and prevent the development of addictions.  相似文献   

Words memorizing is the basis of second language learning. Most students have difficulties in reciting English words and teachers don't have an effective way to teach students how to memorize words. Cognitive views of learning theory focuses on the use of memory, thinking and reflection to obtain and maintain knowledge. This paper states a strategy in word memorizing based on the Cognitive views of learning theory, hoping to give some instructions to teachers and students.  相似文献   

Students of human sexuality have long tried to make sense of atypical masculinity, femininity, sexual object choice, gender identity, or clothing choice. In Part I of this paper, we propose a theory to organize and to make sensible most of the major facts about these gender transpositions—a periodic table model of the gender transpositions. People have neural substrates that have been subjected to particular combinations of two distinct biobehavioral processes: masculinization and defeminization. In our theory, we hypothesize that individuals exhibit behaviors reflecting particular degrees of masculinization and/or defeminization, at least probabilistically. Therefore, each sexological group is characterized by a distinct distribution of its members centered about one particular combination of the two. Many other facts about the gender transpositions, as well as about aspects of gender roles in typical men and women, then flow from the theory. We also consider the possible mechanisms of brain masculinization and defeminization—noting genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences.  相似文献   

刘升学  谭军红  徐华 《城市》2011,(3):6-12
在市场经济条件下,经济人、公司等经济主体在经济活动中的区位选择是经济发展的空间问题,这种区位选择的累积与延续所形成的经济发展与空间的关系就构成了经济发展的空间秩序,即经济空间秩序。对一个国家来说,国内区域间经济发展的空间关系就是区域经济空间秩序。在不同的区域空间范围内,区域经济空间秩序的状态是不同的。  相似文献   

陈畅  周威 《城市》2010,(2):56-59
商业街是一个城市体现经济繁荣、彰显商业文明的窗口,它浓缩了城市的历史文化,体现了城市的地域特征,反映了城市风貌、表达了城市精神。消费行为、购物方式、消费需求是商业街存在的基础,其变化迫使商业街的业态配置和空间环境必须作出相应的调整和提升。  相似文献   

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