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This paper reports formative qualitative findings from the Open Door Project (ODP), a unique program created by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Aging Project. Data were collected from Open Door Task Force members (N = 34). This includes 4 focus groups that were held with a total of 22 participants; and key informant interviews that were conducted with 12 participants from 10 different agencies. Findings revealed that agencies took significant steps to make important and long-lasting structural changes, including changing their diversity and personnel policies, and intake forms to be LGBT inclusive; implementing ongoing staff training initiatives on LGBT issues; and actively involving leadership, including senior managers, executive directors, vendors, and Councils on Aging, in helping to create and sustain organizational change. The ODP is an effective model to increase cultural competence in working with aging LGBT communities.  相似文献   

Gender, culture, and power issues are intrinsic to the etiology of infidelity, but the clinical literature offers little guidance on how to work with these concerns. The Relational Justice Approach (RJA) to infidelity (Williams, Family Process, 2011, 50, 516) uniquely places gender and power issues at the heart of clinical change; however, this approach has not been systematically studied. Therefore a qualitative task analysis was utilized to understand how change occurs in RJA. The findings indicated four necessary tasks: (a) creating an equitable foundation for healing, (b) creating space for alternate gender discourse, (c) pursuing relational responsibility of powerful partner, and (d) new experience of mutual support. Therapists' attention to power dynamics that organize couple relationships, leadership in intervening in power processes, and socio‐cultural attunement to gender discourses were foundational to this work. These findings help clarify the processes by which mutual healing from the trauma of infidelity may occur and offer empirically based actions that therapists can take to facilitate mutual support.  相似文献   

As more students with various visible and invisible disabilities enter higher education, the need increases for faculty development and educational advocacy to address the unique challenges these students present. This article focuses on maintaining a balance between educational integrity in social work programs and the needs and rights of students with disabilities. It encourages a proactive approach to meeting the needs of all students. Among the topics explored are defining essential standards, reasonable accommodation, testing, accommodating learning and hearing disabilities, and incorporating disability issues into courses.  相似文献   

The periodic health examination is a group of tasks carried out by physicians at regular intervals, but not always yearly. It is designed to determine either the risk of subsequent disease or to identify disease in its early, asymptomatic state. These tasks include immunizations, health promotion topics, and specific clinical screening maneuvers. This paper seeks to increase awareness of the extensive work being done by the Canadian Task Force on Health Care Screening and the Joint American Preventive Services Task Force in setting standards for the periodic health exam. The exam can be reviewed in the office and urgent-care setting or promoted in health education activities. Knowledge of the new standards for the periodic health exam can help in setting priorities for preventive activities in student health services. Implementation in the college-aged group will require cost considerations.  相似文献   

以生命历程理论为基础,运用叙事研究的方法对上海S大学7位退伍复学大学生进行了深入访谈,从他们的生命故事中发掘参军这一生命事件对其大学期间生命历程的影响。研究发现,受访者复学后的生命轨迹形式呈现出较明显的差异,在内容上表现出甜蜜期、风暴期、调控期和分化期的特点。造成此差异的原因,一方面是由于从军营到校园的时空转变引发了退伍复学大学生生命历程的分化;从强社会需求到弱社会需求的转变中,个人能动性具有有限的中介效应;关系网络对退伍复学大学生的生命历程具有调节作用;参军的时间和时机选择具有累积效应。研究结果丰富了生命历程理论的内容,也增强了该理论的适用性。  相似文献   

The present study examined what kinds of patterns of task‐values adolescents show, and whether these patterns predict their educational and occupational expectations and school track. Six hundred and fourteen adolescents were examined twice before their transition to secondary education and once thereafter. The clustering‐by‐cases analyses identified 6 groups: (1) those who placed a high value on all school subjects, (2) those who did not value any of the subjects, (3) those who valued Finnish and social sciences, (4) those who valued in particular practical and art subjects, (5) those who valued only practical and art subjects, and (6) those who especially valued mathematics and science. The patterns of task‐values also predicted adolescents' occupational and educational expectations.  相似文献   

Social workers are being asked to respond to the rapidly increasing number of individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). However, the curricula in schools of social work have limited content on disabilities. This article describes a course which prepares social work students for work with individuals with ASD through an empowerment approach in an ever-changing socio-cultural and political environment. This approach changes the focus of disabilities from a narrow perspective on particular services and rehabilitation to a broader concern with human rights, social inclusion and quality of life. The article describes the development of the course in collaboration with a university disability program, the areas of emphasis for the course (family focused, interdisciplinary, lifespan) and the multiple modes of delivery. The implications of teaching the course as an elective or as integrating it further into the curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

Within the last decade there has been an increased interest in teaching students about social work values and ethical issues in the classroom, as well as in field placements. Since students learn not only from what they are taught, but also through what they observe, the social work educator becomes an important role model for the student in learning about how social work values are operationalized. Just as traditional social work values of autonomy, self-determination, and confidentiality face many challenges in agency practice, the current cultural diversity of social work students calls for a reexamination of these values, if the social work educator hopes to effectively model ethical behavior. Above all, in the classroom and in academic program planning, social work educators must practice anti-discrimination behavior and gaurd against paternalistic attitudes toward students in order to educate ethically culturally diverse students.  相似文献   

志愿者行为动机是洞悉志愿行为的重要因素,从志愿者行为动机功能理论的角度对大学生的志愿行为动机的调查发现:大学生志愿者活动的任务特征确实可由大学生某些被满足的志愿行为动机来体现;大学生志愿者会偏向性选择与其志愿动机相匹配的志愿活动任务类型。为了更好地组织和管理大学生志愿者,高校志愿者机构可尝试实行"预调研制"及"菜单式,,的志愿活动任务展示方式。  相似文献   


This chapter describes the development of a Web-based undergraduate child welfare course for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal learners. Rather than simply incorporate an Aboriginal perspective into Eurocentric pedagogies and course structures, the authors disrupt the dominance of Western ways of knowing in education by designing the course to situate Western knowledge as a way of knowing rather than the way of knowing and the frame from which all other perspectives are understood. In this research the authors describe the differences between Aboriginal and European thought and reveal how Web-based courses can be designed in ways that do not perpetuate Eurocentrism.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(1-2):265-270
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Task-based teaching approach is widely accepted and used by many English teacher of China.This paper is aimed to talk about the appearance of task-based teaching approach and the influence of it both abroad and home.  相似文献   

Attitudes of US-based students in graduate-level social work master's in social work (MSW) toward required research courses often appear ambivalent, but developing an effective pedagogical approach to research could have lasting implications on students, educators, and the field. This article uses Bandura's social learning theory (SLT) to provide a framework for successfully engaging MSW students in the content of an introductory research class. This article outlines the thinking behind and the strategies used to engage students in the course content.  相似文献   

Social work educators are increasingly challenged to train future social workers who can both value research and believe in themselves as capable researchers. One way to achieve this is the teaching of a specific social work research course at a basic qualification level. At Otago University, such a course was introduced in late 2005, and early 2006, for both on-campus and distance (off-campus) students. This Ideas in Action piece reveals the thinking behind and strategies used to help future social workers overcome their reluctance about social work research and enable them to take practice-related research skills into their future work.  相似文献   

Research has shown that having children reduces women's employment; yet how this effect differs for racial minorities has received less attention. Using random effects models and data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (N = 4,526), this study investigates the association between motherhood and employment among Whites, Hispanics, and Blacks over women's entire reproductive span. Results indicate that having children reduces labor force participation primarily by deterring full‐time employment. This effect is stronger and lasts longer among Whites, smaller and shorter among Hispanics, and brief among Blacks. Motherhood reduces part‐time employment for young mothers, but temporarily increases it for older mothers. Early childbearing partly explains Black and Hispanic women's low employment rates at young ages; interestingly, the evidence indicates that their employment prospects would benefit the most from delaying childbearing. This study highlights the relevance of intersectionality and the life course perspective for investigating inequality in the labor market.  相似文献   

This article presents a therapeutic procedure designed to prescribe, in metaphorical form, the family's troublesome behavior pattern. Particular attention is paid to using a compliment to precede delivering a task assignment as a method of increasing the likelihood that the family will perform the task, and thus change will be promoted. A case example is used to illustrate the use of this procedure to help make change less painful.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper reviews and describes the various results of the life course approach in Japan in the decade since its introduction. During the latter half of the 1960s and the early part of the 1970s young researchers of the postwar generation were searching for a new perspective with which to describe and explain the world. It was at this time that the life course approach was developed in the American academic community among several interrelated disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, and history. In this preliminary phase the FLC research group, organized and administered by Kiyomi Morioka, played a significant role. Since its dissolution, many former members have continued to introduce the life course approach to other researchers, and much work has been done.  相似文献   

张虹 《职业时空》2013,(2):98-103
将任务教学法和案例引入商务英语教学,根据案例设计有效任务,任务借助案例展开。学生在案例引导下,查找资料和分析任务,在完成任务的过程中主动学习和探索。任务完成后,给出案例中公认的最佳解决方案和权威性解决方案加以检验和比较,让学生对任务实施的结果产生身临其境的真实感,达到立竿见影的效果,从而增强学生对所学商务和语言知识的感性认识,促进学以致用,以提高商务英语的教学效果。  相似文献   

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