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This article identifies the challenges to incorporating an anti-oppressive practice approach in the field of mental health, which has traditionally utilized a discourse and perspectives of a bio-medical model. Schools of Social Work often teach anti-oppressive and social justice approaches which make it difficult for students to link theory and practice in fields such as mental health. In this article, seven principles of practice are presented as a framework for working with people with disabling conditions of mental health. Specific strategies for implementing these principles are presented.  相似文献   


In the field of mental health, debates range along opposing axes with the protection of the public on one axis and the citizenship and human rights of the individual on the other. There is also considerable contestation for ideological and theoretical dominance about how mental distress should be viewed and responded to. Discourses alternatively emphasising protection, control and compulsion, and rights, citizenship autonomy and self-determination have added impetus when applied to children and young people. This is also a grouping denied a voice both in terms of individual treatment programmes and in the formulation of policy and practice. This article addresses the key debates and appraises the implications of changing policy and practice for children and young people experiencing mental distress in the UK. Although the discussion is located in a particular national context, the emergent themes have a much broader relevance for debates, policy and practice in the international arena.  相似文献   

Liberation theory from a Third World adult educator is seen as consistent with social work ideals and an avenue for social work education to travel in developing better learning and more motivated, knowledgeable, critical, responsible, and autonomous learners. Conscious choice can free professional education from its pedagogical overtones, recast it in an androgogical perspective, and help it produce learners who are creative subjects rather than receiving objects.  相似文献   


There is increasing interest in helping elders to remain independent in their homes. As the nation experiences the unprecedented growth among its oldest residents, public and private efforts are emerging to facilitate aging-in-place. However older people, particularly the oldest old, experience a myriad of issues impacting their health and ability to remain at home. This article presents the findings from a needs assessment of a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) (n?=?114) that revealed multiple health-related issues among older people residing in high-need neighborhoods. The study utilized a holistic perspective of health to measure physical, mental, and social well-being among the older residents. Implications for community-based health interventions to enhance aging-in-place are discussed.  相似文献   


Computer simulations for mental health education can be broadly categorized into five groups: (a) Interviewing Simulations, (b) Clinical Diagnosis/Treatment Decision-Making Simulations, (c) Case Management Simulations, (d) Organizational Management Simulations, and (e) Psychopathology Models. Applications from each group are described, and problems or issues associated with simulation in mental health education are discussed.  相似文献   

Adult mental health problems can impact on parents, and research highlights that their children are at higher risk of developing mental health problems. In extreme cases, mental health problems are associated with a risk of fatal child abuse. Despite this, there are few studies exploring clinical decision‐making by adult mental health professionals.
‘In extreme cases, mental health problems are associated with a risk of fatal child abuse’
This study used qualitative methods to explore Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) workers' experiences of decision‐making in the interface between mental health and child welfare. Workers were interviewed about their experiences of clinical decision‐making regarding child welfare. Interviews and accounts were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Influences on decision‐making were explored and triangulated with the accounts of Named Nurses for Child Protection. The findings revealed that CMHT participants were aware of their responsibilities towards children, but a complex synthesis of factors impacted on their sense‐making about risk and welfare. Three superordinate themes emerged: the tensions of working across systems; trying to balance the perceptions and feelings involved in sense‐making; and the role that interpersonal dynamics play in the understanding and management of risk. This paper focuses in particular on perceptions and feelings. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
‘A complex synthesis of factors impacted on their sense‐making about risk and welfare’

Citing Literature

Number of times cited according to CrossRef: 8

  • Natalie Elizabeth Anderson, Julia Slark, Merryn Gott, Unlocking intuition and expertise: using interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore clinical decision making, Journal of Research in Nursing, 10.1177/1744987118809528, 24 , 1-2, (88-101), (2019). Crossref
  • Phillip Tchernegovski, Andrea E. Reupert, Darryl J. Maybery, How do Australian adult mental health clinicians manage the challenges of working with parental mental illness? A phenomenological study, Child & Family Social Work, 10.1111/cfs.12426, 23 , 3, (381-389), (2017). Wiley Online Library
  • Maria Afzelius, Lars Plantin, Margareta Östman, Children of Parents With Serious Mental Illness: The Perspective of Social Workers, Practice, 10.1080/09503153.2016.1260705, 29 , 4, (293-310), (2016). Crossref
  • Louise Everitt, Caroline Homer, Jennifer Fenwick, Working with Vulnerable Pregnant Women Who Are At Risk of Having their Babies Removed by the Child Protection Agency in New South Wales, Australia, Child Abuse Review, 10.1002/car.2432, 26 , 5, (351-363), (2016). Wiley Online Library
  • Joe Duffy, Gavin Davidson, Damien Kavanagh, Applying the recovery approach to the interface between mental health and child protection services, Child Care in Practice, 10.1080/13575279.2015.1064358, 22 , 1, (35-49), (2015). Crossref
  • Peter Sidebotham, What did you do at Work Today, Daddy?, Child Abuse Review, 10.1002/car.2357, 23 , 5, (307-310), (2014). Wiley Online Library
  • Peter Sidebotham, Rethinking Filicide, Child Abuse Review, 10.1002/car.2303, 22 , 5, (305-310), (2013). Wiley Online Library
  • Jane V. Appleton, Peter Sidebotham, Child Protection and Mental Health, Child Abuse Review, 10.1002/car.2220, 21 , 3, (153-156), (2012). Wiley Online Library

Volume 21 , Issue 3 May/June 2012

Pages 173-189  相似文献   


This paper describes a two-tiered community intervention model in response to a call from the Center for Mental Health Services for the development of best-practice strategies for homeless mothers with mental health and/or substance use disorders and their children. This model incorporates best practice principles gained from previous research projects pitched at the system and client levels. The model has been conceptualized, presented, and funded by CMHS and is currently being implemented in a local community. This model is unique in that it develops an intervention that addresses both levels of service delivery (i.e., system and client) in a single project. Blending systems integration/wraparound service philosophy and consumer-driven/strength-based development approaches provides a model that encompasses interventions at the individual client level via supported case management, and improved coordination and collaboration at the service system level. While this model was developed for a specific community population, the approach is general inits applicability to other areas of practice.  相似文献   

This study investigated cross‐level mediational and moderational community and family influences on adolescent depressive symptoms. Using multilevel data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we predicted that structural community characteristics such as community poverty and ethnic heterogeneity would influence community social resources, which in turn would influence adolescent depressive symptoms. We further predicted that community social resources would influence adolescent depressive symptoms through family social resources. Findings also suggested that the influence of the parent‐child relationship on adolescent depressive symptoms is weaker in more adverse communities than in less adverse communities. The findings underscore the importance of placing family process models within the community context when adolescent outcomes are investigated.  相似文献   

A project aimed at training graduate social work students for child advocacy in Community Mental Health was developed and implemented through the cooperation of the School of Social Work, the Children's Treatment Center, and the Rock County Guidance Clinic. The training model was the practicum or field work experience approach. The training was concerned with providing students with knowledge and skills in child advocacy, for the treatment of severely disturbed children, and for providing services to a Black and disadvantaged population. The primary objectives were training professionals for the mental health field and to provide mental health services to children.  相似文献   

This paper is a reflection in action using personal examples of student feedback to guide teaching. In 2003, a post-graduate course was developed at Victoria University in New Zealand for occupational therapists and social workers employed in the mental health services. The aim of the programme is to provide opportunities for on-the-job learning while recruiting and retaining a skilled allied mental health workforce. The programme is publicly funded for students as part of a national workforce development strategy for mental health professionals. In this article, I reflect upon my first year as co-ordinator of the programme in 2007–2008. Due to my background as a social worker and my familiarity with social work theories of practice, I focus on my theories of teaching from a social work perspective while returning to reflect on themes for the student cohort as a whole. The programme is delivered using distance methods supported by nine days of on-site learning throughout the academic year. A problem-based learning (PBL) approach delivered on the Internet platform, ‘Blackboard’, enables students to study from their workplaces. The conceptual model of teaching evolved is a process of ‘creative attunement’ to the learner's world. I conclude by providing examples of the key elements of my teaching/learning model as a ‘work in progress’.  相似文献   

网络心理健康教育是21世纪心理健康教育的一场"革命".网络心理健康教育要体现一般心理健康教育的特点,彰显自身的个性,实现与非网络心理健康教育的优势互补,就应遵循防治性和发展性相结合、科学性和趣味性相结合、交互性和主体间性相结合、"助人自助"与"互助共进"相结合以及互补性与协同性相结合的五大原则.  相似文献   

The results of empirical research suggest that the ability to assess, regulate, and utilize emotions is important to the performance of health professionals. Nevertheless, few professional programs adequately address this matter in their curricula. The main objective of the present research was to examine whether emotional intelligence and empathy could be improved in the traditional classroom, employing experiential teaching modes. Pre- and post-questionnaires were used to assess the emotional competencies of 165 social work undergraduate students. The results indicated an increase in emotional intelligence at the end of a course for advanced-year students. Overall empathy had not increased for both first- and advanced-year students. Further findings indicated significant correlation between empathy and emotional intelligence at the end of a course for advanced-year students compared with an insignificant correlation at the beginning of the course, whereas for first-year students, findings were in the opposite direction. Future research should focus on strategies for the teaching and professional training of social workers that promote emotional competencies.  相似文献   

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