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The current study explored the relationships between three components of gender identity, peer support, math anxiety, and math outcomes in a sample of middle school students (N = 295). Separate path analyses were conducted for girls and boys. For boys, gender contentedness was related to higher math grades through a reduction in evaluation math anxiety. For girls, felt pressure was related to a reduction in self reported math grades through an increase in learning math anxiety. In addition, peer support in math was associated with lower learning math anxiety and higher math grades for girls, whereas peer support in math was not associated with math anxiety or math outcomes for boys. Implications for future research and education interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

Ethics Anxiety     
This case report, drawn from an American hospital, explores a phenomenon best described as ethics anxiety, a feeling of uncertainty as to what is ethically required or permitted, leading to clinical delay and confused decisions. In the specific clinical situation presented, the clinicians find themselves confronting, under severe time constraints, a complex, multidimensional problem with ethical and legal implications. The situation deteriorates as the clinicians find themselves unable to find what they perceive as the expert advice, either clinical or ethical, that would enable them to resolve the problem presented. In the discussion section of the case report, some attention is given to the role that the bioethics movement itself has had in creating these situations and undermining clinical decision‐making.  相似文献   

Individuals in pursuit of, or currently in, a romantic relationship typically communicate via technology, extending to sexting with one another. Sexting is commonly understood as the sending and receiving of sexually suggestive or sexually explicit photos, video, or text via cell phone or other technologies. The characteristics that fuel whether one engages in sexting are not well understood. In this study, 459 unmarried, heterosexual undergraduate students (female = 328; male = 131), aged 18 to 25 years, from three universities completed an online questionnaire about their behaviors with technology and romantic relationships. In general, low attachment avoidance and high fear of negative evaluation from the dating partner predicted sending a sexually suggestive photo or video, sending a photo or video in one’s underwear or lingerie, and sending a sexually suggestive text. High fear of negative evaluation predicted sending a nude photo or video as well as sending a text message propositioning sex. Low attachment avoidance, greater fear of negative evaluation, and greater social distress when dating were associated with sexting behaviors.  相似文献   

The role of family therapy in anxiety disorders is controversial. Empirical data exist only in relation to agoraphobia and obsessive compulsive disorders. Experienced clinicians, generally working with complex cases, regard marital and family conflict as central to many cases, which require a family approach for optimal therapy. In contrast, research workers generally regard marital and family factors as irrelevant to treatment. This is because complex cases are usually excluded from empirical research. This leaves mainly uncomplicated cases without significant family conflicts, for which a family approach is rarely necessary. Techniques for treating anxiety disorders in a marital/family setting are outlined.  相似文献   

This is a study of 309 Palestinian families comparing their current trauma with the trauma experienced by Israeli families during the Gulf War during the SCUD missile attacks. Both populations have experienced adaptations of trauma but the Palestinian fathers have generally been more effected than their counterpart Israeli fathers. There are less reported symptoms of trauma when the victims have an active role to resist trauma.  相似文献   


Using the HSCL-25, the lev els of anx i ety and de pression were mea sured for ref u gees from Viet nam, So ma lia, and the for mer Yugoslavia (N = 60) who were clients of a community social services agency. De pression and anx i ety lev els were high est among the Viet nanr ese cli ents, anx i ety lev els were high est among the Somalians, and both anxiety and depression level were lowest for former Yugoslavians. Based on gen der, anx i ety lev els were high for both the Viet nam ese and Somalian males, while de pression lev els were high est for the Viet nam ese males. Single fe males as a group ex ceeded the cut ting score at higher rates than single males; in con trast, mar ried males ex ceeded the cut ting score at a higher rate than mar ried fe males. A highly cor re lated re lation ship was dem on strated between anx i ety and de pression (£ = 0.70, p < 0.001). Using ANO VA, de pression sig nif i cantly differed be tween the ref u gee groups (p = 0.007); differ ences in anx i ety be tween ref u gee groups were not sta tis ti callysignificant.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that decoders (judges) accurately identified state anxiety in peers when provided with brief, single channel (audio-only, video-only) stimuli, and appropriately differentiated trait anxiety. Using a similar approach in the present study with decoders and encoders from three distinct age groups, we discovered that the ability to detect state anxiety transcended age. Children and young adults showed an ability to identify level of state anxiety in young adult and elder encoders. Young adults differentiated levels of state and trait anxiety in young adult and elder encoders. Discussion is focused on the adaptive and practical value of cross-generational identification of state anxiety and trait anxiety, and the difficulty of inferring personality traits in individuals from different peer groups.  相似文献   


The Surgeon General's first report on mental health identified depression and anxiety as significant mental health issues that disproportionately affect women. Research indicates that lesbians experience depression at rates that parallel those of the general female population, suggesting that depression is an important mental health issue for lesbians. Given the high rate of comorbidity between depression and anxiety disorders, it is likely that many depressed lesbians have struggled with problems related to anxiety as well. This paper reviews literature pertaining to lesbians and depression including incidence rates, risk factors, suicidality and treatment approaches, and stress and anxiety that may also contribute to the experience of depression among lesbians.  相似文献   

The Analysis of Verbal Behavior - The purposes of this study were to evaluate the effects of an auditory-distractor stimulus and vocal-blocking task on performance on a math task and measures of...  相似文献   

This study examines how student perceptions of teacher practices contribute to female high school students’ math beliefs and achievement. Guided by the expectancy–value framework, we hypothesized that students’ motivation beliefs and achievement outcomes in mathematics are fostered by teachers’ emphasis on the relevance of mathematics and constrained by gender‐based differential treatment. To examine these questions, structural equation modeling was applied to a longitudinal panel of 518 female students from the Maryland Adolescent Development in Context Study. While controlling for prior achievement and race, gendered differential treatment was negatively associated with math beliefs and achievement, whereas relevant math instruction was positively associated with these outcomes. These findings suggest inroads that may foster positive math motivational beliefs and achievement among young women.  相似文献   

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