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The recent explosion of proprietary social services suggests that growing numbers of social work students may be placed for field work in organizations whose primary goal is the realization of profits. Information on the extent to which social work programs collaborate with proprietary agencies for field education purposes is unavailable. This article describes the results of a national survey to determine the use patterns and policies of master of social work programs regarding field placements in for-profit settings. Findings indicate that social work education is incorporating proprietary sites for field training at an unparalleled rate. Proprietary sites used most often are hospitals, nursing homes, and outpatient health care agencies. Furthermore, the study links different policy positions on for-profit placements to geographical location. The author suggests, among other recommendations, that programs provide positive role models to help students apply professional values and ethics to problems resulting from proprietary influence upon practice.  相似文献   

It has been eight years since the Children and Youth Services Review first special issue on kinship care. That issue was prompted by the large increase in kinship care placements that occurred in the mid-to-later 1980s and the developing research base documenting the relatively new and often controversial practice. Eight years later, state child welfare agencies continue to rely significantly on kin to act as foster parents. Moreover, federal and state policies have added legitimacy and support for kinship care placements. However, when and how kin should be used as foster parents remains an issue of immense debate. This volume adds more fuel to the fire, providing much needed research to inform the debate, yet at the same time raising more questions than it answers.  相似文献   


Recent policy shifts in health care have created opportunities for social workers to provide services in integrated primary care and behavioral health settings. However, traditionally prepared social workers may not have the skill set necessary to meet practice demands. This article describes a behavioral health workforce initiative that trains master’s of social work students for work in integrated primary care settings with children, adolescents, and transition-age youths. The training model includes field placements in integrated care settings, co-curricular seminars, and advanced clinical electives. This article identifies challenges of creating new field placements and developing new curricula to support students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills required in integrated care settings. Additionally, it presents data on changes in students’ knowledge and confidence.  相似文献   

The Connecticut Department of Children and Families Title IV-E waiver demonstration evaluated whether the well-being of children approved for residential mental health services could be improved, and lengths of stay in restrictive placements reduced, by providing case rate payments to community agencies to provide continuum of care services. Children between ages 7 and 15 were randomly assigned to either the demonstration group (n = 78) or to usual state-supported services (n = 79). One-year outcome results indicated that in a situation that is less costly, improvement in outcomes occurred in less restrictive settings. Continuum of care services were more effective in 1) returning children to in-home placements, 2) reducing the length of stay in restrictive placements, and (3) utilizing higher levels of case management through coordination among agencies and family support services.  相似文献   

The prevention of foster care became an important issue for child welfare services during the 1970s. Two main types of prevention models have emerged: crisis intervention programs intended to prevent imminent placement and intensive service programs designed to avert those crisis situations that precipitate placement. A critical analysis of several project evaluations leads to the conclusion that neither model has been markedly successful. Low nominal project placement rates seem attributable to inability to predict placements and to client selection biases. From a strictly financial perspective, preventive services have been considerably more expensive than regular services, including temporary family foster care. Data from a new demonstration project in New Jersey illustrate various problems in providing and evaluating preventive services to families referred to protective service agencies. Implications of the findings for prevention programs and policies are discussed, and a new direction focused on truly early intervention with children and families is proposed.  相似文献   

The issue of transracial adoption has been a controversial issue in foster care and adoption placement decisions. In 1994, the 104th Congress passed the Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA), forbidding agencies receiving federal funds from solely considering race, culture, and ethnicity in making foster care and adoption placement decisions. Congress mandated that the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) develop policy guidelines for child placement agencies to follow. In April 1995, DHHS issued the guidelines that agencies were to follow. The authors of the paper discuss the MEPA, DHHS's policy guidelines for agencies and the guidelines' legal support, and the implications for social work practice in foster care and adoption placements.  相似文献   

About 400 children in need in Japan are placed in a “special adoption” each year. The modest numbers are partly the result of a cultural predisposition to think of adoption in terms of family lineage, which discourages the adoption of nonrelatives or children of “bad blood.” Special adoption is also limited by concerns over the confidentiality of family registers, by a heavy reliance on institutional care, and by a narrowly defined concept of an “ideal child.” The limited professional organization of adoption services in Japan makes national reform difficult. However, some adoption agencies have made local efforts to increase placements by avoiding institutional care or assisting in maintaining confidentiality. Potential parents have also been encouraged to extend their idea of an acceptable child in trial placements, and some children have been placed with mixed couples and foreign residents.  相似文献   

There is growing recognition in the nonprofit field that the executive director has a key role in determining whether the board of directors will function effectively. To aid executives in this vital role, two recent studies defined a "good board" from the point of view of two samples of executive directors of community agencies, then sought factors related to board performance as measured by this definition. In interviews, executives whose boards scored higher than their peers on this performance measurement related how they work with their boards in such areas as recruitment of new members, financial management, fundraising, and leadership development.  相似文献   


As more and more children are being separated from their biological parents because of AIDS, substance abuse, mental and physical illness, incarceration, and child abuse and neglect, child welfare agencies are relying more often on kinship care as a viable option for out-of-home placements. In many cases, kinship care falls on the grandparents. While keeping children within their families is generally viewed as preferable by child welfare agencies, it can be a burden on grandparent caregivers, who often exist on severely limited incomes and without much assistance or support from social service agencies. A research project was conducted which used both quantitative and qualitative data from research conducted by Jones and Gibbons (2000) on grandparent care, but this study focuses on the experiences of grandfathers who participated in the project and examines their outcomes in several different areas.  相似文献   

This article reports on a spring 1995 national survey of program deans and directors on liability issues in social work education. Areas explored included programs' use of field training agreements, legal actions involving students in field placements, and formal procedures for and litigation resulting from termination of students and faculty. Court decisions and accreditation standards are linked to the findings, and comparisons are drawn to a 1988 study. Program size, rather than level or location, was found to be the key factor in the formality and use of established procedures.  相似文献   


Social work educators and practitioners have long debated several issues confronting field instruction. For example, they have addressed the structure of field placement, school versus agency-based supervision, remuneration to agencies that accept student placements, and the use of employer agencies as field settings. Because problem-solving increasingly involves working with people in nations other than the United States, it is important to gain an international perspective on field instruction issues. To this end, an international study was conducted to examine social work field instruction and the educational context in which it occurs. This article reports the findings of that study, which involved 51 countries. The universality of field instruction as an integral part of educational program, is apparent, as are the similarity of issues, problems, and proposed solutions Moreover, the findings indicate areas in which social work education has greater international consistency than education for the professions within national and regional boundaries, whereas other areas are influenced more by national and regional factors than by a universal social work professional culture.  相似文献   

Foster parents with little preparation and short notices must often deal with severe emotional and behavioral difficulties of sexually abused children. This article reports on a survey of the services provided to foster parents who care for sexually abused children in a large city in the Northeast United States. Agency directors, social workers and foster parents were asked to respond to mailed questionnaires. The results indicated that foster parents consistently reported that they received less extensive educational and support services than were reported by social workers and directors of foster care agencies. All groups recommend further expansion of training programs for foster parents of sexually abused children.This paper was presented at the Temple University Chapter, Phi Delta Kappa, Philadelphia, PA, April 5, 1990.Ms. Egan is a Research Assistant; Ms. Cossett and Ms. Auletta were studients from Smith College School for Social Work.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the type of pre-discharge placement, kinship versus non-kinship foster care, has a net impact on children's likelihood of re-entering substitute care after controlling for possible selection biases through the use of regression adjustment and propensity score matching (PSM). Children in kin and non-kin foster care are compared on their rates of foster care re-entry, using bivariate comparisons and accelerated failure time (AFT) models. Lower rates of foster care re-entry after reunification from kinship homes are attributed to differences in child characteristics at removal, greater stability of kin placements, and gate-keeping functions that agencies and courts exercise over discharge and re-entry options. Children adopted from kinship and non-kinship homes exhibit similar re-entry rates, but the results for legal guardianship are mixed.  相似文献   

Protection of children and youths after placement must be given increased emphasis because deinstitutionalized care is itself not harm-free and also because the needs of many children for care, control, and treatment are likely to be met in residential facilities for the foreseeable future. However, the diverse and often incompatible views of advocates and providers of child care about the issues affecting the protection of residents in institutions loom as obstacles to planning for the protection of children and youths after placement. Both of the extreme views of institutional abuse and neglect issues deny the need for child protection after placement. The first holds that since the child or youth is being protected and/or treated, no ongoing child protection is necessary. The other view holds that any child protection effort short of closing residential facilities is futile and therefore without merit. Underreporting of abuse or neglect is widespread; accountability of facilities for the protection of residents is, as a result, unevenly established. These conditions are attributable in part to the inadequate statutory base for protecting children in institutions. At the same time, because of the lack of a planned approach to protection within facilities, and between facilities and child protection agencies, residential facilities are likely to suffer negative public exposure when moderate or serious incidents of maltreatment become public. The absence of procedures for facilities themselves to recognize abuse and neglect invites exposure of incidents by staff and residents. The ad hoc manner in which incidents are managed by external agencies often inflicts unwarranted costs on the reputations of residential facilities that in many cases may have only one or two serious incidents a year. Finally, the use of "last resort" placements may be putting some children and youths into situations of unacceptable risk. Despite the existence of differing views in the residential care field, we have identified areas of agreement between the child protection agencies and residential facilities upon which public policy might build. The problem may not be so much that these attitudes exist, as that the states have not responded in a planned and credible way to the problem of institutional abuse and neglect. Nevertheless, development of a planned and credible approach must deal with these areas of difference if protection of children after placement is to be improved.  相似文献   

The Vulnerable Infants Program of Rhode Island is a care coordination program to promote permanency for substance-exposed infants by addressing parental needs and increasing collaboration among social service agencies. Over the first four years of the program, there was a decrease in time spent in the newborn nursery beyond medical necessity and identification of permanent placements by 12 months for 84% of infants, with the majority of infants (78%) placed with biological parents or relatives.  相似文献   

This paper will look at new practice learning opportunities developed between the University of Birmingham and the West Midlands Police and Probation Services. The project was designed to expand placements in the West Midlands, to address in particular the short fall of final year placements and to offer students interested in the area of criminal justice and protection of vulnerable people the chance to have a different type of practice experience.

This paper aims to share the learning gained through an evaluation of the first year of this partnership (2009–2010). The paper will provide an overview of the scheme, outline the process of evaluation and will consider the learning gained from the police and probation schemes separately. The paper will draw on feedback gained through discussions in focus groups and questionnaires completed by work base supervisors, specialist social work practice assessors, practice tutors and students in each setting. The strengths and weaknesses of both schemes will be considered as will lessons for improving and building on the project for future years. The paper will also address questions about the relevance of working with non-traditional agencies particularly in light of the new statutory definition relating to final year social work placements.  相似文献   

This article addresses the ultimate risk in child placement, fatality, in the context of international adoption. It first reviews relevant literature, then profiles demographic and policy trends, followed by analysis of risk factors derived from public media reports related to the children, families, and placing agencies in 19 known cases of death of Russian children in U.S. adoptive homes since 1996. The article concludes that many of the child deaths involved recently placed boys, frequently age 3 or younger, most with special needs or challenging behaviors, and often placed along with siblings. Most of the children who died had multiple injuries characteristic of battered child syndrome. Parents were traditional couples under severe parenting stress who usually had other children, often including additional preschoolers and/or homeschoolers. Mothers frequently pled guilty to various charges, typically less serious than murder. In four situations, parents either were not charged or were found not guilty. Most placements involved agencies founded within 15 years before the child fatality, and several subsequently closed, three amid scandals unrelated to the deaths. The remaining agencies include well-regarded organizations, and five directors or representatives contributed their perspectives. This article identifies patterns and makes recommendations for practice, with the goal of reducing risk of harm to children placed internationally.  相似文献   


This study explores the degree that social service agencies are aware of the ADA, the degree that agencies perceive they comply with the ADA, and the barriers these agencies face in making their services accessible. The directors of 28 randomly selected rural social service agencies in a midwestern state completed semi-structured telephone interviews. Interviews explored respondents& knowledge of the ADA, barriers rural agencies face in providing accessible services, types of accommodations they have made and degree of fit between the ADA and rural agencies. The findings suggest that while the ADA is not a significant burden for rural agencies, there is a need for enhanced training and outreach.  相似文献   

《Adoption quarterly》2013,16(4):23-43

The number of domestic adoptions has remained relatively constant over the past 15 years, varying between 121,000 and 127,000, but placements have increasingly been completed by public agencies. Adoption of foreign-born children in the United States has nearly tripled in the past 20 years. Despite the increased national interest in adoption in the past decade and the efforts of many dedicated individuals and agencies, it is still difficult to determine the total number of adoptions in the United States. No one agency is charged with compiling adoption information on all adoptions in the United States, and the agencies that do have access to some types of adoption information have no mandate or incentive to compile that information so that it could be integrated with other sources of adoption information.  相似文献   

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