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城市公用事业的经济技术特征决定了其自然垄断的性质,由此产生了对它的政府管制。而城市公用事业的供给和需求的相互作用引起其自然垄断边界的变化,进一步,又会引起政府管制边界的变化,导致了政府放松管制和引入竞争。北京市燃气产业管制与竞争改革的思路是:非垄断业务的拆分和引入竞争,产权多元化与国有民营,政府管制体制的完善。  相似文献   

网络型公用事业与人们的日常生活密切相关,又具有一定自然垄断性,所以我国长期以来都把它当作公益性事业来经营,由政府统一集中管理,实行垄断经营.但理论与实践都表明,网络型公用事业迫切需要引入竞争机制,网络型公用事业民营化改革能提高产业运行效率.改善经营绩效,提高生产效率与服务质量,改善社会福利水平.从产权理论、委托--代理理论、公共选择理论三方面为网络型公用事业民营化改革提供理论依据,建议我国网络型公用事业应按照业务性质实行差别的和渐进的民营化改革.并给出我国网络型公用事业民营化改革的政策取向,主要包括:通过资本市场融资、实行特许投标制度、通过BOT项目融资、民营企业独资经营和转让部分竞争性领域的国有资产对网络型公用事业进行民营化改革.  相似文献   

我国城市公用事业存在投资主体单一、缺乏竞争、效率低下、服务质量差等弊端,急需实行民营化以激活民间资本,以提高公共产品的供给效率。本文分析了城市公用事业的现状、民营化趋势、民营化模式以及政府的管制政策。  相似文献   

为了推进城市公用事业的市场化改革,加强政府管制,实现城乡统筹发展、建设生态城市的目标,本文结合北京市生活垃圾处理的实际,分析研究规范生活垃圾处理的特许经营制度、确立生活垃圾处理的资产管理体制、加快生活垃圾处理单位的现代企业制度改革,提出落实生活垃圾处理的区县政府区域责任制、完善生活垃圾处理市场化中的政府管制制度等对策思路。  相似文献   

城市公用事业是城市赖以生存和发展的基础,它的垄断性、外部性、公益与营利的双重性需要政府的监管。我国计划经济时期的城市公用事业价格完全由政府管制,基本不受供求关系和成本变动的影响,以背离价值的低价来提供产品和服务,因而被视作福利事业,企业因不具备剩余索取权,缺乏有效激励与竞争压力,导致城市公用事业建设滞后、服务质量差、财政补贴沉重。近年来,借鉴发达国家经验,我国对城市公用事业实行以成本为基础的市场化定价制度,意欲实现对企业的经营激励,但事实证明,过度的市场化必然损害消费者的利益,因此,市场化定价需要企业接受政府监管,而政府监管必须要有市场化取向意识,只有二者的有机融合,才能确保既达到企业激励效率的发挥,又实现公共利益最大化目标的双赢格局。  相似文献   

中美政府管制体制比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
茅铭晨 《浙江学刊》2005,(3):139-144
政府管制体制对于政府管制效率具有决定性影响.本文就中美两国政府管制体制进行了深入比较,分析了两国各具特点的政府管制体制模式形成的原因和不同管制体制的优劣,最后就改革以综合性管制机构为主体的我国政府管制体制提出了建议.  相似文献   

本文通过回顾中国公立医院改革历程和分析其改革政策,认为政府财政补助不足、不规范的市场、扭曲的医院服务定价政策以及政府管制和公共治理能力不足是造成目前医疗费用上涨、资源缺乏配置效率的深层次原因;现行的治理结构是导致公立医院费用上涨、效率低下的重要原因。公立医院所有者职能不统一、缺乏评估公立医院组织绩效的手段、对公立医院院长缺少有效的激励约束机制等原因导致公立医院内部治理失效;社会医疗保险覆盖面小、社区卫生服务发展缓慢无法形成资源有效配置的市场结构等原因导致外部治理失效。公立医院改革是一个艰难的过程,而目前我们尚不具备法人化改革的条件,只有全面规范公立医院自主化改革。  相似文献   

公用事业的改革与发展对北京市经济发展有着重要的促进作用。本文从监管立法、进入监管、价格监管等方面系统分析了北京市公用事业监管的现状,深入剖析了北京市公用事业监管存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策建议,为北京市公用事业监管改革提供参考。  相似文献   

一、政府创新:建设服务型政府的必经之路服务型政府主要是针对我国传统计划经济条件下政府大包大揽和以计划指令、行政管制为主要手段的管制型政府模式而提出的一种新型的现代政府治理模式[1](P16)。它首先是民主政府,即人民当家做主的政府;其次是有限政府,即政府的权力是有限的;第三是责任政府,即政府必须对自己的行为负责,人民有权对政府的失职行为追究责任;第四是法治政府,即依法行政的政府;第五是绩效政府,即有效率和效益的政府[2](P126)。建设服务型政府是中国由计划经济向社会主义市场经济转型过程中对政府管理方式提出的改革和创新…  相似文献   

垄断行业管制改革:国际经验的检讨与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在传统垄断性行业中引入竞争是20世纪80年代以来世界各国产业管制模式改革的共同政策取向.改革解决了管制条件下垄断行业生产方面的低效率与高成本,但由于市场运行需要成本,引入市场竞争的改革也导致了新的效率损失,增加了交易成本.对市场运行成本认识的不足是导致过去20多年来垄断行业改革没有达到预期效果甚至失败的主要原因.从交易成本的视角可以发现:(1)垄断行业市场化改革的主要风险在于市场操纵.在改革初期不宜完全放开价格管制;(2)改革的关键是对市场交易规则进行良好的设计,以最小化交易成本.这对于处于中国自然垄断性行业的改革具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

元世祖至元十九年,元政府在大都路核查隐漏土地,目的在于"履亩收税"。这次税粮政策调整的原因之一在于权贵豪右隐匿人口、影占土地,导致按丁收税政策大打折扣;阿合马被杀后上台的和礼霍孙儒治集团"抑兼并"的道义追求则直接促成了这次土地核查。这一措施虽然最终不了了之,但对元代经济影响深远。首先是使得统治者放弃了北方经济政策的自我调整,而把希望寄托在掠夺江南这一层面;其次是为后来的"延祐经理"提供了一个可供参照的样板。  相似文献   

This article explores the relation between economic liberalization, regulation and welfare. It asks how the state regulates, delays or prevents service disconnection due to debt and arrears, and what this kind of policy implies regarding the use of regulation as a form of social policy. This is done through a comparative study of the electricity and water sectors in Israel after liberalization. It finds that after initial economic reform, both sectors saw a growth in regulation intended to compensate for the social effects of reform, in what may be termed the ‘regulatory welfare state’. However, this form of social protection has been residual and incoherent. The article argues that trying to separate economic reform from its social consequences is unrealistic and may lead to adverse social and economic results. Second, findings raise concerns regarding the potential of the regulatory welfare state to deliver effective and fair social policy.  相似文献   

The Leading Group for Deepening Reform Comprehensively has been set up on the decision of the CPC Central Committee to be in charge of the overall planning of reform, taking a balanced and coordinated approach, advancing reform as a whole and supervising its implementation. This means that change management has become an important item on the agenda. Systematically reviewing and examining the course of the seven rounds of institutional reform introduced by the State Council since 1978 from the perspective of change management, we find that the reforms have advanced gradually and steadily, with functional transformation as the core feature and key to each round of reform. The transformation of government functions exhibits a marked two-phase character. The first phase focuses on change in government functions relating to economic management, while the second focuses on enhancing and improving macro-control systems to strengthen social management and public service functions. However, in terms of program design, the goals and measures of the past 10 years’ functional transformation have clearly not been specific enough to establish a clear relationship between the three rounds of institutional reform programs and the concrete measures and their effects. Therefore, the question of whether institutional reform itself needs reform has become a new proposition for practice, one that needs to be reviewed in terms of strategic orientation, mode of implementation, public responsibilities and overall design.  相似文献   

工学结合模式下高职院校目标管理体系的重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目标管理在高职院校管理中得到广泛运用。而在"工学结合"人才培养模式下,由于强调教学过程的实践性、开放性、职业性和过程性,高职院校的一切工作都要围绕此而展开。这就使得包括总体发展目标、实训基地建设目标、系部工作目标、课程改革与建设目标、双师型队伍建设目标等一系列目标必须进行重新确定,以适应改革的需要。  相似文献   

A shift in policy goals at the central decision-making level does not always produce the expected degree of change in policy implementation. This article investigates what actually happens at the local level in respect of the implementation of the reformed Employment Insurance Programme of Korea through case studies covering three district governments. Given the sources of difficulty in implementation, local case studies show that the change that welfare reform sought has not fully materialised in reform implementation. Therefore, successfully pursuing welfare reform must involve the necessary change in the implementation process that follows reform decision-making.  相似文献   

随着清末直隶行政体制改革进程的加快,直隶疆域改制的问题也一度被提上日程。为此,直隶地方政府通过增加行政建制,加强了对直隶辖区边缘地区的行政统辖权。同时,直隶还试图通过迁移县治等办法改变大兴、宛平与京师管辖权限界限不清之弊。作为立法机构,顺直谘议局为推动顺天府的行政改革做出了努力。但最终由于清朝中央政府改革思路混乱,造成了地方行政区划改革无所适从而失败,而直隶则通过加强边地建设,进一步巩固了基层行政权力。  相似文献   

At a meeting of the ISSA Bureau in Stockholm in 1996, theInternational Social Security Association under the author's presidency launched what became known as the Stockholm Initiative, under the title "The social security reform debate: In search of a new consensus". The objective was to bring together the often contrasting views of national and international experts involved in the social security reform debate, in a first phase with particular regard to public pensions. A broad consensus emerged among specialists about the need to balance social goals and macroeconomic requirements when designing and implementing reforms. This article reviews the background to the Initiative, outlines its achievements and surveys the issues which need to be faced.  相似文献   

Pathways to Prevention is an early prevention project founded on developmental systems theory operating through a schools‐community agency‐university partnership in a socially disadvantaged area of Brisbane. Circles of Care is a Pathways programme also implemented on a small scale by the same agency in a regional city. The Circles programme is designed to strengthen connections between schools, families and community services, and harmonize activities in these settings by surrounding children with identified needs with a supportive group of adults. A Circle, which includes at least the child, parent(s), teacher and agency staff, sets goals, mobilizes resources for the child, family and school, and monitors progress. The client is conceptualized not as the child but as a dysfunctional developmental system, with better outcomes for children as the ultimate goal. Qualitative evaluation at the two sites showed that while Circles worked well at the level of practical support and relationship building and did achieve good child outcomes, its capacity to achieve collaborative practice and strengthen system relations was limited by entrenched organizational structures and cultures. However, one site, with more support for collaboration across organizational boundaries, suggested that system alignment is achievable on a larger scale with vision and leadership for organizational reform.  相似文献   

The development of China’s international civil procedure should correspond to the development of the country’s reform and opening to the outside world. As a large economic country, China needs to draw on international civil procedures to guarantee its worldwide interests; and as a large country with the rule of law, it needs to improve the level of its judicial services and enhance the market attraction of its judicial system in global dispute resolution. Given that a country’s judicial system is an important element in measuring its comprehensive competitiveness, the global competitiveness of our international civil procedure is one of the goals to be pursued in the reform of Chinese judicial system. In order to raise the level of Chinese international civil procedure, China should emphasize the idea of the judicial system of a large country and prioritize its competitiveness, service orientation and cooperative approach to dispute resolution. In addition, it should focus on the following reforms: firstly, establishing a specialized system of international civil jurisdiction, with an increase in matters for competitive jurisdiction; secondly, enhancing China’s specialist services capacity in international civil actions, highlighting the expedient protection given to the rights of the parties concerned and stressing the professional development of judicial bodies in the commercial field; and thirdly, strengthening international judicial cooperation and facilitating the global movement of Chinese judgments.  相似文献   

自然文化遗产开发的政府规制问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林木西  和军 《求是学刊》2004,31(6):79-83
自然文化遗产开发具有公共物品性、外部性和自然垄断性是政府规制的原因。遗产开发所引起的遗产保护问题、产权改革问题以及遗产规制本身所存在的问题,反映了政府规制的缺位或规制本身的非合理化。应通过健全遗产开发的政府规制体制、增强遗产开发的规制能力、进行适宜的产权制度改革等措施,完善对遗产开发的政府规制。  相似文献   

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