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Native Americans residing in a broad region downwind from the Nevada Test Site during the 1950s and 1960s received significant radiation exposures from nuclear weapons testing. Because of differences in diet, activities, and housing, their radiation exposures are only very imperfectly represented in the Department of Energy dose reconstructions. There are important missing pathways, including exposures to radioactive iodine from eating small game. The dose reconstruction model assumptions about cattle feeding practices across a year are unlikely to apply to the native communities as are other model assumptions about diet. Thus exposures from drinking milk and eating vegetables have not yet been properly estimated for these communities. Through consultations with members of the affected communities, these deficiencies could be corrected and the dose reconstruction extended to Native Americans. An illustration of the feasibility of extending the dose reconstruction is provided by a sample calculation to estimate radiation exposures to the thyroid from eating radio-iodine-contaminated rabbit thyroids after the Sedan test. The illustration is continued with a discussion of how the calculation results may be used to make estimates for other tests and other locations.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce the use of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) as a technique for uncovering the intellectual structure of a discipline. LSA is an emerging quantitative method for content analysis that combines rigorous statistical techniques and scholarly judgment as it proceeds to extract and decipher key latent factors. We provide a stepwise explanation and illustration for implementing LSA. To demonstrate LSA's ability to uncover the intellectual structure of a discipline, we present a study of the field of Operations Management. We also discuss a number of potential applications of LSA to show how it can be used in empirical Operations Management research, specifically in areas that can benefit from analyzing large volumes of unstructured textual data.  相似文献   

PDM,即产品数据管理(product data management),是为企业的设计和生产构筑一个并行开发环境的关健技术.本文介绍了PDM的基本概念,提出了运用项目时间管理完善PDM系统的思路,并且结合联想的实际业务,给出了相应的实施方案.  相似文献   

A traditional construction contract requires all detail design works to be completed before tendering and subsequentconstruction works can commence, and therefore requires a longer time for project completion. This paper describes ahence reduce project duration. There are advantages in management contracting, but there are disadvantages too. They arediscussed in detail in this paper. Two management contracts executed in Hong Kong are used as case studies to illustrate thesaid advantages and disadvantages. Conclusion is then made and possible further research work is also suggested.  相似文献   

信息交流在群体性突发事件处理中作用的博弈分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文运用演化博弈理论,对信息交流在不同发展阶段的群体性突发事件处理中发挥的截然不同的作用进行了分析。在一般化模仿者动态模型基础上得出了群体性突发事件处制度危机阶段和制度转型阶段的扩散方程,其退化为包含学习障碍的传染病扩散方程。通过将不同策略的学习障碍加以内生化,使其成为信息公开程度的函数,分析了政府部门采取的信息公开措施在群体性突发事件不同发展阶段中的作用。研究结果表明,在群体性突发事件处于制度危机阶段时政府部门应控制信息交流程度;处于制度转型阶段时应该及时进行信息披露,引导不同的社会阶层对新体制形成稳定的认知均衡。  相似文献   

宋湘绮 《管理学报》2011,8(1):37-41
"中道管理"是典型的中国管理艺术,是感悟思维的结果;管理的科学、艺术两重性迫使我们反思"中道管理"的模糊之处。比较"中道管理"与"基于研究证据的管理"的言说方式,发现逻辑思维的科学研究方法可以言说"只可意会,不可言传"的中国管理艺术。在本体性否定哲学的指导下,充分认识中西管理研究方法的局限,才能创造中华气质的管理科学。  相似文献   

我国管理科学研究的回顾与发展展望   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文利用详实的数据信息资料,对我国管理科学研究的现状特征进行了归纳分析,在此基础上提出了新世纪管理活动的特点与管理科学研究的趋势。  相似文献   

Local government in Canada has been subject to considerable change in the 1990s. In response, a number of mechanisms have been adopted to improve performance and respond to citizen and customer demands. One particular mechanism quality management, has received considerable continuing support. This article documents the level of use of quality management within local government in Canada, discusses some of the key challenges of introducing this type of program, and, outlines some elements of success of those programs in public management.  相似文献   

通过对国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部认定的重要期刊和CSSCI(2012~2013)来源期刊经济管理类共111种期刊上发表的有关资源依赖理论的研究成果进行搜索,选择了71篇与资源依赖理论相关的研究论文作为样本,使用文献计量分析法,从论文的研究类型、研究方法、研究内容等方面总结了资源依赖理论在国内组织管理的应用状况和热点问题.对资源依赖理论在国内组织管理中应用的发展方向提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

以5家高新技术企业为对象,通过多案例分析探寻中国企业跨国经营中的人力资源管理模式及选择的影响因素.研究结果表明,中国跨国企业的海外分(子)公司大多不采用传统的单一模式,而是采用民族中心与多中心主义的混合模式,且混合程度不同;在与母国文化相似的地区,更倾向于采用与母公司相同的人力资源管理模式.此外,影响人力资源管理模式选择的因素除海外经营经验,企业成立时间与规模,母公司控制,文化习俗,语言,法律环境与经济发展水平外,关系也是重要的影响因素.无论是在发达国家还是发展中国家,我国跨国企业都注重社会资本与政治资本的运用,尽管在不同的海外国家其使用的程度和效果有所不同.  相似文献   

民营企业的绩效问题一直倍受业界和学者的关注,但实践中依然存在许多难点.本文基于民营企业部门绩效考核管理实践,提出了民营企业绩效考核的关键问题;在此基础上,针对部门绩效考核指标提取难、执行难等问题,创新性地提出了"公司--部门(中层)"、"管理--执行"间左右互动、层层分解的两级三维指标矩阵模型,并利用因子分析法构建模型对部门二级(B类)绩效指标的提炼进行了实证分析.本文所提出的两级三维指标矩阵模型已经在实证中得到了检验,充分证明了其应用价值.  相似文献   

As the global competitive landscape intensifies, firms have looked to their supply chain organizations to improve cost, visibility, and cycle time performance across functions, products, and markets. As a result, the scope of supply chain related operations have increasingly cut across organizational boundaries. To understand and capture such cross‐organizational activities, researchers have broadened the focus of their studies and included multiple stakeholders in their analysis (e.g., integration, sustainability, and buyer‐supplier relationships). However, multi‐stakeholder research has also increased the complexity and effort required to conduct studies across organizational boundaries. Unfortunately, many studies that use multi‐stakeholder constructs fail to fully address their multi‐sided nature during both construct conceptualization and data collection. Several studies suggest that neglecting the multi‐sided nature of certain constructs can affect the research validity and reliability and may invalidate research inferences and results, although such concerns have not been empirically demonstrated. The current study addresses this gap by performing a series of tests using data from 105 matched pairs of buyers and their suppliers to illustrate key methodological considerations for conducting multi‐stakeholder research. This study also offers practical guidance regarding assumptions routinely made in single rater research and proposes when single rater data may be appropriate for multi‐stakeholder research.  相似文献   

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