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In this paper, we propose a new algorithm, the so-called annealing evolutionary stochastic approximation Monte Carlo (AESAMC) algorithm as a general optimization technique, and study its convergence. AESAMC possesses a self-adjusting mechanism, whose target distribution can be adapted at each iteration according to the current samples. Thus, AESAMC falls into the class of adaptive Monte Carlo methods. This mechanism also makes AESAMC less trapped by local energy minima than nonadaptive MCMC algorithms. Under mild conditions, we show that AESAMC can converge weakly toward a neighboring set of global minima in the space of energy. AESAMC is tested on multiple optimization problems. The numerical results indicate that AESAMC can potentially outperform simulated annealing, the genetic algorithm, annealing stochastic approximation Monte Carlo, and some other metaheuristics in function optimization.  相似文献   


Motivated by penalized likelihood maximization in complex models, we study optimization problems where neither the function to optimize nor its gradient has an explicit expression, but its gradient can be approximated by a Monte Carlo technique. We propose a new algorithm based on a stochastic approximation of the proximal-gradient (PG) algorithm. This new algorithm, named stochastic approximation PG (SAPG) is the combination of a stochastic gradient descent step which—roughly speaking—computes a smoothed approximation of the gradient along the iterations, and a proximal step. The choice of the step size and of the Monte Carlo batch size for the stochastic gradient descent step in SAPG is discussed. Our convergence results cover the cases of biased and unbiased Monte Carlo approximations. While the convergence analysis of some classical Monte Carlo approximation of the gradient is already addressed in the literature (see Atchadé et al. in J Mach Learn Res 18(10):1–33, 2017), the convergence analysis of SAPG is new. Practical implementation is discussed, and guidelines to tune the algorithm are given. The two algorithms are compared on a linear mixed effect model as a toy example. A more challenging application is proposed on nonlinear mixed effect models in high dimension with a pharmacokinetic data set including genomic covariates. To our best knowledge, our work provides the first convergence result of a numerical method designed to solve penalized maximum likelihood in a nonlinear mixed effect model.


In recent years much effort has been devoted to maximum likelihood estimation of generalized linear mixed models. Most of the existing methods use the EM algorithm, with various techniques in handling the intractable E-step. In this paper, a new implementation of a stochastic approximation algorithm with Markov chain Monte Carlo method is investigated. The proposed algorithm is computationally straightforward and its convergence is guaranteed. A simulation and three real data sets, including the challenging salamander data, are used to illustrate the procedure and to compare it with some existing methods. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm is an attractive alternative for problems with a large number of random effects or with high dimensional intractable integrals in the likelihood function.  相似文献   

In the expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation from incomplete data, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods have been used in change-point inference for a long time when the expectation step is intractable. However, the conventional MCMC algorithms tend to get trapped in local mode in simulating from the posterior distribution of change points. To overcome this problem, in this paper we propose a stochastic approximation Monte Carlo version of EM (SAMCEM), which is a combination of adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo and EM utilizing a maximum likelihood method. SAMCEM is compared with the stochastic approximation version of EM and reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo version of EM on simulated and real datasets. The numerical results indicate that SAMCEM can outperform among the three methods by producing much more accurate parameter estimates and the ability to achieve change-point positions and estimates simultaneously.  相似文献   

Importance sampling and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods have been used in exact inference for contingency tables for a long time, however, their performances are not always very satisfactory. In this paper, we propose a stochastic approximation Monte Carlo importance sampling (SAMCIS) method for tackling this problem. SAMCIS is a combination of adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo and importance sampling, which employs the stochastic approximation Monte Carlo algorithm (Liang et al., J. Am. Stat. Assoc., 102(477):305–320, 2007) to draw samples from an enlarged reference set with a known Markov basis. Compared to the existing importance sampling and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, SAMCIS has a few advantages, such as fast convergence, ergodicity, and the ability to achieve a desired proportion of valid tables. The numerical results indicate that SAMCIS can outperform the existing importance sampling and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods: It can produce much more accurate estimates in much shorter CPU time than the existing methods, especially for the tables with high degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo methods for the exact inference have received much attention recently in complete or incomplete contingency table analysis. However, conventional Markov chain Monte Carlo, such as the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, and importance sampling methods sometimes generate the poor performance by failing to produce valid tables. In this paper, we apply an adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm, the stochastic approximation Monte Carlo algorithm (SAMC; Liang, Liu, & Carroll, 2007), to the exact test of the goodness-of-fit of the model in complete or incomplete contingency tables containing some structural zero cells. The numerical results are in favor of our method in terms of quality of estimates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an adaptive evolutionary Monte Carlo algorithm (AEMC), which combines a tree-based predictive model with an evolutionary Monte Carlo sampling procedure for the purpose of global optimization. Our development is motivated by sensor placement applications in engineering, which requires optimizing certain complicated “black-box” objective function. The proposed method is able to enhance the optimization efficiency and effectiveness as compared to a few alternative strategies. AEMC falls into the category of adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms and is the first adaptive MCMC algorithm that simulates multiple Markov chains in parallel. A theorem about the ergodicity property of the AEMC algorithm is stated and proven. We demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method by applying it to a sensor placement problem in a manufacturing process, as well as to a standard Griewank test function.  相似文献   

Heng Lian 《Statistics》2013,47(6):777-785
Improving efficiency of the importance sampler is at the centre of research on Monte Carlo methods. While the adaptive approach is usually not so straightforward within the Markov chain Monte Carlo framework, the counterpart in importance sampling can be justified and validated easily. We propose an iterative adaptation method for learning the proposal distribution of an importance sampler based on stochastic approximation. The stochastic approximation method can recruit general iterative optimization techniques like the minorization–maximization algorithm. The effectiveness of the approach in optimizing the Kullback divergence between the proposal distribution and the target is demonstrated using several examples.  相似文献   

In this paper,we propose a class of general partially linear varying-coefficient transformation models for ranking data. In the models, the functional coefficients are viewed as nuisance parameters and approximated by B-spline smoothing approximation technique. The B-spline coefficients and regression parameters are estimated by rank-based maximum marginal likelihood method. The three-stage Monte Carlo Markov Chain stochastic approximation algorithm based on ranking data is used to compute estimates and the corresponding variances for all the B-spline coefficients and regression parameters. Through three simulation studies and a Hong Kong horse racing data application, the proposed procedure is illustrated to be accurate, stable and practical.  相似文献   

We propose a two-stage algorithm for computing maximum likelihood estimates for a class of spatial models. The algorithm combines Markov chain Monte Carlo methods such as the Metropolis–Hastings–Green algorithm and the Gibbs sampler, and stochastic approximation methods such as the off-line average and adaptive search direction. A new criterion is built into the algorithm so stopping is automatic once the desired precision has been set. Simulation studies and applications to some real data sets have been conducted with three spatial models. We compared the algorithm proposed with a direct application of the classical Robbins–Monro algorithm using Wiebe's wheat data and found that our procedure is at least 15 times faster.  相似文献   

This work explores the use of sequential and batch Monte Carlo techniques to solve the nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) problem with stochastic system dynamics and noisy state observations. This is done by treating the state inference and control optimisation problems jointly as a single artificial inference problem on an augmented state-control space. The methodology is demonstrated on the benchmark car-up-the-hill problem as well as an advanced F-16 aircraft terrain following problem.  相似文献   

Statistical model learning problems are traditionally solved using either heuristic greedy optimization or stochastic simulation, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo or simulated annealing. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the use of combinatorial search methods, including those based on computational logic. Some of these methods are particularly attractive since they can also be successful in proving the global optimality of solutions, in contrast to stochastic algorithms that only guarantee optimality at the limit. Here we improve and generalize a recently introduced constraint-based method for learning undirected graphical models. The new method combines perfect elimination orderings with various strategies for solution pruning and offers a dramatic improvement both in terms of time and memory complexity. We also show that the method is capable of efficiently handling a more general class of models, called stratified/labeled graphical models, which have an astronomically larger model space.  相似文献   

Standard methods for maximum likelihood parameter estimation in latent variable models rely on the Expectation-Maximization algorithm and its Monte Carlo variants. Our approach is different and motivated by similar considerations to simulated annealing; that is we build a sequence of artificial distributions whose support concentrates itself on the set of maximum likelihood estimates. We sample from these distributions using a sequential Monte Carlo approach. We demonstrate state-of-the-art performance for several applications of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Two new implementations of the EM algorithm are proposed for maximum likelihood fitting of generalized linear mixed models. Both methods use random (independent and identically distributed) sampling to construct Monte Carlo approximations at the E-step. One approach involves generating random samples from the exact conditional distribution of the random effects (given the data) by rejection sampling, using the marginal distribution as a candidate. The second method uses a multivariate t importance sampling approximation. In many applications the two methods are complementary. Rejection sampling is more efficient when sample sizes are small, whereas importance sampling is better with larger sample sizes. Monte Carlo approximation using random samples allows the Monte Carlo error at each iteration to be assessed by using standard central limit theory combined with Taylor series methods. Specifically, we construct a sandwich variance estimate for the maximizer at each approximate E-step. This suggests a rule for automatically increasing the Monte Carlo sample size after iterations in which the true EM step is swamped by Monte Carlo error. In contrast, techniques for assessing Monte Carlo error have not been developed for use with alternative implementations of Monte Carlo EM algorithms utilizing Markov chain Monte Carlo E-step approximations. Three different data sets, including the infamous salamander data of McCullagh and Nelder, are used to illustrate the techniques and to compare them with the alternatives. The results show that the methods proposed can be considerably more efficient than those based on Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. However, the methods proposed may break down when the intractable integrals in the likelihood function are of high dimension.  相似文献   

We consider a Bayesian deterministically trending dynamic time series model with heteroscedastic error variance, in which there exist multiple structural changes in level, trend and error variance, but the number of change-points and the timings are unknown. For a Bayesian analysis, a truncated Poisson prior and conjugate priors are used for the number of change-points and the distributional parameters, respectively. To identify the best model and estimate the model parameters simultaneously, we propose a new method by sequentially making use of the Gibbs sampler in conjunction with stochastic approximation Monte Carlo simulations, as an adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm. The numerical results are in favor of our method in terms of the quality of estimates.  相似文献   

Summary.  The expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm is a popular tool for maximizing likelihood functions in the presence of missing data. Unfortunately, EM often requires the evaluation of analytically intractable and high dimensional integrals. The Monte Carlo EM (MCEM) algorithm is the natural extension of EM that employs Monte Carlo methods to estimate the relevant integrals. Typically, a very large Monte Carlo sample size is required to estimate these integrals within an acceptable tolerance when the algorithm is near convergence. Even if this sample size were known at the onset of implementation of MCEM, its use throughout all iterations is wasteful, especially when accurate starting values are not available. We propose a data-driven strategy for controlling Monte Carlo resources in MCEM. The algorithm proposed improves on similar existing methods by recovering EM's ascent (i.e. likelihood increasing) property with high probability, being more robust to the effect of user-defined inputs and handling classical Monte Carlo and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods within a common framework. Because of the first of these properties we refer to the algorithm as 'ascent-based MCEM'. We apply ascent-based MCEM to a variety of examples, including one where it is used to accelerate the convergence of deterministic EM dramatically.  相似文献   

The real-parameter evolutionary Monte Carlo algorithm (EMC) has been proposed as an effective tool both for sampling from high-dimensional distributions and for stochastic optimization (Liang and Wong, 2001). EMC uses a temperature ladder similar to that in parallel tempering (PT; Geyer, 1991). In contrast with PT, EMC allows for crossover moves between parallel and tempered MCMC chains. In the context of EMC, we introduce four new moves, which enhance its efficiency as measured by the effective sample size. Secondly, we introduce a practical strategy for determining the temperature range and placing the temperatures in the ladder used in EMC and PT. Lastly, we prove the validity of the conditional sampling step of the snooker algorithm, a crossover move in EMC, which extends a result of Roberts and Gilks (1994).  相似文献   

Simulation-based inference for partially observed stochastic dynamic models is currently receiving much attention due to the fact that direct computation of the likelihood is not possible in many practical situations. Iterated filtering methodologies enable maximization of the likelihood function using simulation-based sequential Monte Carlo filters. Doucet et al. (2013) developed an approximation for the first and second derivatives of the log likelihood via simulation-based sequential Monte Carlo smoothing and proved that the approximation has some attractive theoretical properties. We investigated an iterated smoothing algorithm carrying out likelihood maximization using these derivative approximations. Further, we developed a new iterated smoothing algorithm, using a modification of these derivative estimates, for which we establish both theoretical results and effective practical performance. On benchmark computational challenges, this method beat the first-order iterated filtering algorithm. The method’s performance was comparable to a recently developed iterated filtering algorithm based on an iterated Bayes map. Our iterated smoothing algorithm and its theoretical justification provide new directions for future developments in simulation-based inference for latent variable models such as partially observed Markov process models.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a Bayesian approach to estimate the multiple structural change-points in a level and the trend when the number of change-points is unknown. Our formulation of the structural-change model involves a binary discrete variable that indicates the structural change. The determination of the number and the form of structural changes are considered as a model selection issue in Bayesian structural-change analysis. We apply an advanced Monte Carlo algorithm, the stochastic approximation Monte Carlo (SAMC) algorithm, to this structural-change model selection issue. SAMC effectively functions for the complex structural-change model estimation, since it prevents entrapment in local posterior mode. The estimation of the model parameters in each regime is made using the Gibbs sampler after each change-point is detected. The performance of our proposed method has been investigated on simulated and real data sets, a long time series of US real gross domestic product, US uses of force between 1870 and 1994 and 1-year time series of temperature in Seoul, South Korea.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this paper is that of developing a sequential Monte Carlo approximation to an ideal bootstrap estimate of the parameter of interest. Using the concept of fixed-precision approximation, we construct a sequential stopping rule for determining the number of bootstrap samples to be taken in order to achieve a specified precision of the Monte Carlo approximation. It is shown that the sequential Monte Carlo approximation is asymptotically efficient in the problems of estimation of the bias and standard error of a given statistic. Efficient bootstrap resampling is discussed and a numerical study is carried out for illustrating the obtained theoretical results.  相似文献   

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