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This article deals with random projections applied as a data reduction technique for Bayesian regression analysis. We show sufficient conditions under which the entire d-dimensional distribution is approximately preserved under random projections by reducing the number of data points from n to \(k\in O({\text {poly}}(d/\varepsilon ))\) in the case \(n\gg d\). Under mild assumptions, we prove that evaluating a Gaussian likelihood function based on the projected data instead of the original data yields a \((1+O(\varepsilon ))\)-approximation in terms of the \(\ell _2\) Wasserstein distance. Our main result shows that the posterior distribution of Bayesian linear regression is approximated up to a small error depending on only an \(\varepsilon \)-fraction of its defining parameters. This holds when using arbitrary Gaussian priors or the degenerate case of uniform distributions over \(\mathbb {R}^d\) for \(\beta \). Our empirical evaluations involve different simulated settings of Bayesian linear regression. Our experiments underline that the proposed method is able to recover the regression model up to small error while considerably reducing the total running time.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of hypotheses testing about the drift parameter \(\theta \) in the process \(\text {d}Y^{\delta }_{t} = \theta \dot{f}(t)Y^{\delta }_{t}\text {d}t + b(t)\text {d}L^{\delta }_{t}\) driven by symmetric \(\delta \)-stable Lévy process \(L^{\delta }_{t}\) with \(\dot{f}(t)\) being the derivative of a known increasing function f(t) and b(t) being known as well. We consider the hypotheses testing \(H_{0}: \theta \le 0\) and \(K_{0}: \theta =0\) against the alternatives \(H_{1}: \theta >0\) and \(K_{1}: \theta \ne 0\), respectively. For these hypotheses, we propose inverse methods, which are motivated by sequential approach, based on the first hitting time of the observed process (or its absolute value) to a pre-specified boundary or two boundaries until some given time. The applicability of these methods is illustrated. For the case \(Y^{\delta }_{0}=0\), we are able to calculate the values of boundaries and finite observed times more directly. We are able to show the consistencies of proposed tests for \(Y^{\delta }_{0}\ge 0\) with \(\delta \in (1,2]\) and for \(Y^{\delta }_{0}=0\) with \(\delta \in (0,2]\) under quite mild conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the asymptotic properties of a class of kernel conditional mode estimates whenever functional stationary ergodic data are considered. To be more precise on the matter, in the ergodic data setting, we consider a random elements (XZ) taking values in some semi-metric abstract space \(E\times F\). For a real function \(\varphi \) defined on the space F and \(x\in E\), we consider the conditional mode of the real random variable \(\varphi (Z)\) given the event “\(X=x\)”. While estimating the conditional mode function, say \(\theta _\varphi (x)\), using the well-known kernel estimator, we establish the strong consistency with rate of this estimate uniformly over Vapnik–Chervonenkis classes of functions \(\varphi \). Notice that the ergodic setting offers a more general framework than the usual mixing structure. Two applications to energy data are provided to illustrate some examples of the proposed approach in time series forecasting framework. The first one consists in forecasting the daily peak of electricity demand in France (measured in Giga-Watt). Whereas the second one deals with the short-term forecasting of the electrical energy (measured in Giga-Watt per Hour) that may be consumed over some time intervals that cover the peak demand.  相似文献   

A pair of polychotomous random variables \((Y_1,Y_2)^\top =:{\varvec{Y}}\), where each \(Y_j\) has a totally ordered support, is studied within a penalized generalized linear model framework. We deal with a triangular generating process for \({\varvec{Y}}\), a structure that has been employed in the literature to control for the presence of residual confounding. Differently from previous works, however, the proposed model allows for a semi-parametric estimation of the covariate-response relationships. In this way, the risk of model mis-specification stemming from the imposition of fixed-order polynomial functional forms is also reduced. The proposed estimation methods and related inferential results are finally applied to study the effect of education on alcohol consumption among young adults in the UK.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider an acceptance-rejection (AR) sampler based on deterministic driver sequences. We prove that the discrepancy of an N element sample set generated in this way is bounded by \(\mathcal {O} (N^{-2/3}\log N)\), provided that the target density is twice continuously differentiable with non-vanishing curvature and the AR sampler uses the driver sequence \(\mathcal {K}_M= \{( j \alpha , j \beta ) ~~ mod~~1 \mid j = 1,\ldots ,M\},\) where \(\alpha ,\beta \) are real algebraic numbers such that \(1,\alpha ,\beta \) is a basis of a number field over \(\mathbb {Q}\) of degree 3. For the driver sequence \(\mathcal {F}_k= \{ ({j}/{F_k}, \{{jF_{k-1}}/{F_k}\} ) \mid j=1,\ldots , F_k\},\) where \(F_k\) is the k-th Fibonacci number and \(\{x\}=x-\lfloor x \rfloor \) is the fractional part of a non-negative real number x, we can remove the \(\log \) factor to improve the convergence rate to \(\mathcal {O}(N^{-2/3})\), where again N is the number of samples we accepted. We also introduce a criterion for measuring the goodness of driver sequences. The proposed approach is numerically tested by calculating the star-discrepancy of samples generated for some target densities using \(\mathcal {K}_M\) and \(\mathcal {F}_k\) as driver sequences. These results confirm that achieving a convergence rate beyond \(N^{-1/2}\) is possible in practice using \(\mathcal {K}_M\) and \(\mathcal {F}_k\) as driver sequences in the acceptance-rejection sampler.  相似文献   

Kernel smoothing of spatial point data can often be improved using an adaptive, spatially varying bandwidth instead of a fixed bandwidth. However, computation with a varying bandwidth is much more demanding, especially when edge correction and bandwidth selection are involved. This paper proposes several new computational methods for adaptive kernel estimation from spatial point pattern data. A key idea is that a variable-bandwidth kernel estimator for d-dimensional spatial data can be represented as a slice of a fixed-bandwidth kernel estimator in \((d+1)\)-dimensional scale space, enabling fast computation using Fourier transforms. Edge correction factors have a similar representation. Different values of global bandwidth correspond to different slices of the scale space, so that bandwidth selection is greatly accelerated. Potential applications include estimation of multivariate probability density and spatial or spatiotemporal point process intensity, relative risk, and regression functions. The new methods perform well in simulations and in two real applications concerning the spatial epidemiology of primary biliary cirrhosis and the alarm calls of capuchin monkeys.  相似文献   

Let \({\{X_n, n\geq 1\}}\) be a sequence of independent and identically distributed non-degenerated random variables with common cumulative distribution function F. Suppose X 1 is concentrated on 0, 1, . . . , N ≤ ∞ and P(X 1 = 1) > 0. Let \({X_{U_w(n)}}\) be the n-th upper weak record value. In this paper we show that for any fixed m ≥ 2, X 1 has Geometric distribution if and only if \({X_{U_{w}(m)}\mathop=\limits^d X_1+\cdots+X_m ,}\) where \({\underline{\underline{d}}}\) denotes equality in distribution. Our result is a generalization of the case m = 2 obtained by Ahsanullah (J Stat Theory Appl 8(1):5–16, 2009).  相似文献   

Quaternary-code (QC) designs, an attractive class of nonregular fractional factorial designs, have received much attention due to their theoretical elegance and practical applicability. Some recent works of QC designs revealed their good properties over their regular counterparts under commonly used criteria. We develop an optimization tool that can maximize the generalized resolution of a QC design of a given size. The problem can be recast as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem through a linear simplification that combines the \(k\)- and \(a\)-equations, even though the generalized resolution does not linearly depend on the aliasing indexes. The ILP surprisingly improves a class of \((1/16)\)th-fraction QC designs with higher generalized resolutions. It also applies to obtain some \((1/64)\)th-fraction QC designs with maximum generalized resolutions, and these QC designs generally have higher generalized resolutions than the regular designs of the same size.  相似文献   

Bootstrap methods for estimating the long-run covariance of stationary functional time series are considered. We introduce a versatile bootstrap method that relies on functional principal component analysis, where principal component scores can be bootstrapped by maximum entropy. Two other bootstrap methods resample error functions, after the dependence structure being modeled linearly by a sieve method or nonlinearly by a functional kernel regression. Through a series of Monte-Carlo simulation, we evaluate and compare the finite-sample performances of these three bootstrap methods for estimating the long-run covariance in a functional time series. Using the intraday particulate matter (\(\hbox {PM}_{10}\)) dataset in Graz, the proposed bootstrap methods provide a way of constructing the distribution of estimated long-run covariance for functional time series.  相似文献   

In this work, the problem of transformation and simultaneous variable selection is thoroughly treated via objective Bayesian approaches by the use of default Bayes factor variants. Four uniparametric families of transformations (Box–Cox, Modulus, Yeo-Johnson and Dual), denoted by T, are evaluated and compared. The subjective prior elicitation for the transformation parameter \(\lambda _T\), for each T, is not a straightforward task. Additionally, little prior information for \(\lambda _T\) is expected to be available, and therefore, an objective method is required. The intrinsic Bayes factors and the fractional Bayes factors allow us to incorporate default improper priors for \(\lambda _T\). We study the behaviour of each approach using a simulated reference example as well as two real-life examples.  相似文献   

The r largest order statistics approach is widely used in extreme value analysis because it may use more information from the data than just the block maxima. In practice, the choice of r is critical. If r is too large, bias can occur; if too small, the variance of the estimator can be high. The limiting distribution of the r largest order statistics, denoted by GEV\(_r\), extends that of the block maxima. Two specification tests are proposed to select r sequentially. The first is a score test for the GEV\(_r\) distribution. Due to the special characteristics of the GEV\(_r\) distribution, the classical chi-square asymptotics cannot be used. The simplest approach is to use the parametric bootstrap, which is straightforward to implement but computationally expensive. An alternative fast weighted bootstrap or multiplier procedure is developed for computational efficiency. The second test uses the difference in estimated entropy between the GEV\(_r\) and GEV\(_{r-1}\) models, applied to the r largest order statistics and the \(r-1\) largest order statistics, respectively. The asymptotic distribution of the difference statistic is derived. In a large scale simulation study, both tests held their size and had substantial power to detect various misspecification schemes. A new approach to address the issue of multiple, sequential hypotheses testing is adapted to this setting to control the false discovery rate or familywise error rate. The utility of the procedures is demonstrated with extreme sea level and precipitation data.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of estimating the expectation of a real-valued random variable of the form \(X = g(\mathbf {U})\) where g is a deterministic function and \(\mathbf {U}\) can be a random finite- or infinite-dimensional vector. Using recent results on rare event simulation, we propose a unified framework for dealing with both probability and mean estimation for such random variables, i.e. linking algorithms such as Tootsie Pop Algorithm or Last Particle Algorithm with nested sampling. Especially, it extends nested sampling as follows: first the random variable X does not need to be bounded any more: it gives the principle of an ideal estimator with an infinite number of terms that is unbiased and always better than a classical Monte Carlo estimator—in particular it has a finite variance as soon as there exists \(k \in \mathbb {R}> 1\) such that \({\text {E}}\left[ X^k \right] < \infty \). Moreover we address the issue of nested sampling termination and show that a random truncation of the sum can preserve unbiasedness while increasing the variance only by a factor up to 2 compared to the ideal case. We also build an unbiased estimator with fixed computational budget which supports a Central Limit Theorem and discuss parallel implementation of nested sampling, which can dramatically reduce its running time. Finally we extensively study the case where X is heavy-tailed.  相似文献   

A typical problem in optimal design theory is finding an experimental design that is optimal with respect to some criteria in a class of designs. The most popular criteria include the A- and D-criteria. Regular graph designs occur in many optimality results, and if the number of blocks is large enough, an A-optimal (or D-optimal) design is among them (if any exist). To explore the landscape of designs with a large number of blocks, we introduce extensions of regular graph designs. These are constructed by adding the blocks of a balanced incomplete block design repeatedly to the original design. We present the results of an exact computer search for the best regular graph designs and the best extended regular graph designs with up to 20 treatments v, block size \(k \le 10\) and replication r \(\le 10\) and \(r(k-1)-(v-1)\lfloor r(k-1)/(v-1)\rfloor \le 9\).  相似文献   

Let \(\mathbf {X} = (X_1,\ldots ,X_p)\) be a stochastic vector having joint density function \(f_{\mathbf {X}}(\mathbf {x})\) with partitions \(\mathbf {X}_1 = (X_1,\ldots ,X_k)\) and \(\mathbf {X}_2 = (X_{k+1},\ldots ,X_p)\). A new method for estimating the conditional density function of \(\mathbf {X}_1\) given \(\mathbf {X}_2\) is presented. It is based on locally Gaussian approximations, but simplified in order to tackle the curse of dimensionality in multivariate applications, where both response and explanatory variables can be vectors. We compare our method to some available competitors, and the error of approximation is shown to be small in a series of examples using real and simulated data, and the estimator is shown to be particularly robust against noise caused by independent variables. We also present examples of practical applications of our conditional density estimator in the analysis of time series. Typical values for k in our examples are 1 and 2, and we include simulation experiments with values of p up to 6. Large sample theory is established under a strong mixing condition.  相似文献   

This paper combines optimal spatial sampling designs with geostatistical analysis of functional data. We propose a methodology and design criteria to find the set of spatial locations that minimizes the variance of the spatial functional prediction at unsampled sites for three functional predictors: ordinary kriging, simple kriging and simple cokriging. The last one is a modification of an existing predictor that uses ordinary cokriging based on the basis coefficients. Instead, we propose to use a simple cokriging predictor with the scores resulting from a representation of the functional data with the empirical functional principal components, allowing to remove restrictions and complexity of the covariance models and constraints on the estimation procedure. The methodology is applied to a network of air quality in Bogotá city, Colombia.  相似文献   

We develop a new robust stopping criterion for partial least squares regression (PLSR) component construction, characterized by a high level of stability. This new criterion is universal since it is suitable both for PLSR and extensions to generalized linear regression (PLSGLR). The criterion is based on a non-parametric bootstrap technique and must be computed algorithmically. It allows the testing of each successive component at a preset significance level \(\alpha \). In order to assess its performance and robustness with respect to various noise levels, we perform dataset simulations in which there is a preset and known number of components. These simulations are carried out for datasets characterized both by \(n>p\), with n the number of subjects and p the number of covariates, as well as for \(n<p\). We then use t-tests to compare the predictive performance of our approach with other common criteria. The stability property is in particular tested through re-sampling processes on a real allelotyping dataset. An important additional conclusion is that this new criterion gives globally better predictive performances than existing ones in both the PLSR and PLSGLR (logistic and poisson) frameworks.  相似文献   

We consider kernel methods to construct nonparametric estimators of a regression function based on incomplete data. To tackle the presence of incomplete covariates, we employ Horvitz–Thompson-type inverse weighting techniques, where the weights are the selection probabilities. The unknown selection probabilities are themselves estimated using (1) kernel regression, when the functional form of these probabilities are completely unknown, and (2) the least-squares method, when the selection probabilities belong to a known class of candidate functions. To assess the overall performance of the proposed estimators, we establish exponential upper bounds on the \(L_p\) norms, \(1\le p<\infty \), of our estimators; these bounds immediately yield various strong convergence results. We also apply our results to deal with the important problem of statistical classification with partially observed covariates.  相似文献   

In many applications, the cumulative distribution function (cdf) \(F_{Q_N}\) of a positively weighted sum of N i.i.d. chi-squared random variables \(Q_N\) is required. Although there is no known closed-form solution for \(F_{Q_N}\), there are many good approximations. When computational efficiency is not an issue, Imhof’s method provides a good solution. However, when both the accuracy of the approximation and the speed of its computation are a concern, there is no clear preferred choice. Previous comparisons between approximate methods could be considered insufficient. Furthermore, in streaming data applications where the computation needs to be both sequential and efficient, only a few of the available methods may be suitable. Streaming data problems are becoming ubiquitous and provide the motivation for this paper. We develop a framework to enable a much more extensive comparison between approximate methods for computing the cdf of weighted sums of an arbitrary random variable. Utilising this framework, a new and comprehensive analysis of four efficient approximate methods for computing \(F_{Q_N}\) is performed. This analysis procedure is much more thorough and statistically valid than previous approaches described in the literature. A surprising result of this analysis is that the accuracy of these approximate methods increases with N.  相似文献   

In nonregular problems where the conventional \(n\) out of \(n\) bootstrap is inconsistent, the \(m\) out of \(n\) bootstrap provides a useful remedy to restore consistency. Conventionally, optimal choice of the bootstrap sample size \(m\) is taken to be the minimiser of a frequentist error measure, estimation of which has posed a major difficulty hindering practical application of the \(m\) out of \(n\) bootstrap method. Relatively little attention has been paid to a stronger, stochastic, version of the optimal bootstrap sample size, defined as the minimiser of an error measure calculated directly from the observed sample. Motivated by this stronger notion of optimality, we develop procedures for calculating the stochastically optimal value of \(m\). Our procedures are shown to work under special forms of Edgeworth-type expansions which are typically satisfied by statistics of the shrinkage type. Theoretical and empirical properties of our methods are illustrated with three examples, namely the James–Stein estimator, the ridge regression estimator and the post-model-selection regression estimator.  相似文献   

Using a wavelet basis, we establish in this paper upper bounds of wavelet estimation on \( L^{p}({\mathbb {R}}^{d}) \) risk of regression functions with strong mixing data for \( 1\le p<\infty \). In contrast to the independent case, these upper bounds have different analytic formulae for \(p\in [1, 2]\) and \(p\in (2, +\infty )\). For \(p=2\), it turns out that our result reduces to a theorem of Chaubey et al. (J Nonparametr Stat 25:53–71, 2013); and for \(d=1\) and \(p=2\), it becomes the corresponding theorem of Chaubey and Shirazi (Commun Stat Theory Methods 44:885–899, 2015).  相似文献   

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