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Multiple-membership logit models with random effects are models for clustered binary data, where each statistical unit can belong to more than one group. The likelihood function of these models is analytically intractable. We propose two different approaches for parameter estimation: indirect inference and data cloning (DC). The former is a non-likelihood-based method which uses an auxiliary model to select reasonable estimates. We propose an auxiliary model with the same dimension of parameter space as the target model, which is particularly convenient to reach good estimates very fast. The latter method computes maximum likelihood estimates through the posterior distribution of an adequate Bayesian model, fitted to cloned data. We implement a DC algorithm specifically for multiple-membership models. A Monte Carlo experiment compares the two methods on simulated data. For further comparison, we also report Bayesian posterior mean and Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation hybrid DC estimates. Simulations show a negligible loss of efficiency for the indirect inference estimator, compensated by a relevant computational gain. The approaches are then illustrated with two real examples on matched paired data.  相似文献   

As is the case of many studies, the data collected are limited and an exact value is recorded only if it falls within an interval range. Hence, the responses can be either left, interval or right censored. Linear (and nonlinear) regression models are routinely used to analyze these types of data and are based on normality assumptions for the errors terms. However, those analyzes might not provide robust inference when the normality assumptions are questionable. In this article, we develop a Bayesian framework for censored linear regression models by replacing the Gaussian assumptions for the random errors with scale mixtures of normal (SMN) distributions. The SMN is an attractive class of symmetric heavy-tailed densities that includes the normal, Student-t, Pearson type VII, slash and the contaminated normal distributions, as special cases. Using a Bayesian paradigm, an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is introduced to carry out posterior inference. A new hierarchical prior distribution is suggested for the degrees of freedom parameter in the Student-t distribution. The likelihood function is utilized to compute not only some Bayesian model selection measures but also to develop Bayesian case-deletion influence diagnostics based on the q-divergence measure. The proposed Bayesian methods are implemented in the R package BayesCR. The newly developed procedures are illustrated with applications using real and simulated data.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches have been considered for the two-parameter generalized exponential distribution based on record values with the number of trials following the record values (inter-record times). The maximum likelihood estimates are obtained under the inverse sampling and the random sampling schemes. It is shown that the maximum likelihood estimator of the shape parameter converges in mean square to the true value when the scale parameter is known. The Bayes estimates of the parameters have been developed by using Lindley's approximation and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods due to the lack of explicit forms under the squared error and the linear-exponential loss functions. The confidence intervals for the parameters are constructed based on asymptotic and Bayesian methods. The Bayes and the maximum likelihood estimators are compared in terms of the estimated risk by the Monte Carlo simulations. The comparison of the estimators based on the record values and the record values with their corresponding inter-record times are performed by using Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data are commonly modeled with the normal mixed-effects models. Most modeling methods are based on traditional mean regression, which results in non robust estimation when suffering extreme values or outliers. Median regression is also not a best choice to estimation especially for non normal errors. Compared to conventional modeling methods, composite quantile regression can provide robust estimation results even for non normal errors. In this paper, based on a so-called pseudo composite asymmetric Laplace distribution (PCALD), we develop a Bayesian treatment to composite quantile regression for mixed-effects models. Furthermore, with the location-scale mixture representation of the PCALD, we establish a Bayesian hierarchical model and achieve the posterior inference of all unknown parameters and latent variables using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. Finally, this newly developed procedure is illustrated by some Monte Carlo simulations and a case analysis of HIV/AIDS clinical data set.  相似文献   

While most regression models focus on explaining distributional aspects of one single response variable alone, interest in modern statistical applications has recently shifted towards simultaneously studying multiple response variables as well as their dependence structure. A particularly useful tool for pursuing such an analysis are copula-based regression models since they enable the separation of the marginal response distributions and the dependence structure summarised in a specific copula model. However, so far copula-based regression models have mostly been relying on two-step approaches where the marginal distributions are determined first whereas the copula structure is studied in a second step after plugging in the estimated marginal distributions. Moreover, the parameters of the copula are mostly treated as a constant not related to covariates and most regression specifications for the marginals are restricted to purely linear predictors. We therefore propose simultaneous Bayesian inference for both the marginal distributions and the copula using computationally efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation techniques. In addition, we replace the commonly used linear predictor by a generic structured additive predictor comprising for example nonlinear effects of continuous covariates, spatial effects or random effects and furthermore allow to make the copula parameters covariate-dependent. To facilitate Bayesian inference, we construct proposal densities for a Metropolis–Hastings algorithm relying on quadratic approximations to the full conditionals of regression coefficients avoiding manual tuning. The performance of the resulting Bayesian estimates is evaluated in simulations comparing our approach with penalised likelihood inference, studying the choice of a specific copula model based on the deviance information criterion, and comparing a simultaneous approach with a two-step procedure. Furthermore, the flexibility of Bayesian conditional copula regression models is illustrated in two applications on childhood undernutrition and macroecology.  相似文献   

The weighted likelihood can be used to make inference about one population when data from similar populations are available. The author shows heuristically that the weighted likelihood can be seen as a special case of the entropy maximization principle. This leads him to propose the minimum averaged mean squared error (MAMSE) weights. He describes an algorithm for calculating these weights and shows its convergence using the Kuhn‐Tucker conditions. He explores the performance and properties of the weighted likelihood based on MAMSE weights through simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we adopt the Bayesian approach to expectile regression employing a likelihood function that is based on an asymmetric normal distribution. We demonstrate that improper uniform priors for the unknown model parameters yield a proper joint posterior. Three simulated data sets were generated to evaluate the proposed method which show that Bayesian expectile regression performs well and has different characteristics comparing with Bayesian quantile regression. We also apply this approach into two real data analysis.  相似文献   

The Bayesian analysis based on the partial likelihood for Cox's proportional hazards model is frequently used because of its simplicity. The Bayesian partial likelihood approach is often justified by showing that it approximates the full Bayesian posterior of the regression coefficients with a diffuse prior on the baseline hazard function. This, however, may not be appropriate when ties exist among uncensored observations. In that case, the full Bayesian and Bayesian partial likelihood posteriors can be much different. In this paper, we propose a new Bayesian partial likelihood approach for many tied observations and justify its use.  相似文献   

The failure rate function commonly has a bathtub shape in practice. In this paper we discuss a regression model considering new Weibull extended distribution developed by Xie et al. (2002) that can be used to model this type of failure rate function. Assuming censored data, we discuss parameter estimation: maximum likelihood method and a Bayesian approach where Gibbs algorithms along with Metropolis steps are used to obtain the posterior summaries of interest. We derive the appropriate matrices for assessing the local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes, and we also present some ways to perform global influence. Also, some discussions on case deletion influence diagnostics are developed for the joint posterior distribution based on the Kullback–Leibler divergence. Besides, for different parameter settings, sample sizes and censoring percentages, are performed various simulations and display and compare the empirical distribution of the Martingale-type residual with the standard normal distribution. These studies suggest that the residual analysis usually performed in normal linear regression models can be straightforwardly extended to the martingale-type residual in log-Weibull extended models with censored data. Finally, we analyze a real data set under a log-Weibull extended regression model. We perform diagnostic analysis and model check based on the martingale-type residual to select an appropriate model.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches for parameter estimations and prediction of future record values have been considered for the two-parameter Burr Type XII distribution based on record values with the number of trials following the record values (inter-record times). Firstly, the Bayes estimates are obtained based on a joint bivariate prior for the shape parameters. In this case, the Bayes estimates of the parameters have been developed by using Lindley's approximation and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method due to the lack of explicit forms under the squared error and the linear-exponential loss functions. The MCMC method has been also used to construct the highest posterior density credible intervals. Secondly, the Bayes estimates are obtained with respect to a discrete prior for the first shape parameter and a conjugate prior for other shape parameter. The Bayes and the maximum likelihood estimates are compared in terms of the estimated risk by the Monte Carlo simulations. We further consider the non-Bayesian and Bayesian prediction for future lower record arising from the Burr Type XII distribution based on record data. The comparison of the derived predictors is carried out by using Monte Carlo simulations. A real data are analysed for illustration purposes.  相似文献   

A stochastic volatility in mean model with correlated errors using the symmetrical class of scale mixtures of normal distributions is introduced in this article. The scale mixture of normal distributions is an attractive class of symmetric distributions that includes the normal, Student-t, slash and contaminated normal distributions as special cases, providing a robust alternative to estimation in stochastic volatility in mean models in the absence of normality. Using a Bayesian paradigm, an efficient method based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is developed for parameter estimation. The methods developed are applied to analyze daily stock return data from the São Paulo Stock, Mercantile & Futures Exchange index (IBOVESPA). The Bayesian predictive information criteria (BPIC) and the logarithm of the marginal likelihood are used as model selection criteria. The results reveal that the stochastic volatility in mean model with correlated errors and slash distribution provides a significant improvement in model fit for the IBOVESPA data over the usual normal model.  相似文献   

Relative risks (RRs) are often considered as preferred measures of association in randomized controlled trials especially when the binary outcome of interest is common. To directly estimate RRs, log-binomial regression has been recommended. Although log-binomial regression is a special case of generalized linear models, it does not respect the natural parameter constraints, and maximum likelihood estimation is often subject to numerical instability that leads to convergence problems. Alternative methods for solving log-binomial regression convergence problems have been proposed. A Bayesian approach also was introduced, but the comparison between this method and frequentist methods has not been fully explored. We compared five frequentist and one Bayesian methods for estimating RRs under a variety of scenario. Based on our simulation study, there is not a method that can perform well based on different statistical properties, but COPY 1000 and modified log-Poisson regression can be considered in practice.  相似文献   

COM-Poisson regression is an increasingly popular model for count data. Its main advantage is that it permits to model separately the mean and the variance of the counts, thus allowing the same covariate to affect in different ways the average level and the variability of the response variable. A key limiting factor to the use of the COM-Poisson distribution is the calculation of the normalisation constant: its accurate evaluation can be time-consuming and is not always feasible. We circumvent this problem, in the context of estimating a Bayesian COM-Poisson regression, by resorting to the exchange algorithm, an MCMC method applicable to situations where the sampling model (likelihood) can only be computed up to a normalisation constant. The algorithm requires to draw from the sampling model, which in the case of the COM-Poisson distribution can be done efficiently using rejection sampling. We illustrate the method and the benefits of using a Bayesian COM-Poisson regression model, through a simulation and two real-world data sets with different levels of dispersion.  相似文献   

We consider a random effects quantile regression analysis of clustered data and propose a semiparametric approach using empirical likelihood. The random regression coefficients are assumed independent with a common mean, following parametrically specified distributions. The common mean corresponds to the population-average effects of explanatory variables on the conditional quantile of interest, while the random coefficients represent cluster specific deviations in the covariate effects. We formulate the estimation of the random coefficients as an estimating equations problem and use empirical likelihood to incorporate the parametric likelihood of the random coefficients. A likelihood-like statistical criterion function is yield, which we show is asymptotically concave in a neighborhood of the true parameter value and motivates its maximizer as a natural estimator. We use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers in the Bayesian framework, and propose the resulting quasi-posterior mean as an estimator. We show that the proposed estimator of the population-level parameter is asymptotically normal and the estimators of the random coefficients are shrunk toward the population-level parameter in the first order asymptotic sense. These asymptotic results do not require Gaussian random effects, and the empirical likelihood based likelihood-like criterion function is free of parameters related to the error densities. This makes the proposed approach both flexible and computationally simple. We illustrate the methodology with two real data examples.  相似文献   

We examine the asymptotic and small sample properties of model-based and robust tests of the null hypothesis of no randomized treatment effect based on the partial likelihood arising from an arbitrarily misspecified Cox proportional hazards model. When the distribution of the censoring variable is either conditionally independent of the treatment group given covariates or conditionally independent of covariates given the treatment group, the numerators of the partial likelihood treatment score and Wald tests have asymptotic mean equal to 0 under the null hypothesis, regardless of whether or how the Cox model is misspecified. We show that the model-based variance estimators used in the calculation of the model-based tests are not, in general, consistent under model misspecification, yet using analytic considerations and simulations we show that their true sizes can be as close to the nominal value as tests calculated with robust variance estimators. As a special case, we show that the model-based log-rank test is asymptotically valid. When the Cox model is misspecified and the distribution of censoring depends on both treatment group and covariates, the asymptotic distributions of the resulting partial likelihood treatment score statistic and maximum partial likelihood estimator do not, in general, have a zero mean under the null hypothesis. Here neither the fully model-based tests, including the log-rank test, nor the robust tests will be asymptotically valid, and we show through simulations that the distortion to test size can be substantial.  相似文献   


The maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches for estimating the parameters and the prediction of future record values for the Kumaraswamy distribution has been considered when the lower record values along with the number of observations following the record values (inter-record-times) have been observed. The Bayes estimates are obtained based on a joint bivariate prior for the shape parameters. In this case, Bayes estimates of the parameters have been developed by using Lindley's approximation and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method due to the lack of explicit forms under the squared error and the linear-exponential loss functions. The MCMC method has been also used to construct the highest posterior density credible intervals. The Bayes and the maximum likelihood estimates are compared by using the estimated risk through Monte Carlo simulations. We further consider the non-Bayesian and Bayesian prediction for future lower record values arising from the Kumaraswamy distribution based on record values with their corresponding inter-record times and only record values. The comparison of the derived predictors are carried out by using Monte Carlo simulations. Real data are analysed for an illustration of the findings.  相似文献   

Bayesian synthetic likelihood (BSL) is now a well-established method for performing approximate Bayesian parameter estimation for simulation-based models that do not possess a tractable likelihood function. BSL approximates an intractable likelihood function of a carefully chosen summary statistic at a parameter value with a multivariate normal distribution. The mean and covariance matrix of this normal distribution are estimated from independent simulations of the model. Due to the parametric assumption implicit in BSL, it can be preferred to its nonparametric competitor, approximate Bayesian computation, in certain applications where a high-dimensional summary statistic is of interest. However, despite several successful applications of BSL, its widespread use in scientific fields may be hindered by the strong normality assumption. In this paper, we develop a semi-parametric approach to relax this assumption to an extent and maintain the computational advantages of BSL without any additional tuning. We test our new method, semiBSL, on several challenging examples involving simulated and real data and demonstrate that semiBSL can be significantly more robust than BSL and another approach in the literature.  相似文献   

Bridge penalized regression has many desirable statistical properties such as unbiasedness, sparseness as well as ‘oracle’. In Bayesian framework, bridge regularized penalty can be implemented based on generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD) prior. In this paper, we incorporate Bayesian bridge-randomized penalty and its adaptive version into the quantile regression (QR) models with autoregressive perturbations to conduct Bayesian penalization estimation. Employing the working likelihood of the asymmetric Laplace distribution (ALD) perturbations, the Bayesian joint hierarchical models are established. Based on the mixture representations of the ALD and generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD) priors of coefficients, the hybrid algorithms based on Gibbs sampler and Metropolis-Hasting sampler are provided to conduct fully Bayesian posterior estimation. Finally, the proposed Bayesian procedures are illustrated by some simulation examples and applied to a real data application of the electricity consumption.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new three-parameter model called the exponential–Weibull distribution, which includes as special models some widely known lifetime distributions. Some mathematical properties of the proposed distribution are investigated. We derive four explicit expressions for the generalized ordinary moments and a general formula for the incomplete moments based on infinite sums of Meijer's G functions. We also obtain explicit expressions for the generating function and mean deviations. We estimate the model parameters by maximum likelihood and determine the observed information matrix. Some simulations are run to assess the performance of the maximum likelihood estimators. The flexibility of the new distribution is illustrated by means of an application to real data.  相似文献   

Practical Bayesian data analysis involves manipulating and summarizing simulations from the posterior distribution of the unknown parameters. By manipulation we mean computing posterior distributions of functions of the unknowns, and generating posterior predictive distributions. The results need to be summarized both numerically and graphically. We introduce, and implement in R, an object-oriented programming paradigm based on a random variable object type that is implicitly represented by simulations. This makes it possible to define vector and array objects that may contain both random and deterministic quantities, and syntax rules that allow to treat these objects like any numeric vectors or arrays, providing a solution to various problems encountered in Bayesian computing involving posterior simulations. We illustrate the use of this new programming environment with examples of Bayesian computing, demonstrating missing-value imputation, nonlinear summary of regression predictions, and posterior predictive checking.  相似文献   

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