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韩琦之父韩国华太平兴国七年(982)左右纳胡氏为妾,后育韩璩、韩琦二子。韩琦的婚姻关系,传世资料隐而未彰或记载不详,卒难考实。河南安阳新出土墓志中有韩琦两位夫人的墓志,通过对墓志铭的梳理,可知韩琦共有一妻二妾三位夫人。而且,韩琦家族墓志中亦可反映出妾的封赠问题。  相似文献   

本文以医家、病者为中心,结合医籍的相关叙述,来探讨东晋南朝医学知识的新发展。文中分析指出,此时期医家与病者多数都是出自社会地位较高的士大夫阶层。作为病者,他们世代内部通婚,过度优逸,嗜好饮酒,易受精神刺激,早婚多妾侍,多种因素导致了体貌柔弱,不堪劳作。显现于医学典籍,则是许多医方以体质偏虚之人为预设目标。而又作为医家的他们,传习家学,博通医术,或由信仰之故,兼修岐黄,这促使医界病源学理盛行以及佛道知识常被引入医书。综合诸历史迹象,作者认为东晋南朝医学知识有显著的贵胜特点。  相似文献   

太平天国侍王府侍王府位于浙江省金华市酒坊巷,是太平天国侍王李世贤在浙西的指挥中心,现为全国重点文物保护单位。李世贤(1834—1865年),是太平天国后期重要将领,1861年5月28日,他率太平军攻克金华后,修葺扩建了原来的试士院,将其作为侍王府。侍...  相似文献   

关于《左传》真伪的争辩,历经千百年,至今尚未获得令人信服的结论。本文作者对前代争议诸家的论点和证据作了全面的回顾分析和评议,指出过去的研究虽取得了不少成绩,但由于问题本身复杂,研究方法不够严密,有时还夹杂门户之见,所以,问题的最后解决,还有待继续不懈的努力。  相似文献   

良渚文化研究中的几点感触张明华张明华上海博物馆副研究员良渚文化遗址发现至今巳有60周年了,学术界已取得了不少可喜的成绩,但也存在着一些问题,笔者想谈谈良渚文化研究中的几点感触。一、课题研究不知为什么,前些年热闹过一阵的良诸文化研究,近来似有悄然消逝的...  相似文献   

漫谈《红楼梦》中的妾文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
漫谈《红楼梦》中的妾文化杨丽我们的目光从《红楼梦》中女主子身上转到女奴隶身上时,就会发现居于主子与奴隶之间,还有一个极特殊的阶层,这就是《红楼梦》中的妾。尽管妾在《红楼梦》中所占篇幅不多,只有很少的几回书,或是零星散见于几回书的某些细节,但是它仍然为...  相似文献   

借问蟠龙须何在魏桥《浙江学刊》1996年第4期封二,刊有“太平天国侍王府”一文,配有待工府屏墙嵌圆石蟠龙照片一幅,并指出该处为“保存原貌完整、艺术品最多的一处”。近期,我在另一些公开刊物上.也曾看到此幅照片。有的称石蟠龙经过文革动乱,至今保存完好,云...  相似文献   

我国蒙古族久为世界学者所注目,已有不少名著问世。当今世界上亦将蒙古作为一门独立学科在广泛地进行研究,通称“蒙古学”。尽管如此,蒙古族历史上的一些问题至今也未获解决,尚需要进一步探讨。关于蒙古族的起源就是争论的问题之一。目前,我国治蒙古史者多主蒙古族起源“蒙兀室韦”说。虽然这样,对于此说不能看作是定论,仍有商榷的余  相似文献   

谭婉薇 《探求》2009,(1):76-77,71
图书馆自古至今都拥有重要的社会地位,发挥着重要的作用。但随着经济发展和社会进步,图书馆的生存发展面临着不少问题。为此,图书馆应加大建设力度,提高图书馆的工作人员专业素质等途径来创新图书馆的服务方式,推动图书馆的发展。  相似文献   

王麦巧 《唐都学刊》2012,28(3):18-22
《史记》记载了西汉时期的婚俗形式:聘娶婚、政治联姻、离婚、再婚、自由婚、重亲婚、媵妾婚等。这些婚俗形式的出现与西汉时的思想观念、经济状况、人口政策、社会环境不无关系。西汉初年,经济凋敝,人口离散,社会环境相对宽松,贞节观念比较淡薄;为了发展经济,政府"与民休息",鼓励再婚、媵妾婚、重亲婚等。  相似文献   

关于明清时代的劳动者的形态和评价已经有过很多研究。其中重点研究中一个是江苏省苏州地区踹匠层的研究。本论文中首先要探讨2万名踹布业劳动者踹匠从原居住地江宁、太平、宁国府为什么移民苏州。调查他们出身、性格,另外调查原居住地和苏州的经济条件,从而可以研究他们移民苏州的原因。本文认为他们在苏州地区变成踹匠之前可能与手工业毫无关系。在过去学者们研究中大部分都指出包头层是剥削者。本文认为这一点忽略了当时踹匠们从来没有从事手工业,因此对他们进行一定统治管理是必要的手段。关于包头层的研究也有类似村松佑次指出的包头层是为了建立劳动组织关系而形成的一层的研究。因此文章认为踹布业的包头层性格要重新研究。本文以清代苏州地区劳动者形成过程由居民定居过程来全面反映,刻画劳动者定居前和定居后的变化过程。  相似文献   

Women's pensions in Sweden   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article analyses the effect of the Swedish pension rules on women's and men's pensions. This is done on the basis of an empirical analysis of a representative sample of the population. The study indicates that the rules are least advantageous for women in typical low-wage occupations. I also relate different people's pension benefits to what they have had to pay into the pension system in the course of their working lives. My calculations show that female low-wage earners probably have to pay more for their pensions than other groups.  相似文献   

安成日 《求是学刊》2006,33(6):134-139
20世纪30年代以来,日本发动的一系列侵略战争不仅给亚洲被侵略国家和人民造成了莫大的人的、物的损失和精神上的伤害,而且也给日本殖民地人民带来了深重的损失和灾难。全面侵华战争后日本更是进一步强化了朝鲜作为其侵略战争的后方基地的地位,这给朝鲜造成了巨大的物质和精神损失。  相似文献   

About six years have gone by since the USSR Conference on Construction, which took place here in the Kremlin and at which major problems in the industrialization of construction were solved. In this period a tremendous amount of work has been done in all fields of construction and the building industry.  相似文献   

朱芸 《唐都学刊》2004,20(4):34-38
外倾性是人格心理学中公认的最重要的特质之一。近年来 ,随着认知心理学理论在人格研究领域的渗透 ,对外倾性的认识摆脱了基于心理测量的词汇描述的范式 ,进入实验研究的阶段。在理论上对外倾性与认知、情绪以及行为绩效的关系有了全新的认识 ,研究者尝试从整合的观点解释外倾性的性质与功能。综述该领域的主要研究成果和理论模型有助于研究的深层次进展。  相似文献   

For the most part, the Australian legal profession has failed to meet the challenge of extending the benefits of the law and legal processes to the poor. Lawyers have been assiduous in acting on behalf of wealthier beneficiaries of the welfare state, but they have not applied their skills to improve the position of those who lack substantial resources. An assessment of the role that the profession is equipped to fulfil on behalf of the poor reveals that there is much that could be done to penetrate the welfare process, if lawyers were prepared to direct their energies to that area.  相似文献   


This article presents an application of Norma Lang’s nondeliberative theory in groupwork with clients of Community Outreach Programs in Addictions (COPA), a Toronto community-based organization that assists adults age 55 and older who struggle with addictions and mental health. The article illustrates how we challenged concepts of group work which are predominantly discussion-based problem solving or premeditated by hosting a group in a major art gallery with clients considered difficult to serve. What was done is juxtaposed with what might have been done with greater knowledge of nondeliberative theory.  相似文献   

中国古代社会性质问题研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王长坤  鲁宽民  尹洁 《唐都学刊》2005,21(3):120-123
中国古代社会性质即中国奴隶制问题自20世纪20年代末讨论以来,聚讼纷争,至今尚无定论。其讨论大致分四个阶段:第一阶段围绕中国社会史问题;第二阶段围绕古史分期;第三阶段形成"三论五说"八种不同意见;第四阶段"中国未经奴隶社会论"再度兴起。综观80年的讨论历程,有些问题值得认真反思:首先,应将政治界限同学术分歧区别开来;其次,要辩证地看待革命导师的意见,破除教条主义;最后,中国古代社会性质讨论仍需用民主讨论的方法进一步推向深入。  相似文献   


This paper focuses on how theoretical work developed in deliberative policy analysis (DPA) can contribute to action research (AR) through a better understanding of the policy world. It is based on a programme in Gipuzkoa, Basque Country (Spain) where action researchers have been collaborating with policymakers since 2009. Our paper shows how concepts like pluralism, agonism and escalation have helped to reframe the approach to conflict in action research for territorial development (ARTD). The aim of the case is not exclusively to demonstrate how this can be done at a micro level, but also to show the usefulness of further interaction between the fields of DPA and AR, based on this experience.  相似文献   

Most studies of responsibility emphasize judgments about blame, with cognitive sophistication as the major basis for variations in judgments. The present study explores an alternative. The judgments are about actions that should be taken, with interpersonal relationships as the major basis. In the situations considered, one sibling asks another to take on a job normally done by the asker. The judgments have to do with the responsibility to follow-through, and with the implementation of responsibility (appropriate as against inappropriate ways to remind, give details, or check that the job has been done). Among 14- and 18-year-olds, the majority regarded follow-through as an obligation, with some variation as a function of circumstances. Judgments about appropriate and inappropriate implementation showed a concern with avoiding both negative attributions and the appearance of coercion, in line with the nature of the relationship. Age differences were not significant but gender, in combination with age, was a factor on some judgments. Overall, the results point to the feasibility and the value of considering responsibility in terms of appropriate actions and of linking the analysis of judgments about responsibility to analyses of relationships.  相似文献   

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