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This article discusses a wooden chest used by the abolitionist Thomas Clarkson, to display samples of African natural resources and artefacts. It explores the role played by the chest during the 1788–1789 Privy Council enquiry into the slave trade, and suggests that the box (which is usually thought of as travelling showcase employed by Clarkson in public lectures and meetings) was in fact firmly embedded in – and spoke directly to – the 1788–1789 enquiry process. Its initial purpose was to conjure alternate cargoes in the minds of those debating the slave trade; to enable Parliament to visualise an Africa filled not with potential slaves, but with alternate resources, having a multitude of domestic and commercial uses.  相似文献   

A full-time chaplain to transplant patients and their families cautions that the natural sympathy inspired by the plight of individual transplant candidates may lead the public to neglect the less dramatic medical needs of the masses of poor and uninsured.  相似文献   

Age changes' measures of prosocial responding and reasoning were examined. Participants' reports of helping, empathy‐related responding, and prosocial moral reasoning were obtained in adolescence (from age 15–16 years) and into adulthood (to age 25–26 years). Perspective taking and approval/interpersonal oriented/stereotypic prosocial moral reasoning increased from adolescence into adulthood, whereas personal distress declined. Helping declined and then increased (a cubic trend). Prosocial moral judgment composite scores (and self‐reflective empathic reasoning) generally increased from late adolescence into the early 20s (age 17–18 to 21–22) but either leveled off or declined slightly thereafter (i.e., showed linear and cubic trends); rudimentary needs‐oriented reasoning showed the reverse pattern of change. The increase in self‐reflective empathic moral reasoning was for females only. Thus, perspective taking and some aspects of prosocial moral reasoning—capacities with a strong sociocognitive basis—showed the clearest increases with age, whereas simple prosocial proclivities (i.e., helping, sympathy) did not increase with age.  相似文献   

Advocates and counselors who assist victims of domestic violence and sexual assault often claim a moral identity that depends, in part, on their ability to sympathize with their clients. However, when their clients behave in ways that staff members perceive as “difficult” (i.e., lie, return to their abusers, break rules, express anger at those trying to help them, or fail to show up for appointments), feelings of sympathy can begin to wane—creating a moral identity dilemma. Data collected from participant observation and in-depth interviews outline four generic processes that advocates and counselors engage in to overcome this dilemma. These findings highlight the interdependent nature of identity and emotion management and contribute to previous scholarship on how those who claim a moral identity negotiate feelings that run counter to their identity code.  相似文献   

This essay is a reflection on how personal experience has inspired and shaped my ideas about critical gerontology. It is a writing from the inside about the outside world of intellectual discovery, apart from the typical narratives about career and research. I take this opportunity to explore the life of thought through my own life, and conclude that our ideas about aging are bred in those places where humor, tragedy, conflict, passion and sympathy make it imperative that we ask the questions we do as critical thinkers.  相似文献   

In 1831, Nat Turner led an insurrection in Southampton County, Virginia that left more than 60 men, women, and children dead. This slave revolt left white Virginians in fear for their lives and questioning the ‘peculiar institution’ in their midst. Proslavery ideologue and William & Mary professor, Thomas Roderick Dew, stepped in and provided the intellectual foundation that calmed their fears and made the continuation of the southern way of life possible – at least for a little while longer.  相似文献   

Georg Lind is being interviewed by Helen Haste about his work in moral psychology. In the interview, he discusses the meaning and measurement of moral competencies, which he sees as crucial to bridge the gap between moral ideals and action, and to maintain modern democracies, which rely on the enactment of shared moral ideals. Lind has carried out and inspired one of the largest research programs in moral psychology, including longitudinal, cross-cultural, intervention, and experimental studies. His new methodology, the Moral Judgment Test, has been translated and adapted into many languages. Lind has also contributed much to the improvement and dissemination of educational methods to foster moral competencies. The intellectual and biographical roots of his interests are explored.  相似文献   

Public expressions of sexual intimacy have often been subject to moral censure and legal regulation in modern India. While there is literature that analyzes the cultural-political logics of censorship and sexual illiberalism in India, the discourses of sympathy towards public displays of intimacy has not received as much critical attention. In this paper, I take the case of one representative discursive space offered by a popular English newspaper and show how the figure of the ‘kissing couple’ became an important entity in larger discussions about the state of urban development, the role of pleasure in the city, and the imagination of a “modern” Mumbai.  相似文献   

This paper further tests dual interest theory and the metaeconomics approach to environmental choice, recognizing a possible role for empathy–sympathy (the basis for an internalized, shared other-interest) in tempering and conditioning the more fundamental tendency to pursue self-interest. To test, we focus on rivers flowing through agricultural areas carrying sediments, chemicals, and fertilizers which are making their way into downstream rivers and lakes. We conduct a framed laboratory experiment modeling this problem: farmers decide on the usage of conservation technology to lessen impacts on the water quality (i.e. on the commons, the capacity to absorb these wastes) in downstream areas, which is more costly than the alternative intensive technology. The results confirm our hypotheses, demonstrating that Upstream Farmers who practice conservation are tempering profit maximization with empathy-based, environmentally conscious behavior. Such behavior better serves the farmers’ own-interest, and also helps Downstream Water Users. Environmental economics models need to explicitly include empathy–sympathy and the moral–ethical context it produces, providing a more scientific basis for conservation policy and programs.  相似文献   

This article traces how debates over the ability of indebted West Indian planters to adequately provision their slaves influenced the politics of slavery in the British Empire in an era of abolitionism and amelioration projects. Specifically, the article examines the promulgation of colonial laws establishing priorities for debts incurred for the purchase of slave provisions over mortgage debts in the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries. Debt-priority laws and contemporary responses to them suggest the ways in which both proslavery and antislavery interests defined and contested the moral as well as material dimensions of West Indian commerce and finance. A detailed quantitative case study provides information on provisioning and other expenses on two Tobago sugar estates (1807–1815).  相似文献   

This article details the influence that Haitian ideas about education had on early black intellectuals. Following the successful slave revolution, leaders of the new Haitian state set out to develop a new educational system. African-American observers paid close attention to these developments and often attempted to mimic them. Especially important was the black traveller and activist Prince Saunders, who was hired by the Haitian King Henry Christophe to build schools. Combining social and intellectual history, this article argues that black intellectuals in the North were inspired by the memory and symbol of Haiti to develop an education system and elevation ideology that served explicitly political purposes.  相似文献   

Despite the considerable distance and danger in transporting slaves from the southwestern Indian Ocean region to the Americas, ships carried nearly 550,000 slaves to the Americas between 1624 and 1860. Prior attempts to understand the place of the Indian Ocean in the transatlantic slave trade have been limited in scope, but the transatlantic slave trade database provides us with access to unprecedented statistics and estimates that shed new light on this forced migration. The study of this slave trade also offers insights into the much larger movement of slaves across the Indian Ocean as a whole.  相似文献   

Reasons why battered women remain in abusive relationships were rated by college students as to the degree of sympathy the reasons engendered, the degree to which the reasons seemed to justify the woman remaining, and whether the reasons appeared more within the woman's control (internal) or imposed upon her (external). Four clusters of reasons emerged that varied on the sympathy and justifiability ratings: Physical Restraint/Lack of Resources; Maintenance of the Relationship; Personal Deficits; and Loss of Resources. Sympathy for the individual reasons was correlated with viewing these reasons as more justifiable for keeping her in the relationship. Both sympathy and justifiability ratings were higher if the reasons were seen as externally imposed on the woman. The more the participants viewed the battered woman as possessing socially desirable traits, the more they had sympathy for the reasons she stayed and viewed them as justifiable. Gender and ethnicity differences on the ratings were also found. Implications for future research and application of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on payments for slave sales in the later phase of the British slave trade. It analyses the procedures used in the ‘guarantee’ system in transatlantic slaving whereby merchants in British ports forged close connections with African factors in British America and with British businessmen who guaranteed to pay the factors’ bills presented as payments for slave sales. This was an important institutional procedure in the history of the transatlantic slave trade. Though the ‘guarantee’ system has been explained in outline in previous studies, the case study presented here offers the most detailed appraisal of this system. Examining the British slave trade to Jamaica in 1790s, then the most significant disembarkation centre for enslaved people taken on British vessels, the paper explains the coordination necessary between groups of British merchants, their African factors in Jamaica and their British guarantee in order to secure payments for slave sales at a time of considerable volatility in the demand for slaves in Jamaica. The paper suggests that cooperation between merchants in different British ports in connection with the slave trade is as worthy of investigation as the rivalry between the British ports involved in the ‘Guinea’ traffic.  相似文献   

The majority of works on Caribbean slavery, both contemporary and modern attribute to slave women a subordinate and passive role in slave resistance. By examination of every‐day acts of non‐cooperation, maronage, slave uprisings and the link between African religion and slave revolts, this paper argues that, on the contrary, women were active at all levels of slave resistance and made a significant and indispensable contribution to the slaves’ struggle against servitude. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between the West African cultural heritage of slave women and the nature of their participation in slave resistance. In conclusion it is suggested that this neglected area of the slave woman's life warrants further research as a crucial aspect of the slave experience in general.  相似文献   

Treatments of sources of Adam Smith's sociological theory of the self and associated ideas in The Theory of Moral Sentiments typically refer to classical antecedents or the work of his teacher Francis Hutcheson or his contemporary David Hume. During the seventeenth century, however, many books on the passions were published in London that arguably constitute an important but neglected source of Smith's treatment of moral sentiments. These works are largely forgotten today but at the time were widely read. They are not philosophical, partly devotional and predominantly psychological. Although Smith does not refer to these works his argument resembles theirs in many places. The importance of the seventeenth-century books on the passions, apart from their role in the history of psychology, is their bearing on contemporary economic practices. In this paper the connections between Smith and one of these books, Thomas Wright's The Passions of the Minde in Generall, are indicated.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the structure of slave prices in New Orleans from 1804 to 1862 in an attempt to shed light on such issues as the competitive nature and economic "rationality" of the slave system, the impact of the slave trade on the separation of the slave family, the extent of slave skill formation and its importance to the Southern economy, and the personal relationships between owners and slaves. The analysis is based on the Rogert Fogel and Stanley Engerman (1974) sample of New Orleans slave invoices representing over 5700 slaves sold during the years 1804 to 1862. These invoices contain a rich assortment of information detailing the characteristics and attributes of slaves sold in the market as well as the particulars of slave transactions. The data are investigated within a regression model that relates the price of slaves sold in the market to their characteristics and to other aspects of the slave sale. After discussing the data and the regression model, the paper presents general results; subsequent sections of the paper focus on questions of more particular interest.  相似文献   

《Slavery & abolition》2012,33(4):706-726

This article examines slave trading and slave resistance in the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the English East India Company (EIC) settlements in early eighteenth-century Bengal. VOC and EIC officials exported slaves from Bengal, but also imported slaves from all over the Indian Ocean littoral. The various acts of resistance by settlement slaves show that these slaves utilized their cultural backgrounds as well as their knowledge of diverse cultural and political milieus of early eighteenth-century Bengal in creating a cosmopolitan culture of resistance. These dynamics of slave trading and resistance place Bengal within a trans-regional, Indian Ocean network of slavery.  相似文献   

Dutch research into the slave trade and its importance to the Dutch economy has often limited itself to investigating the financial success of slave trading companies, calculating the success of slaving by its profit rates. The central argument made in this article is that gross margin is a better indicator for the importance of the slave trade to the Dutch Republic. Even if a slave trading company did not make a net profit on a voyage, such a voyage led to extra activities such as shipbuilding or the production of trade goods. This article provides a reconstruction of this gross margin for the entire period that the Dutch were engaged in the trans-Atlantic slave trade by combining the most recent data on the size of the slave trade (including illicit trade) with data on both African and American price data of slaves.  相似文献   

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