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This paper adds-in pregnancy and consent to the abortion debate in the context of good samaritan arguments initiated by Judith Jarvis Thomson. Drawing upon legal and medical definitions, the abortion issue is reframed as the right of a woman to consent to what will be done to her body by the fetus rather than her right merely to choose what to do with her own body. This argument shifts abortion rights from the right to decisional autonomy established in Roe to the right to bodily integrity affirmed by samaritan case law. As a result, we see why women who are pregnant without their consent, in effect, are captive samaritans, a status unsubstantiated by either legislative statutes or legal precedents. Recasting abortion as a response to nonconsensual pregnancy opens new grounds guaranteeing women's reproductive rights.  相似文献   

Studies on transnational cultures have shown that local, national identities are not necessarily subordinated to, or erased by, the globalizing forces of the economy. Rather, the local mediates transnational cultures as well as it is transformed by the crossing of cultural boundaries. Likewise, emerging interdisciplinary and cultural studies approaches to Latin(o) popular music examine the ways in which musical production, circulation and reception create cultural spaces that challenge hegemonic notions of national identity and discrete cultural boundaries. This article examines the figure of the Queen of Salsa, Celia Cruz, and the tensions among the multiple, transnational subjectivities that are constituted through her musical repertoire, her performances on stage, the aesthetics of her body, and her public statements in interviews. Having spanned more than sixty years of performances and recordings, Celia Cruz's diverse repertoire and musical selections have served as a performative locus for the negotiations of her Cubanness (her exile and national identity) and a hemispheric, Latin American identity that also includes the United States. Likewise, her construction of blackness as an Afro-Cuban woman transforms and is transformed by her collaborations with African-American musicians and singers, from jazz to hip-hop. Celia Cruz has also crossed racial and cultural boundaries by collaborating with Anglo musicians and by tropicalizing rock music. Her staged persona and her body aesthetics also reveal the fluidity with which the Queen of Latin music assumes diverse racial, national and historical identities while she simultaneously asserts her Cubanness through the use of Spanish on stage. Celia Cruz serves as a complex and intriguing icon of the relational nature of nationalism and transnationalism.  相似文献   

Late adolescence and the period following, often referred to as emerging adulthood, have been noted as particularly important for setting the stage for continued development through the life span as individuals begin to make choices and engage in a variety of activities that are influential for the rest of their lives. Demographic, sociocultural, and labor market changes have made the years between ages eighteen and twenty-five more transitional than in the recent past. This chapter reviews the critical assets and needs that are essential for keeping youth on healthy, productive pathways into adulthood and examines the developmental tasks and changes of late adolescence.  相似文献   

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 marked an important turning point in the history of American race relations. According to the Act, the immigration of Chinese to the United States was completely halted. Chinese were thus excluded from the possibility of American citizenship. Previous studies on the Chinese Exclusion Act have found that the act was largely successful in systematically denying Chinese‐Americans their civil rights and for decades excluding them from the shores of the United States. Prior research, however, has tended to focus on the results of the act and has neglected a systematic analysis of the congressional vote on the act. Our study will examine the events leading up to the Chinese Exclusion Act in order to achieve a better understanding of the dynamics of the vote on the Act and conclude with a quantitative analysis of the vote on the bill in the House of Representatives in 1882. Our findings indicate that the House was severely divided on the issue of Chinese exclusion on partisan and regional lines.  相似文献   

L'étude d'un cas en sociologie du droit - la législation britannique concernant les aliments et les drogues de 1850 à 1900 - a été utilisée pour étendre l'application de la théorie de Glaser et de Strauss sur les changements d'états de personnes à des objets, spécifiquement à des Actes parlementaires. Ceux-ci subissent également des changements d'état qui à leur tour affectent les positions de personnes. Des agents actifs manipulent et contrôlent des objets passifs produisant des conséquences voulues et non voulues pour les agents et pour ceux dont les situations sont déterminées par les objets. Cinq concepts ont un role central dans la théorie: (1) la création de bills; (2) la réversibilité qui oriente l'attention sur les incidents cruciaux, les conditions structurelles, et le pouvoir des agents qui peuvent empêcher la transformation d'un bill en un Acte; (3) la temporalité, c'est-à-dire les aspects séquentiels du passage d'un bill à travers la procédure parlementaire; (4) la forme et le contrôle portant sur les conflits et les compromis entre agents; et (5) la désirabilité de la législation et ses effets sur ceux qui sont contrôlés. A case study in the sociology of law - British Food and Drug Legislation, 1850 to 1900 - has been used to extend the theory developed by Glaser and Strauss pertaining to status passages of persons to pertain to objects, specifically, parliamentary Acts. These also undergo status passages which, in turn, affect the statuses of persons. Active agents manipulate and control passive objects in ways that have intended and unintended consequences for the agents and for those whose statuses are determined by the objects. Five concepts are central to the theory building: (1) The creation of Bills; (2) reversibility, focusing on crucial incidents, structural conditions, and the power of agents to prevent the transformation of a Bill into an Act: (3) temporality, outlining the scheduled aspects of a Bill's passage through the parliamentary procedure: (4) shape and control, dealing with the conflicts and compromises among agents; and (5) desirability of the legislation and its effects on those to be controlled.  相似文献   

The impact of labor unions on the passage of economic legislation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper examines the political power of labor unions. A model of the decision of an interest group to contribute to a political campaign is developed and tested. The empirical evidence indicates that interest groups, and unions in particular, use political contributions in a systematic and coordinated manner. Unions give money to candidates with relatively little seniority (who might otherwise not be elected) and to candidates from districts with about the average number of union members. Such candidates might otherwise not vote as the union would desire. The influence of campaign contributions and of union membership on the voting of congressmen on issues of interest to unions is also investigated. Union membership is sometimes significant and campaign contributions are always significant in explaining voting on minimum wages, wageprice controls, benefits for strikers, and OSHA and CETA appropriations. The indirect economic effects of labor unions — those effects which occur because unions influence legislation — may be as important as the direct effects which occur through collective bargaining.  相似文献   


This paper explores the general pattern of Italian immigration to Louisiana and describes the occupational attributes of the immigrants in five settlements in the state. The data indicate that unlike the national scene Italian immigration to Louisiana peaked before the 20th century and drew immigrants mainly from Sicily. The great majority of these immigrants were recruited for work on the sugar plantations of southern Louisiana. However, in New Orleans the majority soon became small merchants involved in every aspect of the food industry. This comparatively rapid entrance of Sicilian peasants into the lower ranks of the middle class is explained by the size of the immigrant population, by their distinctive cultural values and social experiences in southern Italy and Sicily, by the custom of gambling, and by the friendly compatability of the host culture in southern Louisiana. Also, tight incontestable family loyalties, hard work, and the custom of thrift made it possible for these economic individualists to make their niche in the social and economic life of Louisiana.  相似文献   

A contemporary American form of the ancient idea of rites of passage can guide young people toward deeper meaning and strengthen their sense of identity and connection to the community.  相似文献   

Using data primarily from the Honolulu Destination Survey (HDS), which is part of the Philippine Migration Study (a study of a migration system that has its origins in Ilocos Norte, a largely rural province in the Philippines), the author examines migration decision making among Philippine immigrants in Hawaii. The HDS, conducted in 1981, interviewed 1484 residents of Honolulu who immigrated from the Ilocos Region after the US immigration law was liberalized in 1965. Results from the Philippine Migration Study (PMS) survey show that of those who did not have any intentions to move within 2 years in 1980, 88% did not move between 1980 and 1982. Of those who said they were certain to move within 2 years, 54% actually moved, while only 36% who were fairly certain and 31% who were uncertain moved. Virtually all of those who actually moved to Hawaii from 1980-1982 had intended to move to Hawaii in 1980. It thus appears that most migration is planned well in advance. For those who have already migrated, their behavior in the destination is influenced by their expectations about future migration. An estimated 20-38.7% of legal immigrants to the US from the Philippines in 1971 had emigrated as of January 1979. 49% of HDS respondents said that they did not intend to move out of Hawaii any time in the future. Among those who intend to move in the future, 69% want to return to Ilocos and 26% intend to move to the US mainland. 40% want to leave Hawaii for economic reasons and 27% for affiliation purposes. The value expectancy framework used in the PMS measures expectations of achieving one's most important goals in alternative locations. The analysis employs both binomial and multinomial logit analysis to identify significant determinants of future migration intentions. The 7 conceptual categories are: wealth, status, comfort, stimulation, autonomy, affiliation, and morality. 90% consider "having a peaceful life" followed by "getting ahead in the world" the most important values. Wealth items are next, followed by comfort variables. Affiliation items are moderately important. Autonomy and morality are considerably less important and stimulation is least. The author examines the following determinants of future intentions in a multivariate framework: 1) adjustment problems, 2) continuing contacts with the Philippines, 3) previous migration history, and 4) sociodemographic factors. This study suggests that the Ilocano immigrants will continue to develop strong ties to Hawaii since only a small proportion intend to move out of the state any time in the future.  相似文献   

In 1990 the United States Congress approved the Television Decoder Circuitry Act, which mandated that all television sets 13 inches or larger for sale in the United States be manufactured with caption-decoding microchips. This legislation allowed millions of deaf and hearing-impaired people throughout the US access to captions on commercials and television programs. Access to technology is one determinant of who can participate in the social, cultural, political and economic facets of a society. Scholars recognize that communication processes in the public sphere often are unbalanced. Access to media outlets creates a gap between those with media power and those without. Using a contextual analysis framework supported by a social model of disability, this paper defines the roles of parties involved in the passage of closed-captioning legislation and highlights how social forces were successful in passing legislation beneficial to the Deaf and Hearing-impaired community.  相似文献   

Cet article, une analyse du passage d'Elizabeth I avant son couronnement, cherche à adopter et à critiquer la métaphore comparant la politique au théâtre, telle que récemment utilisée par Geertz et autres spécialistes du symbolisme politique. Je veux montrer ici où et comment le passage pré-couronnement devient plus compréhensible, grâce à cette métaphore, mais aussi où celle-ci obscurcit sa signification. Je suggère, sur cette base, que la valeur analytique de la métaphore est améliorée quand la notion de 'répétition' prend le pas sur celle de 'représentation' (anthropologie symbolique, symbolisme politique, réciprocité, anthropologie historique).
This paper, a treatment of the pre-coronation passage of Elizabeth i, seeks to adopt and to criticize the 'politics as theatre' metaphor recently used by Geertz and other students of the symbolism of political affairs. I seek to show where and how the pre-coronation passage is illuminated by this metaphor, and where its significance is made obscure. It is suggested, on this basis, that the metaphor is improved as an analytic device when the notion of 'rehearsal' is emphasized over that of 'performance.'  相似文献   

"First, this article critically assesses the dominant accounts of the sequence of labor migration and family reunification and argues that it is time to reclaim the heterogeneity of women's past migratory experiences in our understanding of European patterns of post-war immigration. Second, it examines family migration, covering diverse forms of family reunification and formation which, although the dominant form of legal immigration into Europe since the 1970s, has received relatively little attention. Third, it explores the implications of the diversification of contemporary female migration in the European Union and argues for the necessity of taking account of the reality of changing patterns of employment, households and social structures to advance our understanding of European immigration."  相似文献   

A social marketing media campaign, based on a normative social influence model and focused on normative messages regarding binge drinking, on a large, southwestern university campus has yielded positive preliminary results of an overall 29.2 percent decrease in binge drinking rates over a three-year period. The Core Alcohol and Drug Survey and the Health Enhancement Survey provided information on student knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors regarding alcohol and binge drinking. This study represents the first in-depth research on the impact of a media approach, based on a normative social influence model, to reduce binge drinking on a large university campus and has yielded promising initial results.  相似文献   

This article examines African American folklorist Zora Neale Hurston’s book-length biography and film of the last known Middle Passage survivor, Oluale Kossola/Cudjo Lewis, to explore her cinematic and literary engagement with slavery and to recover Lewis as a co-author of both documents. Hurston’s literary project, ‘Barracoon’, in which she situated herself merely as Kossola’s amanuensis and foregrounded the ‘inexpressible violence’ and ‘horror’ of his experience, represented an unusually frank twentieth-century record of enslavement and post-slavery life. Such work pre-dated and lacked the patronising tone of much of the WPA Slave Narrative Collection (1936–1938), whose investigators were mainly white and whose subjects’ accounts were often reconstructed loosely from field notes. Moreover, Hurston’s footage of Lewis circumvented literary mediation altogether to provide an Atlantic slavery survivor with an unprecedented visual outlet for self-expression.  相似文献   

The author first gives an overview of labor emigration from India since the nineteenth century, noting particularly the trends in Indian migration to Middle Eastern and North African countries. The demand for expatriate labor in West Asia for the years 1985-1990 is projected, and consideration is given to differential labor migration according to skill category. Focusing on Indian emigrants currently working in the Gulf States, the author discusses conceptual problems in examining international migration as well as the social-psychological consequences and the societal impact of migration.  相似文献   

In 2002, the European Union changed direction from its past efforts to harmonise European accounting systems and turned instead to a subcontractor, requiring listed European companies to adopt accounting standards drawn up by a private London-based organisation, the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board), which had until then had no public mandate. This decision was all the more significant because the EU has no institutional means of control over the IASB, although it was the first geographical group to decide to impose these standards on its businesses. IASB standards are rooted in the “anglo-saxon” tradition of standardisation for the financial markets, and the view of the enterprise they promote diverges from the accounting traditions of continental European capitalism. This article shows how the new standards are transforming the concept of enterprise, and examines the span of factors that brought about what is a major institutional change for European capitalism. — Special issue: New patterns of institutions.  相似文献   

Qualitative studies of alcohol's ritual influences indicate that college undergraduates who drink heavily tend to view alcohol use as integral to the student role and feel entitled to drink irresponsibly. Our analyses, based on a standardized measure of these beliefs administered to approximately 300 students, confirmed these findings. Among our sample, beliefs about alcohol and the college experience had an effect on levels of alcohol consumption similar in magnitude to that of other variables commonly associated with a risk for heavy drinking. Moreover, the alcohol beliefs index moderated the effects of three risk factors--gender, high school drinking, and friends' use of alcohol--on respondents' drinking behaviors. These findings are discussed within the context of the anthropological literature on liminality and rites of passage and with regard to strategies for intervention that address the structural roots of the widespread abuse of alcohol on college campuses.  相似文献   

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