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Language theorists have often proposed lists of the defining properties of language. This account reviews some of these and offers as an alternative a three-item list consisting of instructional control, equivalence classes, and autoclitic processes.


Consumption emotions play a crucial role in consumers’ post-purchase behaviors. Evoked by potentially controllable factors related to marketers, consumption emotions fall into a two-by-two matrix: attribute-level emotions (ALE) and beyond attribute-level emotions (BALE) with positive or negative latencies. ALE is related to product, and BALE is related to marketing communication. The authors hypothesized a model of consumption emotions in relation to brand trust, brand affect, and brand loyalty in product consumption. The study tested the model by using a sample of 398 college students and applying structural equation modeling. The results supported most the hypotheses, suggesting indirect effects of the four major types of consumption emotions on brand loyalty via brand affect. Furthermore, the study revealed the direct effects of positive or negative emotions at the attribute level. The positive emotions on brand trust were induced by marketing communication, which in turn led to higher levels of brand loyalty. Nevertheless, the effect of negative emotions on brand trust was non-significant.  相似文献   

唐锋  孙凯 《现代交际》2011,(4):12-13
作为国家一项重要的人才政策,选调生政策在全国各地得到了积极的响应。笔者对广西南宁市、县选调生进行了调查。调查表明,当前选调生处于理想与现实的矛盾差异中。  相似文献   

Scholars have for some time emphasised destabilising the boundaries between colonised and colonisers, in addition to calling for more nuanced analyses of colonialism. I focus here on the politics of difference on a global scale and how the internal logic dividing the world into ‘us’ and ‘other’ is still significant, using two cases revolving around an Icelandic struggle with ‘otherness’ at different times in history: one in 1905 and the other in 2008. I claim that the analysis of those at the margins of the dualistic divide of colonised and coloniser clearly brings out the oppositions at play within historical and contemporary global relationships of power and how participation in colonial ideologies involved multiple politics of identity and selfhood within Europe. Both cases show Icelandic anxieties about being classified with the ‘wrong’ people and their attempt to situate themselves within the ‘civilised’ part of the world.  相似文献   

This paper conducts the first empirical test of numerous rational and behavioral hypotheses for the low annuity demand observed in private markets. We designed a questionnaire based on findings from economics and psychology, enabling us to simultaneously investigate a broad range of motives that presumably constitute the reluctance to buy annuities. To address the interdependence of financial product choice and domain-specific investor sophistication, we construct and employ a novel, comprehensive measure of “annuity literacy”. The results from a representative survey among German consumers reveal that both established rational and so far untested behavioral motives are significant barriers to annuitize wealth. Furthermore, the overall level of annuity literacy is rather low, with most respondents lacking knowledge of an annuity’s core mechanics. These findings disclose promising directions for annuity suppliers, policy makers, and researchers towards resolving the annuity puzzle.  相似文献   

This article represents an attempt to construct a sociological theory of terrorism by means of six theoretical propositions. Taken together these six propositions attempt to explain counterhegemonic terrorism and the dynamics of organizations that participate in such political violence. The terrorism literature shows three emerging trends: spectacularization, criminalization, and fragmentation as explanations for terrorism. In contrast to these atheoretical trends, the theoretical propositions are offered around the themes of counterhegemony, resource mobilization, counter-institutionalization, power-prestige dynamics, ritualization, and social solidarity. The conclusion suggests that any predictions of terrorism are problematic but that these six theoretical principles outlined herein could offer deeper insight into the sociological phenomena of terrorism.  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolving social identities of young adolescents in regard to alcohol and drinking culture in Norway. Detailed analysis of 29 focus group interviews and 32 individual interviews with 12–13-year-olds reveal a thorough negative attitude towards alcohol, especially when enjoyed by young people. Young adolescents found young people to be too irresponsible and immature to drink, while adults were portrayed as capable of enjoying alcohol without losing control or experiencing other negative effects. Through symbolic boundary work, they distanced themselves from adolescents who drank. The young adolescents rejected the idea that drinking alcohol was a sign of maturity; instead, they exhibited maturity by distancing themselves from drunk adolescents. We discuss how these findings reflect the participants’ socio-cognitive development, and how symbolic boundaries are often drawn against those closest in social distance. We conclude that boundaries between ‘adolescents’ and ‘adults’ are fundamental when understanding emerging adolescent social identities, especially when it comes to drinking and drinking culture.  相似文献   

This study assessed the construct validities and the relationships between Optimism [21], Hope [27], Self-Efficacy [18], and Locus of Control [12]. The validities and relationships between these scales were examined not only because they are to some degree rival constructs but also because there is an outstanding theoretical question in the literature of whether each of these variables is a state or trait variable or both. Synder' Hope scale was the "know marker" trait-state scale in this study. Data were obtained on all scales from 78 at-risk university students and 22 regular (or normal) students, as all scales either make claims about or have existing data on these two different types of subjects. Other background data were also collected. A Manova on the 13 variables for which data were obtained found significant profile differences between the two groups of subjects as theory and the literature predicted at the 0.01 level. The trait-state two factor structure of Synder's Hope scale was found except the structure was orthogonal in at-risk students as opposed to the oblique structure Synder found in normals. The same strong results were obtained for Schiever and Carver's Optimism scale which additionally resolved an outstanding interpetability issue with this scale. Hypothesized factor structures were not obtained for the self-efficacy or the locus of control scales and both scales best fit the trait-sate model, which contradicts Bandura's and other prevailing view of these two variables, but supports the results found by Bandalos et al. [2].  相似文献   

Sample weighted multidimensional extensions to existing stochastic dominance, inequality and polarization comparison techniques are introduced and employed to examine whether or not ignoring multidimensional and sample weighting aspects result in misleading inferences. The techniques are employed in the context of a sample of nations, in essence each country in the sample is represented by an agent characterized by the per capita GNP of that country, the GNP growth rate of that country and the average life expectancy in that country. In essence the inequality that is being examined is that between the representative agents in these countries, intra country inequality is not being measured. The results suggest that multidimensional techniques lead to substantially different conclusions from those drawn from the use of unidimensional measures and that sample weighting also has a profound effect on the empirical outcomes. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

This paper critically reviews the existing literature on the effectiveness of gambling prevention programmes for youth. Two categories of preventive strategies, all universal and most school-based, are presented: gambling-specific prevention programmes and gambling and related skills workshops. The age of the participants across the different studies varied from 9 to 20 years. Results show that programmes in both categories are generally effective in reducing misconceptions and increasing knowledge about gambling. However, a lack of long-term follow-ups and of behavioural measures makes it difficult to draw any clear conclusions about the effectiveness of such programmes. Recommendations are presented to improve the development and evaluation of future prevention programmes for youth gambling.  相似文献   

This study examined the Continuum of Risk Hypothesis by assessing the unique relations between early homelessness and educational outcomes while controlling for co-occurring risks. An integrated data system was used to account for multiple co-occurring early risk factors for an entire cohort of first grade students in a large urban school district and municipality (N = 8267). Multilevel linear regression models indicated that the presence of some co-occurring risk factors explained the relation between homelessness and academic engagement problems in school. However, after controlling for co-occurring risks, an experience of homelessness was found to be uniquely related to social engagement problems in first grade. These results support the Continuum of Risk Hypothesis and stress the importance of early intervention for children with an experience of homelessness to foster their social development.  相似文献   

From 1978 on wards, China has experienced a radical transition from a centrally-controlled planned economy to a market economy. At the same time, the Chinese economy is developing at high speed. This dynamic situation poses numerous opportunities and challenges to people with disabilities in China. The research finds that, with the help of government's employment policies, disabled people in two Chinese cities have benefited from both the market reforms and high speed economic growth. The Chinese government did not simply throw away the previous institutional arrangements and withdraw from its responsibility for supporting people with disabilities. In contrast, it adjusted the previous policies in order to mobilise resources from the newly-developing market economy. However, the policies have their limitations. They are temporary in nature and suitable for the transitional period only. There are potential problems and challenges ahead for disabled people in a fully fledged market economy in China.  相似文献   

The statistical modeling of social network data is difficult due to the complex dependence structure of the tie variables. Statistical exponential families of distributions provide a flexible way to model such dependence. They enable the statistical characteristics of the network to be encapsulated within an exponential family random graph (ERG) model. For a long time, however, likelihood-based estimation was only feasible for ERG models assuming dyad independence. For more realistic and complex models inference has been based on the pseudo-likelihood. Recent advances in computational methods have made likelihood-based inference practical, and comparison of the different estimators possible.  相似文献   

I test whether older individuals who report that their firms favor younger workers in promotion decisions are harmed by this oftencited discriminatory practice. Using the Health and Retirement Study, I determine whether such workers are more likely to experience lower wage growth, to separate from their employer, or to retire early, in comparison with workers with similar demographic and job characteristics. The evidence is consistent with lower wage growth and a greater likelihood of early retirement. Much of the effect, however, is likely to stem from a high correlation between delayedpayment contracts and promotion practices. I thank Jeff Biddle, John Goddeeris, David Neumark, John Strauss, and Jeff Wooldridge for helpful comments and suggestions. I gratefully acknowledge fellowship support during the completion of this paper from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  相似文献   

This study examines how older students evaluate the University Programme for Older People (UPOP) they participate in, and how such evaluation might vary depending on the type of UPOP. The sample was made up of 257 older students (mean age = 67.6 years) and was gathered from two UPOP models, one structured as Older People Classrooms (134 participants) and the second one as University of Experience (123 participants). Participants completed a questionnaire evaluating different dimensions of the programme and two incomplete sentences to identify its weak and strong points. Overall, results suggest that older students are very satisfied with the educational experience. Apart from attracting a different profile of student (younger and more involved), University of Experience students seem to give more importance to methodological issues when compared to Older People Classroom counterparts. These results are discussed in the context of new strategies to improve university courses aimed at older people.  相似文献   

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