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Nanqu Community, in Xinfeng, a county in South China's Guangdong Province, in June publicized information about World Environment Day (celebrated every year on June 5 to raise global awareness of the need to protect nature).  相似文献   

Recently Gertrude Mongella, Secretary General of the Fourth World Conference on Women, made her third visit to China. This is what she had to say about the progress Chinese women have made.  相似文献   

JUNE 5, 1994 has been mandated World Environment Day. On this day the first meeting on Women and the Environment in China was held in Beijing and the Declaration of Chinese Women on Environment was established. According to the declaration, environmental pollution and the destruction of the ecology have posed a serious threat to the survival of the human race. It has become a great issue of common concern. The functions of women in procreation and social development are directly affected by the deterioration of the environment. It is the common interest of the populations of the world to protect the environment. The declaration notes that Chinese women are greatly concerned about the environmental conditions of their  相似文献   

Dear Women of China I was glad to see your March issue focus on International Women's Day. It's an important event and I hope it will last 100 years more. As a man who supports women's rights and the chance at equal opportunities for all, I think the first step toward a gender-equal society is caring about the hardships women face. It's sad when I sometimes see friends of mine know about these issues, but are more interested in checking out sports. I hope International Women's Day continues to remind us, and urge us, to care about the female half of the human population.  相似文献   

FOR the last three years I have been working on two big projects about women around the world. One is Mothers of the World, and the other one is Working Women of the World. So I travel to different parts of the world to meet Women and photograph them. I knew from the start that I would be able to see China only very superficially, because there was no way I could spend more than two to three weeks there. I therefore  相似文献   

Attending the Fourth World Conference on Women held in China in 1995 was indeed a wonderful experience. The lingering excitement of the event continues to bubble over each and every time I recount the excitement of the trip to my students and friends. Most questions, however, are not about the Forum itself, but instead about China. Everyone is amazed to hear that people living in a communist country are living a much better life than ever before. In fact, very few people from my country have visited  相似文献   

Shen Bing 沈冰 Shen Bing, the pretty host on China Central Television (CCTV), who made a name for herself by emceeing a program in conjunction with the 2002 FIFA World Cup, is about to host a program associated with the World Cup that will be hosted by Germany. Since September 2005, Shen has stayed at home because she gave birth. The World Cup will begin on June 9. Zhang Bin, mastermind of CCTV's program on the World Cup,  相似文献   

June 1,perhaps better known as International Children's Day, has arrived again.Appropriately,this issue of Women of China is filled with stories about children—and the issues that are important to them.In one article,our reporter takes a close look at China's children's publishing industry.As in virtually every region of the world,the Harry Potter books were bestsellers in China.Given the books'success,publishers have tried importing all sorts of children's stories from the West.But cultural differences make it difficult to find  相似文献   

T o commemorate the UN Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995, the "10th Anniversary Commemoration of the Fourth World Conference on Women" is going to be held from August 29 to September 1 in Beijing. This grand occasion is co-sponsored by the National Working Committee on Women and Children, All-China Women's Federation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations system in China. Participants will discuss the following issues: women's participation in decision-making and management, women's economic empowerment, women and the poverty eradication, women's human rights and the elimination of violence against women, women and HIV/AIDS, and women and sustainable development.  相似文献   

SINCE the first case of AIDS was reported in the early 1980s the number of HIV patients has been increasing. According to the estimate of the World Health Organization, the number of HIV carriers has risen to 19.5 million, among whom 4:5 million have developed AIDS, resulting in 1 million AIDS-related deaths. By the year 2000, the number of HIV carriers worldwide is predicted to reach 40 million. By the time the global 40 million mark is reached, 90 percent of these cases are predicted to be in developing countries. Then the number of HIV carriers in Asia will likely surpass the number in Africa. China, comprising one-fifth of the world's population, with underdeveloped  相似文献   

The latest statistics from the UN AIDS Program shows that tens of millions of people have died from AIDS worldwide, and millions more have become HIV infected since 1981. There is no doubt that AIDS is a tragic problem that reaches beyond political boundaries. Recently the Chinese Govemment reported that the number of AIDS cases in China has risen too. On October 26, 2001, alarming news was announced—the official number of HIV cerriers and AIDS patients in China has rapidly increased since 1995! In China at present HIV is mainly spread through intravenous injection, which make up 68.7 percent of the total official number of HIV-infected persons, while seven percent were infected through blood or blood products and six percent were sexually transmitted.  相似文献   

It is my pleasure to be here in Hong Kong at the Beijing + 15 Forum of Status of Women amid the elegance and charm of China's Pearl of the Orient, and to have the opportunity to meet and discuss with the women of Hong Kong their good works. As this year marks the 15th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, it is an apt date indeed for the Hong Kong Federation of Women to hold this forum. One hundred years ago, the Second International Socialist Women's Conference designated March 8 International Women's Day. Since then, March 8 has been a festival for women around the world.  相似文献   

THIS year's International Women's Day has special significance, for it takes place during the fiftieth anniversary year of the United Nations. The purposes of International Women's Day: to celebrate past achievements, to highlight continuing problems, and to stimulate thought about the future, will this year be conducted in the context of a similar effort focused on the entire United Nations system. But the connection between International Women's Day 1995 and the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations goes far deeper than similarity of purpose. There is increasing recognition that the problems  相似文献   

Gathering on the International Day of Families 欢聚在国际家庭日 May 15 of each year is the International Day of Families. This year is China's Year of Russia. To enhance the friendship and increase mutual understanding between the people of Heihe, Heilongjiang Province, in Northeastern China, and Amur Prefecture, in the Far East region of Russia, both sides exchanged family delegations and paid friendly visits to each other on May 11 and 12.  相似文献   

SINCE the first case of AIDS was found in the United States in June 1981, AIDS patients and persons infected with HIV have reached 17.41 million in the world. Among the more than four million AIDS patients, over two million have died. Currently, China has 1,435 patients infected with HIV. AIDS is a serious threat to health and the development of social economy, especially to women and children. Since there is still no effective cure for AIDS the death rate of AIDS patients is nearly 100 percent, many countries are trying to find medicines to combat this disease. Chinese doctors and researchers have made some progress in treating AIDS with traditional Chinese medicine. After numerous selections and  相似文献   

March 8 is International Women's Day,the day when women around the world come together to reflect on their struggle for equality.The day is of special significance to Women of China,so,for the March issue,we focus on an issue that is important to all women:Work.Everybody wants a rewarding career,  相似文献   

A pril 7th marks World Health Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) designated "Make Every Mother and Child Count" as the focus of World Health Day this year. WHO warns that neglecting maternal and children's health care will exacerbate an already seri…  相似文献   

November 25, 2003. Mark that day on your calendar. That day will mark the fourth International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. And it is drawing near. In this issue of Women of China, we present the article Domestic ViolenceEclipses Sunshine.  相似文献   

IN the south of Shandong Province, Weishan Lake is the largest freshwater lake in northern China. Under the bright blue sky, it gleams like a large mirror. "As the sun is about to set, Weishan Lake is quiet…" Humming  相似文献   

China's State Administration of Grain, in concert with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Communist Youth League, the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO), on October 16 launched a week-long national activity to promote both 2014 World Food Day (on October 16) and the concept of using less food. The kickoff ceremony was held at Tsinghua University in Beijing.  相似文献   

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