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Louis Harris has reported a substantial increase in work between1973 and 1985 and a corresponding decrease in the availabilityof free time. Data from the Current Employment Statistics ofthe Department of Labor show a decline of the work week in thesame period. Data from the National Opinion Research Center'sGeneral Social Surveys show a rough constancy in the work week.Previous analyses of Current Population Survey results alsopoint to constancy as the appropriate conclusion for the periodin question. Examination of the Harris studies shows five changesin procedure. These changes in method may well have producedthe dramatic changes he reported. Harris's finding is challengedalso by other results from his studies, which show increasedparticipation in a wide range of leisure-time activities.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how three sets of characteristics—(1) individual attitudes, practices, and academic position; (2) location and professional connections; and (3) marital/family statuses—operate in explaining the publication productivity of men and women in a national sample of social work academics.
We find that: (1) together, the variables explain more variance in women's than men's publication rate; (2) comparing female models to male models, the effect of at itudes and practices are more stable for women; and (3) professional connections and family statuses operate differently for women as compared to men.  相似文献   

While recent research explores the determinants of homophobia among college students, only a few studies look at the perceptions of homosexuals among social work students. Unfortunately these rare studies generally present a modest list of predictor variables or small sample sizes. To address this gap, this research explores the ways in which undergraduate social work students (N=748) from 12 colleges feel about homosexuality. In doing so, the work initially delineates the extent to which future social workers feel comfortable being around gay and lesbian persons. The work then explores the impact of specific social statuses, educational processes, and ideological beliefs. In the end, the role of homosexual peers is emphasized, as are the effects of familial attitudes, the perceived cause of homosexuality, conservative religious maxims, traditional gender role beliefs, and anxieties over AIDS.  相似文献   


Sex differences in job satisfaction are explored utilizing data from the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) General Social Surveys, 1974–1982. Theoretically, differences in job satisfaction are accounted for by job rewards, job values, work conditions, and individual attributes. This study confirms that women receive significantly fewer job rewards than men, have significantly different job conditions, and possess slightly different work values. However, there is no difference in job satisfaction between women and men. As a consequence, these factors may not affect levels of job satisfaction, or men's and women's job satisfaction may be determined by different determinants. Alternatively, the relative level of these factors compared to one's past or expected levels may be more important than absolute levels. The multiple regression analyses reveal that similar determinants influence women's and men's job satisfaction, but that the determinants operate differently. Age and occupational prestige were significant predictors in both full models. Moreover, for both men and women a sense that one's personal situation is improving is more important than concrete rewards.  相似文献   

Twenty‐five Caribbean and Latin American nations were examined to determine the relationship between potential female headed families and other social indicators. Regression analysis reveals that women's labor market participation is associated with the proportion of families potentially headed by women. The share of girls in secondary school is also associated with the dependent variable. Social indicators of modernization and dependency were regressed on potential female‐headed households. Neither approach alone explains the formation of female‐headed families in the region.  相似文献   

The article examines the adverse conditions in which the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) started its war relief work in German‐occupied Lithuania in 1915. As Lithuania's fate was still uncertain, the JDC had to overcome almost insurmountable diplomatic, political and practical problems in the initial stages of its activity. The article highlights how the JDC was able to adopt a consistent policy, always subscribing to a non‐political approach and adapting its tasks to the immediate and most pressing need of the countries aided, while having to deal with significant political challenges that deeply affected its freedom of movement, such as the impossibility of acting without the State Department's approval and of ignoring the reality of the German military administration.  相似文献   

WORK AND THE DIVISION OF LABOR   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper is an attempt to conceptualize the division of labor in terms of work. This perspective leads to a necessary distinction between work and workers, and its implications. Among the main considerations discussed are actor, accountability, division of rights versus division of labor, work patterns and interactional styles, rapidly changing organizations and industries in relation to their divisions of labor, and reciprocal macro and micro impacts. Some research implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

In contemporary society, work and home represent the two most significant domains in the life of a working individual. Changes in family structures and technological changes (e.g. mobile phones and portable computers) that enable job tasks to be performed in a variety of locations have blurred the boundaries between work and home. This all suggests that the meaning that people may have attached to these domains has changed also. The present research uses in-depth qualitative interviews with 10 employees from an Information Technology company to explore the meaning of each persons work and home domain, and the ways in which they interact. Interviews were transcribed into text documents and analysed. Frequency of word use provided a socio-linguistic profile of the words that participants used when asked to talk about their work and home domains. Content analysis of the sentences relating to work and home provided a measure of how frequently respondents talked about their home-life when asked about work, and vice versa. In addition, each participant filled out an adapted version of the PANAS, which assessed affective state in both the work and home domains specifically. Results are discussed in relation to the generation of future hypotheses.  相似文献   

The work–family literature emphasizes how work intrudes into family life, and some scholars suggest that social ties based in the workplace may be replacing ties to family or neighbors. Using data from the Ecology of Careers Panel Study, we describe the prevalence of strong ties with family, coworkers, and neighbors in a dual‐earner, middle‐class sample. We also examine which respondents are more likely to have strong ties in the workplace. We find that most respondents do not have any strong ties with coworkers; however, coworker ties are much more common than ties to neighbors. Additionally, there are gender differences in network ties and these differences may have important consequences for social support.  相似文献   


This article discusses the sportization of pastimes. This is perhaps one of the most important issues facing the sociology of sport, leisure, and recreation. The article offers some initial dialogue toward the development of a theory that would explain the myriad of activities which continue to evolve from leisure time pursuits of a few, into more organized recreation for many, and then into highly competitive sports. The status of this subarea of sociology is discussed within the context that the sportization of pastimes may generate enough research interest so as to catapult this subarea into mainstream sociology.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which supervisory phone-ins were related to change in both immediate therapist behaviors and subsequent change in resistant behaviors of client family members. Of specific interest was whether the congruence of supervisor and therapist behaviors (referred to as isomorphism by some family therapy authors) would be related to immediate change in client resistance. The quality of supervisor's Support and Teach behaviors was foundj to be significantly related to the change in the quality of the threrapists' Support and Teach behaviors. Moreover, in instances where both supervisors and their supervises demonstrated effective Support and Teach behaviors, clients generally tended to either remain cooperative or become cooperative more frequently than when both effective supervisor and supervisee behaviors where not present.  相似文献   

We apply criminological theories of social control to explore the relationships among adolescent pregnancy, pregnancy resolution, and juvenile delinquency. While most ever-pregnant girls have especially high rates of delinquent behavior, adolescent mothers exhibit delinquency levels no higher than those of their never-pregnant peers. Unlike adolescent females who end their pregnancies through abortion, those who keep their babies experience a dramatic reduction in both smoking and marijuana use. Our results suggest that among adolescent girls, the birth of a child has a strong trajectory-modifying effect. It serves as a mechanisms of social control and substantially reduces the likelihood of delinquent behavior.  相似文献   

This study compares adolescent boys' and girls' aspirations and plans concerning achievement, family, and other adult life spheres, and examines the effects of adolescent work experience on these future orientations. The data were obtained from 1001 students, chosen randomly from a list of enrolled ninth graders in a large Midwestern city. Girls were not found to have lower achievement orientations than boys. Examination of the interrelations of achievement and family plans suggests that boys see their future educational, work, and family roles as more closely integrated than do girls. Just as work and family roles are mutually supportive for adult men but in conflict for adult women, so too do employed adolescent boys appear to be developing traditional family orientations, while employed girls, especially those much exposed to formal work, expect less involvement in marriage and family life. The analyses indicate that paid work is traditionalizing for boys, promoting optimism about, and commitment to, numerous adult life domains; but for girls, formal work lessens interest in traditional female gender roles.  相似文献   

This article examines discourses of trauma and affective labor in the emergence of trauma training in US journalism. In a body of training texts and films used in US journalism schools, crime and disaster journalism are being refigured as affective encounters between reporters and victims; in the process, training builds a language of trauma that describes and models the news making process as potentially reparative: as an epistemological meeting point between existing knowledge of social traumas and a training apparatus that enables constructs of trauma to do the cultural production of news differently. Rather than treat the emergence of trauma training initiatives as further evidence of the hegemony of therapeutic politics, I draw from Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's calls for reparative critique, in which transformations in the process of news production may reveal the work of affective labor and its emotional intensities as key, but often unacknowledged, features of cultural production. Analysis of training films and manuals in these curricula, on the one hand, shows their attachments to a medical discourse of trauma that borrows language and constructs from the trauma science literature, replicating forms of referentiality between wounded bodies and traumatized psyches. However, their translation into representational practices and modes of conduct for reporters – as witnesses to others' testimonies – also pose ways of understanding the burdens and affective responsibilities professions like journalism increasingly bear for displaying and interpreting social change and political upheaval.  相似文献   

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