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《The Sociological review》1971,19(2):253-278
Book reviewed in this article: Robert Maclver on Community, Society and Power, selected writings edited and with an introdution by Leon Bramson. Longitudinal Studies and the Social Sciences by W. D. Wall and H. L. Williams. Crime, Police, and Race Relations: A Study in Birmingham by John R. Lambert. Family, Class and Education: A Reader edited by Maurice Craft. Family, Class and Education: A Reader edited by maurice Craft. Social Mobility and Political Change by Ioan Davies. Social Stress edited by Sol Levine and Norman A. Scotch. Sociology in Britain: A Suvey of Research by Ernest Krausz. Polls, Television, and the New Politics by Harold Mendelsohn and Irving Crespi. Social Work and the Sociology of Organizations by Gilbert Smith. The Sociology of Progress by Leslie Sklair. The Legacy of Max Weber by L. M. Lachmann. The Moral Development of Children by N. Williams and S. Williams. Rationality edited by Bryan R. Wilson. Adolescent Needs and the Transition from School to Work by Joan Maizels. Sociology in its Place and Other Essays by W. G. Runciman. Sociology and Social Work: Perspectives and Problems by Brian J. Heraud.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1966,14(2):201-230

《The Sociological review》1970,18(2):283-311
Book reviewed in this article: Structralism: a Reader edited by Michael Lane. Ethics, Politics, and Social Research edited by Gideon Sioberg. Remara: A Community in Eastern Ruanda by Pierre Bettez Gravel. Planning Local Authority Services for the Elderly by Greta Summer and Randall Smith. Paterns of Urban Life by R. E. Pahl. Florian Znaniecki on Humanistic Sociology edited by R. Bierstedt. Reflections on the Problem of Relevance by A. Schutz. Theodor Geiger on Social Order and Mass Society edited by R. mayntz. Men, Money and Medicine by Eli Ginzber with Miriam Ostow. Politics and the Social Sciences edited by S. M. Lipset. Objectivity in Social Research by Gunnar Myrdal. I Freud: Political and Social Through by Paul Roazen. II The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx by Shlomo Avineri. Mr. Martins' review of Avineri's book has been delayed by pressure of work, Ed.) The Sociology of Protestantism by Roger Mehl (tr. James H. Farley). Immigration and Integration: A Study of the Settlement of Coloured Minorities in Britain by Clifford Hill. The Sociology of Grass Roots Politics by David Berry. The Growth of White-Collar Unionism by George Sayers Bain.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1972,20(4):601-630
Book reviewed in this article: The Social Psychology of Race Relations by Leonard Bloom. The English and Immigration: A Comparative Study of the Jewish Influx, 1880–1910 by John A. Garrard. Sexuality, A Search for Perspective edited by D. L. Grummon and A. M. Barclay. The Sociology of Religion: A Study of Christendom. Vol. V. Types of Religious Culture by Werner Stark. The Sociology of Mental Disorder by R. Bastide, translated by Jean McNeil. Max Weher and Sociology Today edited by Otto Stammer. Local Prisons: The Crisis in the English Penal System by Richard F. Sparks. Societyf Culture and Personality: An Introduction to Social Science by Zevedei Barbu. Sociology of Literature by Robert Escarpit, translated by Ernest Pick. Retirement in American Society: Impact and Process by Gordon F. Streib and clement J. Schneider, S.J. The Feminine Character: History of an Ideology by Viola Klein. George Simmel on Individuality and Social Forms edited and with an Introduction by Donald N. Levine. The Origins of Human Social Relations edited by H. R. Schaffer. Mass Culture Revisited edited by B. Rosenberg and D. M. White. African Businessmen: A Study of Entrepreneurship and Development in Kenya by Peter Marris and Anthony Somerset. Readings in the Theory of Educational Systems edited by Earl Hopper. Religion in Radical Transition edited by Jeffrey K. Hadden. Interpersonal Relations and Education by David Hargreaves. The Social Frameworks of Knowledge by Georges Gurvitch, translated by Margaret A. Thompson and Kenneth A. Thompson. Herbert Spencer: The Evolution of a Sociologist by J. D. Y. Peel.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1972,20(3):441-472
Book reviewed in this article: Social Conflict and Educational Change in England and France, 1789- 1848 by M. Vaughan and M. S. Archer. British Parliamentary Election Results, 1950–1970 by F. W. S. Craig. Readings in Race and Ethnic Relations edited by A. H. Richmond. East Indians in Trinidad: A Study in Minority Politics by Yogendra K. Malik. The Sociology of Family edited by M. A. Kanwar. Family Structure in Nineteenth Century Lancashire by Michael Anderson. Sociology and Industrial Life by J. E. T. Eldridge. Henry Home, Lord Kames, and the Scottish Enlightenment: A Study in National Character and in the History of Ideas by W. C. Lehmann. White Society in Black Africa: The French of Senegal by Rita Cruise O'Brien. Patterns of Residential Care: Sociological Studies in Institutions for Handicapped Children by Roy D. King, Norma V. Raynes and Jack Tizard. Urban Residential Patterns by R. J. Johnston. Knowledge and Control: New Directions for the Sociology of Education edited by Michael F. D. Young. Capitalism and Modern Social Theory: An Analysis of the Writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber by Anthony Giddens. Alienation: Marx's Conception of Man in Capitalist Society by Bertell Oilman. The Sociology of Planning: A Study of Social Activity on New Housing Estates by Lynnette Carey and Roy Mapes. Rôles and Values: An Introduction to Social Ethics by R. S. Downie. Residence and Student Life: A Sociological Inquiry into Residence in Higher Education by Joan Brothers and Stephen Hatch. Health and Sickness: The Choice of Treatment by M. E. J. Wadsworth, W. J. H. Butterfield and R. Blaney. Population: Facts and Methods of Demography by Nathan Keyfitz and Wilhelm Flieger. Toward a Sociology of Irreligion by Colin Campbell.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1976,24(2):365-403
Book Reviewed in this article Planning and Human Need by P. Heywood The No-Growth Society edited by Mancur Olsen and Hans H. Lansberg Voluntary Action Research: 1974 edited by David Horton Smith Practical Social Sciences by Aeiam Podgoredd Race, Class and Militancy: An African Trade Union, 1939–1965 by R. D. Gdllo Mass Communication Research: Major Issues and Future Directiorts edited by W. Phillips Davison and Frederick T. C. Yu From Karl Mannheim eelited and with an introduction by Kurt H. Wolff Industrialism by Barry Turner Contemporary Soviet Government by L. G. Churchward Colliery Closure and Social Change: A Study of a South Wales Mining Vdley by John Sewel Ethnicity: Theory and Experience edited by N. Glazer and D. P. Moynihan Rzecz o Nauczydelach w Wychowujacym Spoleczetistwie Socjalistycznym (The Rôle of Teachers in Educating a Socialist Sodety) by Jan Szczepanstd Understanding Social Life: The Method called Verstehen by William Outhwaite Marx and Modem Social Theory by Alan Swingewood The Co-operative Farmer and the Welfare State by J. S. Abarbanel Sociology and Philosophy by Emile Durkheim. Translated by D. F. Pocock, with an Introduction by J. G. Peristiany, and an article on Dtirkhdm's Life and Work by Talcott Parsons The Politics of Organizational Decision Making by A. Pettigrew The Sociology of Organisations by D. J. Champion Power, Persistence and Change: A Second Study of Banbury by M. Sacey, E. Batstone, C. Bell and A. Murcott Talcott Parsons and American Sociology by Guy Rocher The Politics of Law Enforcement by Alan Edward Bent Gypsies and Government Policy in England: A Study of the Travellers’Way of Life in Relation to Policies and Practices of Central and Load Government by Barbara Adams, Judith Okely, David Morgan and David Smith Theoretical Thinking in Sociology by W. Skidmore Old-Age Institutions by Barbara Boiling Manard, Cary Steven Kart and Dirk W. L. van Gils Drugs, Society and the Law by Harvey Teff  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1972,20(1):105-128
Book reviewed in this article: Marxist Sociology in Action by J. A. Banks. Ferdinand Tænnies on Sociology: Pure, Applied and Empirical. Selected Writings edited and with an introduction by Werner J. Cahnman and Rudolph Herberle. Alfred Schutz: On Phenomenology and Social Relations edited by H. R. Wagner. The Social Psychology of the Child with Epilepsy by Christopher Bagley. Separated Spouses: A Study of the Matrimonial furisdiction of Magistrates Courts by O. R. McGregor, Louis Blom-Cooper and Colin Gibson. The Relevance of Sociology edited by Jack D. Douglas. The Impact of Sociology edited by Jack D. Douglas. Women in Top jobs by Michael Fogarty, A. J. Allen, Isobel Allen and Patricia Walters. Sex, Carrer and Family by Michael P. Fogarty, Rhona Rapoport and Robert Rapoport. Deviance and Respectability: The Social Construction of Moral Meanings edited by Jack D. Douglas. The Future of Work and Leisure by Stanley Parker. The Social Consequences of Conviction by J. P. Martin and D. Webster. Behaviourd Worlds by P, G. Herbst Applied Factor Analysis by R. J. Rummel. Imperialism by George Lichtheirn.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1976,24(1):135-176
Book reviewed in this article: Development and Social Change in Yugoslavia: Crises and Perspec-tives of Building a Nation by Peter Jambrek. The Family: Its Structures and Functions edited by Rose L. Coser. Prisoners of Society: Attitudes and Aftercare by Martin Davies. Class, Codes and Control, Volume 3, Towards a Theory of Educational Transmissions by Basil Bernstein. Leisure and the Family Life Cycle by Rhona Rapoport and Robert N. Rapoport. Agrarian Reform and Agrarian Reformism: Studies of Peru, Chile, China and India edited by David Lehmann. Sociological Theory: Uses and Unities by Stephen Mennell. Central Ideas in Sociology by David Berry. Hidden Myth by V. L. Leymore. Education, Eqitality and Society, edited by Bryan R. Wikon. British Political Sociology Yearbook, Vol. II; The Politics of Race edited by Ivor Crewe. The Savage in Literature by Brian V. Street. Industrial Behcaiiour: Theoretical Development since Taylor by Michael Rose. Race and Labour in London Transport by D. Brooks. Image and Influence: Studies in the Sociology of Film by Andrew Tudor. The Origins of the Liberal Welfare Reforms by J. R. Hay. Regulating the Poor by F. F. Piven and R. A. Cloward. Law and State: The Case of Northern Ireland by K. Boyle, T. Hadden and P. Hillyard. Lives of Labour: Work in a Maturing Industrial Society by Peter N. Steams. Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge by Paid Feyerabend. Evidence and Explanation in Social Science by Gerald Studdert-Kennedy. Worker' Participation in Industry by M. Poole. The Sociology of Entile Durkheim by Robert A. Nisbet. Form and Content in Industrial Democracy by F. E. Emery and Einar Thorsrud. The Development of the West of Scotland: 1750–1960 by Anthony Slaven. Hermeneutic Philosophy and the Sociology of Art: An Approach to Some of the Epistemologicd Problems of the Sociology of Knowledge and the Sociology of Art by Janet Wolff. People on the Move edited by Leszek A. Kosinsid and R. Mansell Prothero.  相似文献   

Books review in this article: The Affluent Worker: Political Attitudes and Behaviour by John H. Goldthorpe, David Lockwood, Frank Bechhofer, Jennifer Plan International Systems and the Modernization of Societies by J. P. Nettl and Roland Robertson The Educational Innovators, Vol. 2 by W. A. C. Stewart Readings in Urban Sociology edited by R. E. Pahl One in Twenty: A Study of Homosexuality in Men and Women by Bryan Magee The African Predicament by Stanislav Andreski The Sociology of Education by Olive Banks Social Stratification by Carol Owen Industrial Disputes: Essays in the Sociology of Industrial Relations by J. E. T. Eldridge Society and the Adolescent Self-Image by Morris Rosenberg Main Currents in Sociologial Thought II by Raymond Aron Social Stratification edited by J. A. Jackson Readings in Reference Group Theory and Research edited by H. H. Hyman and E. Singer Dialectical Sociology: An Analysis of the Sociology of Georges Gurvitch by Phillip Bosserman Urban Sociology by R. N. Morris Political Mobilisation: A Sociological Analysis of Methods and Concepts by J. P. Nettl Commitment to Welfare by Richard M. Titmuss Israeli Society by S. N. Eisenstadt Organizational Careers: A Sourcebook for Theory by B. G. Glaser A Reader in Social Administration edited by A. V. S. Lochhead Theory and Methods of Social Research by J. Galtung Halfway Houses by R. Z. Apte Comparative Social Administration by Barbara Rodgers, John Greve and John S. Morgan Personnel Management in Context by Anne Crichton Readings in the Sociology of Language edited by Joshua A. Fishman Progress and Disillusion: The Dialectics of Modem Society by R. Axon The Affluent Worker: Industrial Attitudes and Behaviour by J. H. Goldthorpe, D. Lockwood, F. Bechhofer, J. Platt  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1970,18(1):115-151
Book reviewed in this article: Politics of Social Research: An Inquiry into the Ethics and Responsibilities of Socail Scientists by Ralph L. Beals. Organisational Behavior by Joe Kelly. Construction of Preference Spaces: An Investigation into the Applicability of Multidimensional Scaling Models by L. Delbeke. The Theory of Social Change: Four Views Considered by John McLeish. Middle Age and Aging edited by B. L. Neugarten. The Business Enterprise in Modern Industrial Society by John Child. Caring for Children in Trouble by J. Carlebach. The Family by C. C. Harris. The Theory and Practice of Vocational Guidance: A Selection of Readings by Barie Hopson and John Hayes. The Concept of Community edited by D. W. Minar and S. Greer. The Desegregation of the Mentally Ill by J. Hoenig and Marian W. Hamilton. Max Weber on Charisma and Institution Building edited by S. N. Eisenstadt. Towards a Sociology of Mass Communications by D. McQuail. The Logic of Social Inquiry by Scott Greer. Computer Methods in the Analysis of Large-Scale Social Systems revised edition, edited by James M. Beshers. Social Networks in Urban Situations edited by J. Clyde Mitchell. Ownership, Control, and Ideology by Theon. Small Town in Mass Society: Class, Power and Religion in a Rural Community by A. J. Vidich and J. Bensman. Modernizing Peasant Societies: A Comparative Study in Asia and Africa by Guy Hunter. Sport, Culture, and Society:a Reader on th Sociology of Sport edited by John W. Loy and Gerald S. Kenyon. Adolescent Girlds in Approved Schools by Helen J. Richardson. Studies in British Society edited by J. A. Banks. Social Research by Michael Schofield. Values and Involvement in a Grammar School by Ronald King.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1974,22(2):281-282
Book reviewed in this article: The Sociology of the Workplace: An Interdisdplinary Approach edited by Malcolm Warner. The Symmetrical Family: A Study of Work and Leisure in the London Region by Michael Young and Peter Willmott. The Male Nurse by R. G. S. Brown and R. W. H. Stones. The Sociology of Educational Ideas by Julia Evetts. The Urban Future edited by Ely Chinoy. Who Becomes Delinquent? by D. J. West in collaboration with D. P. Farrington. Population Since the Industrial Revolution: The Case of England and Wales by N. L. Tranter. The Itinerant Schoolmaster by K. George Pederson. Deviant Behaviour by Paul Rock. Complaints Against Doctors by Rudolph Klein. Political Opinion Polls by F. Teer and J. D. Spence. A Reader in Planning Theory edited by Andreas Faludi. The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research, 1923–50 by Martin Jay.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1971,19(1):115-140
Book reviewed in this article: Campus Power Strggle edited by Howard S. Becker. Theory Construction: From Verbal to Mathematical Formulations by H. M. Blalock. Personality and Religion: The Rôle of Religon in Personality Development edited by William A. Sadler Jr. Social Relations in a Secondary School by David H. Hargreaves. Society and Economic Growth: A Behavioural Perspective of Social Change by J. H. Kunkel. Sociology, Histroy and Education: A Reader edited by P. W. Musgrave. Social Research and Social Policy by Howard E. Freeman and Clarence C. Sherwood. The Emergence of Society by C. K. Warriner. The Philosophy of Social Science by Alan Ryan. Television and Delinquency by J. D. Halloran, R. L. Brown and D. C. Chaney. Foster Care: Theory and Practice by V. George. The Sociological Study of Religion by R. Scharf. Basic Readings in the Sociology of Education edited by D. F. Swift. Social System and Time and Space by J. Kolaja. I Data Bases, Computers, and the Social Sciences edited by R. L. Bisco. II Cluster Analysis by R. C. Tryon and D. E. Bailey. Whose City? And Other Essays on Sociology and Planning by R. E. Pahl.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1969,17(2):267-299
Books review in this article: The Sociology of Max Weber by Julien Freund Society and Democracy in Germany by R. Dahrendorf Latent Structure Analysis by Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Neil W. Henry The Sociology of Marx by Henri Lefebvre Delinquents and Non-delinquents in Perspective by S. and E. Glueck Moral Education by W. Kay Explanation in Social Science: A System Paradigm by Eugene J. Meehan The Coloured Worker in British Industry by P. L. Wright The Cloistered Elite by John Wakeford Essays on Research in the Sociology of Religion edited by Joachim Matthes Family and Kinship in Modern Britain by C. Turner Readings in Mathematical Social Science, edited by Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Neil W. Henry The Sociology of Education by D. F. Swift The Protestant Ethic and Modernization edited by S. N. Eisenstadt British Parliamentary Election Statistics 1918-1968 by F. W. S. Craig The British Voter by M. Kinnear Experiment in Industrial Democracy: A Study of the John Lewis Partnership, by Allan Flanders, Ruth Pomeranz and Joan Woodward Artistic Expression—A Sociological Analysis by V. Kavolis The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups by Mancur Olson Jr. Sociology and the Stereotype of the Criminal by Dennis Chapman Social Class and Delinquency by Lynn McDonald  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1981,29(2):361-396
Book reviewed in this article: Book reviews are indexed in the Book Review Index Contemporary Hermeneutics by Josey Bleicher. Higher Education for the Future by Charles Carter. Process and Structure in Higher Education by Tony Becher and Maurice Kogan. The University Teacher and his World by Richard Startup. Working Class Culture: Studies in History and Theory by John Clarke, Chas Crichter, and Richard Johnson (ed.). The Sociology of Belief: Fallacy and Foundation by Keith Dixon The Microelectronics Revolution: the Complete Guide to the New Technology and its Impact on Society by Tom Forester (ed.) The Computerisation of Society: A report to the President of France. by Simon Nora and Alain Mine. The Sociology of Literature by John Hall. Marxism, Ideology and Literature by Cliff Slaughter. Origins and Destinations: Family, Class and Education in Modern Britain by A. H. Halsey, A. F. Heath, J. M. Ridge. Work, Society and Politics: The Culture of the Factory in Later Victorian England by Patrick Joyce. The Concept of Ideology by Jorge Larrain. Bastardy and its Comparative History by P. Laslett, K. Oosterveen and R. Smith (eds.). TUC: the Growth of a Pressure Group 1868–1976 by Ross M. Martin. State Housing in Britain by Stephen Merrett. Housing, Social Policy and the State by Joseph Melting (ed.). The Control of Work by John Purcell and Robin Smith (eds.). Masters, Unions and Men: Work Control in Building and the Rise of Labour 1830–1914 by Richard Price. The Sociology of Welfare: Social Policy, Stratification and Political Order by Graham Room. Rubbish Theory: The Creation and Destruction of Value by Michael Thompson. Women, Work and Family by L. A. Tilly and J. W. Scott.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1975,23(3):645-677
Book Reviewed in this article: A Sociology of Organisations by J. E. T. Eldridge and A. D. Crombie. Political Woman by Melville Currell. The Crisis of Industrial Civilization. The Early Essays of Auguste Comte, edited and introduced by Ronald Fletcher. Critical Criminology edited by Ian Taylor, Paul Walton and Jock Young. The Mafia of a Sicilian Village, 1860–1960: A Study of Violent Peasant Entrepreneurs by Anton Blok. Early Child Care in Sweden by Ragnar Berfenstam and Inger William Olsson Population and Its Problems: A Plain Man's Guide edited by H. B. Parry. Contemporary Research in the Sociology of Education edited by John Eggleston. The Structure of Social Science by Michael Lessnoff. Social Stratification in Science by Jonathan R. Cole and Stephen Cole. The Decline in Fertility in Germany, 1871–1939 by John E. Knodel. Religion and Social Class: The Disruption Years in Aberdeen by A. Allan MacLaren. To Do the Sick No Harm, A Study of the British Voluntary Hospital System to 1875 by John Woodward. What School is For by Gabriel Chanan and Linda Gilchrist. Measuring Disability by Sally Sainsbury. Bradstow: A Study in Status, Class and Power in a Small Australian Town by R. A. Wild. Power and the Structure of Society by James S. Coleman. British Factory—Japanese Factory by R. Dore. Marxist Perspectives in the Sociology of Education by Maurice Levitas. Communication in Science by A. J. Meadows.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1974,22(3):419-438
Book reviewed in this article: The Manufacture of News: Deviance, Social Problems and the Mass Media edited by S. Cohen and J. Young. Social Stratification and Trade Unionism by G. S. Bain, D. Coates and V. Ellis. Racism and the Mass Media by Paul EUirtmann and Charles Husband. Labour Relations on the Docks by Michael P. Jackson. Marxism versus Sociology: A Guide to Reading by Martin Shaw. Man and Organization: The Search for Explanation and Social Relevance edited by John Child. Tinker, Tailor … The Myth of Cultural Deprivation edited by Nell Keddie. Sociologists and Religion by Susan Budd. Drivers after Sentence by T. C. Willett. Language, Psychology and Culture: Essays by Wallace E. Lambert edited by Anwar S. Dil. On the Beginning of Social Inquiry by P. McHugh et al. School Organisation and Pupil Involvement: A Study of Secondary Schools by Ronald King. EthnometJwdology: Selected Readings edited by Roy Turner.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1973,21(4):657-684
Book reviewed in this article: Small Groups and Political Behcwiour: A Study of Leadership by Sidney Verba. Power in Britain edited by John Urry and John Wakeford. Society and the Policeman's Role by M. E. Cain. A Sociology of Religion by Michael Hill. The Dialectics of Social Lije by Robert F. Murphy. Sociolinguistics edited by J. B. Pride and J. Holmes. Plans and Provisions for the Mentally Handicapped by M. Bone, B. Spain and F. M. Martin. Community Studies by Colin Bell and Howard Newby. Progressives and Radicals in English Education, 1750–1970 by W. A. C. Stewart. Survey Research in Africa: Its Applications and Limits edited by W. M. O'Barr et al. Migration and Race Relations in an English City: A Study in Bristol by A. H. Richmond et al. Education and Modernization in the USSR by S. M. Rosen. The Family by Robert O. Blood. The Education of Teachers in Britain edited by D. E. Lomax. The Formal Organization edited by R. H. Hall. Herbert Spencer on Social Evolution edited and with an Introduction by J. D. Y. Peel. Regional Variations in Britain: Studies in Economic and Social Geo-graphy by B. E. Coates and E. M. Rawstron. Reflections on the Causes of Human Misery by Barrington Moorej Jr. Careers in Dope by Dan Waldorf. A Critique of Max Weber's Philosophy of Social Science by W. G. Runciman.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1974,22(1):137-140
Book reviewed in this article: Social Hierarchies by Roland Mousnier, translated by Peter Evans. Reference Groups and the Theory of Revolution by John Urry. Meaning and Control: Essays in Social Aspects of Science and Tech-nology edited by D. O. Edge and J. N. Wolfe. Rebellion and Retreat: Readings in the Forms and Processes of Deviance edited by S. Palmer and A. S. Linsky. New Towns: The British Experience edited by H. Evans. Essays introduced by Peter Self. Claimant or Client? by Olive Stevenson. Research in Religious Behavior: Selected Readings edited by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi. Redundancy and Paternalistic Capitalism: A Study in the Sociology of Work by R. Martin and R. H. Fryer. Art Students Observed by Charles Madge and Barbara Weinberger. Reluctant Farmers? A Study of Unemployment and Planned Rural Development in Uganda by Caroline Hutton. Services for Children and Their Families–Aspects of Child Care for Social Workers edited by John Stroud. Voluntary Associations: Perspectives on the Literature by Constance Smith and Anne Freedman.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles: Power and Privilege: A Theory of Social Stratification. By Gerhard E. Lenski . From Race Riot to Sit-In: 1919 and the 1960's. By Arthur I. Waskow . New Careers for the Poor: The Nonprofessional in Human Service. By Arthur Pearl and Frank Riessman . Crime and Its Correction: An International Survey of Attitudes and Practices. By John P. Conrad . Enter Plato: Classical Greece and the Origins of Social Theory. By Alvin W. Gouldner . Theories in Social Psychology. By Morton Deutsch Dress, Adornment, and the Social Order. Edited by Mary Ellen Roach and Joanne B. Eicher . The Community and Racial Crises. Edited by David Stahl , Frederick B. Sussman , and Neil J. Bloomfield , with a Foreward by Harold P. Seligson . Religion and Progress in Modern Asia. Edited by Robert N. Bellah. Fertility and Family Planning in the United States. By Pascal K. Whelpton , Arthur A. Campbell , and John E. Patterson . The Uses of Comparative Sociology. By Stanislav Andreski . Stratification in Grenada. By M. G. Smith . Brief Mention Culture and Behavior, by Clyde Kluchohn, edited by Richard Kluckhohn Sociological Concepts and Research: Acquisition, Analysis, and Interpretation of Social Information, by Ralph Thomlinson. The Policeman in the Community, by Michael Banton The Ku Klux Klan in the Southwest by Charles C. Alexander The Impact of Industry, by Wilbert E. Moore Africa: Social Problems of Change and Conflict. Reading selected and edited by Pierre L. van den Berghe. Chinese Communist Society: The Family and the Village, by C. K. Yang  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1978,26(3):647-678
Self and Social Context by Ray Holland. The Deferential Worker by Howard Newby. Society and Social Policy by Ramesh Mishra. Urban Sociology in an Urbanized Society by J. R. Mellor. Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids Get Working ClassJobs by Paul E. Willis. Communication and Learning in Small Groups by Douglas Barnes and Frankie Todd. Work, Race and Immigration by Sheila Allen, Stuart Bentley and Joanna Bornat. Christian Democracy in Western Germany. The CDU/CSU in Government and Opposition, 1945–76 by Geoffrey Pridham. The Sociology of Knowledge:An Essay in aid of a Deeper Understanding of the History of Ideas by Werner Stark. Mining and Social Change by Martin Bulmer (ed.). Clergy, Ministers and Priests by Stewart Ranson. Antonio Gramsci and the Revolution that Failed by Martin Clark. The Social Impact of the Telephone by Ithiel de Sola Pool (ed.). Reconstructing Historical Communities by Alan Macfarlane. Cultural Creation by Lucien Goldmann. The Sociology of Industry by S. R, Parker, R. K. Brown, J. Child and M. A. Smith. Philosophy and Methodology in the Social Sciences by Barry Hindess. Lenin's Political Thought—Vol. I: Theory and Practice in the Democratic Revolution by Neil Harding. The Social Contexts of Method by Michael Brenner. Addendum. Readers should note that Whose Music?A Sociology of Musical Languages by J. Shepherd.  相似文献   

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