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I Will Keep the Copy I just received the copy of Women of China on the Fourth World Conference on Women and the NGO Forum in Huairou, which I had mail-ordered in my last letter. I enjoy it very much as I was a participant at the forum and at the UN Conference. You have captured the spirit of global friendship and support in your pictures, and the coverage is excellent as well. It is indeed one of the magazines from the FWCW that I will keep. ANNE YEDOWITZ U.S.A.  相似文献   

Yangchun Baixuepainter杨春白雪 小画家"I would have a pair of wings with which I would fly to all places of happiness. Even if I could not get the wings, I would have a greater imagination.In the crispy air in the early morning, I will hear the singing of nature. When it snows, I will see flowers of spring in full bloom. In the spring wind, I will fly like a bird. I believe deeply that apes would possibly still roam wild if they did not have an imagination.In the new year, the wings of my dreams will be even stronger."  相似文献   

A De'ang Wedding     
Every wedding is different, but somehow they are all the same. That is what I felt when I attended the wedding of Yang Yubu, a De'ang young woman who is an acquaintance of mine. Chudonggua Village is located at the eastern part of Santai Township. It is about 30 kilometers away from tile seat of Mangshi. When I learned that Yubu was going to get married, I jumped onto a shuttle bus that would take me past the foot of the mountain where the village sits. Halfway along the journey, I disembarked and started  相似文献   

Anative of Aocheng city of Ji'an, Jiangxi Province, I joined the revolution in March of 1930. In May that same year, I joined the Communist Youth League. Later, I became head of the women's department of Youth Communist International (YCI) of the Zhiyang District Committee and also head of the women's department of the YCI of the Ji'an County Committee. At that time, women were deeply tied up by feudal ethics and followed the three  相似文献   

THE war left a deep impression on people. I was still a child then and what I remember most was fleeing from the war and the air raids. During the eight years of the war I went with my mother to Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macao Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou. We fled to literally every part of the country in the south. Now and then I was able to go to school, but I never stayed in any one of them long before we had to flee again. By the time I was supposed to graduate from middle school I had been to five different middle schools, but because of the constant changes of schools I never obtained any graduation certificate. In my research work I see some materials on the war, and  相似文献   

FOR the last three years I have been working on two big projects about women around the world. One is Mothers of the World, and the other one is Working Women of the World. So I travel to different parts of the world to meet Women and photograph them. I knew from the start that I would be able to see China only very superficially, because there was no way I could spend more than two to three weeks there. I therefore  相似文献   

Iam 21 years old. My home is in a small village of Putian, Fujian Province. Like thousands of healthy children, I once had a colorful childhood. Unexpectedly, however, I contracted an eye disease at the age of 13 and began to gradually lose my eyesight. At first, I cherished a gleam of hope that heaven would kindly make me see light again someday. My mother took me to one hospital after another for treatment, but my eyesight remained dim. I became frightened and restless. I realized that sometime soon I might no longer be able to see my mother's kind face, my father's thin figure, the golden rape flowers in the fields, or the meandering stream by the village. In the daytime, the adults went to work in the fields and the children went to school. I was left alone in the empty house. I tried  相似文献   

Dear Women of China, I like that you put listings in the back of the magazine.However,I do not find the events interesting.They are not the kind of events that I would normally go to. You should have some information about rock concerts(such as Air coming to China),brand fashion events and such  相似文献   

IT was during the Cultural Revolution, in, the year that I turned 16, that I put on an army uniform, got on a train, and left Beijing for Urumqi in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. After six days of driving on the vast Gobi Desert, I reached Kashi of southern Xinjiang. After another six days' severe jolting, I arrived at the hig'nest land in China. I was one of the five first women soldiers  相似文献   

IN March of last year, on my way to New York to attend the NGO Consultation, I stopped in San Francisco. Before I left I called Bernice. She told me she was not well. Before I went to America again in June of this year to visit some of my relatives, I asked my ex-colleagues at the International Liaison Department of the All-China Women's Federation about  相似文献   

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