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目的:能够快速、准确、高效的查询医院各项工作所需信息,更好地为医院管理服务;方法:利用SQL语言查询语言查询医院各种信息;结果:通过利用SQL语句进行查询,数据得的充分共享,提高了统计工作效率;结论:通过学习、掌握和利用SQL语言,可以弥补程序查询上的不足,发挥统计的最大效能。  相似文献   

张强 《管理科学文摘》2009,(28):166-167
国家信息化体系要素中提到:对于一个行业信息化建设,信息资源的开发利用是国家信息化的核心任务,是国家捂.葱花建设取得实效的关键,也是我国信息化的薄弱环节,信息资源开发和利用的程度是衡量国家信息化水平的一个重要标志。可见,在教育信息化建设过程中,教育资源的建设和利用将成为主要任务。随着人们对教学过程本质认识的不断深入,人们将研究的重点由教学媒体逐步转移到教学资源的层面上,即由对教学媒体物理特性的研究转移到从学习者出发研究学习资源,以实现包括媒体在内的一切学习资源的使用方法与使用目的的紧密结合。  相似文献   

本文探讨了云环境下医院档案信息化建设存在的医院档案信息收集困难、信息化管理体制未完善、管理观念滞后3种问题,根据问题,分析了云环境下医学档案信息管理的策略。在档案信息管理中,要通过安全技术措施,及时处理档案信息管理过程中的风险,应对可能会出现的问题,确保档案信息的安全;建设科学严谨的档案管理系统,提高档案管理工作效率;认识档案管理信息化建设的重要性,加快信息化建设,满足相关人员对档案信息的及时查阅、运用,从而提升医院工作效率。  相似文献   

梁益民 《决策探索》2009,(20):25-26
一、消费品工业信息化建设情况 企业信息化包括两个方面:一是生产过程的信息化,实际上是生产过程的自动化;另一部分是管理自动化,即通过自动化不仅代替人的体力劳动而且还代替人的脑力劳动。在生产过程的信息化方面,我国规模以上消费品工业企业中有一小部分企业实现了生产的自动化,企业生产的控制、测量、加工以及产品的设计部分采用信息技术,对这些信息进行收集、  相似文献   

田冬青 《经营管理者》2009,(21):230-230
医院统计到底有什么用,很多人可能不甚了解,也不很关心,甚至认为统计工作是一种可有可无的工作,并且对统计人员存在偏见。本文主要从医院统计的功能方面谈谈医院统计工作的重要性。1.医院统计的认识功能。任何事物都是质和量的统一,事物的变化也是由量的渐变达到一定程度后才引起质的根本变化的,因此,我们对客观事物的认识,也包括质和量两方面的认识。统计是着重从事物的数量方面进行调查研究的认识活动,是我们获取对客观事物数量方面认识的最基本途径。医院统计工作为人们提供关于一个医院及其各科室现状和发展前景的数量化信息。2.医院统计的分析功能。统计人员通过对大量统计资料的收集、审核、整理和汇总,得到准确的数量化信息,  相似文献   

李淑红 《决策与信息》2013,(10):275-276
医院档案是医院的信息中心,是医院的宝贵财富,加强对这一信息资源的管理,对医院现代化建设尤其重要。医院档案是医院管理工作中的凭据,是医务人员进行知识更新和获取信息的重要场所,是医院进行宣传教育的生动资料。医院档案管理主要包括两个方面的内容:一是对医院档案资源的管理,也称档案实体管理;二是对医院档案中所包含的信息和管理,称档案信息组织。  相似文献   

本文对如何建设医院综合档案信息化平台进行了问题及优势分析。通过研究发现,综合档案信息化为医院档案管理提供了便利,有助于医院服务水平的不断提高,也方便了查阅。我们应加强医院综合档案信息化建设,从而优化医院的信息资源,提高医院的管理能力。  相似文献   

随着科学技术水平的不断提升,医院在档案管理过程中应该向标准化和规范化发展,电子病历的出现对医院档案管理活动的开展创造了有利条件。电子病历是信息化的表现,医院通过采用电子病历,能够对信息资源进行合理的开发和利用,对医院档案管理提供数据信息服务。因此,本文针对电子病历在医院档案管理中的应用展开了分析,从而提高医院档案管理工作质量,维护医院和患者的权益。  相似文献   

“会计信息孤岛”是近两年随着企业信息化进程的推进出现的难点问题之一。我们将其界定为:会计信息系统依据会计科目体系,对企业生产经营活动的数据进行分类采集、汇总、加工、储存和报告的会计信息不能满足使用者决策需求的状态。它主要表现在对外报告的决策有用性不够及财务信息与非财务信息的分离;对内企业业务活动的物流、资金流、信息流相分离及财务会计信息与管理会计信息的分离。而随着全球化市场竞争的加剧,企业管理活动的日益复杂化,管理者对企业生产经营信息的综合运用的需求越来越高。另外,对外报表的使用情况也表明:会计…  相似文献   

薛晓晨 《办公室业务》2013,(19):165-166
医院档案管理工作是维护医院管理系统以及其他活动的必要组成部分。文章介绍当下医院档案管理工作的现状以及存在的主要问题,对医院档案管理的系统化建设提出优化对策。现代信息工业的发展,使得医院管理实现了网络化、和信息化。结合计算机信息技术,做好医院档案管理工作与现代化管理体制相接轨,是文章的研究主题。  相似文献   

本文考虑制造商创新,研究由一个制造商和一个零售商组成的两级供应链双向需求信息共享问题。制造商与零售商均拥有部分需求信息,且制造商进行成本降低创新,根据逆向分析求解方法分析制造商与零售商在均不共享、制造商单方共享、零售商单方共享、相互共享需求信息情形下的均衡决策,并分别通过求解制造商和零售商的事前利润来探讨制造商与零售商的需求信息共享价值。研究发现:制造商在四种需求信息共享情形下的创新投资增量均与获取的需求信息正相关,而与创新系数负相关。制造商的需求信息共享价值在制造商单方共享和互共享需求信息情形下总为负,在零售商单方共享情形下总为正。零售商的需求信息共享价值随着制造商创新能力的增强由负变正。本文在供应链双向需求信息共享的研究中引入制造商创新,拓展了相关研究,具有一定的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

Keeping a record of operator experience remains a challenge to operation management and a major source of inefficiency in information management. The objective is to develop a framework that enables an explicit presentation of experience based on information use. A purposive sampling method is used to select four small and medium-sized enterprises as case studies. The unit of analysis is the production process in the machine shop. Data collection is by structured interview, observation and documentation. A comparative case analysis is applied. The findings suggest experience is an accumulation of tacit information feedback, which can be made explicit in information use interoperatability matrix. The matrix is conditioned upon information use typology, which is strategic in waste reduction. The limitations include difficulty of participant anonymity where the organisation nominates a participant. Areas for further research include application of the concepts to knowledge management and shop floor resource management.  相似文献   

The public sector performance movement has intensified during the past three decades, increasing formalized planning, control and reporting across all OECD countries. Notwithstanding the extant literature on performance management, empirical evidence on how and why performance information is used in day-to-day practice is still rare. Such research is relevant not only to advance theory but also to inform decision makers in designing the conditions that effectively contribute to performance and accountability improvements. We aim to contribute to a better understanding of the effects and determinants of use by considering the characteristics of performance management systems, the characteristics of users and context features. We selected two central government case studies from Italy, a country that has adopted several reforms on performance management since the early 1990s. In order to gain insights from both supply and demand side, for each ministry we interviewed people responsible for the design and functioning of the performance management system and top managers that are supposed to use performance information when taking decisions. Results show the prevalence of passive rather than purposeful use. Motivations and obstacles to the use of performance information are identified, drawing relevant practical and policy implications.  相似文献   

The literature on alliances has identified a variety of inter‐firm antecedents of performance, including information and knowledge sharing between partners, shared partner understanding, and a focus on collective objectives. Recent studies have focused on alliance management capabilities (AMC) – firms' abilities to capture, share, store and apply alliance management knowledge – as an important antecedent of performance. This paper reviews 90 studies on AMC and makes two important contributions to the literature. First, the review provides an overview of and classification scheme for the different types of AMC to better organise the diverse empirical findings that have been presented in the literature. The novel classification distinguishes between general and partner‐specific AMC and between AMC stored within the firm and within the alliance. Second, consistent with the dynamic capabilities perspective, this paper offers a more detailed understanding of why AMC improve performance, by highlighting the intermediate impact of AMC on alliance attributes. In particular, the review demonstrates how the different categories of AMC influence alliances in terms of information and knowledge‐sharing between partners, shared partner understanding and the pursuit of collective goals. The review also demonstrates that these attributes improve performance. The authors note promising avenues for future empirical research that involve combining the classification scheme with research on the impact of AMC on alliance attributes and performance.  相似文献   

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are highly emotional events for the employees of involved organizations. The strength and directionality of emotional reactions can result in positive or negative employee outcomes contributing to success or failure of cross-border M&As. Existing studies on emotions and cross-border M&As have identified various underlying mechanisms and factors that influence employee emotions in cross-border M&A activities, leading to a fragmentation of current research on this topic. In this article, we systematically review the interdisciplinary literature on the role played by emotions in cross-border M&As by analyzing a sample of 78 articles published between 2000 and 2021. We contribute to the current literature by (1) providing a holistic and deeper understanding of the role played by emotions in cross-border M&As; (2) mapping the current state of the interdisciplinary literature on emotions and cross-border M&As; and (3) developing a multi-level framework, and identifying key theories and emerging themes to be examined in future studies.  相似文献   

Trust in risk information about food related-hazards may be an important determinant of public reactions to risk information. One of the central questions addressed by the risk communication literature is why some individuals and organizations are trusted as sources of risk information and others are not. Industry and government often lack public trust, whereas other sources (for example, consumer organizations, the quality media, medical doctors) are highly trusted. Problematically, previous surveys and questionnaire studies have utilized questions generated by the investigators themselves to assess public perceptions of trust in different sources. Furthermore, no account of the hazard domain was made. In the first study reported here, semistructured interviewing was used to elicit underpinning constructs determining trust and distrust in different sources providing food-related risk information ( n = 35). In the second study, the repertory grid method was used to elicit the terminology that respondents use to distinguish between different potential food-related information sources ( n = 35), the data being submitted to generalised Procrustes analysis. The results of the two studies were combined and validated in survey research ( n = 888) where factor analysis indicated that knowledge in itself does not lead to trust, but that trusted sources are seen to be characterised by multiple positive attributes. Contrary to previous research, complete freedom does not lead to trust—rather sources which possess moderate accountability are seen to be the most trusted.  相似文献   

We examine the critical role of evolving private information in managing supply risk. The problem features a dyadic channel where a dominant buyer operates a multiperiod inventory system with lost sales and fixed cost. He replenishes from a supplier, whose private state of production is vulnerable to random shocks and evolves dynamically over time. We characterize the optimal inventory policy with a simple semi‐stationary structure; it distorts order quantity for limiting information rent only in the initial period; the optimal payment compensates for production cost in every period but concedes real information rent only in the initial period. These properties allow us to derive an easy‐to‐implement revenue‐sharing contract that facilitates ex ante strategic planning and ex post dynamic execution. This work advances our understanding on when and how to use private information in dynamic risk management.  相似文献   

Using a model of risk information seeking and processing developed by Griffin, Dunwoody, and Neuwirth (1999), this study looks at predictors of the processing strategies that people apply to health risk information. Specifically, this article focuses on one relationship within the model--the relationship between perceived amount of information needed to deal with a risk and heuristic-systematic processing. Perceived amount of information needed refers to the gap between one's understanding of a risk and the level of understanding that one needs in order to make a decision about that risk. Building on the work of Chaiken (cf. 1980), the Griffin et al. model predicts--and finds--that the larger the gap, the more likely one will process information systematically. The study employs a novel measure of information processing in a survey setting by sending actual information to participants and then asking them how they attended to it; the researchers evaluate this strategy. Finally, the researchers discuss how these findings might help agencies and practitioners create more effective risk messages.  相似文献   

To develop a new measure of preferred sources for risk information, two studies asked respondents to indicate what channels they were reliant on for information about COVID-19, from 25 news channels ranging across the political spectrum. Unexpectedly, dependencies clustered around level of reliability rather than the political orientation of the news channel. In other words, each cluster included media channels from both the left and right side of the political spectrum, while dependencies clustered into sources that varied by the degree to which their content is reliable. Participants who turned to lower reliability channels indicated lower risk perceptions, less accurate probability estimations, reduced vaccination intentions, and lower protective behavioral intentions. Those inclined to use higher reliability channels indicated higher risk perceptions, more accurate probability estimations, increased vaccination intentions, and higher protective behavioral intentions. These relationships are discussed in terms of implications for our understanding of source reliance and risk perception, information sufficiency, and implications for both future research and public health interventions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to extend existing understanding of supplier encroachment to contexts in which there is information asymmetry and the supplier can use nonlinear pricing. Prior research has shown that supplier encroachment can mitigate double marginalization and thus benefit both the supplier and the reseller. However, under symmetric information, this benefit disappears if the supplier can use nonlinear pricing. In our model, the reseller observes the true market size while the supplier knows only the prior distribution, that is, a seemingly ideal setting for implementing mechanism design through nonlinear pricing. We first show that, because encroachment capability enables the supplier to make an ex post output decision, it fundamentally alters the structure of the optimal nonlinear pricing policy. In addition to the usual downward distortion effect, where the reseller may purchase less than the efficient quantity, we also have the possibility for upward distortion. Thus, under asymmetric information and nonlinear pricing, supplier encroachment has two opposing effects. On one hand, the ability to shift sales to the direct channel allows the supplier to reduce information rents with less sacrifice of efficiency; but on the other hand, by introducing the possibility of her own opportunistic behavior, it can result in upward distortion of the quantities sold through the reselling channel, which is a new source of inefficiency. Depending upon the relative efficiency of the reselling channel and the demand distribution, either of these two effects may dominate and the supplier's ability to encroach may either benefit or hurt both the supplier and the reseller.  相似文献   

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