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綦娜 《管理科学文摘》2009,(25):313-313
福楼拜苦心经营文字,他要求自己的文字同时具有“诗的韵律和科学语言般的精确性”.鉴于对福楼拜语言文字的细致、精炼风格的研究成果己经汗牛充栋,本文将撷取《包法利夫人》中另外两个语言特色一自由间接引语和叙述话语的中断来阐述这部小说语言的创新之处。  相似文献   

本文选自约翰·坎贝尔写的《玛格丽特·撒切尔》第一卷——《杂货商的女儿》。坎贝尔在研究撒切尔夫人年轻时的生活后,得出一个与众不同的结论:撒切尔夫人并不像她所说那样,从她圣人般的父亲身上得到了政治启迪,只是在她父亲去世后,撒切尔夫人才把他说成是自己从政的领路人。  相似文献   

龚小夏 《领导文萃》2013,(9):115-118
选民对第一家庭的要求甚至到了苛刻的地步——从穿着到举止,从日常生活到外出度假,无一不遭到各路媒体显微镜般的曝光。无怪乎人们用"金鱼缸中的日子"来形容白宫生活。自从杰克·肯尼迪总统在法国大众面前自称"我是陪杰基·肯尼迪到巴黎来的那位男人"以来,美国总统政治中的夫人牌就越打越多。罗莎琳·卡特经常去参加内阁会议并且对丈夫喋喋不休地提出政策建议;南希·里根靠看星相来替丈夫卜吉凶;希拉里·克林顿直接主持医疗改革,许多第一夫人对政治的影响已经  相似文献   

政治家的远见 曾任过美国国务卿的亨利·克莱,有一天在走廊里遇上了一位似曾相识的夫人。 这位夫人仰头笑着问他:"您大概不记得我的名字了吧?"  相似文献   

胡琴 《领导文萃》2006,(9):167-167
由于柯立芝总统沉默寡言,许多人便总是以能和他多说话为荣。在一次宴会上,坐在柯立芝身旁的一位夫人千方百计地想使柯立芝和她多聊聊。她说:“柯立芝先生,我和别人打了个赌:我一定能从你口中引出三个以上的字眼来。”“你输了!”柯立芝说道。还有一次,一位社交界的知名女士与总统挨肩而坐,她滔滔不  相似文献   

正一像昨天一样,看完本省新闻,万一光就把电视关了。他自觉地走进书房,在凳子上坐下,今晚他仍然是被审讯者。审讯者不一会儿也走了进来,在黄花梨木的椅子上坐下。这是一个脸上涂满海藻泥的女人,看上去像一个鬼,把万一光吓了一跳,尽管他知道这是他的夫人。昨天是审讯的开始。夫人扮演或充当省纪委的人,对万一光进行讯问和审查。万一光也假设自己已经是被"双规"的人,在假设成规定地点的书房里,考验自己在规定的时间内交不交代问题。显然,夫人和他都没有进入角色。夫人太随意和马虎了。她嗑着瓜子,喝着燕窝羹,东一会儿问"你  相似文献   

李辉 《领导文萃》2012,(12):51-55
上个世纪九十年代初,我第一次去见邓拓夫人丁一岚女士准备谈论邓拓时,她却用了更多的时间同我谈论周扬。和一些老前辈一样,她不同意我用"仕途"这一世俗的观点来看待周扬,因为,他们都曾用全部热情拥抱着革命,而那时,吸引他们的不是权力,不是仕途。她还不能同意用  相似文献   

罗海岩 《领导文萃》2010,(19):68-71
<正>在中国的历史上,这样的事例可谓空前绝后:从来没有一个人在位居国家主席夫人的风光之时,一夜间被假以罪名,投入监狱长达12年之久;出狱后仍然正视历史,真诚地拥抱生活。这位奇女子就是共和国第一任国家主席夫人王光美。在身处荣誉之时,她悉心  相似文献   

熊达 《领导文萃》2008,(19):146-146
有一次,郭子仪下令,禁止在军营中无故跑马。军官中有一人违禁。他是南阳夫人(郭子仪之妻)乳母之子。军法官将他逮捕,打了一顿军棍,不幸死于棒下。郭子仪的儿子们认为,杀死南阳夫人乳母之子是对郭家的不敬,纷纷向郭子仪哭诉,说军法官横暴。郭子仪认为儿子们无理,一一斥退。第二天公开斥责道:“郭子仪的儿子们是奴才。他们不赞赏父亲部下不避权势、执法无私的军法官,  相似文献   

虽然如今慈禧太后已不在人世,但是,许多人在私下里或公开的场合里都曾见过她,甚至有些人还跟她有过来往,所以我们要了解她的生平或性格都不难。很多人对此也颇感兴趣。据我夫人讲,慈禧太后在设宴招待外国公使夫人时,前前后后餐桌的布置、装饰都不一样。下面就是一些细节,我们来看看慈禧太后在适应外国人的习惯方面有多么快,或者说她是如何迎合外国人的习惯的。在最初的几次觐见中,先是有人把我们引荐给慈禧太后和光绪皇帝,然后我们和福晋、格格们一起准备进入宴会厅。我们落座后,每人身边都有一位格格陪着,这时慈禧太后才出现在宴会厅。皇帝…  相似文献   

善本管理是立足于中西方哲学思想和管理实务而建立的管理系统。在观念层面,它是基于管理理性与人文关怀的有机结合而提出的新的管理思想;在操作层面,它是以至善为本,以道德与幸福的统一为终极指向的管理实践。善本管理的目标是在中西哲学融合的基础上探索管理的真谛,以破解管理学发展过程中存在的悖论来缔造组织文明和社会文明,其意义在于说明,应通过对善和至善价值的实践,来谋求人类的生存和幸福。  相似文献   

Our world is full of basic rules. And life is loaded with questions. The physician executive's life is certainly governed by both items. With a mountain of information, separation of fact from nonfact involves methodical processing. The physician executive must spend vast amounts of time in the pursuit of factual, pertinent information. Equally time-consuming is the application and dissemination of this information. This article offers a physiologic model for understanding the acquisition and dissemination of information and applies the model to the specifics of handling questions from a broad range of people--subordinates, superiors, constituents, customers, etc.  相似文献   

Rodger ML  Sherwood P  O'Connor M  Leslie G 《Omega》2006,54(2):107-133
This research project explored grief and its impact upon men and women who have experienced the sudden and unanticipated death of his or her partner. It included what grief meant to them, how it was manifested in his or her everyday lives and how his or her partner's death had impacted upon his or her relationship with themselves, with others and the world. A Husserlian phenomenological approach was used to explore the experiences of the ten women and five men whose partner had died up to five years prior to being interviewed. The need for the surviving partner to continue to participate in everyday life placed great strain upon the internal resources of the surviving partner. The surviving partner needed to reinvent him or herself, in an attempt to become independent and regain functionality, whilst dealing with the sadness and loss that they had experienced. The surviving partner discovered that a new life order emerged that included hope, optimism, planning for the future and perhaps the prospect of a new relationship. The death of a partner left the surviving partner with a loss that would always be a part of them, with the memories of his or her relationship being maintained within them that will never be replaced by somebody else. The results of this research project reinforce the need for ongoing education of the community in grief and bereavement issues in order to increase the awareness of the support needs of the bereaved person. The length of time and amount of energy required to incorporate the experience into the survivor's life, is greatly underestimated by the community, and perhaps by some of the health and caring professionals. Colonial and hospital based bereavement support services need to be established and be proactive using outreach programs, actively offering the suddenly bereaved partner and family support and information.  相似文献   

The climacteric period — a time of professional change. Career coaching with a 50 years old womanThe climacteric period are valid as a time of great changes and often also represent a neworientation in professional life. In a career coaching with a 50 year old teacher and therapist, it was a question of a professional decision-making: returning in the teacher profession or developing her therapeutic career. In the course of common work and a created future-panorama her following professional way was more visible, which also considered her age and her reducing capability.  相似文献   

?Career not at any price“ — the way of a female coachee This case study involves typical female topics: (1) the wish to please everybody in the role of a female management consultant, and as a result a professional life with permanent contradictions; (2) the question, at which price a woman will have her career. In the coaching sessions, the client was able to become clearer about her role and her behavior, to try out new behaviors, to imagine different ways of her career and finally to make conscious decisions.  相似文献   

The author describes, why the need for career counseling has increased what are the reasons behind it and which “type of client” asks for career counseling. She highlights some relevant developments in society and corporations and how this development influences careers. Examples of client biographies make visible, that job-changes are intertwined with changes in personal life and that these transition phases have their own pace and rhythms. She describes her process of counseling and how her process has – due to needs of her clients – changed in the last years.  相似文献   

将工作时间和退休年龄视为内生变量,用一个包含随机死亡概率和不确定劳动收入的标准化模型,探讨个人一生最优投资组合,拓展投资领域,使投资不仅包括购买股票和债券,而且还包括购买年金。研究表明,将劳动力供给看作内生变量不仅能提高老年人股票持有量,而且能极大提高年轻人工作努力程度,显著改善个人一生福利。此外,引入年金也将导致老年人提前退休和更多参与金融活动。最后,如果考虑取决于年龄的闲暇偏好,随着接近退休年龄,个人将减少工作时间和股票持有量。  相似文献   

Harsanyi's impartial observer must consider two types of lotteries: imaginary identity lotteries (“accidents of birth”) that she faces as herself and the real outcome lotteries (“life chances”) to be faced by the individuals she imagines becoming. If we maintain a distinction between identity and outcome lotteries, then Harsanyi‐like axioms yield generalized utilitarianism, and allow us to accommodate concerns about different individuals' risk attitudes and concerns about fairness. Requiring an impartial observer to be indifferent as to which individual should face similar risks restricts her social welfare function, but still allows her to accommodate fairness. Requiring an impartial observer to be indifferent between identity and outcome lotteries, however, forces her to ignore both fairness and different risk attitudes, and yields a new axiomatization of Harsanyi's utilitarianism.  相似文献   

Beshai JA 《Omega》2008,57(3):299-313
Cross-cultural comparisons of norms derived from research on Death Anxiety are valid as long as they provide existential validity. Existential validity is not empirically derived like construct validity. It is an understanding of being human unto death. It is the realization that death is imminent. It is the inner sense that provides a responder to death anxiety scales with a valid expression of his or her sense about the prospect of dying. It can be articulated in a life review by a disclosure of one's ontology. This article calls upon psychologists who develop death anxiety scales to disclose their presuppositions about death before administering a questionnaire. By disclosing his or her ontology a psychologist provides a means of disclosing his or her intentionality in responding to the items. This humanistic paradigm allows for an interactive participation between investigator and subject. Lester, Templer, and Abdel-Khalek (2006-2007) enriched psychology with significant empirical data on several correlates of death anxiety. But all scientists, especially psychologists, will always have alternative interpretations of the same empirical fact pattern. Empirical data is limited by the affirmation of the consequent limitation. A phenomenology of language and communication makes existential validity a necessary step for a broader understanding of the meaning of death anxiety.  相似文献   

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