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张晓冰 《求是学刊》2015,(3):94-101
美国强制执行中的补充程序,植根于衡平法,诞生之初就被赋予了替代债权人诉讼之责。其主要功能是发现判决债务人的财产,将不适用于执行令程序的衡平法上的财产利益用于金钱判决的给付和取消欺诈性财产转让。该程序主体由询问债务人听证和法院的命令两部分组成,内部诸要素之间各司其职、相辅相成,推动金钱判决的整个强制执行程序有效运行。该程序注重发掘当事人各方的潜力,事半功倍地解决查找判决债务人财产的关键问题;兼顾判决债务人及相关第三人的权益保障;富有灵活性,能更好地应对复杂多变的实际情况。这些都对我国强制执行法的制定具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

张晓冰 《唐都学刊》2012,28(2):110-113
美国民事执行中的"债务人审查听证"制度是为让判决债权人发现判决债务人财产所设置的一项制度。作为当事人主义在执行阶段的反映,该制度具有判决债权人较大程度上的参与性、被审查主体的广泛性、审查过程的严肃性和法律后果的重要性等特性。这一制度对我国的民事执行制度的完善具有一定的借鉴意义,同时对于解决"执行难"问题也提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

民事执行改革中的若干理论误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的民事执行制度改革应该以正确的理论为指导;只有在正确的理念引导下,民事执行制度改革才能达到预期的目的。由于对执行权的性质认识不清,一些学者提出把当事人主义、举证责任制度、保持被动与中立以及平等对待债权人和债务人等民事审判原则引入执行制度之中。执行权与审判权不同,它在本质上是一种特殊的行政权,因此,在执行制度改革中简单套用民事审判方式改革的经验,在理论上是难以成立的,在实践中也是有害的。  相似文献   

债的关系成立后,依据诚实信用原则,债务人应就其全部财产作为债权的一般担保。因此债务人财产的减报会直接影响债权的实现。传统民法为保障债权的实现设有两种保障制度:一是在债的关系成立的同时,设定保证、抵押、定金等特别担保;二是在债务人不履行债务时,可诉诸法院强制执行或损害赔偿。但由于设定特别担保不仅需要履行特别手续,并且保证、抵押等方式尚须取决于第三人的意思,要求每一债权人运用担保方式进行广泛的民事活动实为不便,也不实际。因此民事活动中,更多存在的是并无特别担保的一般债权。然而依据我国现行法律规定,当…  相似文献   

近年来,德国债务人财产开示制度进行了重大改革,引起了德国强制执行法的结构性改变。改革的核心内容包括接受财产报告的要求降低、允许执行员从第三方获取信息以及代宣誓保证与债务人名簿相分离。该改革受到了德国法学界的广泛欢迎,被视为"程序后现代化过程中的重要里程碑"。尽管德国债务人财产开示新制度并非十全十美,但仍为我国债务人财产开示制度的完善带来不少启示,如:确立债务人作为最主要的信息提供者的中心地位、建立富有实效的债务人财产报告制度、赋予债权人就财产报告程序的选择权、保障债权人和债务人的知情权以及强化对债务人的法律救济。  相似文献   

民事自助执行是指在民事执行程序进行当中,如发生紧急情况或公力执行机关执行不力时,执行申请人依法通过自力手段促成执行目的顺利实现的行为。在民事执行程序中建立自助执行制度是完成民事自助行为在法律体系中完整架构的必然选择。  相似文献   

执行难,刑事附带民事赔偿的执行更难,刑事附带民事赔偿的执结率一直处于低迷状态,长期徘徊在10%左右,有些法院甚至很长时间都是零执结率.面对如此严峻的执行现状,欲保障刑事附带民事赔偿的有效实现,应做好两个方面工作:一是保留和完善现行的刑事附带民事诉讼制度,通过刑事附带民事赔偿诉讼中的刑事和解及刑事赔偿先行审理、刑事赔偿主体、财产保全、先予执行等相关制度的完善,最大限度地实现刑事赔偿;二是在刑事附带民事执行案件司法救济金制度的探索上,尽快建立和实施刑事被害人国家补偿制度.  相似文献   

债权让与的发生在转让人、受让人和债务人之间形成了复杂的利益关系。由于债权让与合同的订立不需要债务人的参与及同意,但在履行时却往往给债务人增加一些额外负担,因此,加强对债务人利益的保护,是完善债权让与制度的重要方面。我国《合同法》对此仅在抗辩权和抵消权上有所涉及,由于其涵盖内容的局限,在实务中往往发生对债务人的利益保护不足的情况。从立法宗旨上看,受让人即使不知抗辩权或抵消权的存在,也不应影响债务人向受让人主张此项权利;受让人因此受有损失的,应在债权让与合同中予以解决。对于给债务人增加的履行费用,应由让与人承担,但当事人间有约定的从约定,该约定不具有对抗第三人的效力。表见让与制度的借鉴,则使法律对债权让与中债务人利益的保护显得更加周延和完善。  相似文献   

刘福泉 《社科纵横》2011,26(2):81-83
民事诉讼目的是民事诉讼法学论争最为激烈的基础理论之一,诉讼观的对立、研究视角的差异以及主体立场的不同是造成分歧的主要根源。现代民事诉讼要立足于多元利益保护的立场,遵循"实体—程序二元论"诉讼观的指引,从多维研究视角出发来选择和构筑其制度目的,据此而论,民事诉讼目的应当是一个具有程序、实体双重属性,以利益保障、价值实现、权利保障、纠纷解决为内容的统一协调的目的体系。  相似文献   

留置权能否善意取得事关债权人与第三人的利益保障与平衡,这不仅是理论问题,更具有规范与现实意义。即使是在《物权法》出台以后,鉴于立法对于留置权是否适用善意取得制度之规定不甚明晰,而导致学术界对此问题的争论并未平息。不论是从学术抑或实务角度而言,此问题都与对留置财产的解释直接相关。若将现行法上债务人的动产解释为不以债务人所有之动产为限,尚包括第三人所有但由债务人交付债权人并由债权人合法占有之动产,则留置权之取得就与债权人之善意与否无关,从而不存在留置权的善意取得问题,而直接以成立留置权的法律规定作为规范基础即可解决在第三人所有之动产上成立留置权的问题。  相似文献   

Persons can be subject to involuntary treatment for mental illness or substance abuse in a variety of circumstances. The ability of such persons to give a valid informed consent for research often has been called into question, because the coercive nature of the treatment is thought to impair the voluntariness of their decision making. A careful consideration of the nature of coercion from a “moralized”; perspective focuses attention on two elements that determine the acceptability of consent: the fairness of the proposal to which consent is sought, and the moral baseline from which the proposal is made. Even when coercion is not present, disproportionate rewards offered for participation in research can impair the voluntariness of consent, as can the unintended effects of the social structure of the system in which the research is taking place. When coercion, defined as a moralized concept, is not present, however, and other conditions do not substantially impair voluntariness, consent to research legitimately may be sought from involuntarily treated populations.  相似文献   

行政即时强制界说   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了现有行政即时强制的定义,并作了重新界定,即行政即时强制是行政主体在紧急情况下,为了维护公共利益、相对人自身或他人的合法权益,对相对人即时设定权利义务,即时执行的一种实力强制行为。本文认为,行政即时强制应与行政强制执行相区别,这种区别的关键在于行政强制实施前是否先行存在某一具体行政行为。同时,行政即时强制还应当与行政强制措施、行政处罚和强制征收相区别。  相似文献   

刘军  David Willer 《社会》2013,33(4):176-192
学术界对强制关系的研究较少,尽管它无处不在。本文基于要素论探讨强制结构的含义、分类及模型,重点探讨了间接强制结构的效应。间接强制是涉及至少三个行动者的一类“不给钱就制裁,给钱就‘保护’你”的结构关系。实验研究结果表明,在边界条件内,间接强制结构与直接强制结构一样有效力,即有类似的强制幅度和力度,二者都使强制者获得最大的剥夺率。本文最后讨论了影响强制效果的因素,包括强制者的贪欲与策略、强-强联盟及受制者联盟的效应等。  相似文献   

This article selects the critical moment of virginity loss in young Beijing women's lives to look at the meaning of sexual coercion in dating relationships. The authors observed that many young Chinese women presented their first experience of sex as containing some elements of sexual coercion that were being described as “minor,” do not involve obvious physical force, but are unpleasant and regretful experiences of virginity loss. This article contributes to a new understanding of virginity loss and sexual coercion in China and sheds light on the social transformation of sexuality from the Maoist era to the postsocialist era. Implications for social work practice and research in China are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article is based on a historical‐comparative policy and discourse analysis of the principles underpinning the Australian disability income support system. It determines that these principles rely on a conception of disability that sustains a system of coercion and paternalism that perpetuates disability; this is referred to as disablism. The article examines the construction of disability in Australian income support across four major historical epochs spanning the period 1908–2007. Contextualisation of the policy trajectory and discourses of the contemporary disability pension regime for the time period 2008–now is also provided. The system was found to have perpetuated disablism through the generation of disability categories on the basis of normalcy and ableness as a condition of citizenship. Two major themes were found to have interacted with the ideology of disablism. The first theme – Commonwealth authority – set the tone for legitimising the regulation of disabled citizens. The second theme – conservative sanctioned paternalism and coercion – reflected the tensions between the paternalistic concern for income support provision while attempting to prevent idleness and welfare dependency. This article argues that a non‐disabling provision based on social citizenship, rather than responsible or productive citizenship, counters the tendency for authoritarian and paternal approaches.  相似文献   

In mental health services over recent decades, the positivemove away from hospital-based care to community-based serviceshas entailed that people with higher levels of need are beingsupported by community mental health services. This paper beginsby reviewing the literature on coercion in the field of community-basedmental health care and treatment. It is argued that the lackof a critical understanding of the concept and how it is usedby practitioners and agencies can have serious repercussionsfor the rights of service users. Using a quasi-experimental,longitudinal design, the authors then seek to test some of theideas about coercion by comparing the activities of assertiveoutreach and community mental health teams in Northern Ireland,particularly the key ideas of perceived coercion, workers’strategies and engagement with services. Key findings were thatassertive outreach appeared to be more successful at reducingperceived coercion, minimizing the need for coercive strategies,engaging high-risk clients and reducing inpatient bed use. Thesefindings are compared with other studies in this area. The authorsalso argue that there is a need for greater transparency inthe way that practitioners use coercive measures and more explicitguidance is required in this crucial area of mental health practice.  相似文献   

This paper argues that an economic liberal discourse of globalisation has been pivotal to the policy‐making process in Australia over the past 15 or so years. Both Labor and Coalition Governments have aimed to restrict the electoral fall‐out from the process of restructuring by persuading Australians that the world economy has forced particular policy changes and made alternative economic policy choices unviable. Policy‐makers act to influence conceptions of the appropriate role and responsibilities of the state through persuasion – the rhetoric they speak – and coercion – the policies they make. The pervasiveness of globalisation rhetoric in the public sphere has been essential to the governing process as a complement to and buffer for the coercive impact of economic liberal policy changes. As Australia has shifted from a protectionist to an economically liberal policy structure, the effects of globalisation have become clearer. Liberalisation has intensified pressures from the world political economy and coerced changes in all areas of policy and the economy, as well as in public perceptions about the ‘limits of government’. Globalisation and economic liberalism as persuasion and coercion are the component parts of a restructured system of political and economic governance: a paradigmatic shift away from the economic protectionism of the first 80 years of Australian federalism.  相似文献   

A power/interaction model of interpersonal influence is applied to the analysis of religions as mechanisms of social control. The original six bases of power presented by French and Raven (1959)—coercion, reward, legitimate position, expert, referent, and informational—are expanded to include variants of these bases: personal reward and coercion and legitimacy of equity, reciprocity, and responsibility (Raven, 1992). Over centuries, certain sages, seers, and chieftains, feeling that they knew what was best for their people individually and collectively, have attempted to utilize these power resources (e.g., to counter tendencies toward murder, theft, adultery, mayhem, or harmful dietary practices). To implement power strategies, various preparatory devices were developed, which include the establishment of a Deity, whose ultimate reward and coercive power is enhanced by omnipotence; whose omnipresence establishes necessary continual surveillance; and whose ultimate expertise follows from omniscience. Much of what has been developed in holy works, and in supportive art and literature, can then be seen as further preparing the bases of power for social control. Tensions result when a populace that is educated to expect informational power is faced with a religion that emphasizes extreme coercion, reward, ultimate legitimate and expert power.  相似文献   

在古代中国,在夏商周时期的上古社会,邦君与贵族领地或采邑之间的某种隶属关系并不等于秦汉以后郡县制下中央与地方的那种具有行政级别的行政管理关系。那种只有具有四级聚落等级形态才表示国家已形成的理论是有局限性的,它并不能说明国家是否产生这一问题的实质,因而也不应作为衡量的标准。将聚落考古学与社会形态学结合起来研究古代国家和文明的起源,固然要对聚落的等级做出划分,同时还必须对史前社会组织、等级、阶层、阶级的产生、权力性质的演变等因素进行多方面的考察。因此,将阶层阶级的出现和凌驾于全社会之上的强制性权力的设立作为国家形成的标志是最具特征性的,而且在考古学上可以找到其依据和物化形式,因而具有可操作性。  相似文献   

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