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Technical Skills Push Left-behind Women Ahead留守妇女科技致富"Look at the watermelons!You will be able to buy them at the market before summer.It will bring my family a net income of more than 20,000  相似文献   

‘Love'Pancakes Sent to Soldiers万张煎饼寄深情献给亲人解放军On May 18,less than a week after the magnitude-8 earthquake hit Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province,Li Huaizhen,a woman who lives in Feixian County,Shandong Province,packed hundreds of boxes of pancakes and sent them to the soldiers  相似文献   

Housing Project Aids Single,Impoverished,Rural Mothers安居工程援助农村单亲特困母亲Construction began at the end of October 2007.The entire village was busy as everybody tried to help Yang. The village's Party secretary,Wei Sanjun prepared timber for the house.Village cadres managed the project,and many  相似文献   

Working in the Village家门口儿当工人While transferring some rural laborers to cities, as migrant workers, the government of Huaxian County, Henan Province, has taken action to invite outside investments to help develop local enterprises.  相似文献   

Hundreds of migrant children, on behalf of all the children whose parents are migrant workers in Binhu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, were recently invited to visit Taihu Lake, a famous scenic spot of Wuxi. A campaign, entitled "Pal Plan," was launched to help migrant children in the district.  相似文献   

Blowing Kisses at Vegetables给蔬菜宝宝一个吻A group of kindergarten children in Lijin County, Shandong Province, enjoyed the time they spent, recently, playing with vegetables. The educational game was designed and organized by the county's first experimental kindergarten. The purpose of the kindergarten is to foster children's desire to explore and discover, and to teach the children to exercise their hands.  相似文献   

Health Consultants Visit Village"保健顾问"进农家"Hurry up! Health consultants are coming,"Chen Jinhua,a woman who lives in Sishisan Hu Village of Huanghekou Town,Kenli County,Shandong Province, yelled to her neighbors.It was the afternoon of February  相似文献   

'Love Phone Calls'"亲情电话"Many"left-behind children"——whose parents work in other areas of China——in remote mountainous regions in Yixian County,Anhui Province,are having a difficult time,as they have little or no contact with their parents. However,101 children in the villages of Kecun Town,in Yixian,have been lucky.Why? Since March 2007,some telephone landlines,known as"love phone calls,"have been set up to help"left-behind children"stay in touch with their parents.The children are happy to hear their  相似文献   

Visits Promote Friendship Between Chinese, Russian Families家庭互访增进中俄民间友谊The women's federation in Suifenhe,in China's Heilongjiang Province, and the local government of Partizansk,a city in Primorsky Krai,Russia, organized several visits between Chinese and Russian families to promote  相似文献   

Love for Left-behind Children情系留守儿童Welcoming the New Year with‘Mothers of Love’和"爱心妈妈"一起过年During the afternoon of December 28,2006,laughter filled the campus of Sencun School in Shexian County,Anhui Province.The"Mothers of Love"had arrived to welcome the New Year with left- behind children,whose parents left the county to find work in cities.  相似文献   

Psychological Health Education 心理健康教育 About 100 teachers recently gathered at Rongxiang Primary School, in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, to observe a pilot class in psychological health. The teachers came from the city's different primary and middle schools. Actually, the pilot was part of the educational campaign to build up schoolchildren's psychological health,  相似文献   

What Are the‘2 NPAs’?什么是"两纲"? The"2 NPAs"refer to the National Program for Women's Development(2001-2010)and the National Program for Children's Development(2001-2010). Prior to the 2 NPAs,China had issued the National Program for Women's Development (1995-2000)and the National Program of Action for Child Development in China in the 1990s.  相似文献   

International Project Benefits Migrant Children国际项目惠及流动儿童An international project,aimed at protecting migrant children's rights,has been in place in Lixin Community,Shijiazhuang,capital of Hebei Province,since 2003.The project has been spearheaded by the United Nations Children's und and the Office of the National Working Committee on Children and Women.  相似文献   

What Are the‘2 NPAs'? The"2 NPAs"refer to the National Program for Women's Development (2001-2010) and the National Program for Children's Development (2001-2010). Prior to the 2 NPAs,China had issued the National Program for Women's Development (1995-2000) and the National Program of Action for Child Development in China in the 1990s.  相似文献   

Couple Finds Prosperity in Quail Farming养鹌鹑巧致富Fu Bing and his wife,Zhang Qinxiu,live in Rishai Village,Daxing Town,in Linshu County,in eastern China's Shandong Province.They have benefitted from efficient quail-breeding techniques,and they have begun earning 60,000 yuan(US $8,571)  相似文献   

'Left-behind Women' Benefit from Groups"留守妇女"互助促和谐As a large number Of workers in China's rural areas have moved tO cities Or Iarger regions in search of better work ODportunities and livelihoodS in recent years,seemingIy countless women have been Ieft behind in their hometowns.Most Of those women are living with  相似文献   

'Left-behind Children' Enjoy Happy National Day"留守儿童"与"爱心妈妈"欢度国庆A get-together,with the theme Celebrate National Day and Care for"Left-behind Children,"was held in Kaijiang County,Sichuan Province,on  相似文献   

Minority Region Makes Effort to Implement NPAs少数民族地区努力贯彻两纲Since the two NPAs (2001-2010) -the National Program for Women's Development and the National Program for Children's Development-were promulgated in 2001, the government of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has done everything  相似文献   

Promoting Women's Employment, Reemployment促进妇女就业再就业The municipal government of Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, has implemented, in recent years, four measures to promote local women's employment and reemployment. First, Jinzhou's government has  相似文献   

China’s National Health Commission on January 18,2022,issued a work plan to extend women’s access to screening for cervical cancer and a work plan to extend women’s access to screening for breast cancer.  相似文献   

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