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论社会主义社会的劳动者群体   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对社会主义社会劳动和劳动价值理论问题进行了研究和探讨。着重对劳动能力的构成及其补偿、劳动能力的变化及其表现形式、劳动力产权等问题在社会生产力发展中所发生的重大变化进行了论述。文章有助于我们对社会主义劳动内涵的拓展及其劳动创造价值形式的新变化有一个新的认识。  相似文献   

在两千多年的西方思想传统中,对劳动问题的探讨大致可以分为三个阶段:从荷马到黑格尔之前,劳动一直被看作源自人类有限性的低贱的劳作,人必须辛苦劳作才能在自然面前生存,这说明了人是不自由的、有罪的;在黑格尔和马克思那里,劳动是人类本质特征的外化,是人的能动性和创造性的体现;当代学者则从不同角度对马克思的劳动理论提出了质疑和修正.  相似文献   

赵晓  罗嗣亮 《探求》2023,(4):5-12+28
党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央给予劳动教育以高度关注,并就新时代劳动教育的一系列问题作出重要论述。这些论述根源于马克思主义劳动观,植根于中华民族优秀劳动文化的土壤,继承了中国共产党历代领导人的劳动教育思想,源自对当前我国劳动教育现实状况的深刻反思。习近平关于劳动教育重要论述的内涵丰富,包括坚持体脑相结合的基本原则;树立尊重劳动、崇尚劳动,热爱劳动和劳动人民,劳动最光荣、劳动最伟大的劳动价值观;坚持以劳树德、以劳启智、以劳强体和以劳育美的劳动育人观;践行辛勤劳动、诚实劳动和创造性劳动的劳动实践观。深刻领会习近平关于劳动教育的重要论述,对于落实立德树人根本任务,促进学生德智体美劳全面发展,形成更高水平劳动人才队伍、加快建设人才强国具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

人工智能是否会取代人类的创造性工作,西方学者对此争议颇多。本文通过引入国外心理学对创造力的相关研究,对这一问题给予了回答。心理学一般将新颖性、有用性和新奇性作为创造力的判准,基于此,人工智能具有一定创造力,但由于缺乏内禀的规范性,它只具有弱人工创造力,因而无法取代人类在创造活动中的位置。但这并不意味着人工创造力在未来人类生活中不可以发挥重大作用。人工智能与人类存在着一种既耦合又去耦的关系,因而在未来的人工智能时代,二者存在分工合作的关系:智能机器从事的是一种变异劳动,而人类主要从事规范劳动。这也表明,在智能机器的时代,人类的创造力非但不会被机器所取代,反而还将从繁重的认知变异活动中解放出来,更为直接地进行创新活动。  相似文献   

比较是人类思维的基本方式,也是创造性思维的重要方法.在中学语文教学中,运用比较的方法,不仅使学生学起来有条不紊,思路清晰,印象深刻,而且能使学生把握重点,加深理解,增强记忆,利于培养学生的辨析能力,开拓学生的创造性思维.  相似文献   

马克思的哲学思想归根结底是一种人学,他实现了对人的本质的正确理解,奠定了其人学思想和哲学框架的理论基础。马克思在关于人的阐释当中,蕴涵着人的本质具有既定性和创造性双重内涵。人的本质的既定性表现在:现实生活中的人具有自然性、活动的对象性、社会性等性质。人的本质的创造性表现在:人的本质也是不断生成的,在人类社会发展的过程中,人自身在不断地自我确证、自我创生。实践是人的本质的创造性的表现,同时又始终贯穿于人的既定性本质的各个方面,使人的双重本质不断互相结合、相互印证,展示了人的本质的全面性和丰富性。  相似文献   

徐子棉 《社科纵横》2005,20(4):42-42
劳动是财富生产中的关键要素,在资本主义条件下马克思对其进行了深刻的剖析,但随着经济的发展,社会的进步,初始的劳动概念很难解释当前经济行为。基于此,作者就劳动相关问题作一些基本的分析和阐述。  相似文献   

基督教关于创造性的观点:作为上帝的创造性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章探讨了作为创造性(而不是"造物主")的上帝概念。尽管创造性对于人类来说是一个难解之谜,但由于它与我们的宇宙是进化的——各种新实在是在时间之中出现的——这一信念相关联,所以它似乎是一个可信的概念。作者在这里探讨了三种创造性形式:宇宙的最初形成(大爆炸理论);在进化过程中显现出来的创造性;人类文化的创造。这些都意味着我们应当把这种创造性本身看做上帝:上帝就是创造性。因而,上帝言说被赋予了一种可以用当今人们理解世界和人类的语言而辨明的所指。在这里,上帝仍然是一个难解之谜,但他在现代对世界与人类生命的理解中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

李百玲 《社科纵横》2009,24(4):122-124
恩格斯《劳动在从猿到人转变过程中的作用》一文,阐述了劳动实践,以及在劳动实践基础上形成的语言与人类产生、发展的因果性联系;从交往学视角来解读,可以看到在人类产生初期,交往与劳动实践一起共同促进人类的进化、语言的产生和社会的形成,体现了交往理论中“主体-客体”、“主体-主体”模式的演变过程。  相似文献   

卢卡奇在《关于社会存在的本体论》中,改变了早年以"内容广泛的实践"为中心概念来阐释马克思哲学的做法,把劳动目的性作为社会存在本体论的基础,认为由于劳动的目的性特征,社会存在才是其所是,由此,马克思第一次在唯物主义基础上对社会存在进行了本体论阐述。劳动目的论的设定,使其成为每一种社会实践的范型。关于劳动的目的性,卢卡奇实际上已区分了内在于劳动活动过程的目的与劳动的谋生目的,并深刻阐述了前者对于社会存在的本体论意义,进而将其视为人类自由的本体论根据。但他并未明白劳动的谋生目的正是被马克思纳入到社会存在范围中的自然概念,即作为先在性的自然的社会表现形式;同一劳动的两种目的设定,形成劳动二维结构,展开了历史辩证法的自由与必然的矛盾运动。这一理论缺陷使卢卡奇未能把劳动的谋生目的与外化、异化劳动及马克思政治经济学批判的主要取向作统一的、历史性的把握,未能揭示历史辩证法的本体论根据和多种具体形式,造成其社会存在本体论体系建构的整体性缺失。但卢卡奇思想的缺陷不会遮蔽他从劳动目的性视阈对马克思哲学研究所作出的卓越贡献。  相似文献   

劳动价值论与我国当前的几个现实问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思的劳动价值理论及人们对它的传统理解与我国社会主义市场经济中的一些重要现实问题产生了矛盾 ,从而引起理论界对劳动价值的再次讨论。在总结当前讨论的主要焦点的基础上 ,得出劳动的形态应从体力劳动为主转向脑力劳动为主 ;劳动具体分类还应区分重复性劳动和创造性劳动的观点。对于价值源泉问题 ,作者在分析比较的基础上 ,概括出四种观点 ,针对劳动价值论与我国现实存在的问题 ,在认真分析了劳动价值论与按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存 ,与科学技术是第一生产力 ,与第三产业的发展 ,与私营经济的发展等问题的矛盾 ,升华出新的观点  相似文献   

The lack of skilled labour pushes mature knowledge economies towards importing skills. Previous studies have shown that migrants' economic and social integration in their host societies depend on the recognition of their skills. Yet, the degree to which the certificates of migrants and their practical experience are recognised and additional training is offered, is contested. Interests conflict not only between unions and employers, but also among employers and unions themselves. We argue that social partners' preferences on foreign qualification recognition (FQR), recognition of experience and industry-wide training (in the following: FQR and related measures) are mainly determined by the existence of occupational labour markets. An occupational labour market segments the labour market and subsequently restricts access to these segments. FQR and related measures constitute a regulated avenue into these occupational labour markets, protecting these labour markets from an uncontrolled influx of workers. Empirically, this contribution compares whether and how hospitality and construction industries—two sectors that depend heavily on migrants and difficult to organise due to seasonal activity—recognise and remunerate foreign skills. The construction sector recognises and remunerates foreign skills to a much larger extent than the hospitality industry. Adopting the method of difference and based on expert interviews, the paper shows that the more social partners protect their domestic occupational labour market, the more they also support FQR and related measures. The article discusses the implications for migrants' wages and social inclusion, contributing to the analysis of socio-economic tensions in mature knowledge economies.  相似文献   

The emergence of China as a ‘world's factory’ in the new millennium was accompanied by the rise of a new working class which was composed of more than 200 million peasant-workers. As internal migrant labourers, these peasant-workers were deprived of citizenship rights to reside in the city and lacked basic labour rights and protections. In order to address the precarious working conditions of migrant workers who were employed by transnational corporations, a global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) movement emerged, introducing a wide range of transnational corporate codes of conduct, labour standards and labour rights. This article presents a case study of a transnational CSR multi-stakeholder training programme at a Chinese workplace, in an attempt to demonstrate how capital, transnational NGOs and local labour NGOs – and including social workers – are all involved in the project to promote labour rights in China. Specific focus is placed on the role of social workers in enhancing worker participation in this project; the challenges and dilemmas that they encountered in the process, and suggestions are provided regarding the future development of a new model of occupational social work in China.  相似文献   

社会条款问题一直是发达与发展中国家在世贸组织内争议的焦点之一。美国等发达国家屡次提出要在世贸组织协议中写进"社会条款",以实现其通过贸易制裁来强制推行"核心劳工标准"的目的。中国应尽早采取各种对策并根据相关的国际公约要求,尽快完善现行劳动立法,以维护国家和民族利益。  相似文献   

While the free movement of labour in the EU is generally depicted as a positive feature of the single market, it was also controversial in the debate on EU enlargement. Actors opposing enlargement argued that large waves of migrants from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) would ‘swamp’ Western labour markets, leading to so-called social tourism and increasing xenophobia. Contrary to the developments in other countries, Sweden was one of the only three Member States to immediately open its doors to citizens from the EU accession countries of 2004 and 2007. Sweden has also been one of the few EU countries to actively promote greater liberalisation of labour migration policy for third-country nationals (TCNs) within the EU, and the new Swedish Immigration Law of 2008 dramatically liberalised the TCN labour migration policy and made it more employer-driven. We argue that in order to understand why Sweden has supported increased labour mobility within and from outside of the EU, we need to complement existing explanations by analysing the preferences of the political parties. A two-dimensional analysis focusing on economy and culture provides an understanding of why so-called unholy coalitions of parties in support of liberal labour policies have emerged in Sweden during the 2000s. The article ends with a discussion of lessons learned from the Swedish case and wider implications for rights-based mobility in the EU.  相似文献   

国有企业改制以来,劳动关系变迁的根本在于产业工人身份及其认同的转变.市场转型导致劳动关系逐渐被商品化,具体表现为国家与产业工人之间综合性社会契约向功能分化的现代契约转变.一方面,国家与产业工人的契约表现为调控性的政策和法律;另一方面,工人和企业的契约表现为市场劳动合同.契约关系建立在产业工人的身份及其认同的基础上,而契约关系的变化则基于产业工人集体主义的单位身份向个人主义公民身份的转变.  相似文献   

In this article we discuss the emergence of ‘youth unemployment regimes’ in Europe, that is, a set of coherent measures and policies aimed at providing state responses to the problem of unemployment and, more specifically, youth unemployment. We classify these measures and policies along two main dimensions: unemployment regulations and labour market regulations. Using original data, we show how seven European countries locate on these two dimensions as well as within the conceptual space resulting from the combination of the two dimensions. Our findings show cross‐national variations that do not fit the traditional typologies of comparative welfare studies. At the same time, however, the findings allow for reflecting upon possible patterns of convergence across European countries. In particular, we show some important similarities in terms of flexible labour market regulations. In this regard, the recent years have witnessed a trend towards a flexibilisation of the labour market, regardless of the prevailing welfare regime.  相似文献   

安锐 《唐都学刊》2003,19(2):151-154
管理劳动创造价值的作用是社会生产力发展的结果 ,也是马克思劳动价值论的重要组成部分 ,研究和回答管理劳动在价值创造中的作用更是社会主义经济发展的客观需要  相似文献   

高玉 《唐都学刊》2002,18(3):86-91
从根源意义上 ,劳动说以劳动为艺术起源的根源 ,是极为人文性质的 ,并没有充分的科学根据。在人的劳动之前 ,是否就完全没有艺术或萌芽中的艺术 ,不能肯定。节奏问题究竟在多大程度上对劳动说具有证据价值 ,令人怀疑。关于原始人的物质生活与精神生活的传统观点不一定能成立  相似文献   

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