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由于中国建立市场经济体制、实现工业化和现代化进程所具有的外生后发型的特点 ,政府在现代化进程中起着强大的推动作用。再加之中国社会转轨时期所面临的任务和所处的环境 ,决定了在建立社会主义市场经济体制过程中 ,必须强化政府的经济职能。转轨时期政府的经济职能包括宏观调控、保障运行和监督管理三个方面。  相似文献   

中国旅游业处于成长期 ,产品正在形成规模 ,市场正在发育 ,旅游消费刚刚兴起。国家二元经济结构、体制转轨、温饱上升为小康、逐步扩大开放、民族文化传统、国民素质、法制建设状况 ,以及产业成长期等特征 ,都作用于中国的旅游业。加入WTO后我国旅游业机遇与挑战并存。当前要抓紧企业转制 ,加快市场化进程 ;要广泛与国际标准接轨 ,并汲取其成熟经验 ;要抓紧人员素质的提高。从根本上讲要发挥后发优势 ,加强产品开发、市场开发和法制建设 ,搞好政府宏观调控和市场化管理 ,坚持可持续发展 ,在战略上统筹好 ,在战术上扎实推进。  相似文献   

俄罗斯经济转轨进程备受世人关注 ,而且许多学者对俄罗斯经济转轨问题也进行了深入研究。但到目前为止 ,我国学者对俄罗斯经济转轨理论问题还研究得很不够。基于此 ,本文以大量的第一手资料为基础 ,对俄罗斯经济转轨理论的若干重要问题进行介绍、分析和评论  相似文献   

社会结构缺口的涵义及提出中国从1978年开始的体制转轨,是以经济、社会和政治的全面改革为其内容的。然而,既是一般规律(例如,经济基础决定上层建筑)的作用,又受中国国情经济发展水平极其落后的支配,中国的体制转轨始于经济。笔者从市场化、非公经济和宏观调控方式三个方面,综合有关专家的意见和统计数据的分析认为,中国经济体制转轨的进程已经过半。历时20年的经济体制转轨,已经提出了多方面的整合要求。例如,正在进行的政府机构改革,目前主要是从经济体制的侧面推进的,但进一步的深化,就必然要求提升到政治体制的层面,实现…  相似文献   

随着经济全球化进程的加快和转轨国家经济的迅速发展,人们对经济全球化与转轨经济发展的相互关系问题愈加关注,并从不同角度进行了分析研究.本文在作者已有相关研究成果的基础上,侧重从实证的角度进一步论证和分析经济全球化与转轨经济发展的相关性和关联度,以丰富作者自2001年以来多次提出的经济全球化与转轨经济的"联动效应"和"互动论".  相似文献   

竞争政策作为基本经济政策之一,日益受到世界各国的普遍关注。自20世纪90年代以来,大部分转轨国家在实行经济自由化、私有化及市场化的转轨进程中都程度不同地遇到了竞争政策的制定和实施以及竞争政策与产业政策的协调问题。随着经济的进一步发展和经济转轨的不断深化,特别是随着经济全球化和区域经济一体化趋势的不断加强,竞争政策在转轨国家经济政策中的地位更加突出。本文以中国和俄罗斯为样本,研究转轨国家竞争政策的制定和实施及其效用问题。  相似文献   

美女经济热潮背后的冷思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辛湲 《学术交流》2005,(3):145-147
改革开放以来,美女经济逐渐升温。它在促进经济发展的同时,也引发了一些社会弊端。主要为:误导了美的内涵,以女性的生命风险牟取利润;造成女性的“阶级分化”,强化了因容貌而产生的人格歧视;对推进男女平等的社会进程构成极大障碍;有悖于科学发展观,为社会的协调发展埋下隐患。鉴于此,全社会应树立正确的审美观,划清美女经济和美丽经济的界限;政府应加大宏观调控力度,引导并规范美丽产业;妇联组织应致力于维护女性的发展权利,消除性别歧视;女性自身必须增强主体意识,维护人格尊严,做自己命运的主人。  相似文献   

建国60年来,尤其是改革开放以后的30年,我国金融体制改革取得了重大成就,确立了社会主义市场型金融运行体制;建立了以多种间接型金融调控工具为主体的金融宏观调控体系;建立了多样化的金融组织体系;金融的国际化程度有了很大提高;建立了较为健全完善的金融监管制度.但是,在发展中也存在许多不足,国有商业银行现代金融企业制度尚未真正建立;金融宏观调控机制不够完善;金融市场体系不够完善;金融监管体系不完全适应金融现代化的需要;国有商业银行不良资产偏高,潜在金融风险仍然较大.今后,我国的金融体制改革还有许多工作要做,积极稳妥地推进金融体制改革;调整优化金融体系结构,改变经济金融结构不对称格局;加快利率市场化改革,完善货币政策传导机制;改革外汇管理体制,稳步推进人民币国际化进程;健全金融监管、防范金融风险、保障金融安全.  相似文献   

后危机时代,无论是中国还是外国,无论是社会主义国家还是资本主义国家,都非常重视政府对经济活动的宏观调控.社会主义国家的宏观调控有其自身的特点.政府在制定宏观调控目标时,要把握好五项原则:符合国情原则;发展战略原则;短期与中长期结合原则;多项目标原则;可行性和灵活性原则.宏观调控目标的实现要借助一定的手段与政策.政府宏观调控的手段主要有经济手段、法律手段和行政手段.在社会主义市场经济条件下,政府主要采用间接调控方式,以经济和法律手段为主.进一步完善宏观调控体系,要结合中国国情,与时俱进,不断创新.  相似文献   

腐败是每个国家或社会都会面临的棘手问题,俄罗斯也不例外。早在苏联时期,腐败问题就大量存在。自俄罗斯独立并实行经济转轨以来,尽管摆脱了经济衰退阴影并逐渐走上恢复和发展之路,但腐败问题却随着经济社会转轨进程的深化而愈演愈烈,以至成为俄罗斯举国上下普遍关注的焦点问题之一。腐败的不断滋生与蔓延已严重威胁到俄罗斯的政治、经济和社会发展进程,成为一直困扰俄罗斯发展的痼疾。本文围绕俄罗斯的腐败与反腐败问题展开深入分析,以求对我国当前大力推进的反腐倡廉建设有所启示。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes monetary policy in a stylized New-Keynesian model. A number of issues are focused upon: (i) optimal monetary policy under commitment or discretion versus ad-hoc monetary policy based on simple rules, (ii) the effects of fiscal policies and foreign variables on monetary policy, (iii) the effects of fiscal deficit and interest rate smoothing objectives and the role of forward-backward linkages in the model. The model is estimated for the Euro Area. Using simulations of the estimated model, it is analyzed how these aspects might affect monetary policy of the ECB and macroeconomic fluctuations in the Euro Area.  相似文献   

Dmitry Zaytsev 《Policy Studies》2019,40(3-4):353-373

Theories and concepts developed and empirically tested in the context of North American and Western European countries do not always easily transfer to another political landscape. The concept of “policy advisory system” is not an exception. On the one hand, policy processes and policy styles are not unique for each country; therefore, some generalizations can be made. On the other hand, studding particularities of policy process in a specific country can enrich theories, developed for general cases. Applying existing theories to a new context also goes a long way in verification and potential falsification – the fundamental requirement for a scientific process. This article aims to contribute to the debate on the topic of policy advisory system by comparing the development of three policies in Russia, each involving policy advisors to some extent. Based on this analysis, lessons are drawn regarding the conditions under which policy advisors can impact policy changes in an environment, alternative to “western.”  相似文献   

苏向荣 《阅江学刊》2012,4(1):30-37
从逻辑理性和协商民主的双重角度看,讨论与辩论具有不同的政策工具意义,在特定的情形下,政策辩论往往成为更自然、更方便的选择。20年来,国际气候政策制定过程具有突出的政策辩论特征,从民主理论、逻辑与现实性角度来看,政策辩论应该成为国际气候政策制定的重要工具选择,改善国际气候政策辩论制度势在必行。从当前实践需要看,政策讨论与政策辩论在促进公正而有效的国际气候政策制定,构建全球政治文明的经典样本与范例,提供政策制定过程辩论工具选择的例证与经验等方面具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the scale of the contemporary housing affordability crisis in Australia is at least partly attributable to the influence of neoliberal ideas over the past three decades. After providing an overview of the nature and scope of the crisis, the process by which housing as a policy problem has been reconceptualised by policy makers and others since the 1970s is examined. This is followed by analysis of the ways in which a number of commonwealth government policies which are ideationally underpinned by neoliberalism have amplified and perpetuated the problem of housing affordability in Australia and, ipso facto, prevented the issue from being addressed. The paper concludes by suggesting that policies which are ostensibly intended to improve housing affordability will continue to founder until the ideational obstacles which are the focus of this paper are recognised, and housing policy is reconceptualised along lines more conducive to the amelioration of the housing affordability problem. The paper seeks to extend the existing literature on housing affordability by explicitly identifying the linkages between neoliberal ideas, commonwealth public policy, and the extant problem of housing affordability in Australia.  相似文献   

Studies conducted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) are one way that government agencies can get presumably neutral advice on health science policy issues. The traditional IOM study is undertaken using a committee of experts supported by professional staff on issues of particular importance related to health policy. The report is usually a consensus document from the group of experts who have various points of view on the topic. After a report is prepared, it undergoes an independent review process to assure that the conclusions are based on the best available science and vigorous analysis of the data. IOM reports make recommendations for further actions that could be undertaken by a diverse audience, and do not just provide a series of options as is done in reports from the Office of Technology Assessment.  相似文献   

This article argues that changes in the role of the state in economic affairs will affect the process of social policy. Growing economic integration caused by globalisation now places a greater constraint upon the discretion of the nation state, bringing about a transformation into a more competitive state. States are increasingly having to compete against each other in order to promote competitiveness and attract foreign direct investment (FDI) from international capital markets. This competition influences in turn the social policy formation requiring the redesigning of social policy. Thus, welfare states may need to reform their social policy towards a "business-friendly social policy". The analysis of social policy inputs and outputs presented here suggests that there are common trends in most welfare states towards: a market-conforming policy on business taxation, a reduction of the share of employer's contributions in social protection revenues, more limited income security programmes, an increased allocation of resources for active labour market programmes and less state intervention in the labour market. All these reforming trends in social policy can be understood as a response of welfare states to the evolving needs of business caused by structural change, notably globalisation.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the agency of governments engaged in implementation processes that take place over a number of years and through multiple stages. The long timeframes associated with staged implementation leave reforms vulnerable to the institutional effects that may ultimately derail policy aspirations. Governments engaged in staged implementation need to be able to plan longitudinally (foresight capacity) and analyse whether implementation processes are creating endogenous sources of institutional change and the likely impact of such change (reflective capacity). In this paper, we argue that being able to exercise foresight capacity and reflective capacity is necessary but not sufficient, if long-term policy goals are to be realised. Governments must also be able to navigate the inconsistent objectives that arise across the different stages of an implementation process by modifying implementation approaches in ways that reduce the likelihood of unwanted implementation effects occurring—what we have labelled “mitigation capacity.”  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of social movements in the creation and evolution of a welfare state in South Korea. We begin with a theoretical overview of the existing works on policy change, highlighting concepts such as ideas, policy paradigms, and windows of opportunity. We then examine state institutions, hegemonic policy paradigms, and the specific dynamics of welfare policy‐making during South Korea’s authoritarian period (1961–1987). Next, characterizing the democratic transition in 1987 and the economic crisis of 1997–1998 as “windows of opportunity,” we probe how social movements emerged as “policy entrepreneurs” and played crucial roles in building welfare institutions and promoting welfare policies. In particular, we focus on the role of social movements in legislating the National Basic Livelihood Security Act in 1999 and consolidating fragmented health insurance systems in 2000. We conclude that social movements in democratized South Korea have assumed the role of policy entrepreneurs, filling the vacuum left by the central government and elite bureaucrats in the field of social welfare policy‐making.  相似文献   

王晓玲  梁平  徐晨 《学术交流》2001,(4):103-105
积极财政政策作为我国近期宏观调控经济的基本政策,已取得了一定效益.我国继续实施积极的财政政策还有一定的空间和时间,但仅以增发国债为主的积极财政政策有其局限性,而减税在弥补扩大投资的局限性方面有不可替代的作用.减税政策是"十五"期间国民经济发展的客观需要,应保持相对长期的稳定性,并应遵循一定的原则.  相似文献   

刘河庆 《社会》2005,40(4):217-240
“文件治国”是中国国家治理的基本表现形态,不同中央政策在各地被采纳与实施的情况也是国家治理问题的核心研究议题。本文尝试突破以往政策扩散研究多只关注特定单项中央政策在各地扩散过程的局限,结合长时段大样本农村政策文本数据,对中央政府2008—2018年发布的多项农村政策在各地的扩散过程进行实证分析,相对系统地考察了中央层面的行政压力和经济激励,以及地方层面的执行能力和内在动力等因素及其交互作用对政策采纳的影响,进而对中国正式政策文件运作的基本过程和内在机制进行探讨。研究显示,自上而下的行政压力越大,经济激励越大,地方层面的执行能力越强,地方政府采纳中央农村政策的概率就越容易显著增加。从交互关系来看,中央政府对农村议题重视程度的提高会减小不同执行能力省份的政策采纳差异,也会减小不同经济激励政策的采纳差异。  相似文献   

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