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对解放后我国居民生育意愿变化情况的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
贾志科 《西北人口》2009,30(1):57-61,66
生育意愿是人口学和社会学领域的一个重要研究话题,其转变受社会经济发展水平的影响,是生育率下降和人口转变的前提条件。本文运用历史考察和文献分析的方法。主要从生育目的、意愿生育子女数和恚愚生育性别三个雏度来探讨我国居民生育意愿的变化情况,摸索其中的变化规律,进而提出国家和政府应针对不同地区和不同人群。制定相应的、灵活而更具可操作性的计划生育政策,使生育政策在调节生育率水平的同时兼顾人们的生育意愿。  相似文献   

性别偏好视角下的中国人口转变模式分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章基于传统的人口转变理论,从生育空间的三维性出发,提出了性别偏好视角下的中国人口转变模式。利用全国和分省的总和生育率及出生人口性别比数据进行验证,实证结果表明中国人口转变中存在带有性别偏好的人口转变模式:出生人口性别比伴随生育水平和性别偏好的动态变化而呈现出上升、高位徘徊的阶段特征和下降的趋势,这种变动趋势又因生育空间的区域差异呈现出4种区域类型。  相似文献   

少数民族生育转变是中国人口转变的重要组成部分。研究少数民族生育转变为认识中国生育转变历程提供了多样视角。使用历次全国人口普查和1%人口抽样调查微观数据描述了不同少数民族生育指标的变化,并使用分层线性模型区分了民族内部以及民族之间的差异如何解释不同民族生育行为的差异。研究发现,各民族的总和生育率都呈现下降趋势,2000年以后大多数民族的总和生育率接近或低于更替水平,部分民族的总和生育率近年来略有回升。少数民族生育行为存在很强的异质性,不同民族生育模式不同。民族特征对生育行为的影响仍然存在但随时间推移逐渐降低,民族内部的个体社会经济特征差异超越民族之间的差异成为影响少数民族生育行为的主导因素。  相似文献   

从制度经济学看中国的人口转变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
制度经济学指出 ,当个人行为产生负外部性时 ,需要政府制订制度 ,使社会成本内部化 ,实现集体理论 ,但是 ,制度必须符合个人理性且必须内部化 ,才能有效发挥作用。中国的人口转变是在政府干预下进行的 ,所以 ,判断中国的人口转变是否完成 ,必须考察在人口中是否完成了生育文化和生育观念的变革。笔者认为 ,我国的人口转变尚未完成 ,因为生育率稳定在低水平的内在机制尚未形成 ,只有在生育主体自主选择的基础上达到稳定低生育水平 ,才能说完成了人口转变。  相似文献   

为探究国际人口学学科的文献特征与趋势,本文运用科学计量学的前沿研究方法,基于Web of Science数据库(2000—2018年)收录的人口学研究领域的文献数据,应用CiteSpace软件,就被引文献和主题词进行实证分析。结果表明,人口转变、国际移民、低生育率与生育行为是21世纪以来国际人口学最核心的学术研究分支;受教育程度、已婚女性、人口特征、年轻女性、年轻人、生殖健康等主题词是该领域的研究热点,具体来看,“代际问题”、“缓慢衰老”、“结婚与同居”、“生育意图和生育行为”、“移民融合”以及“女性雇佣和生育”等主题是近年来国际人口学界研究的前沿方向。  相似文献   

终身未育者增多是欧洲第二次人口转变过程中突出的新变化,已有研究大多认为中国仍是“普育”社会,并将其视为中国第二次人口转变的独特之处。文章以中国上海市为例,从代际差异、婚姻状况、社会经济特征3个维度,使用2020年第七次全国人口普查、1995和2015年全国1%人口抽样调查及相关婚育调查数据,考察女性终身未育现象的变化趋势,并以此为切入口浅议第二次人口转变理论在中国的适用性。研究结果表明,就已度过育龄期和处于育龄末期的女性而言,上海市女性终身未育水平仍低于欧洲国家和同处儒家文化圈的东亚社会;但相对年轻的“65后”“70后”女性与年长队列相比已表现出明显的终身未育水平上升趋势。越是年轻的女性队列,终身未婚对终身未育的贡献越大;非上海户籍女性的终身未育水平低于上海户籍女性,但年轻队列中前者明显向后者靠拢。女性终身未育率还表现出随受教育程度的提高而升高的特征。当前仍处于育龄期的年轻队列受教育程度明显高于年长队列,且婚育观念呈现出明显的现代性和个体性,婚育意愿低迷,推迟婚育的人群规模也在扩大,这些迹象预示着年轻队列的终身未育水平可能进一步上升。在以上海为代表的大城市,女性终身未育现象及其扩散趋势...  相似文献   

任何人口总是随着时间的推移而不断变动着。变动来自两方面:一是自然变动,即出生和死亡;一是迁移变动,即迁入和迁出。假定一个人口没有迁入和迁出的变动,那么,其发展变化便完全决定于生育和死亡的水平。任何时代任何国家人口的生育水平和死亡水平都受着社会经济因素的强烈影响。我们在这里不去考察这种影响,而只考察在一定的生育和死亡水平下人口数目和年龄结构会怎样变化,考察它们之间的数量联系有无一定的规律性。  相似文献   

陈蓉 《人口学刊》2020,42(1):17-29
生育意愿研究有水平研究和趋势研究两个视角,后者更能反映人们观念的变迁,更能预判未来生育水平的变动。文章以上海市为例,采用横断历史元分析法(Cross-temporal meta-analysis),将1981年以来的30多年间上海市范围内开展的26项涉及居民生育意愿调查的结果串联起来,结合其中5项调查的个案数据分析,考察我国大城市不同社会经济特征人群的生育意愿纵向变化趋势并进行子人群间的比较。研究发现20世纪80年代以来上海户籍城乡居民的生育意愿均不断减弱并且二者逐渐趋同,生育意愿的"城乡之别"已然消失;在沪外省市流动人口的生育意愿强于户籍人口,"内外之分"仍然存在,但也显示出未来有趋同的可能性;独生子女与非独生子女的生育意愿比较显示户籍人口中独生子女与非独生子女的生育意愿差异极小,流动人口中非独生子女的生育意愿略强于独生子女;从不同文化程度和收入水平的人群比较来看,文化程度越高的户籍人口生育意愿越强,流动人口的生育意愿随文化程度的提高呈现"两头高、中间低"的特征,无论是户籍人口还是流动人口,高收入人群的生育意愿均相对较高;但是无论哪个人群的平均意愿子女数均已低于2个孩子。  相似文献   

同生育、死亡、婚姻、就业等情况一样,人口迁移流动行为也因年龄不同而异。有的人在一生中可能有数次迁移,也有的人一生中一次也不曾迁移。但在一定社会经济条件下,迁移行为因年龄不同又往往呈现一种有规律的波动现象。研究人口迁移在不同年龄的差异和特点,以及产生这些差异的原因,对正确引导合理迁移,促进社会经济发展,提高人民生活水平,是有重要意义的。 研究人口迁移比研究死亡率、生育率起步要晚,至今尚未形成如生育和死亡那样比较普及的系统的理论和方法。本文试就1986年中国74市镇人口迁移调查资料,参照寿命表,生育率表、结婚率表等表式研究法对年龄别迁移率、总和迁移率和一生中迁移模式做一初步分析,作为一个探索。  相似文献   

关于人口转变与生育转变的理论,人口学家曾作过许多不同学科角度的研究和探讨。从人口学的角度看,“人口转变”是指从高出生率、高死亡率、低增长(经过高出生率、低死亡率、低增长的过渡阶段),向低出生率、低死亡率、低增长的转变。而“生育转变”则不仅是由高生育率向低生育率的转变,而且还包括生育作为三位一体的社会现象,所具有的数量、时间和性别特征的转变,即由以早生、多生和择生(生男)为基本特征的传统生育向以晚生、少生和生男生女顺其自然为基本特征的生育现代化转变。  相似文献   

我国人口迁移趋势及空间格局演变   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章从影响人口迁移的动力要素和迁移方式入手,从战略上把握我国不同地区未来人口迁移及空间格局的基本趋势,探索促进人口有序流动的各项政策。研究表明,2000~2020年我国每年从乡村迁入到城市的净常住人口数量将大体保持在1500万左右,并在链式迁移方式主导下,人口迁移的空间格局不会有太大的改变,仅出现一些微调,未来迁移人口还将主要集中在大都市区范围内。  相似文献   

Summary Migration in the Swiss canton of Ticino is one example of the wide variety of demographic systems that existed in pre-industrial Europe. The continuous movement of men was a consequence of economic, social and geographic conditions which restricted the demand for labour. Seasonal migration and overseas migration were both sex and age selective. They resulted in an imbalance of the sex ratio and a remarkably low female nuptiality. They also reduced fertility within marriage by separating husbands and wives during their childbearing years. The effect of long, medium and short-term migration on fertility can be isolated from census and vital registration sources.  相似文献   

China's demographic dilemmas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The year 2000 marks the end of a tumultuous century in China's population history, which weathered the demographic effects of devastating famines, wars, and epidemics and population growth and change. This paper examines the effect of population policies on the demographic dilemmas of China. In the 1950s, China had seen the fastest demographic transition in history, with a dramatic decline in mortality rates, followed by a decrease in fertility rates. However, in the 1970s, revisions in population control measures, changes in age structure, and fluctuations in age at marriage resulted in lower fertility rates. The struggles encountered by China in regulating fertility are described; these include the different methods of birth control, gender preference, marriage, population aging, and minority populations. Population and development issues within the context of urbanization, employment, education, health care, economy, and environment are also discussed. Future implications of these findings indicate the need for a systematic, effective, and complete environmental clean-up, as well as fertility and population policies.  相似文献   

Migration is the principal demographic process shaping patterns of human settlement, and it serves an essential role in human development. While progress has been made in measuring international migration, internal migration statistics are as yet poorly developed in many countries. This article draws on a repository of data established under the IMAGE (Internal Migration Around the GlobE) project to address this deficit by constructing the first comprehensive league table of internal migration intensities for countries around the world. We review previous work, outline the major impediments to making reliable comparisons, and set out a methodology that combines a novel estimation procedure with a flexible spatial aggregation facility. We present the results in the form of league tables of aggregate crude migration intensities that capture all changes of address over one‐year or five‐year intervals for 96 countries, representing four‐fifths of the global population. Explanation for the observed differences has been sought, inter alia, in historical, structural, cultural, and economic forces. We examine the links between development and migration intensity through simple correlations using a range of demographic, economic, and social variables. Results reveal clear associations between internal migration intensities and selected indicators of national development.  相似文献   


This article critiques a recent U.N. Population Division report, Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations? The report explores the use of increased immigration to bolster future population size and change age distribution patterns in a group of developed countries. Fertility rate declines and lengthening life expectancies associated with demographic transition inevitably yield an aging population and a falling potential support ratio (PSR), a situation which some demographers and economists view with alarm. As the U.N. report itself suggests, replacement migration can only temporarily delay population aging and decline. These issues are ultimately better addressed through changes in retirement policy. Population projections should be used only with great caution in designing long-term demographic policy. In particular, some assumptions used to make the U.N. projections are questionable, and even minor changes in those assumptions would yield substantially different policy conclusions. Replacement migration also raises difficult environmental questions by moving large numbers of people from low to high per-capita consumption nations. Modest population decline, particularly in more developed countries, may have significant local and global environmental and climate policy benefits.


中国人口转变与消费制度变迁   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从抑制消费到刺激消费是中国消费制度的重大变革。本文运用新制度经济学和人口经济学理论,论证了中国人口转变通过人口增长的迅速下降,人口年龄结构的变化及其带来的人口红利对消费制度变迁的影响:死亡率下降主导的初期阶段,人口转变固化了抑制消费的制度,出生率下降主导阶段,人口转变与改革开放条件下的高速经济增长相叠加加剧了原有消费制度的不均衡。通过实证分析,揭示出消费率在人口转变过程中下降的必然性和中国保持适度人口增长的必要。  相似文献   

Population change in the former Soviet Republics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Demographic trends in the former Soviet Republics and Russia are summarized and discussed in this publication. The former Soviet Republics in Europe as well as Georgia and Armenia had completed or almost completed their demographic transition before October 1991. Other Central Asian republics experienced reduced mortality, but, despite rapid declines, fertility is still above replacement level (at 3-4 children per woman). The economic and social dislocation of the breakup of the republics has hastened fertility decline. The annual population growth rate of the USSR in the mid-1980s was 0.9%; this rate declined to 0.4% in 1991, and the decline has continued. The 1991 population of the USSR was 289.1 million. Between 1989 and 1991, the crude birth rate was 18/1000 population, and the crude death rate was 10/1000. The net migration rate of -4/1000 helped to reduce growth. Total fertility in the USSR was 2.3 children in 1990. In Russia, fertility declined from 1.9 in 1990 to 1.4 in 1993. The preferred family size in Russia was 1.9 in 1990 and 1.5 in 1993. This decline occurred due to lack of confidence in the economy and insufficient income. Only 19% of women used contraception in 1990. Marriages declined after 1990. Age pyramids were similar in the republics in that there was a narrowing in the proportion aged 45-49 years, and the male population aged over 65 years was diminished, due to the effect of World War II. The cohort of those aged 20-24 years in 1992 was very small due to the small parental birth cohort. The differences in the republics was characterized as broad-based in the younger ages because of high fertility. The number of childbearing women will remain large. Life expectancy has been 70 years since the 1950s and has declined in some republics due to substandard health care, lack of job safety measures, and alcoholism. Some republics experienced increased life expectancy, but, after 1991, mortality increased. Tajikistan had the highest infant mortality of 47/1000 live births in 1993. A demographic profile provided for each republic offers several population projection scenarios.  相似文献   

谢童伟  吴燕 《南方人口》2012,27(6):15-21
改革开放以来,在制度改革和经济转型的双重作用下,我国人口迁移规模不断扩大,在影响迁移的因素当中教育水平是一个非常重要的影响。研究结果表明:教育在我国人口迁移过程中确实发挥显著的作用。从全国总体来看,教育对人口的迁入与迁出均呈现反向作用关系;城市教育水平与迁入及迁出也均呈现反向作用关系;然而,县教育水平与迁入及迁出均呈现正向作用关系。这反映出,我国目前的人口迁移是一种层级递进式的迁移情况。这种层级递进的模式实质上是我国城市化进程的反映,在这个过程中教育的作用不可忽视。  相似文献   

基于历次人口普查数据,利用SOCSIM微观模拟方法将家庭转变的关键影响因素分解为人口因素和居住方式因素两个方面,并进一步将人口因素分解为人口惯性、生育率、死亡率和结婚率四个层面进行计量分析.结果发现,当前人口变动相对稳定,较小的波动使其在家庭转变中的贡献率相对较小,而居住方式的影响相对较大;对人口因素的进一步分解还发现,人口惯性及生育率水平的作用相对更大,生育率水平、结婚率水平带来的影响与人口因素的总影响方向是一致的,均提高了一人户、一代户、二代户的人口比重,降低了三代及以上户的人口比重.与之相反,死亡率的影响与人口因素的总影响方向是相反的.  相似文献   

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