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The developmental path of social security organizations has typically been one of incremental but steady adaptation in order to realize improvements in organizational performance and desired social security programme outcomes. In the evolving context of ageing society and globalization, there is increasing pressure for further and more rapid adaptation. To this end, this article proposes a unifying framework for action to help all social security organizations better realize improvements in performance and desired programme outcomes. This proposed framework is called "dynamic social security". By seeking to link social security organizations' aspirations and actions more closely and positively with those of economies and society, the aim is to help better realize, at least, a basic level of social security for all.  相似文献   

We consider a confidence parametrization of binary information sources in terms of appropriate likelihood ratios. This parametrization is used for Bayesian belief updates and for the equivalent comparison of binary experiments. In contrast to the standard parametrization of a binary information source in terms of its specificity and its sensitivity, one of the two confidence parameters is sufficient for a Bayesian belief update conditional on a signal realization. We introduce a confidence-augmented receiver operating characteristic for comparisons of binary experiments for a class of “balanced” decision problems, relative to which the confidence order offers a higher resolution than Blackwell’s informativeness order.
Where observation is concerned, Chance favors only the prepared mind. —Louis Pasteur (1822–1895).

In this paper, I propose the creation of a Canadian agency for the oversight of research involving humans. I describe first a series of significant problems with Canada's current system of oversight. I then argue for the creation of a national-level agency, covering all research involving humans, with three branches (policy and standards, education, and compliance). Of particular note, the proposed compliance branch consists of a number of independent national and regional Research Ethics Boards (i.e., REBs no longer reside within institutions). There is also an Audit Committee and a Non-compliance Committee (with supporting staff of auditors and compliance officers) to ensure compliance with the policies and standards set by the Policy and Standards Branch. Finally, I answer a series of "frequently asked questions" about the proposed agency design such as "What about 'local context'?" and "Why not have a system of accreditation of institutional REBs instead?" In sum, radical reform is needed and, in this paper, I present a proposal for such reform.  相似文献   

全球温室气体减排已有一定的科学认知和国际政治意愿。由于涉及经济代价和发展权益,全球温室气体减排的国际制度框架均难于兼顾公平与可持续性双重目标。以气候安全的允许排放量为全球碳预算总量,设为刚性约束,可以确保碳预算方案的可持续性;将有限的全球碳预算总额以人均方式初始分配到每个地球村民,满足基本需求,可以确保碳预算方案的公平性。根据历史排放和未来需求进行碳预算转移支付,设计相应的资金机制,使碳预算方案具有效率配置特征。不同于分时段、临时目标的《京都议定书》途径,这样的碳预算方案是一个全面涵盖的整体性一揽子方案。然而,由于气候变化问题已泛政治化,许多技术性问题需要国际政治与外交谈判才能解决。  相似文献   

Researchers designing and conducting studies using human data should consider the values and principles of ethical conduct. Research ethics committees (RECs) typically evaluate the ethical acceptability of research proposals. Sometimes, differences arise between how researchers and RECs interpret ethical principles, and how they decide what constitutes ethical conduct. This study aimed to explore the opinions of these two groups about the importance of core ethical issues in the proposal and in the informed-consent process. An anonymous online questionnaire was distributed to a target population in health-related academic/research institutes across Thailand; 219 researchers and 72 REC members participated. Significantly, more REC members than researchers attributed the highest importance to three core ethical considerations – risk/benefit, vulnerability, and confidentiality/privacy. For the informed-consent process, significant differences were found for communication of risks, decision-making authority for consent, process for approaching study participants, and availability of a contact for study deviations/violations. The different ratings indicate differences in the groups’ perspectives on ethical principles, which may affect focal congruence on ethical issues in the proposal. Communication of these findings should help close gaps between REC and researcher perceptions. Further study should investigate how RECs and researchers perceive equivocal ethics terms.  相似文献   

价格规制是经济规制的一种重要形式.在现代,自由市场经济已成为历史的陈迹.作为市场经济运行的利益焦点,价格必须接受"规制".政府是价格规制的主体;价格规制的对象是市场活动参与者的价格行为;价格规制的依据是市场活动因垄断、外部性、信息偏在等对帕累托标准的偏离.价格规制不是对市场和市场机制的替代,而是在市场机制作用不充分的时候或地方,由政府为市场机制作用的发挥创造条件.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Jackie Powell, Department of Social Work Studies, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO9 5NH Summary This paper focuses on the decision-making process at a strategiclevel in the context of implementing a ‘community care’policy for older people with mental health problems. It is basedon the findings of an evaluative study of the implementationof one district health authority's strategy for the decentralizationof its mental health services for older people. The study wasan attempt to develop an evaluative approach which acknowledgedthe importance of cost, but also the need to include the viewsof the several ‘interested parties’, not least thosewho used the service. The reconciliation of what might be seenas the conflicting interests of the wider public for a carefulutilization of resources with the individual's needs for anaccessible and responsive service represents a major challengefor planners, managers and practitioners within the public sector.This paper argues the need for dialogue as the basis for partnershipbetween those with a primarily financial focus to their workand those more intimately concerned with individual needs.  相似文献   

Australia has been experimenting with constraining the ways in which welfare recipients can spend their income support payments, limiting their ability to access cash and purchase some products. The policy objectives include to reduce spending on alcohol, gambling, pornography and tobacco in favour of meeting ‘basic’ family needs, especially for children, to limit the scope for financial harassment, encourage pro‐social behaviours, and build financial capabilities. In the logic of the programs these outcomes are expected to be manifest at the individual, family and community levels. The policy has primarily impacted on Indigenous Australians as a result of its geographic targeting, although a recent report has recommended a more stringent version of the program be introduced universally to all welfare recipients other than the aged. The largest of these experiments is ‘New Income Management’ in the Northern Territory, which has had more than 35,000 participants since its introduction in 2010. This article reports on the key findings of the major independent evaluation of New Income Management commissioned by the Australian Government.  相似文献   

In industrialized societies the war against drugs tends to develop into a war that concretely strengthens control by the state over potentially dangerous classes. This is also true for Italy. In 1988, Bettino Craxi, now under investigation for a series of serious crimes, but at the time the powerful leader of the Socialist Party, launched a crusade against drugs. After about 18 months of moral panic campaigns, Law No. 162 was passed. Its ideological keystone is the section forbidding the personal use of narcotic or psychotropic drugs. Its officially declared objectives are to reduce the drug trade, to increase access by drug addicts to the services and, of course, to reduce the number of deaths by overdose. The available evidence, however, does not prove that these objectives have been reached. Rather, the true motivations must be sought elsewhere: in the attempt by the political class to regain legitimacy and thus consensus.  相似文献   

新型工业化在实际产业结构分析中存在操作性问题。新型工业化可以看做一个地区经济体能力的衡量标准,使之对区域的产业结构进行主观评价,并且尝试引入DEA模型,结合新型工业化的要求,构建专门针对地区产业结构的新型工业化评价体系。  相似文献   

The Second General Conference of the UNIDO held in Lima in 1975 declared that the share of developing countries in total world industrial production should reach 25% by the year 2000. The model presented in this article has been constructed in order to investigate whether this target is consistent with other more generally accepted goals of development and is feasible within the area of production and trade possibilities.The model is a dynamic, multisectoral, multiregional input-output model. It focuses on the impacts and mutual consistency of targets of growth, regional income distribution, industrialization, consumption levels, and trade. In the empirical application three periods, three regions, and nine sectors have been distinguished to produce intersectorally, interregionally, and intertemporally consistent accounts for the main variables. Since the study is concerned with the maximum possible growth of industrial output of the developing countries, a linear programming approach has been used.The report is organized as follows. After an introduction, the second section describes the mathematical model. The third section contains a detailed explanation of the data basis and of the assumptions made to stimulate the model. The numerical results of the model are discussed in the fourth section, and the main conclusions are given in the fifth.  相似文献   

在过去的25年中,中国的学术出现了空前的繁荣,但学术著作质量不佳,其原因是我们一直未能形成良好的学术风气,建立起真正的学术标准。因此,只有真正理解学术一词的意义,以此为标准进行学术工作和学术评价,才能有高水平的学术。  相似文献   

傅逸贤 《阅江学刊》2012,4(2):45-48
人类活动,矿物燃烧排放大量的温室气体,海平面上升是地球气候增暖最重要的综合性证据之一,许多黄金城市将被洪水淹没,全球变暖还将带来更多的环境危害。人类必须采取多方面节能减排的环保对策,改变生活方式。在气候系统五圈中,人类由于自身的勤劳与智慧,有益于环保,可以从生物圈中凸显出人类圈——气候系统的第六圈。  相似文献   

李南 《南亚研究》2011,(4):131-145
《胜乐根本续》是佛教密宗无上瑜伽部母续最为重要的经典之一,在藏传佛教中也有极大的影响。婆和婆吒著《胜乐续释》年代久远,内容重要,且无汉文译本。本文对两部经籍的文本和主要内容进行评介,并提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

To carry out an ethnographic study on the work process in the sterilization unit of a hospital in Catalonia (Spain), we found the socially distributed cognition approaches of Hutchins and Kirsh useful. However, these approaches lack sufficient explanation on three important issues: (a) the pragmatic criteria for identifying and delimiting a relevant unit of analysis and therefore the setting and contexts of the work process; (b) the mechanisms and results of reciprocal influences between these levels of analysis; and (c) the relation between these levels. Therefore, we added several new elements to these approaches, in addition to Layder's model of contexts with some important modifications, with the aim of offering an interactive, cognitive and social proposal of analysis that clarifies these three issues, allowing a more exhaustive and broader empirical analysis that captures better the ‘social’ dimension embedded in the work processes.  相似文献   

The introduction of Children in Care Councils under the Care Matters reforms in England set a challenge for local authorities to find effective ways by which children in care could contribute their views to the planning and provision of services. This paper discusses a review of progress across London which combined a survey of boroughs with focus group discussions with young people, local authority staff and elected members. The research found that considerable progress had been made in that virtually all boroughs had some mechanism for representing children in care, and that staff and young people were proud of their achievements. However, major challenges remain – to embed a culture of participation in services, to ensure continuity, to reach all children including the many placed ‘out of borough’ and to defend what has been achieved in the face of severe cuts in public spending. The paper highlights a tension between empowering young people and meeting targets as corporate parents. The results support other research pointing to the need for a better understanding of the relationship between participation in governance and participation grounded in ordinary life.  相似文献   

My aim was to study the experiences and priorities of two age groups of social work students practicing in client-centered social work. This article is based on the research on rationality and language games in social work. The target groups of the research project as a whole were the actors: the heads and social workers or activists in public social welfare and health care agencies and institutions and in voluntary associations and action groups, and finally, two subsequent classes of students from a school of social work, during their practicing periods. This article concentrates on the trainees. At first, the trainees wrote essays and kept diaries. Secondly, they marked their standings on graphs visualizing different types of information contents and social relation structures. Thirdly, they made their choices of reasons for and solutions to social problems on a problem wheel. The trainees' study, using different data gathering techniques, partly confirms the results of the research of the other actor groups, in which the data were derived using questionnaires and interviews. The trainees' study shows variation in the respondents' priorities within and between specified social problem categories. Qualitatively analyzed, however, the characterizations of social work, both those who currently act in and those aiming to enter this field, resemble one another.  相似文献   

Child‐to‐mother violence is an area of family violence that has received limited attention over the past 20 years but is a problem for many families. It is poorly understood in the community and this lack of understanding creates a basis for families and service providers to minimize the abused mothers' experience. This paper is drawn from a larger study that aimed to explore child‐to‐mother violence in a high‐risk geographical area and describes a qualitative theme developed from 185 participating women's narratives, ‘Living in the red zone’: the experience of child‐to‐mother violence. The red zone refers to danger and was an element throughout women's narratives. It is clear from the reflections of these women that child‐to‐mother violence is a significant and complex issue. Mothers were predominantly struggling in silence with their experiences of a child or children whose behaviour was threatening and/or abusive. Their experiences were most often minimized and/or devalued by family and community members, which may prevent affected women from seeking support. Mothers generally had limited concepts of the possibilities open to them to improve their situation, or limited access to appropriate and empathic individuals or services.  相似文献   

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