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The two-group discriminant problem has applications in many areas, for example, differentiating between good credit risks and poor ones, between promising new firms and those likely to fail, or between patients with strong prospects for recovery and those highly at risk. To expand our tools for dealing with such problems, we propose a class of nonpara-metric discriminant procedures based on linear programming (LP). Although these procedures have attracted considerable attention recently, only a limited number of computational studies have examined the relative merits of alternative formulations. In this paper we provide a detailed study of three contrasting formulations for the two-group problem. The experimental design provides a variety of test conditions involving both normal and nonnormal populations. Our results establish the LP model which seeks to minimize the sum of deviations beyond the two-group boundary as a promising alternative to more conventional linear discriminant techniques.  相似文献   

This commentary evaluates the usefulness of the Freed and Glover [6] linear programming approach to the discriminant problem, relates linear programming to other parametric and nonparametric approaches, and evaluates the linear programming approach.  相似文献   

Ravinder Nath 《决策科学》1984,15(2):248-252
Expressions for misclassification probabilities are derived under a contaminated multivariate normal model for the linear-programming approaches to the two-group discriminant problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss some disturbing features of two linear programming (LP) approaches to the discriminant problem. Specifically, we show that both approaches are sensitive to the choice of origin for the data although, intuitively, placement of origin should have no effect on the method of assigning cases to groups. In addition, we show that these LP approaches may lead to discriminant functions which assign all cases to the same group. We show that the usual statistical approach to this problem does not share these difficulties, and we make recommendations for implementing these LP approaches which help to alleviate the difficulties.  相似文献   

Many linear programming models have been proposed for performing discriminant analysis. Partial characterizations for unacceptable solutions have been presented and new models proposed to circumvent these problems. In this paper those conditions leading to unacceptable solutions for all two-group models are characterized.  相似文献   

Baichun Xiao 《决策科学》1993,24(3):699-712
Characterization of unacceptable solutions for linear programming (LP) discriminant models have been discussed in the literature and the results presented so far are not satisfactory. This paper establishes necessary and sufficient conditions of unacceptable solutions for a number of LP models, addresses the practical implications of these conditions, and discusses the relationship between unacceptable solutions and multiple solutions.  相似文献   

Baichun Xiao 《决策科学》1994,25(2):335-336
A major problem of LP discriminant analysis is the validity of the solution. This note shows that to comprehend the effectiveness of the solution, conditions for unacceptable solutions need to be tightly characterized.  相似文献   

Four discriminant models were compared in a simulation study: Fisher's linear discriminant function [14], Smith's quadratic discriminant function [34], the logistic discriminant model, and a model based on linear programming [17]. The study was conducted to estimate expected rates of misclassification for these four procedures when observations were sampled from a variety of normal and nonnormal distributions. In contrast to previous research, data were taken from four types of Kurtotic population distributions. The results indicate the four discriminant procedures are robust toward data from many types of distributions. The misclassification rates for both the logistic discriminant model and the formulation based on linear programming consistently decreased as the kurtosis in the data increased. The decreases, however, were of small magnitude. None of these procedures yielded statistically significant lower rates of misclassification under nonnormality. The quadratic discriminant function produced significantly lower error rates when the variances across groups were heterogeneous.  相似文献   

In certain settings, difficulties arise that limit the effectiveness of LP formulations for the discriminant problem. Explanations and possible remedies have been offered, but these have had only limited success. We provide a simple way to overcome these problems based on an appropriate use and interpretation of normalizations. In addition, we demonstrate a normalization that is invariant under all translations of the problem data, providing a stability property not shared by previous approaches. Finally, we discuss the possibility of using more general models to improve discrimination.  相似文献   

This paper presents point and interval estimators of both long-run and single-period target quantities in a simple cost-volume-profit (C-V-P) model. This model is a stochastic version of the “accountant's break-even chart” where the major component is a semivariable cost function. Although these features suggest obvious possibilities for practical application, a major purpose of this paper is to examine the statistical properties of target quantity estimators in C-V-P analysis. It is shown that point estimators of target quantity are biased and possess no moments of positive order, but are consistent. These properties are also shared by previous break-even models, even when all parameters are assumed known with certainty. After a test for positive variable margins, Fieller's [6] method is used to obtain interval estimators of relevant target quantities. This procedure therefore minimizes possible ambiguities in stochastic break-even analysis (noted by Ekern [3]).  相似文献   

In recent years, much research has been done on the application of mathematical programming (MP) techniques to the discriminant problem. While promising results have been obtained, many of these techniques are plagued by a number of problems associated with the model formulation including unbounded, improper, and unacceptable solutions as well as solution instability under linear transformation of the data. In attempting to solve these problems, numerous formulations have been proposec involving additional variables and/or normalization constraints. While effective, these models can also become quite complex. In this paper we demonstrate that a simple, well-known special case of Hand's [13] original formulation provides an implicit normalization which avoids the problems for which various complicated remedies have been devised. While other researchers have made use of this formulation, its properties have not previously been fully recognized.  相似文献   

There are numerous variable selection rules in classical discriminant analysis. These rules enable a researcher to distinguish significant variables from nonsignificant ones and thus provide a parsimonious classification model based solely on significant variables. Prominent among such rules are the forward and backward stepwise variable selection criteria employed in statistical software packages such as Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and BMDP Statistical Software. No such criterion currently exists for linear programming (LP) approaches to discriminant analysis. In this paper, a criterion is developed to distinguish significant from nonsignificant variables for use in LP models. This criterion is based on the “jackknife” methodology. Examples are presented to illustrate implementation of the proposed criterion.  相似文献   

Characterization of unacceptable solutions of linear programming methods for linear discriminant problems have been studied by many researchers. This note shows that a recent correction was not a correction but a tightening of prior results.  相似文献   

A procedure is developed for determining two-group linear discriminant classifiers that misclassify the fewest number of observations in the training sample. An experimental study confirms the value of this approach.  相似文献   

The implications of constrained dependent and independent variables for model parameters are examined. In the context of linear model systems, it is shown that polyhedral constraints on the dependent variables will hold over the domain of the independent variables when a set of polyhedral constraints is satisfied by the model parameters. This result may be used in parameter estimation, in which case all predicted values of the dependent variables are consistent with constraints on the actual values. Also, the implicit constraints that define the set of parameters for many commonly used linear stochastic models with an error term yield values of the dependent variables consistent with the explicit constraints. Models possessing these properties are termed “logically consistent”.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the feasibility of applying nonlinear programming methods to solve the classification problem in discriminant analysis. The application represents a useful extension of previously proposed linear programming-based solutions for discriminant analysis. The analysis of data obtained by conducting a Monte Carlo simulation experiment shows that these new procedures are promising. Future research that should promote application of the proposed methods for solving classification problems in a business decision-making environment is discussed.  相似文献   

Optimal linear discriminant models maximize percentage accuracy for dichotomous classifications, but are rarely used because a theoretical framework that allows one to make valid statements about the statistical significance of the outcomes of such analyses does not exist. This paper describes an analytic solution for the theoretical distribution of optimal values for univariate optimal linear discriminant analysis, under the assumption that the data are random and continuous. We also present the theoretical distribution for sample sizes up to N= 30. The discovery of a statistical framework for evaluating the performance of optimal discriminant models should greatly increase their use by scientists in all disciplines.  相似文献   

Fred Glover 《决策科学》1990,21(4):771-785
Discriminant analysis is an important tool for practical problem solving. Classical statistical applications have been joined recently by applications in the fields of management science and artificial intelligence. In a departure from the methodology of statistics, a series of proposals have appeared for capturing the goals of discriminant analysis in a collection of linear programming formulations. The evolution of these formulations has brought advances that have removed a number of initial shortcomings and deepened our understanding of how these models differ in essential ways from other familiar classes of LP formulations. We will demonstrate, however, that the full power of the LP discriminant analysis models has not been achieved, due to a previously undetected distortion that inhibits the quality of solutions generated. The purpose of this paper is to show how to eliminate this distortion and thereby increase the scope and flexibility of these models. We additionally show how these outcomes open the door to special model manipulations and simplifications, including the use of a successive goal method for establishing a series of conditional objectives to achieve improved discrimination.  相似文献   

The matched-pairs methodology is becoming increasingly popular as a means of controlling extraneous factors in business research. This paper develops discriminant procedures for matched data and examines the properties of these methods. Data from a recent study by Hunt [14] on the determinants of inventory method choice are used to contrast the performance of the different methods. While all of the methods yield the same set of discriminating variables, those procedures that allow for the dependence among observations within a pair provide greater classificatory power than traditional multivariate techniques.  相似文献   

We propose an alternative solution to the discriminant problem, one that requires little more than a minimum familiarity with linear programming. The approach shows promise for eliminating the complexities of conventional statistical approaches without sacrificing the essential power of existing methods.  相似文献   

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