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Although medical research involving the use of persons with mental illness is critically important, in order for the research to be ethical and legal there are certain considerations and restrictions which should be immediately readdressed in order to insure that the welfare of these vulnerable research subjects is protected, and their best interests are assured. A brief historical examination of medical research codes, guidelines, recommendations and Federal Regulations reveals the various considerations and restrictions on informed consent and accountability applicable to the use of persons with mental illness in medical research. Several concerns are raised about how these considerations and restrictions have been interpreted, and specific recommendations are offered to improve them immediately by means of representation from consumers and/or their families, and organizations, e.g., NAMI members.  相似文献   

语言点、文化点与外语教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Anxiety disorders and related symptoms commonly occur in older people with cognitive impairment or dementia, significantly worsening functioning and reducing quality of life. This review of the literature outlines the extent of the problem, and focuses on current best practices in psychosocial interventions anxiety in persons with dementia. Discussion follows on promising nonpharmacological interventions that are recommended for further consideration and future research.  相似文献   

秦晓伟 《阅江学刊》2014,(3):127-133
文学的科学化诉求引发了划分文学语言与非文学语言的冲动。在文论史上,理论家们曾尝试区分日常语言与文学语言、标准语与诗语言及科学语言与诗语言的差异。这些区分一般倾向于在静态框架之内展开。从动态观点来看,日常语言与文学语言之间存在着相互转化;标准语和诗语言之间呈现为相互支撑;科学语言与诗语言之间体现为逻各斯与神话的对立互补。从发生学角度看,语言就是那种在持续流动中减损消逝并增补更新着的事物。语言的内在流变性证明,任何关于文学语言本质的抽象和规定都是不可能的。  相似文献   

China is the country with the most number of disabled people. There is a tradition of helping the disabled and those with difficulties in the Chinese culture. At present, the social protection and public service system has been basically established, and the survival development conditions of the disabled people have greatly improved. China will further improve the public service system for the healthy disabled people and the rights protection system for the disabled people, promoting their social participation and all-rounded development.  相似文献   

江景平 《江右论坛》2007,8(9):38-40
长期以来,语文教学重写轻说.其原因:一方面是高考只要笔试,另一方面也苦于找不到合适的口语训练方法.本文试图从朗读与口语的联系入手,深入地进行比较和分析,找出它们之间的共同点.让学生掌握一定的朗读技巧并经常性地大声朗读,简单易行,轻松高效.就这么简单,这就是最原始、最直接、最有效的口语突破方法!  相似文献   

在研究兴趣上,西方哲学已经历了从观念哲学到语言哲学的转变,而受制于科技发展倾向的21世纪哲学,人类理解世界的方式,将从语言图象的时代向图象语言时代转变.语言在交流中的媒介作用越来越被形形色色的、广义上的虚拟数字图象形式所取代,这样的趋势清晰表明语言的局限,即习惯心理所认为的语言再现视觉的能力,是相当有限的.在这个意义上,随着印刷术文明的衰落,令人眼花缭乱的现代媒介不使用语言却能传达更丰富的、言不尽意的意义.语言的作用并非消失了,而是人们突然意识到,语言的本质,是一幅并不能实现指向外部事物功能的元图象,语言成为图象或者一种图象的语言.也许人类将培养起对图象的抽象能力,或许人性将因之彻底改变,人类的道德、政治、经济、文化生活也将随之天翻地覆.  相似文献   

Medicare home health care policy does not incorporate research evidence of effective palliative home care interventions for Alzheimer's disease and dementia patients and caregivers. This article examines the dissonance between the needs and burdens of Alzheimer's disease patients and caregivers, research results on medical and palliative care interventions, and medicalized public policy in the Medicare home health benefit. The article asserts existing research establishes a prima facie case exists for the federal government to fund a Medicare Palliative Home Care for Alzheimer's disease demonstration project. The article cites the success of the Medicare Hospice Demonstration project and Hospice Medicare Benefit in reducing costs and improving client quality of life as precedent and a model for Alzheimer's disease. Other research implications are identified.  相似文献   

逻辑与自然语言   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王路 《求是学刊》2008,35(5):34-40
一种观点认为,传统逻辑是用自然语言表述的,现代逻辑是用形式语言表述的.这种观点暗示着现代逻辑不能解决自然语言中的问题,而传统逻辑能够解决.这种观点是有问题的.传统逻辑和现代逻辑虽然有形式方而的区别,但最主要的区别还是句法和语义的:前者是主谓结构,后者是谓词结构.由此区别出发,传统逻辑和现代逻辑形成了对自然语言的不同解释.而后者的能力无疑更强.  相似文献   

Harvey J. Kaye and Keith McClelland (eds), E. P. Thompson: Critical Perspectives (1990), x + 283 (Oxford, Polity Press).

Bryan D. Palmer, Descent into Discourse: The Reißcation of Language and the Writing of Social History (1900), xvii + 289 (Philadelphia, Temple University Press).  相似文献   

现代汉语中的词位和词位变体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹炜 《学术交流》2003,(12):149-152
词在语音、词形、语法、意义上的差异所体现的性质、所产生的结果是不一样的,有的属于同一词的不同表现状态,有的则属于不同的词,前者是同一词位的各个变体,后者是不同的词位。现代汉语的词位变体主要有以下四种类型:(1)词的语音形式的变异所形成的词位变体,这种词位变体往往呈现互补分布状态,是一种条件变体;(2)词的书写形式的变异所形成的词位变体,这种词位变体并不呈现互补分布状态,是一种自由变体;(3)词的语法形式的变异所形成的词位变体,这种词位变体主要是通过词的重叠和词内素序的变化来实现的,也是一种条件变体;(4)词的意义上的变异所形成的词位变体,这种词位变体的意义上的变异当然是有限制的,即变异前后的两个或几个意义有着密切的联系,也是一种条件变体。  相似文献   

In the course of historical development, language media have advanced from sound waves to light waves to electronic waves, adapted in each case to a diversity of contexts and a variety of communicative tools. Over time, languages have enriched their vocabulary, grammar and expression, with resultant progress in language function. Language technology has exerted a significant influence on language life and even on the development of society. As humanity steps into the age of online media, “language apparatus” has improved markedly, as has language life. Taken with the development of new media language, this presents new challenges to contemporary linguistics.  相似文献   

all mental life by which we surpass the animals is evoked in us as we assimilate the articulate framework of a culture. Michael Polanyi (1959)  相似文献   

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