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Likelihood is widely used in statistical applications, both for the full parameter by obvious direct calculation and for component interest parameters by recent asymptotic theory. Often, however, we want more detailed information concerning an inference procedure, information such as say the distribution function of a measure of departure which would then permit power calculations or a detailed display of p-values for a range of parameter values. We investigate how such distribution function approximations can be obtained from minimal information concerning the likelihood function, a minimum that is often available in many applications. The resulting expressions clearly indicate the source of the various ingredients from likelihood, and they also provide a basis for understanding how nonnormality of the likelihood function affects related p-values. Moreover they provide the basis for removing a computational singularity that arises near the maximum likelihood value when recently developed significance function formulas are used.  相似文献   

In this paper we obtain asymptotic expansions up to order n−1/2 for the nonnull distribution functions of the likelihood ratio, Wald, score and gradient test statistics in exponential family nonlinear models (Cordeiro and Paula, 1989), under a sequence of Pitman alternatives. The asymptotic distributions of all four statistics are obtained for testing a subset of regression parameters and for testing the dispersion parameter, thus generalising the results given in Cordeiro et al. (1994) and Ferrari et al. (1997). We also present Monte Carlo simulations in order to compare the finite-sample performance of these tests.  相似文献   

Moment estimators for parameters in a truncated bivariate Poisson distribution are derived in Hamdan (1972) for the special case of λ1 = λ2, Where λ1, λ2 are the marginal means. Here we derive the maximum likelihood estimators for this special case. The information matrix is also obtained which provides asymptotic covariance matrix of the maximum likelihood estimators. The asymptotic covariance matrix of moment estimators is also derived. The asymptotic efficiency of moment estimators is computed and found to be very low.  相似文献   

Summary.  We establish asymptotic theory for both the maximum likelihood and the maximum modified likelihood estimators in mixture regression models. Moreover, under specific and reasonable conditions, we show that the optimal convergence rate of n −1/4 for estimating the mixing distribution is achievable for both the maximum likelihood and the maximum modified likelihood estimators. We also derive the asymptotic distributions of two log-likelihood ratio test statistics for testing homogeneity and we propose a resampling procedure for approximating the p -value. Simulation studies are conducted to investigate the empirical performance of the two test statistics. Finally, two real data sets are analysed to illustrate the application of our theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper we give an asymptotic formula of order n ?1/2, where n is the sample size, for the skewness of the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimates of the linear parameters in generalized linear models. The formula is given in matrix notation and is very suitable for computer implementation. Several special cases are discussed. We also give asymptotic formulae for the skewness of the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimates of the dispersion and precision parameters.  相似文献   

This paper gives the likelihood function for a Type I censored sample from the geometric distribution with parameter p, and the maximum likelihood estimator for p. Exact and asymptotic sampling distributions of joint sufficient statistics for p are derived. Such distributional results make it possible to develop tests or confidence intervals based on discrete censored data, which are not available now in the literature. Neyman-Pearson tests for p are developed. Examples are given to illustrate these results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the empirical likelihood inferences of the partial functional linear model with missing responses. Two empirical log-likelihood ratios of the parameters of interest are constructed, and the corresponding maximum empirical likelihood estimators of parameters are derived. Under some regularity conditions, we show that the proposed two empirical log-likelihood ratios are asymptotic standard Chi-squared. Thus, the asymptotic results can be used to construct the confidence intervals/regions for the parameters of interest. We also establish the asymptotic distribution theory of corresponding maximum empirical likelihood estimators. A simulation study indicates that the proposed methods are comparable in terms of coverage probabilities and average lengths of confidence intervals. An example of real data is also used to illustrate our proposed methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are concerned with testing homogeneity against trend. Parsons (1979) considered the exact distribution of the test statistic based on the Wilcoxon type scores. We extend his result to the case of the general scores. Then we give a table of significance probabilities for the Fisher-Yates normal scores. We also study the asymptotic distribution of the test statis-tic based on the general scores under the null hypothesis, and the asymptotic relative efficiency against Bartholomew's likelihood ratio test assuming normality  相似文献   


In this article, we aim to establish some theoretical properties of Izawa’s bivariate gamma distribution having equal shape parameters. First, we propose a procedure to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates and derive an expression for the Fisher information. Simulation studies illuminate the properties of maximum likelihood estimators. We also establish an asymptotic test for independence based on the limiting distribution of maximum likelihood estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper we obtain asymptotic expansions, up to order n−1/2 and under a sequence of Pitman alternatives, for the nonnull distribution functions of the likelihood ratio, Wald, score and gradient test statistics in the class of symmetric linear regression models. This is a wide class of models which encompasses the t model and several other symmetric distributions with longer-than normal tails. The asymptotic distributions of all four statistics are obtained for testing a subset of regression parameters. Furthermore, in order to compare the finite-sample performance of these tests in this class of models, Monte Carlo simulations are presented. An empirical application to a real data set is considered for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Data which is grouped and truncated is considered. We are given numbers n1<…<nk=n and we observe Xni ),i=1,…k, and the tottal number of observations available (N> nk is unknown. If the underlying distribution has one unknown parameter θ which enters as a scale parameter, we examine the form of the equations for both conditional, unconditional and modified maximum likelihood estimators of θ and N and examine when these estimators will be finite, and unique. We also develop expressions for asymptotic bias and search for modified estimators which minimize the maximum asymptotic bias. These results are specialized tG the zxponential distribution. Methods of computing the solutions to the likelihood equatims are also discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  For a class of vector-valued non-Gaussian stationary processes, we develop the Cressie–Read power-divergence (CR) statistic approach which has been proposed for the i.i.d. case. The CR statistic includes empirical likelihood as a special case. Therefore, by adopting this CR statistic approach, the theory of estimation and testing based on empirical likelihood is greatly extended. We use an extended Whittle likelihood as score function and derive the asymptotic distribution of the CR statistic. We apply this result to estimation of autocorrelation and the AR coefficient, and get narrower confidence intervals than those obtained by existing methods. We also consider the power properties of the test based on asymptotic theory. Under a sequence of contiguous local alternatives, we derive the asymptotic distribution of the CR statistic. The problem of testing autocorrelation is discussed and we introduce some interesting properties of the local power.  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply the empirical likelihood method to heteroscedastic partially linear errors-in-variables model. For the cases of known and unknown error variances, the two different empirical log-likelihood ratios for the parameter of interest are constructed. If the error variances are known, the empirical log-likelihood ratio is proved to be asymptotic chi-square distribution under the assumption that the errors are given by a sequence of stationary α-mixing random variables. Furthermore, if the error variances are unknown, we show that the proposed statistic is asymptotically standard chi-square distribution when the errors are independent. Simulations are carried out to assess the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the empirical likelihood for the autoregressive error-in-explanatory variable models. With the help of validation, we first develop an empirical likelihood ratio test statistic for the parameters of interest, and prove that its asymptotic distribution is that of a weighted sum of independent standard χ21 random variables with unknown weights. Also, we propose an adjusted empirical likelihood and prove that its asymptotic distribution is a standard χ2. Furthermore, an empirical likelihood-based confidence region is given. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method works well for practical situations.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the class of censored exponential regression models which is very useful for modeling lifetime data. Under a sequence of Pitman alternatives, the asymptotic expansions up to order n? 1/2 of the non null distribution functions of the likelihood ratio, Wald, Rao score, and gradient statistics are derive in this class of models. The non null asymptotic distribution functions of these statistics are obtained for testing a composite null hypothesis in the presence of nuisance parameters. The power of all four tests, which are equivalent to first order, are compared based on these non null asymptotic expansions. Furthermore, in order to compare the finite-sample performance of these tests in this class of models, we consider Monte Carlo simulations. We also present an empirical application for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

We implement profile empirical likelihood-based inference for censored median regression models. Inference for any specified subvector is carried out by profiling out the nuisance parameters from the “plug-in” empirical likelihood ratio function proposed by Qin and Tsao. To obtain the critical value of the profile empirical likelihood ratio statistic, we first investigate its asymptotic distribution. The limiting distribution is a sum of weighted chi square distributions. Unlike for the full empirical likelihood, however, the derived asymptotic distribution has intractable covariance structure. Therefore, we employ the bootstrap to obtain the critical value, and compare the resulting confidence intervals with the ones obtained through Basawa and Koul’s minimum dispersion statistic. Furthermore, we obtain confidence intervals for the age and treatment effects in a lung cancer data set.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the construction of compromise estimators of location and scale, by averaging over several models selected among a specified large set of possible models. The weight given to each distribution is based on the profile likelihood, which leads to a notion of distance between distributions as we study the asymptotic behaviour of such estimators. The selection of the models is made in a minimax way, in order to choose distributions that are close to any possible distribution. We also present simulation results of such compromise estimators based on contaminated Gaussian and Student's t distributions.  相似文献   

The latent class model or multivariate multinomial mixture is a powerful approach for clustering categorical data. It uses a conditional independence assumption given the latent class to which a statistical unit is belonging. In this paper, we exploit the fact that a fully Bayesian analysis with Jeffreys non-informative prior distributions does not involve technical difficulty to propose an exact expression of the integrated complete-data likelihood, which is known as being a meaningful model selection criterion in a clustering perspective. Similarly, a Monte Carlo approximation of the integrated observed-data likelihood can be obtained in two steps: an exact integration over the parameters is followed by an approximation of the sum over all possible partitions through an importance sampling strategy. Then, the exact and the approximate criteria experimentally compete, respectively, with their standard asymptotic BIC approximations for choosing the number of mixture components. Numerical experiments on simulated data and a biological example highlight that asymptotic criteria are usually dramatically more conservative than the non-asymptotic presented criteria, not only for moderate sample sizes as expected but also for quite large sample sizes. This research highlights that asymptotic standard criteria could often fail to select some interesting structures present in the data.  相似文献   

Assuming that the observations are from an exponential family we obtain the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of the time of change. We also prove that the maximum likelihood ratio test is asymptotically normal, if there is a change in the parameters at an unknown time.  相似文献   

Although the asymptotic distributions of the likelihood ratio for testing hypotheses of null variance components in linear mixed models derived by Stram and Lee [1994. Variance components testing in longitudinal mixed effects model. Biometrics 50, 1171–1177] are valid, their proof is based on the work of Self and Liang [1987. Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimators and likelihood tests under nonstandard conditions. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 82, 605–610] which requires identically distributed random variables, an assumption not always valid in longitudinal data problems. We use the less restrictive results of Vu and Zhou [1997. Generalization of likelihood ratio tests under nonstandard conditions. Ann. Statist. 25, 897–916] to prove that the proposed mixture of chi-squared distributions is the actual asymptotic distribution of such likelihood ratios used as test statistics for null variance components in models with one or two random effects. We also consider a limited simulation study to evaluate the appropriateness of the asymptotic distribution of such likelihood ratios in moderately sized samples.  相似文献   

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