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This article investigates the testing for serial correlation in partially linear models with validation data and applies the empirical likelihood methods to construct serial tests statistics, and then we derive the asymptotic distribution of the test statistics under null hypothesis. Simulation results show that our method performs well.  相似文献   

谭祥勇等 《统计研究》2021,38(2):135-145
部分函数型线性变系数模型(PFLVCM)是近几年出现的一个比较灵活、应用广泛的新模型。在实际应用中,搜集到的经济和金融数据往往存在序列相关性。如果不考虑数据间的相关性直接对其进行建模,会影响模型中参数估计的精度和有效性。本文主要研究了PFLVCM中误差的序列相关性的检验问题,基于经验似然,把标量时间序列数据相关性检验的方法拓展到函数型数据中,提出了经验对数似然比检验统计量,并在零假设下得到了检验统计量的近似分布。通过蒙特卡洛数值模拟说明该统计量在有限样本下有良好的水平和功效。最后,把该方法用于检验美国商业用电消费数据是否有序列相关性,证明该统计量的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

In this article, we consider whether the empirical likelihood ratio (ELR) test is applicable to testing for serial correlation in the partially linear single-index models (PLSIM) with error-prone linear covariates. It is shown that under the null hypothesis the proposed ELR statistic follows asymptotically a χ2-distribution with the scale constant and the degrees of freedom. A comparison between the ELR and the normal approximation method is also considered. Both simulated and real data examples are used to illustrate our proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This article considers testing serial correlation in partially linear additive errors-in-variables model. Based on the empirical likelihood based approach, a test statistic was proposed, and it was shown to follow asymptotically a chi-square distribution under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation. Finally, some simulation studies are conducted to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this article, empirical likelihood inferences for the varying coefficient partially nonlinear models are investigated. An empirical log-likelihood ratio function for the unknown parameter vector in the nonlinear function part and a residual-adjusted empirical log-likelihood ratio function for the nonparametric component are proposed. The corresponding Wilks phenomena are proved and the confidence regions for parametric component and nonparametric component are constructed. Simulation studies indicate that, in terms of coverage probabilities and average areas of the confidence regions, the empirical likelihood method performs better than the normal approximation-based method. Furthermore, a real data set application is also provided to illustrate the proposed empirical likelihood estimation technique.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the statistical inference for the varying-coefficient partially nonlinear model with additive measurement errors in the nonparametric part. The local bias-corrected profile nonlinear least-squares estimation procedure for parameter in nonlinear function and nonparametric function is proposed. Then, the asymptotic normality properties of the resulting estimators are established. With the empirical likelihood method, a local bias-corrected empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic for the unknown parameter, and a corrected and residual adjusted empirical log-likelihood ratio for the nonparametric component are constructed. It is shown that the resulting statistics are asymptotically chi-square distribution under some suitable conditions. Some simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods. The results indicate that the empirical likelihood method is superior to the profile nonlinear least-squares method in terms of the confidence regions of parameter and point-wise confidence intervals of nonparametric function.  相似文献   

Robust tests for the common principal components model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When dealing with several populations, the common principal components (CPC) model assumes equal principal axes but different variances along them. In this paper, a robust log-likelihood ratio statistic allowing to test the null hypothesis of a CPC model versus no restrictions on the scatter matrices is introduced. The proposal plugs into the classical log-likelihood ratio statistic robust scatter estimators. Using the same idea, a robust log-likelihood ratio and a robust Wald-type statistic for testing proportionality against a CPC model are considered. Their asymptotic distributions under the null hypothesis and their partial influence functions are derived. A small simulation study allows to compare the behavior of the classical and robust tests, under normal and contaminated data.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with statistical inference for partially nonlinear models. Empirical likelihood method for parameter in nonlinear function and nonparametric function is investigated. The empirical log-likelihood ratios are shown to be asymptotically chi-square and then the corresponding confidence intervals are constructed. By the empirical likelihood ratio functions, we also obtain the maximum empirical likelihood estimators of the parameter in nonlinear function and nonparametric function, and prove the asymptotic normality. A simulation study indicates that, compared with normal approximation-based method and the bootstrap method, the empirical likelihood method performs better in terms of coverage probabilities and average length/widths of confidence intervals/bands. An application to a real dataset is illustrated.  相似文献   

We propose two test statistics for testing serial correlation in semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear models. The proposed test statistics are not only for testing zero first-order serial correlation, but also for testing higher-order serial correlations. Under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation, the test statistics are shown to have asymptotic normal or chi-square distributions. By using R, some Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to examine the finite sample performances of the proposed tests. Simulation results show that the estimated size and power of the proposed tests behave well.  相似文献   

This article proposes new simple testing procedures for the joint null hypothesis of absence of persistent effects, in the form of random effects and first-order serial correlation in the error component model. The fact that the presence of random effects is clearly of a one-sided nature, together with the fact that in many empirical applications researchers worry about positive serial correlation leaves room for a power gain that arises from restricting the parameter space under the alternative hypothesis, compared to existing procedures that allow for two-sided alternatives. A Monte Carlo experiment shows that the proposed statistics have good size and power performance in very small samples like those typically used in applied work in panel data. An empirical example illustrates the usefulness of the proposed statistics.  相似文献   

Cubic B-splines are used to estimate the nonparametric component of a semiparametric generalized linear model. A penalized log-likelihood ratio test statistic is constructed for the null hypothesis of the linearity of the nonparametric function. When the number of knots is fixed, its limiting null distribution is the distribution of a linear combination of independent chi-squared random variables, each with one df. The smoothing parameter is determined by giving a specified value for its asymptotically expected value under the null hypothesis. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate its power performance; a real-life dataset is used to illustrate its practical use.  相似文献   

对面板数据双因素误差回归模型构造了检验序列相关和随机效应的一种联合LM检验,发现该LM统计量也是检验联合假设H0:σμ^2=λ=0的Baltagi-Li LM统计量和检验假设H0:σv^2=λ=0的Breusch-Pagan-LM统计量之和。当面板数据的个体数N充分大时,该联合LM统计量的渐近分布是χ^2(3)分布;无论双因素误差面板数据回归模型的剩余误差项是AR(1)过程还是MA(1)过程,联合LM检验是相同的,即对随机效应和一阶序列相关的联合LM检验是独立于序列相关的形式。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the testing for serial correlation in a linear model with validation data, then we apply the empirical likelihood method to construct the test statistic and derive the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic under null hypothesis. Simulation results show that our method performs well both in size and power with finite same size.  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply the empirical likelihood method to heteroscedastic partially linear errors-in-variables model. For the cases of known and unknown error variances, the two different empirical log-likelihood ratios for the parameter of interest are constructed. If the error variances are known, the empirical log-likelihood ratio is proved to be asymptotic chi-square distribution under the assumption that the errors are given by a sequence of stationary α-mixing random variables. Furthermore, if the error variances are unknown, we show that the proposed statistic is asymptotically standard chi-square distribution when the errors are independent. Simulations are carried out to assess the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Xia Chen 《Statistics》2013,47(6):745-757
In this paper, we consider the application of the empirical likelihood method to a partially linear model with measurement errors in the non-parametric part. It is shown that the empirical log-likelihood ratio at the true parameters converges to the standard chi-square distribution. Furthermore, we obtain the maximum empirical likelihood estimate of the unknown parameter by using the empirical log-likelihood ratio function, and the resulting estimator is shown to be asymptotically normal. Some simulations and an application are conducted to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

We investigate here small sample properties of approximate F-tests about fixed effects parameters in nonlinear mixed models. For estimation of population fixed effects parameters as well as variance components, we apply the two-stage approach. This method is useful and popular when the number of observations per sampling unit is large enough. The approximate F-test is constructed based on large-sample approximation to the distribution of nonlinear least-squares estimates of subject-specific parameters. We recommend a modified test statistic that takes into consideration approximation to the large-sample Fisher information matrix (See [Volaufova J, Burton JH. Note on hypothesis testing in mixed models. Oral presentation at: LINSTAT 2012/21st IWMS; 2012; Bedlewo, Poland]). Our main focus is on comparing finite sample properties of broadly used approximate tests (Wald test and likelihood ratio test) and the modified F-test under the null hypothesis, especially accuracy of p-values (See [Volaufova J, LaMotte L. Comparison of approximate tests of fixed effects in linear repeated measures design models with covariates. Tatra Mountains. 2008;39:17–25]). For that purpose two extensive simulation studies are conducted based on pharmacokinetic models (See [Hartford A, Davidian M. Consequences of misspecifying assumptions in nonlinear mixed effects models. Comput Stat and Data Anal. 2000;34:139–164; Pinheiro J, Bates D. Approximations to the log-likelihood function in the non-linear mixed-effects model. J Comput Graph Stat. 1995;4(1):12–35]).  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the empirical likelihood (EL) inference for high-dimensional partially linear model with martingale difference errors. An empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic of unknown parameter is constructed and is shown to have asymptotically normality distribution under some suitable conditions. This result is different from those derived before. Furthermore, an empirical log-likelihood ratio for a linear combination of unknown parameter is also proposed and its asymptotic distribution is chi-squared. Based on these results, the confidence regions both for unknown parameter and a linear combination of parameter can be obtained. A simulation study is carried out to show that our proposed approach performs better than normal approximation-based method.  相似文献   

A new family of statistics is proposed to test for the presence of serial correlation in linear regression models. The tests are based on partial sums of lagged cross-products of regression residuals that define a class of interesting Gaussian processes. These processes are characterized in terms of regressor functions, the serial-correlation structure, the distribution of the noise process, and the order of the lag of the cross-products of residuals. It is shown that these four factors affect the lagged residual processes independently. Large-sample distributional results are presented for test statistics under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation or for alternatives from a range of interesting hypotheses. Some indication of the circumstances to which the asymptotic results apply in finite-sample situations and of those to which they should be applied with some caution are obtained through a simulation study. Tables of selected quantiles of the proposed tests are also given. The tests are illustrated with two examples taken from the empirical literature. It is also proposed that plots of lagged residual processes be used as diagnostic tools to gain insight into the correlation structure of residuals derived from regression fits.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to use the empirical likelihood method to study construction of the confidence region for the parameter of interest in semiparametric varying-coefficient heteroscedastic partially linear errors-in-variables models. When the variance functions of the errors are known or unknown, we propose the empirical log-likelihood ratio statistics for the parameter of interest. For each case, a nonparametric version of Wilks’ theorem is derived. The results are then used to construct confidence regions of the parameter. A simulation study is carried out to assess the performance of the empirical likelihood method.  相似文献   

This study investigates the empirical likelihood method for the partially linear additive models in which certain covariates are measured with additive errors. An empirical log-likelihood ratio for the parametric component is proposed based on the profile procedure, and a nonparametric version of the Wilk’s theorem is derived. Then, the confidence regions of the parametric component with asymptotically correct coverage probabilities are constructed by the obtained results. Furthermore, a simulation study is conducted to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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