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叙事心理治疗是20世纪90年代开始流行的心理疗法。本文主要从它的缘起、理论背景及其与社会工作的关系进行论述。并尝试对叙事心理治疗与社会工作实务进行结合。  相似文献   

The feminist ethics of care present a challenge to social workersto re-assess not only the place of care within professionalsocial work practice but also the way in which concepts of justice,autonomy and rights are conceptualized and ageing is understood.In this article, the arguments for an ethics of care are consideredin relation to social work practice with older people. It isargued that the feminist ethics of care offer useful insightsthat are relevant to the practice of social work, particularlywithin contemporary demographic, economic, political and organizationalcontexts, all of which have made the task more complex and confusing.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2012,35(3):253-266
Socratic dialogue is a practical method of philosophical inquiry used to develop ethical and critical thinking among participants. On the other hand, self-directed group work is a practical intervention model based on social justice principles aimed at empowering service users and clients in social work and community work contexts. This conceptual article aims to reflect on a combination of the two models, arguing that group work interventions inspired by Socratic dialogue and self-directed group work may represent a way for social workers to develop a better ethical stance in their practice.  相似文献   

This paper challenges proceduralized, rule-bound approachesto ethics and considers how social workers and teams can developan attitude of compassionate concern and become more effectivein dealing with ethical problems in their day-to-day practice.It introduces the work of Humberto Maturana, a widely respectedtheorist, whose work has received little attention in socialwork. The paper argues that Maturana’s biology of cognitionprovides an approach to ethics that takes into account the spontaneousnature of everyday work in which social workers undertake theirethical actions. It stresses the importance of emotions, particularlylove, and considers the way in which ethical action is shapedby culture. It emphasizes the importance of engaging in reflectionon professional practices and team, professional and organizationalculture in order for social workers to improve their awarenessof ethical dilemmas and promote ethical practice. For thoseteaching ethics, this paper suggests an alternative to the rationalconsideration of moral dilemmas and proposes approaches to trainingthat can help social workers become more attuned and responsiveto ethical conflicts.  相似文献   

叙事心理学是在后现代心理学思潮影响下兴起的一种新的研究取向。叙事心理治疗在社会工作运用,需要社会工作者能够建立良好的关系,耐心倾听故事叙说,在咨询中将问题外化,形成积极有力的自己观念。  相似文献   

韦耀阳  刘鹏 《社会工作》2008,(22):22-24
叙事心理学是在后现代心理学思潮影响下兴起的一种新的研究取向。叙事心理治疗在社会工作运用,需要社会工作者能够建立良好的关系,耐心倾听故事叙说,在咨询中将问题外化,形成积极有力的自己观念。  相似文献   

王轩  袁祖社 《唐都学刊》2010,26(3):43-47
当今多元的文化与价值构筑起时代精神状况深蕴的语境背景,其真实的原像是人文价值、社会空间场域、资本逻辑交互存在场景中,人的存在样态通道的求索与指认。历史、空间、人机缘式交汇的相遇成为伦理样态化育的全新地平线,人以开放曲式向历史播撒着伦理的样态。历史凝结的伦理智慧始终是以累进性攀升的方式同时代景观场域交融,真实的伦理样态就是在各种场域的交叠共融中养育的,同时以特有的伦理景观呈现给社会。  相似文献   

张巍卓 《社会》2019,39(2):214-241
作为德国社会学的两位奠基人,滕尼斯和齐美尔奠定了截然相反的两种现代伦理生活格局。伦理世界观的分流源于他们各自对时代处境的体验以及对思想史的独特解释。从近代自然法的角度出发,滕尼斯的社会伦理的核心是重建政治社会的秩序与风尚,一切价值最终都要融入社会;与此相反,齐美尔的社会学思考从一开始就以对社会伦理的批评作为前提,他将超越社会的个体生命视作伦理的目的,对他来说,生命不仅意味着身处社会之中的个体具有饱满个性,而且从自身孕育出客观的、适用于他自己的伦理责任。从帝制时期到魏玛时期,德国社会伦理同文化伦理的分流、交织与合流为我们提供了一条理解德国社会学史的清晰主线。  相似文献   

A narrative approach to group work with men who batter is presented with case examples. The approach is based in feminist and constructionist theory and seeks to expose and undermine the effects of patriarchal discourse in the lives and relationships of group members. The approach emphasizes an understanding of gender discourse, taking responsibility for actions, and exploring new definitional possibilities for participants and their relationships. The techniques of radical listening, the principle of least contest, breaking the allure of male entitlement and its effects, and cocreating a new male way of being are discussed with case examples.  相似文献   

汤剑波 《唐都学刊》2014,(2):16-20,31
作为一项具有利他倾向的社会保障事业,在当代遇到了个人自主、个人权利与冷淡的正义等价值观念的挑战.关怀伦理指出人类相互依赖性的本质关系,消解了自主与依赖性的二分,确立了人们相互之间以及政府对国民的关怀责任;同时,进一步分析平等和相互依恋这两种共存的道德关系,强调正义与关怀是两种互补的伦理方法,提供了现代社会保障领域内善与正义统一的一种思路.  相似文献   

社会工作研究在研究方法、研究手段等方面都受到社会研究多种方法论范式的影响,社会工作研究者无论选择何种社会研究范式进行研究,都会在选题、分析、总结等过程中有不同程度的价值介入,而源于价值观的社会研究伦理又将直接影响研究者的研究选题、方法和结论。本文从社会研究中的价值介入问题入手,探讨社会工作研究中的价值与伦理问题带来的思考。  相似文献   

皮湘林 《社会工作》2009,(10):13-16
社会工作与伦理的关系经历了从自发到自觉,危机的产生,再到伦理对于社会工作的重新回归的发展阶段。社会工作中的伦理体系的构建既要借鉴西方发达国家已有的社会工作伦理价值体系,又要立足于中国的本土实际,既要充分挖掘我国传统文化资源,更要顺应中国当今社会主流的伦理文化的发展,适应中国社会主义市场经济的发展。现代社会工作视野中的伦理应该是由多层次的理论与实践体系所构成,包括对社会工作道德哲学层次的思考,社会工作道德原则和规范的构建,社会工作的实践机制以及社会工作伦理与相关学科的相互借鉴的研究。  相似文献   

叙事治疗已成为当下比较流行的社会工作实践新范式,其主要理论基础是后现代主义的社会建构主义。社会建构主义认为人们的周围存在着多重的现实,视乎人们以怎样的方式进行建构。叙事疗法则在这种理论的指导下,使人们解构他们生活现实和关系的意义,并指出现实和内化的自我故事之间的差异,从而帮助人们解决问题。本文首先回顾了叙事治疗的理论渊源,总结叙事治疗理论的主要观点,并介绍了其在青少年社会工作和家庭社会工作中的运用,在此基础上提出相应评析。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Stephen A. Webb, Department of Social Work, University of Dundee, DD1 4HN. Summary This paper addresses the Kantian theory of the subject whichis found in contemporary social work discourse on ethics andvalues. It is argued here that the Kantian idea of persons as(i) rational, (ii) autonomous, and (iii) ends-in-themselvesis wholly inadequate to the social work doctrine of ‘respectfor persons’. To show this, we counterpose a Foucauldianview of history, moral codes and theory of the person, and themeaning this can have in the social worker-client relation.This alternative reading claims that social work is essentiallya political practice which is constructed by various discursiveand institutional strategies of power. Therefore, it is suggestedthat social work needs a political reading of its own discourse.To this end we outline a Foucauldian micro-political analysisof the social work ‘subject’ or person as a pointwithin a field of discursive-knowledge based strategies.  相似文献   

规范美德伦理学   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
人们通常认为美德伦理学并不能告诉我们应该做什么。任何认为美德伦理学可以替代道义论和功利主义伦理学的人都会发现自己面对这样一个人们普遍接受的诘难 :“美德伦理学并没有告诉我们应该做什么 ,因为它无法告诉应该怎么做。因此 ,它无法成为替代道义论和功利主义的规范性理论。”文章的目的就是要反驳这一诘难 ,为美德伦理学辩护  相似文献   

生活作为人生命活动的展开方式,是人根据自己的意志和目的进行的生命活动,是人全面本质的展开,本真生活是属人的,以人为本。现代社会实质是以资本市场逻辑和技术理性为主导逻辑建构而成的物化社会,置身其中的现代人的现实生活实质上趋向物,处于异质生活境遇,怎样在现代生活境遇里获得生存的意义,过有价值的生活,回归“人本”生活状态,关键在于对“物本”异化力量主导所形成的现代人的异质生活境遇的超越,即对生活的价值体验。  相似文献   

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