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苏联、东欧剧变后,前共产党组织无一例外地一度失去了执政权,西欧国家的共产党受到极大的冲击而急剧衰落,第三世界各国共产党也纷纷改法易帜,从而使社会民主党成为国际社会左翼势力的代表。20世纪90年代以来,具有民主社会主义性质的社会民主党的组织发展很快,在东欧、独联体国家得到了恢复与重建,在第三世界有了长足进展;他们在思想理念方面摆脱了困惑、探索了新的道路,在执政方面有出人意料的惊喜,于90年代末期纷纷上台执政。  相似文献   

民主社会主义思潮在中国再次兴起的原因剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石红聚 《社科纵横》2009,24(4):62-64
近年来中国再次出现的重新评价民主社会主义思潮,既与国际共产主义运动处于低潮的国际大环境有关,也与我国在探索中国特色社会主义道路过程中出现的问题与挫折有关;既与民主社会主义的自身特点有关,也与其在实践中取得的成就有关。但是无论什么原因,民主社会主义本质上仍然是一种改良资本主义思潮。对于民主社会主义,我们只能借鉴,而决不能照抄照搬。  相似文献   

在很大程度上,世界社会主义的未来取决于当代无产阶级联合的水平和工作效率。这里只简要地谈一下与此相关的两个问题。第一个问题,要实现马克思在《共产党宣言》中所讲的全世界无产者联合起来,目前应加强以下6个形式或途径的工作。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义的进一步发展,给社会主义民主建设提出了新的要求。任务复杂而艰巨,只有紧紧依靠党的领导,才能完成历史使命。这就对党的能力提出了新的挑战,党必须与时俱进,不断提高执政能力,才能担负起时代重任。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国基层民主发展的动因主要包括:现代化进程的政治动员、中国的双层政治架构、经济政治体制改革引起的社会结构和价值观念的变化、中国政治发展和民主化进程的路径选择等等.30年来,围绕农村村民自治、城市社区自治、企事业单位的民主管理、城乡公共管理中的公民参与和县(区)乡人大代表选举等内容,基层民主取得了长足发展.其主要特点和经验有利益的相关性、参与的有序性、环境的适应性和发展的渐进性等.进一步发展基层民主还必须着力解决三大矛盾,以稳固社会主义民主的基础性工程.  相似文献   

本文在考察民主社会主义理论和实践的基础上,给民主社会主义策略原则以界定,并分析和阐述了它的产生和发展。  相似文献   

30多年来,中国不仅进行了政治体制改革,而且改革富有成效,实现了民主政治指导思想、民主政治发展道路和民主政治制度等方面的突破。  相似文献   

村民自治作为一种历史过程,其发生与发展应置于特定的历史背景下加以考察。仅仅依靠自上而下的外部性力量,是无法建构一个以农民为主体的乡村治理体系的。继政权下乡和政党下乡之后,以农民群众为主体的村民自治的“登场”成为历史的必然。公社体制废除后的村民自治制度,其实质是党支持农民当家做主,在农民的主动参与中确立其主体地位,并将分散的农民吸纳到国家体制中来,以此建立对国家的认同,达到国家治理与村民自我管理的协调,从而推进中国社会主义民主政治的发展。制度—示范—创新是村民自治进程的基本运行逻辑,这既保证了国家的统一性,又充分尊重社会的自主性和创造性。从现代国家建构的角度看,中国的乡村治理体制也需要相应的转型,对各种权力资源和治理机制加以整合,实行国家治理与乡村自治的共同治理,并在这一过程中推进村民自治的发展。  相似文献   

陈立媛 《社科纵横》2010,25(12):12-14,17
党的十七大将基层群众自治制度纳入中国特色社会主义政治制度体系,使我国民主政治制度体系更加系统和完整,敦促基层民主沿着制度化、法律化的轨道发展,体现了对改革开放以来城乡基层在村(居)民自治实践中积累和创新的经验给以肯定并推广的思路,有利于调动基层社会成员主动、平等参与自治管理的积极性,有利于实现社会主义民主和法治的结合。完善和发展基层群众自治制度,应坚持和改善党的领导,实现党的领导与基层群众当家作主的有机统一;转变政府职能,积极推进服务型政府建设;高度关注民生,始终维护民众的权益;发挥社会组织的作用,扩大自治范围。  相似文献   

Against the backdrop of the 19th century, the First International, guided by Marxism, emerged in the form of the early “International Socialist Federation.” It viewed the seizure of power as the great mission of the proletariat, actively struggled against bourgeois regimes, strongly responded to the call of times for the theoretical self-consciousness and organized struggle of the proletariat, and exerted a profound historical influence on the stirring inauguration and nationally oriented development of the international Communist movement of the 20th century. From the socialist party political perspective, the First International, once the Communist League, had raised the curtain on socialist party politics, changed the political mode of capitalist party politics’ exclusive world domination through the interactive development of new organizational forms, theoretical viewpoints and political practice. It thus left an abundant historical legacy in terms of ideological creation and practical innovation for the subsequent Second International, the Communist International and the emergence and development of socialist party politics within nation-states. Although its socialist party political practice had an obvious “regional,” “preliminary” and “tentative” nature, the First International had foundation-laying significance and pioneering value for the development of socialist party politics, whether in terms of organizational vehicles, value orientation and activity content, or in terms of ideological guidance, practical patterns and strategic principles.  相似文献   

Hugo G 《Social science》1987,72(1):57-60
The relationships between the generations in Third World countries are changing as migration and industrialization erode traditional family responsibilities for supporting the elderly. It is no longer possible to assume that, as a matter of course, old people will be looked after by their families. Social change leads to an eroding of the support systems. The author finds growing evidence of this breakdown in Asia, particularly in Singapore, Hong Kong, and other highly industrialized centers. Singapore, for example, has reinstituted the compulsory study of filial piety in an attempt to push the younger generation into assuming its traditional responsibility toward the old. There has also been a significant decline in the status, prestige, and support given old people in Indonesia, although politicans insist that the family will always take care of its elderly. 2 reasons for this breakdown are 1) the impact of the mass media and 2) the increasing involvement of the younger generation in non-agricultural jobs which often involve a move to the city and away from dependence on a patriarch. Many Third World countries are in a twilight stage, between the traditionally strong structure of family support and government systems of social security.  相似文献   

This article selects a fast growing economy, China, under Deng Xiao-ping's economic reforms, as a case example for exploring the use of the median income-linked international poverty line in measuring third world poverty. Those third world countries which have a fast growing economy have the prospect of increased income inequality. Henceforth, the widening income inequality justifies a comparable poverty measurement which takes into account the relation between economic affluence and income distribution.  相似文献   

世界经济处在第三次长增长期。世界经济中仍存在一些不稳定因素和潜在风险 ,但有利因素多于和强于不稳定因素 ,一些风险是可以防范或化解的。因此 ,从 2 0世纪 90年代初开始的这次世界经济增长期可望持续到 2 0 1 0年甚至 2 0 2 0年前后。  相似文献   

Objective . Although there has been much recent work done on party systems in the postcommunist world, there has been very little systematic comparative work that examines the relationship between the organizational development of political parties and political performance. The objective of this article is to empirically examine the relationship between party organization and the political success of 17 communist successor parties from 1993 to 2000. Methods . I propose a way of measuring party organizations based upon the degree of personnel overlap between the organs of the extraparliamentary party and the party in public office and the organizational density of political parties and relate these characteristics to the political success enjoyed by the communist successor parties. Results . In general, I find that the more the successor party was dominated by officeholders and less reliant on a mass membership for political support in the years immediately following the transition, the more successful the party was later. Conclusions . The interaction of party organization with the party's competitive environment was a better predictor of success than declines in the socioeconomic condition of the population, rises in popular "nostalgia" for the past, or openings created by political institutions.  相似文献   

Is it worthwhile for the liberated countries to try to plan the process of economic development? Several decades ago, this question was the subject of animated debate in both scientific and political circles. At the beginning of the sixties, life itself removed this question from the agenda: over seventy countries of the "third world" adopted national planning programs of development. But discussion on the problems of planning in the developing countries is no less acute. The fact of the matter is that a very large number of planning programs have not justified the hopes placed in them. Why has this been the case? In the opinion of some specialists, the reason must be sought in the shortcomings of the selected forms and methods of planning. Others see the root of the evil in the weakness of the organizational and administrative apparatus. A third group believes that one cannot expect the plans to be effective if extensive socioeconomic reforms are not carried out simultaneously.  相似文献   

供应链中第三方物流协调研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
完成物流配送任务的第三方物流公司的协作集成保证了供应链的成功。为了降低系统总成本,全球第三方物流可以应用各种运输整合政策来大幅度降低运输成本。应用第三方物流来协调供应链,可以提高供应链的绩效,并获得有参加者多赢的解决方案。  相似文献   

A test of ecological-evolutionary theory shows that historic differences in the modes of production of Third World countries have important consequences for these countries today. Those with an agrarian heritage are more highly developed and enjoy higher rates of economic growth than those with a horticultural heritage. Horticultural societies are less developed than agrarian ones. Horticultural societies are ones in which the basic farming implements are the hoe and the digging stick, tools less powerful than the plow, which is the basic farming tool of agrarian societies. The authors examine 30 socioeconomic indicators for 77 Third World countries, of which 32 were classified as industrializing horticultural and 45 as industrializing agrarian. Industrializing agrarian societies have been much more successful in controlling their population growth than have industrializing horticultural societies. The data suggest that the 2 types of societies not only started out differently, but are still diverging, in both rates of population growth and in gross national product per capita. Most of the sample of horticultural societies were recently colonies, and many of the agrarian ones were not. Almost all of the horticultural societies are in sub-Saharan Africa, which gives rise to the question of whether these findings only reflect geographic factors. However, Papua-New Guinea and Haiti also show the same pattern of results. It may be that such material factors as climate, soil, and disease express themselves in different modes of production, showing that the past is not dead history but living material that influences the life of societies in later centuries.  相似文献   

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