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Harassment is a major deterrent for productivity, loyalty, and commitment to one’s job and organization. Unfortunately, many employees tend to experience various forms of harassment in the workplace. The focus in this article is to understand the extent to which the law protects a person from harassment, first based on the explication and application laws in the United Kingdom. The article then provides comparative discussion of laws and practices against workplace harassment in the United States. A major objective of this article is to help employers and managers become more expert in preventing and correcting harassment.  相似文献   

王岩  吴慈生 《管理现代化》2021,41(1):113-116
从职场友谊的概念、结构、测量和实证研究等方面出发,梳理总结了国内外最新研究进展,并探讨了中国本土文化的权变作用,以及未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

工作场所无礼行为研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘嫦娥  戴万稳 《管理学报》2012,(7):1092-1097
通过从工作场所无礼行为的维度结构、影响因素、影响效果及演变过程等方面,对国内外工作场所无礼行为研究进行了系统述评,并对其未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

工作场所偏离行为是企业普遍存在的亟待解决的问题,但国内的学术界对此议题的研究相对匮乏。该文献整理了工作场所偏离行为研究的发展的三个阶段:早期零散研究阶段、起步阶段和发展阶段,借以加深学术界对这一组织行为学新兴的研究议题的理解和重视。  相似文献   

The connection between leadership or management style, on the one hand, and perceptions of bullying, on the other, has received little attention within bullying research. Hence, the aim of this study is to examine the relationship between subordinates' ratings of their immediate superiors' behaviours, and both perceived exposure and claims of observations of bullying at work. Based on a sampling process which emphasized randomness and representativeness, the responses from 5288 respondents in Great Britain taking part in a nationwide study on psychosocial issues at work were included in the analysis. Bullying correlated with all four leadership styles measured. Yet, ‘non‐contingent punishment’ emerged as the strongest predictor of self‐perceived exposure to bullying, while autocratic leadership was the strongest predictor of observed bullying. Hence, while observers particularly associate bullying with autocratic or tyrannical leader behaviour, targets relate bullying more to non‐contingent punishment, i.e. an unpredictable style of leadership, where punishment is meted out or delivered on leaders' own terms, independent of the behaviour of subordinates. In addition, laissez‐faire leadership emerged as a predictor of self‐reported as well as observed bullying. Thus, leadership styles seem to play an important but complex role in the bullying process.  相似文献   

Employees need to regulate their own emotions as well as the emotions of others to enhance the quality of interactions with their colleagues. How well this is achieved has important outcomes for both employees and the organizations in which they work. In the field of organizational science, however, differing approaches have emerged regarding the conceptualization and operationalization of emotion regulation (ER) particularly in terms of interpersonal interactions. The present review examines contemporary theoretical perspectives of ER and its measurement with a view to resolving the confusion that currently exists around interpersonal ER in a workplace context. To understand how this field of research has developed so diversely, the authors begin by demonstrating the influence of three major individual‐level ER models on interpersonal‐level approaches: (1) the ER process model; (2) emotional labor; and (3) emotional intelligence. Moreover, to make sense of the range of interpersonal‐level research underpinned by these theories, the authors present a 2×2 categorization, developed by Zaki and Williams (2013), which shows how workplace researchers have variously approached interpersonal ER as an intrinsic vs. extrinsic process, with activation of either response‐dependent or response‐independent categories. This categorization broadly shows interpersonal ER theory used in work contexts tends to fall into four groupings as: (1) a purely extrinsic process; (2) a differentiation of extrinsic interpersonal from intrinsic individual ER; (3) co‐occurring intrinsic and extrinsic interpersonal ER; or (4) interpersonal coregulation. This paper also discusses the measurement of interpersonal ER and concludes by highlighting emerging research directions.  相似文献   

Workplace applications of behavioral self-monitoring (BSM) methods have been studied periodically for over 35 years, yet the literature has never been systematically reviewed. Recent occupational safety interventions including BSM resulted in relatively large behavior changes. Moreover, BSM methods are functional for addressing a broad range of occupational health psychology topics. Studies (n = 24) where workers self-monitored productivity or safety behaviors were reviewed and scored along dimensions relevant to research and practice. For intervention conditions (n = 38), standardized effect sizes ranged from 0.2 to 14.5 (weighted average d = 2.8). The results encourage the use of BSM in workplace interventions, but the literature has insufficiently addressed the isolated and additive effects of BSM, worker involvement and individual differences, assessment applications, and theory testing and development.  相似文献   

在呈现VUCA特征的组织环境与新生代员工管理困境下,学业两界探索通过职场精神性管理,使员工以体验终极意义和生命价值创造的方式融入组织。文章回顾了职场精神性的理论和实证进展,梳理并整合了职场精神性的概念体系,从整体(含个体一一组织交互)、个体和组织的多元视角构建了整合模型,指明了研究的挑战、局限和未来方向。  相似文献   

初入职场,大学生员工希望被组织接纳而不是被边缘化。本文试图建模表现在如同"政治舞台"的职场中员工努力避免被边缘化的过程。为达到以上研究目标,执行了两项研究:预研究在国务院11个部委机关的公务员群体中收集数据,开发了职场边缘化的测量工具;主研究对16家制造型企业中的343个员工、662个同事及343个直接领导的配对数据进行实证分析,发现员工工作绩效、公民行为以及与上司的私人关系(Guanxi)与职场边缘化之间呈负向关联。相对而言,在政治氛围淡漠的企业中,上司关系与职场边缘化之间的负向关联更强。  相似文献   

本文构建了一个工作场所同情的多层次的动态整合模型。该模型认为工作场所个体同情过程和集体同情过程是一个"双向互动"的关系:在同情使能特征的作用下,个体同情过程可以涌现为集体同情过程,而集体同情过程也会促进个体同情过程的发展。集体同情能力是一种动态能力,可以帮助企业获得持续的竞争优势。在已经形成集体同情能力或者同情涌现使能特征较高的情况下,之前经历的痛苦遭遇的总量和多样性可以影响组织现有的集体同情能力。该模型可以解释并预测工作场所对痛苦遭遇的不同回应及效果。本研究不仅整合了工作场所同情研究文献,还回应了关注组织研究人性化和"对社会负责的学术"的号召。  相似文献   

工作场所的儒家传统价值观:理论、测量与效度检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为文化的内核,文化价值观的差异影响着个体员工重要的态度和行为。本文以儒家思想为理论基础,分析和界定了"工作场所儒家传统价值观"(CTVW)的内涵与维度,并通过三项实证研究对CTV W量表的信度与效度进行了实证检验。研究一的测量结果表明,工作场所的儒家传统价值观本质上是一种以关系和谐为核心的儒家关系导向,其下包括尊从权威、接受权威、宽忍利他和面子原则四个维度,CTV W量表具有良好的信度与建构效度。研究二的效用分析表明,CTV W能够较好地预测员工的公平敏感性与组织公民行为,CTV W量表具有较好的效标效度。研究三的差异分析表明,具有不同社会历练的员工具有不同的儒家传统价值观,CTV W量表的效度得到进一步验证。最后,本文就工作场所儒家传统价值观在中国及其它文化背景下的研究意义以及未来研究方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Statistics on workplace accidents do not always reflect workplace safety because workers under‐report for fear of job‐loss if they report having had an accident. Based on an analysis of fatal and non‐fatal workplace accidents and road accidents in 15 EU‐countries over the period 1995–2012, we conclude that there seems to be cyclical fluctuations in reporting of non‐fatal workplace accidents. Workers are less likely to report a workplace accident when unemployment is high. Furthermore, analyzing data from Italy and Spain on both workplace accidents and commuting accidents, we conclude that workers on temporary jobs are likely to under‐report accidents.  相似文献   

This paper takes steps toward integrating firm theory in the spirit of Alchian and Demsetz (1972) and Grossman and Hart (1986), contract theory in the spirit of Holmstrom (1979), and general equilibrium theory in the spirit of Arrow and Debreu (1954) and McKenzie (1959). In the model presented here, the set of firms that form and the contractual arrangements that appear, the assignments of agents to firms, the prices faced by firms for inputs and outputs, and the incentives to agents are all determined endogenously at equilibrium. Agents choose consumption—but they also choose which firms to join, which roles to occupy in those firms, and which actions to take in those roles. Agents interact anonymously with the (large) market, but strategically within the (small) firms they join. The model accommodates moral hazard, adverse selection, signaling, and insurance. Equilibria may be Pareto ranked.  相似文献   

Organisations are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of employees in gaining and maintaining competitive advantage. The happy worker–productive worker thesis suggests that workers who experience high levels of well-being also perform well and vice versa; however, organisations need to know how to ensure such happy and productive workers. The present review and meta-analysis identifies workplace resources at the individual, the group, the leader, and the organisational levels that are related to both employee well-being and organisational performance. We examine which types of resources are most important in predicting both employee well-being and performance. We identified 84 quantitative studies published in print and online from 2003 to November 2015. Resources at either of the four levels were related to both employee well-being and performance. We found no significant differences in employee well-being and organisational performance between the four levels of workplace resources, suggesting that interventions may focus on any of these levels. Cross-sectional studies showed stronger relationships with well-being and performance than longitudinal studies. Studies using objective performance ratings provided weaker relationships between resources and performance than self-rated and leader/third-party-rated studies.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature in a number of areas that converge upon the theme of the role of knowledge within professional identity. Within knowledge transfer literature the individual perspective is underdeveloped, and this paper seeks to contribute by exploring the function of knowledge within an individual's professional identity, thus unfolding a theoretical connection between the literatures of knowledge and identity. Its central argument concurs with Szulanski's notion of ‘internal stickiness’ as a barrier to knowledge transfer but extends this hypothesis into the psychological ownership of knowledge and to the idea of ‘possessiveness’. The paper argues that the value of self‐categorized knowledge places the latter within the individual's cognitive structure of their identity. It offers up the idea of valued knowledge to the knowledge transfer domain and suggests that feelings of possessiveness towards knowledge may intervene in the willingness of an individual to disclose knowledge in a knowledge transfer process.  相似文献   

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