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Increasing numbers of women are attracted to careers in the professional services. However, when their progress is considered to partner positions, it is found that they are not advancing to the levels anticipated. When the literature in relation to the partnership promotion process is explored, we find explanatory models are rare, and rarer yet is work that considers the impact of sex bias on the process. The article adds to the limited work available by presenting findings from a behavioural process perspective through an empirical study with male and female management consultants in a professional services firm which indicates that the promotion to partner process is indeed sex biased. Two areas of disadvantage for women are identified: the presence of a self-managed career advancement process necessitating a proactive approach to demonstrating individual contribution; and the need to ‘fit’ a prevailing model of success within the firm which is a masculine model and is more problematic for women. The article calls for a differentiated treatment of the glass ceiling phenomenon, capable of capturing disadvantage accruing from societally based factors and sector-based factors. The implications of the findings for future research and professional service firms are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, individuals’ desire to work more or less than they actually do (hours constraints) is analysed in nine OECD countries using data from the 1989 International Social Survey Program (ISSP). Our results show that hours constraints deviate substantially from country to country. However, in all countries, the proportion of individuals wanting to work more (and earn more) than they actually do is larger than the fraction of workers wanting to work less (and earn less). Socio‐economic and demographic characteristics, work attitudes, and work conditions have a significant effect on hours constraints.  相似文献   

Data obtained from 164 proteges in managerial and professional positions in public and private sector organizations in Singapore were used to examine the impact of career-oriented mentoring on three work commitment attitudes (career, organization and job) and career satisfaction. Factor analysis of the 15-item career-oriented mentoring scale (Ragins and McFarlin, 1990) revealed a five-factor solution – coach, sponsor, protection, challenging assignments and exposure. These career-oriented mentoring roles were differentially related to job involvement, organizational commitment and career satisfaction, and explained modest amounts of the variance in these outcome variables. T-test results indicated that mentored respondents (N = 164) reported significantly higher levels of the outcome variables than non-mentored respondents (N = 225). Limitations of the study, directions for further research and implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

中国民营上市公司的家族治理与企业价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以最终控制者可以追溯到家族或自然人的民营上市公司为研究对象,将广义家族上市公司区分为真正或狭义家族上市公司(FB)和自然人上市公司(PB)两类,从家族所有、家族控制和家族管理三个维度考察了民营上市公司的家族治理对企业价值的影响。实证结果表明:总体上,家族治理降低了民营上市公司的价值,但家族所有、控制、管理三个维度的影响各不相同,家族治理的绩效最终取决于不同维度之间的组合。鉴于不同类型家族上市公司的主要回归结果皆不相同,本文认为家族企业的不同界定标准会在很大程度上影响到相关实证研究的结论。  相似文献   

分家经常会导致家族企业被分拆或败落,这使得人们对其存在一定成见,认为分家对于家族企业发展总是负面的。对我国几个具有典型意义的家族企业分家案例的分析表明,家族企业"分家"并不必然导致企业衰亡,尤其在战略创业导向之下,可能通过分家相互构建起战略性的产业联系和竞争合作关系,从而使得家族企业演变成企业家族。从裂变创业视角,更有助于揭示分家对家族企业创业和持续成长的正面价值。  相似文献   

In law firms, the number of hours that associates work reportedly plays a preponderant role in promotion decisions. We build on previous research in this area by distinguishing the effect of ‘development hours’ from ‘billable hours’ on promotions and by assessing the extent to which billable hours are still important criteria today, in digitalized environments where efficiency is, presumably, likely to matter more than working long hours. We also examine whether certain types of behaviours, like associates' interactions with technology, may be associated directly or indirectly with a higher likelihood of promotion. We studied these questions in the context of a large corporate law firm in continental Europe, focusing on the promotion of 93 lawyers between 2005 and 2010. We found that both billable and development hours are still significant positive predictors of promotions and that associates' ability to use the case firm's computer‐mediated knowledge management system productively is indirectly rewarded by promotion. This research reasserts the fundamental role of billable hours as one of the primary means for evaluating lawyers' work and suggests that using knowledge management systems gives associates an edge in the race for promotion, particularly in law firms moving along the ‘evolutionary path’ of legal service, from bespoke to commoditized work (Susskind, R. (2010). The End of Lawyers? Rethinking the Nature of Legal Services. Oxford: Oxford University Press).  相似文献   

This article conceptualizes and empirically examines buyer–supplier relationships in respect of supply sourcing strategies, relationship characteristics and firm performance. Two sourcing strategies available to organizations are examined, critical and leverage, which in turn, influence the approach to managing the supplier relationship (arms‐length or collaborative). We argue that different relationship approaches are appropriate to achieving different performance outcomes. A structural equation model, using a sample of 142 manufacturing firms based in the United Kingdom, is used to test this hypothesized model. The results indicate that a critical sourcing strategy requires collaborative supplier relationships in order to achieve higher relationship and business outcomes, while leverage sourcing strategies have a direct impact on these same performance outcomes. In addition, a leverage strategy was associated with increased levels of supplier power, though this power was found not to have a significant effect on performance. Our study provides support for the importance of aligning sourcing strategies to particular supplier relationship approaches in order to improve firm performance. Managerial implications of these findings and future directions for research are then offered.  相似文献   

Despite international terrorism's increasing relevance for international business, the effects of terrorism that confront employees during assignments abroad have hardly been investigated. Applying a stress perspective, this article analyzes the impact of terrorism-induced stress on attitudes and the performance of expatriates. Employing data from 143 expatriate managers in high-risk countries, the study shows that several terrorism-related stressors create a significant stress level for the individual, causing negative work attitudes and attitudes towards host country nationals (disaffection). This eventually leads to worse performance. We applied partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the entire impact path and found substantial support for our hypotheses. Of all the relevant stressors, intra-family conflicts due to terrorism have the greatest impact.  相似文献   

Service managers often find that available worker capacity does not match with actual demand during a given day. They then must attempt to modify the planned work schedule to improve service and increase profitability. This study, which defines such a setting as the real‐time work schedule adjustment decision, pr oposes mathematical formulations of the real‐time adjustment and develops efficient heuristic approaches for this decision. The study evaluates the relative effectiveness of these heuristics versus experienced service managers, investigates the effect of the degree of schedule adjustment on profitability, and assesses the effect of demand forecast update errors on the performance of the schedule adjustment efforts. First, the results indicate that the computer based heuristics achieve higher profit improvement than experienced managers. Second, there is a trade‐off between schedule stability and profitability so that more extensive schedule revisions (efficiency first heuristics) generally result in higher profitability. However, the incremental return on schedule changes is diminishing. Third, we find that active adjustments of work schedules are beneficial as long as the direction of demand change is accurately identified.  相似文献   

运用2004~2011年的非平衡面板数据,对创业型家族企业中的亲缘关系如何影响代理成本进行实证研究。结论如下:1家族成员卷入企业经营管理的可能性和程度可以有效地降低代理成本;2家族成员担任董事或者CEO可以有效地降低与在职消费关联的代理成本,但在降低与管理效率关联的代理成本方面作用并不显著。此外,研究表明董事会规模和独立性不能有效地降低代理成本。  相似文献   

Accumulating research suggests that the adoption of high performance work practices (HPWPs) is related to organizations' performance. The evidence base is limited by its reliance on retrospective survey reports. This study uses an intervention, including longitudinal interview and survey reports, of the implementation and outcomes of the introduction of HPWPs alongside time series data of objective performance metrics recorded before and after the intervention. The results showed that the implementation of HPWPs was associated with subsequent and sustained increases in productivity and safety performance. The study suggests that a specifically designed intervention involving HPWPs can have beneficial effects both on productivity and safety, but other intermediary variables associated with the implementation process may be critical in mitigating potentially detrimental worker welfare effects arising from work intensification.  相似文献   

层级、态度和心理契约--基于一个中国企业的实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
日趋动态的环境需要企业在制定人力资源政策时更多地运用心理契约.心理契约有交易型心理契约和关系型心理契约之分.本文通过问卷调查和回归分析,研究不同类型的心理契约对企业中不同层级个体的态度如何产生影响的问题.本文发现,对于企业中高层级个体的态度改善,关系型心理契约能够起到更大的作用;而对于企业中低层级个体的态度改善,交易型心理契约能够起到更大的作用.本文还对本研究的应用前景和局限性进行了讨论.  相似文献   

"亲属抱团"的家族化治理模式在中国家族企业中广泛存在,这不仅是一种经济活动,更是根植于中国传统宗族观念下的文化现象。本文利用家族企业实际控制人籍贯地族谱数据,考察宗族文化对家族化治理模式的影响。结果发现,实际控制人的宗族观念越强,其亲属参与公司治理的程度越高,这一结论在经过内生性检验后依然稳健;并且证实,宗族文化内含的亲属间信任及团结互惠是两条作用机制。进一步研究发现,实际控制人的宗族观念越强,亲属参与的差序格局愈明显;此外,宗族文化的影响在宗族影响力越大、外部监管环境越差时更突出,当实际控制人经历过"文化大革命"、拥有海外经历时则被削弱。最后本文发现,在宗族文化的影响下,亲属参与对股东与管理层间代理成本的缓解作用得到加强,有助于提高企业的成长性和市场表现。本研究为理解在正式制度有待完善背景下,中国改革开放以来民营经济的增长奇迹提供了来自传统文化视角的证据。  相似文献   

This paper estimates a wage growth equation containing human capital variables known from the traditional Mincerian wage equation with year, worker and firm fixed effects included as well. The paper thus contributes further to the large empirical literature on unobserved heterogeneity following the work of Abowd, Kramarz, and Margolis [1999; Econometrica 67(2): 251–333]. Our main contribution is to extend the analysis from wage levels to wage growth. The specification enables us to estimate the individual‐specific and firm‐specific fixed effects and their degree of explanation on wage growth. The analysis is conducted using Danish longitudinal matched employer–employee data from 1980 to 2006. We find that the worker fixed effect dominates both the firm fixed effect and the effect of the observed covariates. Worker effects are estimated to explain 7–12 per cent of the variance in wage growth whereas firm effects are estimated to explain 4–10 per cent. We furthermore find a negative correlation between the worker and firm effects, as do nearly all authors examining wage level equations.  相似文献   

基于已有的消费者行为学研究和技术接受方面的重要模型,本文着重研究了影响消费者购买意愿的主要因素,并在此基础上构建了移动数据业务消费者购买意愿影响因素的回归模型。本文分别选择三个城市。对中国移动三个品牌的用户进行随机抽样调查,并使用统计分析的方式对数据进行处理。分析结果发现:社会影响因素、价格和有用性是影响移动数据业务消费者购买意愿的关键因素。而安全性对国内现阶段主流业务的影响却并不显著。  相似文献   

在分析农民工金融服务现状及农民工金融服务需求状况的基础上,提出加强农村金融机构基础设施建设,充分发挥银行卡支付结算功能;降低农民工银行卡服务费用,调动农民工用卡积极性;开发农民工小额信贷产品,满足中短期资金需求;开发农民工小额投资产品,满足投资需求;逐渐推进农民工保险,提高农民工保障程度;加大对农民工的金融知识宣传力度,正确认识金融产品和服务等改善农民工金融服务的对策建议.  相似文献   

Media and telecommunications companies face the problem of how to integrate diametrically opposite radical internet firms after acquisition. Extant mergers and acquisitions (M&A) studies report that differences in the organizational culture are important in the cultural integration process. Frequently, M&A research assumes organizational cultures to be homogeneous and unified, but a large body of organizational literature suggests that organizations should be understood as heterogeneous living worlds in which employees construct their own subcultures. The paper focuses on the question of how such subcultures affect the long‐term cultural integration of merged firms. A 12‐year longitudinal field study in the Netherlands examined the integration of iPioneer into Telcom. The findings of the study show how three subcultures in iPioneer influenced the cultural integration process. The paper makes a contribution to the academic debate on cultural integration in domestic M&A by acknowledging that the numerous coexisting subcultures influence cultural integration in the complex process of post‐acquisition integration.  相似文献   

征收燃油税在实现节能减排的同时也会增加企业的财务负担。如何在保护环境的同时减少对经济的冲击,有赖于对燃油税的科学评估。本文构建了一个包含燃油税和融资约束的随机动态一般均衡模型,并基于1995年第1季度至2018年第2季度的数据对相关参数进行了校准和估计,系统考察了融资约束下征收燃油税对环境经济以及企业行为的影响。研究结果发现:征收燃油税对促进节能减排有显著效果;但同时也会抑制消费、投资和产出,增加失业,对经济产生负影响。此外,融资约束会通过金融加速器的作用放大燃油税冲击的影响。而且,当融资约束越强时,降低燃油税对经济的刺激作用也越明显。  相似文献   

对职场Tweens的生活态度和消费态度进行了探索性研究,发现可将职场Tweens的生活态度分为随性洒脱、固执自负、积极进取和乐观平和四种类型,可将职场Tweens的消费态度分为炫耀型、变动型和理智型消费三种类型;同时发现,消费态度在影响职场Tweens日常生活消费总支出时与生活态度存在显著的交互影响。  相似文献   

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