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"文体不分家".这些年,娱乐圈中不乏体坛国手、各项目运动员的身影.他们的出现,身体力行地证明了两个行业的兼容性.尽管隔行如隔山,但运动员告别体坛,步入娱乐圈的现实分明呈燎原之势.一批运动员出身的演员、影视红星不断涌现,他们的作为成为观众的焦点所在:前有李连杰、陶虹和牛莉等老将冲锋,现有刘璇、田亮、桑雪等新人效法.当年曾经骁勇善战的运动员打入娱乐圈,人气丝毫不输给那些娇嫩的帅哥靓妹们,更比他们多了些毅力和勇气.殊不知,"体转娱"的个案其实很多……  相似文献   

We study questionnaire responses to situations in which sacrificing one life may save many other lives. We demonstrate gender differences in moral judgments: males are more supportive of the sacrifice than females. We investigate a source of the endorsement of the sacrifice: antisocial preferences. First, we measure individual proneness to spiteful behavior, using an experimental game with monetary stakes. We demonstrate that spitefulness can be sizable—a fifth of our participants behave spitefully—but it is not associated with gender. Second, we find that gender is consistently associated with responses even when we account for individual differences in the propensity to spitefulness.  相似文献   

石润宏 《阅江学刊》2014,(1):139-148
菠菜原产伊朗即古波斯,大约于唐贞观年间经由尼泊尔人传入我国,现在是中国厨房的一种常见蔬菜。菠菜初名菠覆或波棱,这是一个西域国名颇陵的音译。菠菜在唐代栽培不广,文学作品没有表现,只在农书和本草类书籍中有记载。唐诗之所以没有提到菠菜,是因为菠菜在唐代始终是一种小众的菜蔬,食用者只是本草学家、炼丹服丹者、苦于面毒的人以及一些境况不佳的农民。宋代以后,随着菠菜的广泛栽培,地方志开始著录它,菠菜也开始出现在文人诗歌中,并被赋予了凌霜耐寒的坚忍品质,再加上苏轼、苏过父子等名家的题咏,就使得菠菜在中国的饮食文化中占据了一方小小的天地。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a collaborative process to create an "aging prepared community" in a four county region. The process benefited from a generous grant from the John A. Hartford Foundation that supported an 18 month planning period which included input from service providers and a vast array of aging persons and their families, including particular efforts to reach underserved populations from multicultural, inner- city and rural communities. Under the umbrella of the Elder Network of the Capital Region, the process is now beginning its implementation period with foci on the following: linking health, social service and faith communities; developing accessible health education and wellness programs; creating and implementing a regional system of information and assistance; and mounting a media campaign.  相似文献   

This study sought to provide data regarding the use of infusion of gerontological materials throughout curriculums to enhance students' attitudes toward older adults, their knowledge of aging-related issues, and their perceptions of gerontological social work. A quasi-experimental design was used to compare outcomes for graduate social work students who were and those who were not exposed to gerontological infusion. Results indicated that exposed students experienced a greater improvement in their view of aging-related career opportunities and in their belief in the importance of gerontological social work. Treatment group students also showed greater gains in self-rated aging knowledge. Both treatment and control group students had significant gains in a test of aging-related knowledge. Pedagogical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Unemployed young people in six Swedish municipalities were studied in respect of the degree of shaming elements experienced by them in their social environment and in respect of mental ill health. The nature of the investigation was exploratory. The study shows that experience of shaming elements in the environment owing to unemployment is relatively frequent. A larger proportion of the long-term unemployed and men account for more shaming elements than do the short-term unemployed and women. It seems as if the factor of shaming elements in the environment is important in order to understand the adverse health-related consequences of unemployment. A greater proportion of those who live in a more shaming environment show mental disorders, deteriorated health, changes in living habits, activities and social relations, than do those living in a less shaming environment. This report discusses possible explanations of the results in the light of existing moral concepts of work and unemployment, as well as of shaming attitudes towards the unemployed.  相似文献   

This paper examines parent participation in local Sure Start partnerships within the broader context of public involvement in policy‐making processes. Public participation is set against a background where an emphasis on participatory democracy is seen as a solution to shortcomings identified with policy‐making and implementation. However, the meaning of public participation is by no means straightforward and gives rise to problems at several levels. Many of these problems emanate from concerns with power and legitimation. While these concerns highlight important aspects of public participation in public and social administration, this paper, drawing on Foucault's concept of “pastoral power”, examines whether public participation is better viewed as a predictable part of governance in modern Western democracies where subjects need to be recruited to exercise power over themselves.  相似文献   

Social workers who are active in the area of intimate partner violence (IPV) must understand how to structure their coalitions for maximum effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to examine the communication strategies, organizational structures, and relationships between one IPV coalition and its membership to glean recommendations for the field. The authors purposively sampled ten subjects from one state, including staff from the state IPV advocacy coalition (N = 2) and staff from the state coalition's member agencies (N = 8). After completing phone interviews with the subjects, the authors utilized directed content analysis to derive themes from the data. Study findings point to different perceptions regarding access to the coalition, flow of information to and from the coalition, the shaping of the IPV movement, and coalition structure. These differences occurred between executive versus direct practice staff, and nearby versus distant member agencies. Executives and those in nearby regions were more likely to describe a reciprocal relationship between member agencies and the coalition than were direct practice staff or those working in distant agencies. Future research should address the benefits and drawbacks of coalitions cultivating centralized versus decentralized relationships with member agencies, particularly in terms of impact on member agency social service delivery.  相似文献   


This study sought to provide data regarding the use of infusion of gerontological materials throughout curriculums to enhance students' attitudes toward older adults, their knowledge of aging-related issues, and their perceptions of gerontological social work. A quasi-experimental design was used to compare outcomes for graduate social work students who were and those who were not exposed to gerontological infusion. Results indicated that exposed students experienced a greater improvement in their view of aging-related career opportunities and in their belief in the importance of gerontological social work. Treatment group students also showed greater gains in self-rated aging knowledge. Both treatment and control group students had significant gains in a test of aging-related knowledge. Pedagogical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The article places Chicago's "ugly" law—an 1881 municipal ordinance that fined "any person who is diseased, maimed, mutilated or in any way deformed so as to be an unsightly or disgusting object" for appearing in public—within the context of late nineteenth-century imaginings of disability. Drawing on the framework of disability studies, this paper demonstrates that nineteenth-century understandings of disability had little to do with the impairments of individuals but instead were tied to the status of the person with the disability. Examining the role of disabled people as workers, as bodies and as charity recipients reveals the hierarchies of disability in late nineteenth-century Chicago and demonstrates who the ugly law intended to restrict and, just as importantly, who it did not. While the law appears to be a blanket indictment of all physically disabled people, multiple sources indicate that the public expected disabled veterans, workers, and freak show performers to occupy the public realm; they therefore cannot be the intended objects of the ordinance. Instead, Chicago's ugly law was one of many pieces of legislation enacted in the wake of the panic of 1873 that attempted to eradicate street begging in general by specifically targeting beggars with disabilities.  相似文献   

德性、知识、理性、经验--法官的素质解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于法官职业共同体而言,德性、知识、理性和经验是法官素质结构的重要部分,也是作为正义实现过程的司法对法官的特殊要求.如果说知识和经验是司法职业的基本要求,那么德性和理性则是司法职业的重要保障.法官缺乏知识和经验,无法胜任司法职业,而法官缺乏德性和理性,就易于导致裁判的不公,滋生司法的腐败,破坏公众的司法信仰.因此法官素质结构的完整性是各国法官职业化建构的共同追求.在当代中国,法官德性、知识、理性和经验的培育和完善将是一个长期的过程.  相似文献   

北京作为世界历史文化名城 ,有着丰富的园林文化遗产。在经历了历史上的兴衰浮沉之后 ,这些丰富的物质与精神财富正成为北京历史文化名城的重要特色。在北京向现代化国际大都市迈进的过程中 ,应充分发挥古典园林无可替代的重要价值和社会功能。  相似文献   

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